Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1929, p. 45

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Xovcmber 22, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE ~!osed al.l ~ay Thursday of next week, f '1\ro o the newer books a. the Wit- I hanksgtv 111 g day. The library schedJlJt:t te Public library are Philip N. ule for the remainder of the week \¥ill ·Lttz\ "Sounding Stones of Arc hi- he . the 5 a.me as usual. Books which tccture," and Beatrice Hinkle's "ReII · 1 . ~,·o u < on II.Jardy he due on Thankscriv1ndividua1." Miss Anne 111 1 11 M crl'a tlll. . L ·! of the k l'b · g- c a~· \\' 1 he clue on the day ai'er 1.. \\ 1 lttmac · 1 ranan, ha s culled the Thanksgi\'ing. · · id llowing paragraphs from these \ books: ~[ ~r _ "\.'olor is partly a matter of texture I . : r. ant1 · rs .. F rat~k B~rrett enteriur Yariations in surface alter ton es:! ~atn ed a fe,,· OL th.etr fnend · at tea But texture is not a single word. it .ast Sun.day at thetr home, 55 Essex \ < Librarian Culls Wilmette Library Will Be Interesting Bits Closed Thanksgiving Day From Newer Books The Wilmette Public library will be """'Convert Your Badia tor Into a BEAUTY SPOT a t~ct, i~ who, wh~easvocabula a rule~ ry is for thetongue- . rather i rnad, tted away from hts drafting board . I Sometimes texture means qualitic~ evident to the blind man' s sensit i;c l1 nger- roughness, smoothness, gra in. porousness. Sometimes texture i~ the I _ , hape of the stones and the ""a'· the, I arc laid and pointed, an aspect di:--·- 'I n: rncd primari ly by the eye. Broken , ashlar bas a characteristic texture and I heaYily rusticate stone has another. 1 qrte n textu~e simply m.eans color yariatton. In bnck work, 111 order to gain .1 pkasing texture, the architect ,y ill blend half a dozen shades of th e . atn{' color, or will introduce dark-hmn ·d : headers with lighter stretchers. I i t:1c ' \ra il is interesting in any wa\· it ha..; 1 te xture-Philip .N. Youtz in ·~ntmdin!.! I :-:tqncs nf Architecture'." 1 1 ar~lli- I \~ Y~tn~n~e~t~ k~ a~ . ~~~~~~~~-~-~ - ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·; American Metal Products Corp. · 606 North Michigan Avenue Superior 7178 . ~ Chlearo Local Dealers · _Jlc J. Kilian, Inc. Winnetka tt8 Good Housekeeping Shop Greenleaf tate the differenee · IR to make the first away from dust and dirt. You get value that only Frigidaire can give. Visit our display room and see the new Frigidaires. Notice the amount of food-storage space-the seamless Porcelain-on-steel lining-the rounded comers. Note the quiet operation. You don't hear the mechanism start, stop, or run. Examine the self-sealing freezing trays. See the many features that save time, work and trouble. pagmf!nt · · · "E ngland _i s the t yp i c~~~ l'X t ran.~rt. i dommant, masruilne, aggrc~ - · :,t\'C:, direct in action, with e,·cs definite . i Jy focused on th e external ~bjcct. ] o1Jtl l nu ll is called the opportuni~t. rea ch· L 1 : takt ach·antage of any opening prc..<c nt - : i n~ itself, making one \\'hen none exist , ! '< rith no definite thought-out polic,· ot· plan of action until the moment arri'· "!'o, nc,·erthele. s practically ruler of the " ·orld. The hard objcctin.· romml·rcial \\'orlcl oi the present cia~· \\'a: largel,· ,·reat c:d by him and for him. and l~c - <: h~ is at home. .He is stal_)lr. :--ccury ;il lnmsclf, self-satisfied, hanng ' clefilllt<.· :,· . 1 I ;t!l d naturally accepted th e r('alih· pri:1 ~· tpl<.~ vf the external \\·orld :u1d llla(k I Jt Ins own. This concliti()tl gin·., him tha t sc'nse of superiorit ,. "hirh ha, ior so long been a;;s0ciat<.:d \\·ith tlh· : QTeat ~tl -! tq>ical Englishmctn, to thl' . no\-a nce and irritation (li tlw rL":it ,,f ! mankind-Beatrice Jl ink k in ·J~l' - l'l't:lt · I i ng of the IndiYidual'." :-t r\llll-{, J 1 Y OU have heard that Frigidaire prices are lower. But do you realize how much lower they really are? In many cases you'll fin~ the difference atnazing. ""hen you buy Frigidaire instead of another make. the difference in price may be more than the first cash payment. 1 Kenilworth Girls Down . Wilmette in Kickball : . Cirls' kickball teams rcpre:-;C'nting the I . txth, seventh and eighth gr.1des of th e j Josc ph Sears ~chool in Ken ih\'ort h \\'On three games from the llo\Yard sclwnl nf \Vilmette \Vednesda,· af(enwotl. The games were plaved c.Hl the Hu\\'ard 1icld. The same ·teams " ' l'r<. !--clwdulcd to clash again on Thur s da~· at !(t·ni1 -~ W11rth. And while you're here, let us give you a complete demonstration of the "'Cold Control". Let us give you prices. You get a Frigidaire equipped with ' Let us tell you about the liberal the famous Frigidaire "Cold C()ntrol". montlt}y payment plan. Come in You get an extra-powerful compressor~ today. You get elevated shelves that make stooping unnecessary. Yon get beauty of finish, line and color. You get a refrigerator '\ith the mechanism completely concealed within the cabi.rietAnd look what you get f9r your money! ~.', ~· · ,. .... ,...._ IS GUEST OF HONOR _.\Irs. Henry ·Riggs Rathbonl', \\·idtm i nr the . late Congressman-at-la rgc, , 1 f enry Rtggs Rathbone, " ·as nne of the guest~ ?f honor at the mcrting oi ! t!tc NatiOnal Press Woman's associa- J t~o n on Wednesday of this week. Ea··J I): Reed, who has made mam· sketchc.; nt th e Dunes and is also an· author 11 i ;?me note, was also a guest of honnl'. 1 he affair was a lunch eon a t ,he Dlackstone hotel, followed hy a prou·ram. Mrs. Rathbone will lea,·e tliC fi. rst ?f December to spend a short tunc 111 Washington and then return to _Kenilworth for the h~iday s , aft~·r ;d1tch she again will return t o \Va shlllgton for the remainder of the \\'inter. E dwin Fulton, son of Mr. and ~1r ~. · Frank D. Fulton, 884 Hill road, \Vin netka, . will return from Wabash college on November 27, to attend the party given for his sister, Helen, and to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with his parents. I FRIGIDAIRE MOBE THAN A MILLION IN l!SB )Ileblgan Elatnst.on An. Randolph St., (llit 18111 Sherman Ave. G reenl!laf 4480 at STOVER CO. · S82 Central Ave. Park HiO H lghln nd Park 9-91 ~hland N. Michigan Ave.) Randolph 4990 Uubbard Woods · 890 Linden Ave. Winnetka lilt Public Service Compnny of Northern Illinois At all th eir oftlces.

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