Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1929, p. 42

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42 WILMETTE LIFE November 22, 1<12Q. Music News and Events Barrere Ensem, ble Augments Triumphs in Sunday Recital On Sunday afternoon, November 17, an enseq1ble of wind · instrumentalists · under the leadership of George Barrere, the "·orld's ~reatest flutist, gave a recital in Kenilworth that was not onl\' truly artistic hut also remarkably popular. This quintet of musicians, playing; with mastcrh· skill and gcncine feeling, prcscntt·d a most attractive prograw, including- compostttons by Mozart, ~lacDnwdl. and other less well-kno\·;n f1gnrcs in the world of music. In add it inn to the numbers on the program. Mr. Barrert' played a group of solo!-, which were rccein:d with enthusia~nl. Of all the afttrnonn olTning!\ pnhaps the most cnjnyahlc w ' i'C the Auh:uk hY P. de \Vailh· and the Rtlllck des Ltttins by Christian Kriens, played hv a trio of flute, oboe. and rlarinct. The recital was remarkably popular judging from the iart that the hall was 1 C\llllpletely filled. It is expected that the capacity of the hall will ag-ain t~. t<'~ted "·hen on january 26 the Mucnl.er Trio makes its second appearance this season at the tH:xt concert in th: 'i :-erits sponsored by the Korth Shore chamher music association. Smallman Choir:Presents Next Artist-Recital Progr~m I~troduce "The Angel," Newest Japanese Opera opera. "The Angel," i"i he produced durin~ December at th<.· Kahukiza. at Tokio. This is the chid theater in Japan devoted to the production of native art, while the imperial theater chooses its repertory from international sources. The new opera will employ a chorus of 200 men and women trained in \Vestfrn method ·. Most of them are graduates of the Imperial conservatory near the historic lotus lake in Ueno park. The compostr, known occidentally as Kosaku Yamada, studied se\'eral years in Europe and was an active musician 111 :\ew York. hi . . lapane~t· The Smallman Choir of Los Angeles. john Smallman. founder and conductor. is to give the third program of this season's Artist-Recital series schedu led for )[on day evening, December 2, in the ~ew Trier High School auditorium. The concert is sponsored by the \Vinnctka ~[usic club. The choir, in existence only six years, three of which were devoted to concentrated work before it made a public appearance, has achieved a tremendous success in the \Vest and is now c:ngaged in its initial tran continental tour. It consists of thirty-two mixed voices and it.:; programs include solos and ensembles as well as choir numbers. Percy Graingee has said of this group: "There is no organization of its kind that I admire as unreservedly as I do the 5malhnan Choir." Josephine Lydston Seyl to Sing at the Orrington Josephine Lydston Seyl, · sopra:lO, sang a costume program for the Junior Friends of Art Tuesday, November 19. Sunday evening, November 24, Mr Seyl will" sing- the following program at t:.e Orrington hotel, Evanston: \·en('z Agreable Printemps · · 'Vt:cl<erlm );o Sir .................... Old English 'J'he Little Damozt·l ........ Ivor Novello Fruhlingsnacht .. . ........... Schumann SJ,innerleidchen ............... , Reiman J'ai Pleure' en Revt> ............... Hue .\h·nteuse Cherit' .. .. .......... 1\lassenet 11 est <loux, il est bon ....... Herodlade The Lamplighter } Sketches of Paris r .liXt·lllbourg- tlardens Kathleen Lockhart Tlw Str<·(·t Pair Manning llere in thP Hig·~1 Hills .. Lily Strickland ] .lawn .........·......... Robert Draine You'd Bcttt· r Ask :\Ie .......... .. .. Lohr 'llw Skig·h .................... Kountz .Juuws Filh·Ut·s } . . Sunday Recitalist N. T. Junior Music Club Gives Winnetka Program The Junior ).{ usic cluh of 1\ ew Trier Hil!h school met at the home of Amcri Edinger in \Vinnetka Monda\· aite:·nonn. The following program w:1" nresenttd: ~'olonai~(· ~1 LUTE QUARTET COMING The Aguilar Lute quartet is to appear in concert at the Studebaker theater Sunday afternoon, ~ovem'.>er 24, at J :30 o'clock. Bertha Ott, Inc., . . pons0rs this program. The A~uilar quartet made its American debut last week in Town Hall, New York. The organization consists of Messrs. Francisco. Ezequiel and Jose Aguilar, and ~fiss Eliza Aguilar- three brothers and. a =-ista. They play ancient and modern music 0n their rare!.\· heard in~tru ·ments. MUSIC CLUB MEETING The Senior Music dub ·oi Xew Trier High ~cl!ool was to mel't at the home of I.eslie Champlin. 800 Sheridan road, Glencoe, Thursda\· afternoon. Piano ..;oJo, h\' Doris Tamill, \\'ilia Sunler. ancl .\nita \\'at on, a clarinet solo i>1· Janet Hl'nson. and a \'iolin solo h\' Jacinta Kampmeier were on the program. SHARNOVA RECITAL Sharnova, . t)prano, is tll he heard in recital at the Creat Northern theater Sunday afternoon, ~ovrmher 24. at 3 :30 o'clock. Bertha Ott, I'1C .. ha ... arranged. this appearance. ~onia r·ountn· n:uwe . . . . . ... Beethov<·n Piano solo by Richard Steen ilitair<' . . . . . . . Chopin Pin no ~olo hy Arthur Jones La q~o from the :':ew World Symphony ............. Dvorak Yiolin solo hy Caroline Schwarm E\·t·ning ~~.ng . Schuman Piann ~nlo by Amerl Edinget· ( ' apri<'<' Yil-nnois l~· ei~lf>l" Pi ~lno ~olo hY Mare-aret Loomis NEWEST MUSIC DEVICE "The Phantomorchestra" of fort,· instrumenta I strings, wind, and e\·en glockenspiel, is the newest "mechanical" im·ention which appeared a 'ihort time avu on the platform of the T.0udon Colosseum. OPERA FEATURES T\\·n works will be added to the sea~on 's repertoire of the Chicago Ci\·ic Opera company during the fnurth week of opera at the Civic ()per a House, \Vacker Drive at ~adison treet. The first will be Verdi's great lyric drama, "Otello," on Sunday afternoon, November 24, and. the second Massenet's "Le Jongleur de Notre Dame," which wilt he produced on Tuesday ev~ ning, November 26. GIVE GERSHWIN'S NEWEST George Gershwin conducted his most recent work, "An American in Paris," at the concert of the Manhattan Svmphony orchestra last week. · HOLD SIX-DAY FESTIVAL Last week a six-day festival of Ellglish music and dance was held in Toronto at the Royal York hotel. A Mary McCormic, soprano ot the thousand years of English music was Paris Opera company, who made her represented, from the time of the operatic debut with the Chicago Civic luteni ts composers to the present d:w. Opera company and is appearing with that organization as a guest artist this FRIEDBERG RECITAL SUNDAY season, will present a ·recital in the Cart Friedberg, pianist, will give a Civic theater on West Wacker drive recital at The Playhouse, Sunday afterSunday afternoon, November 24, at 3 noon, November 24, at 3:30 o'clock. o'clock. Bertha Ott, Inc., is sponsoring The program is sponsored by Bertha. the appearance. Ott, Inc.

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