Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1929, p. 41

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November 22, 1929 W I L M .E T T E 1 LIFE 41 N. S. CATHOLIC WOMAN'S LEAGUE SPONSORS PLAY. "Little Old New York" to Be Presented in Glencoe as War Vet Benefit Artists Entertain Patrons in Norshore Theater Foyer Balaban anc! Katz this week are presenting Erwin Fields, Yiolini st. and ~rary Allison, piani~t. popular Yaudeville entertainers, \'\·hn ll;l\·e just completed an rxtensiY · tnur of eastern th eater s. in the foyl'r oi the ~o rshorr theat er._ ~r r. Field~ attd ~I is:-; .\lli:-;on, both n~ whum lla re creat ed c nsidcrabk tnt erest hc:cau~e ~)r thl'ir artistry, .orrn a dcliglltiul combination 0£ mustcal mtm bers. many of them at the request of patrons of the theater. CELEBRATES 85TH BIRTHDAY 1lrs. Stefatly \iVeiller, who resides at 1 . he home of her daughter, Mrs. Cl ~n a Friend, 410 Washington avenue, celebrated her eighty-fifth birthr;lay Noyembcr 9, at a large family dinner ;!arty. There \\'ere thirty-five guests prcseu L Jack Nason, son of Mr. and Mr.). Frank C. Nason, 733 Cummings avenue, Kenilworth, has returned after a five months' tour of E urope. He landed I in New York Tuesday on the S. S. I Albertic and Mr. Nason, who was in New York on business met him at the boat. . ANTIQUE HOOKE·D RUGS made of wool and cotton. Also, tufted rugs of w.ool yarn. Varied ~ s izes In beautiful oolors and designs. 'l'hc Xorth Shore Catholic \Voman's league is sponsoring a play, "Little Old N cw York," to he given at the Glencoe school auditorium on Friday evening, November 29, at 8 o'clock The Chicago Concert orchestra, of which Curt Appel is manager, will furni sh the music. This play was givet' for three success ive nights recently in Rogers Park to crowded houses, and again at the Eighth Street theater, which was packed to th e doors. The league is, ~herefo re, offering- a proven splendid <·\·c.-ning's entertainment for the familieli ~dung the north shore, and at the same t iml' assisting the War veteran al Creat Lakes. Even though the \\·ar i on~r. cond ition s' are worse now than 1hC'\· ,,·ere at any time and the women's l·iu(h throughout the state arc working- tn give th e veterans something in t ltl· " ay of pleasure and meutal rclaxa1it)ll ~- Up to $40 401 Maple Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 3 54 5 just a reminder-----· time ,to send Thanksgiving drv cleaning ··· here's service to get excited about Drapes and hangings that furnish a worthy background for the feast ... smart toggery in tune with the holiday spirit .. Shore Line cleaning puts more thanks in Thanks· giving - promotes com· plete satisfaction with surroundings and appear· ance on Thanksgiving and every day. ': irkets mav he had from am· mrmJ,n t)f the foilmving comm.ittec -: ~I r..... P ete r Prato, High land Park; \I r . . . J. JI. Stipe, Highland Park: 1fr:;. \·. :\luzik, Highwood; Mrs. \fathcw l.illig. Ra\·in ia; Mrs. Peter nremar, \\' i11t1e tka: ?\frs. Leo]. Doyk. \Vitlltl· tka: \frs. A. E. Tilroc. \Yinnetka: ~I r~. P. \ V. Trudeau, \ Vinnetka: M t". 1 \\"nt. Pave,·. \\'inn etka; Mr~ . \Vm . 11r,,\\·n. Gicncoe, and :\fr s. \\'m. ~{'llttl'i dn, Clcncoe . .\1:-;o at the following drug s t ore~: llighland Park, Gsell Drug store: .._r l\a ,-inia. Gsell Drug store: Glencoe, l Iillman Drug store ; \ Vinnetka, Community Pharmacy: Winnetka. Adams l' lla rman·; \ Vinnctka, \Vinnetka Drug '-tl're. at;d Hubbard \Vood. . Rocltv's l htH.! ~ t ore. Catholic Daughters Hold State Meeting December 1 \\"ilmcttc cour t, Catholi c Daughtc~· . . ()i .\merica, is taking- a keen intcre~t in the jPint initiation. and banquet \\·hirh i:-. hc.-ing- sponsored by the Illinois court 11t the Catholic Daughters of Amcrir:'., ~unday afternoon, December 1, at the Palmer House, and this promises to he one of the outs tanding events in t hr hi:;tnn· of the order . \" i c~ State Regent, ~li s:, ~Ltry JallS t)i Xcmmtn Court, Evan shm. is gcucral l'l!airma n ui tbi:-; gigantic affair. :tnrl i~ being a~sisted by :\lrs. ~farge Kcll_ ,·, ...,ta te secretary, who is past grand r~.· ~..:· c tlt of Carroll court, Chicago. ~1 i:-.s ] ans is calling a meeting of her various co-chairmen on next Sundav ;t iternoon, :\ ovember 24, at 2 o'clock i:; the Rose r oom of the Great Xorthnn hotel, Chicago, to complete final arrange ment :; for this affair. Our Prices: Men's Suits Cleaned and $1.00 Pressed ........ . ..... . Men's Topcoats Cleaned $1.00 and Pressed ......... . Men's ·overcoats Cleaned $1.25 and Pressed ......... . Men's Hats Cleaned and .7 Sc Blocked . .............. .. . Ladies' Plain Dresses ~ 1 SO Cleaned and Pressed ... ell' · Ladies' Plain Coats Cleaned and Pressed ... 9xl2 Domestic Rugs Cleaned ............. . RELEASED FROM QUARANTINE The Misses Frances and Martha Etzhach, daug hters of Mr. and Mr s. \\'alter \V. Etzbach, 481 Eldet: lane, \ \ 'in nctka, who were in quarantm e for scarle t fever all la st week at the Zeta Tau Alpha house at the Univcrsit~ of Illinois. now have been released. fhe quarantine was lift ed la st .Sunday. Thev will be home next week wtth tl:etr brothe r \Vatter who is also attendmg t h~..· 1..· ni\·crsit:v. spe nd Thank sgivin g \\·it h their parent s. Oriental Rugs Dry Cleaned, sq. ft ... ..... ...... . 50 $3.50 Sc ~1 ell' · Washington Ave. Wilmette Successors to the Krauss Cleaning Co. 12 I; to SHORE LIN ~~~~-~!-~~~~~~~~~~ -~~--~ C. L. ROGERS, President EANERS,INC. ATTEND HOUSEPARTY \[ r. and Mrs. \Villiam A. Bradford, R21 Fifteenth stree.t, Mr. and l\1 rs. P. I. Kirwan, 1607 Elmwood avenue. Mr. ~n cl ~1rs. Harry W. Bettinghaus, 1231 Ashland avenue, and Lilyon Knox Figueira, 4'11 Laurel avenue'. all . attended a houseparty last week gw~n 1)\' Mrs. Brad.ford's sister, Mrs. \Vtlli ~un Conrad Heiss, of Aurora, Ill. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING OuR TRUCK To YouR DooR NO TOLL PHONES GREENLEAF (Evanston) 3400 GLENVIEW HIGHLAND PARK 3400 WILMETTE .......... 3400 3 ~0 GLENCOE ....... IJOO

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