Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1929, p. 1

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WILME . T TE VOL. XVII., NO. 62 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, NOVEMBER 22, 1929 .L IFE PRICE FIVE CENTS Published weeklJI bv Lloyd Hollister Inc., JZJZ-JZJ6 Central Ave., Wilmette, Illinois. E·tttered as second class matter March JJ, 19Z4, at the post office at Wilmette, Illinois, under the Act of March J, 1879, Subscrlption price sz.oo a year. ENGLISH LUTHERANS . DEDICATE NEW CHURCH Congregation to Formally OccuPY Edifice Sunday; Week of Festivit.y Thanksgiving season will be doubly significant to members and friends of the \\'ilmette English Lutheran church, ,~~,·j10 besides observing the great national holiday, will formally . occupy their new church home at Greenlea ~ avenue and Seventh street. Formal dedicatory ob servances will be held Sunday morning, November 24, at 11 o'clock. Other programs of dedication week will include a Fellowship service beginning at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, a Community night Monday, November 25, at 8 o'clock. Men's Night Tuesdav at 6:30 o'clock, a public Thank Offering of the W oman's Missionary society Friday, ~ovember 29, and dedicatio n of the church organ Sunday aft ern oo n, Decembe r 1, at 4 o'clock. Former Pastors Here Two form er pastor s of the church, Th e H.e v. A. 0. Soholm, and the Rev. \\'illiam Gui se will come to \ Vilmette to participate in the dedication. A special dedication program " ·ill be held in the Sunday school of the church Sunday morning at 9 :-lS o'clock. The fori1 1al dedi cati o n ce re mon y will be inaug-urated by a process ion into the new audi to rium at 11 o' cl ock. Th e dedicatory sermon will be l.klivcrcd by Dr. ]. F. · Seibert, secretary of the Engl'i sh missions of the United Lutheran Church of America. His subject will be : "Christ's Glorious Church." The Rev. Carl I. Empson, pastor, and the . former pastors of the church will par~i cipate in the observances. Hear Park Ridge Choir The. Sunday afternoon Fello\\'ship service will be featured by an addres s by the Rev. A. 0. Soholm, first pastor of the congregation. His subject will be: "Beginnings." The choir of St. Luke's English Evangelical Lutheran church of Park Ridge will provide the musical program. The Rev. William Guise pastor of the church for five years, will give the principal address at the Community Night service on Monday. His subject is to be: "Five Years in Wilmette." Ministers of Wilmette churches will extend their greetings at this service. Hear Judge Allegretti ] udge Francis B. Allegretti of the Chicago ) uvenile court will be the speaker at the Men's Night Tuesday which will be in the nature of a ba:1quet under auspices of the Men's Brotherhood of the parish. Arthur Stark will be the toastmaster. . Mrs. C. E. Paulus of the Woodlawn· Evangelical Lutheran church, Chicago, will speak at the Thank Offering serv(Continued on page 11) Wilmette's Newest House of Worship ·------------------------------------------------------------· COMPARE REUCIONS AT SUNDAY MEETING Sunda)' Evening Club Program Brings Outstanding Leaders . of Various Creeds \'I. . A unique program will be prescmcd~ at the Wilmette Sunday Eve)ling club Sunday evening, November 24, when under the general heading of "Peac ~ and Brotherhood, as taught by the world,s great living religions, "there will be a symposium by representative s of four religions, Christianity, Confu· ~ianism, Buddhism and MohammedanIsm. Christianity will be presented by Dr. Charles Clayton Morrison, editor of the Christian Century. Confucianism will be presented by Horace I. Yu. Buddhism will be the subject discussed bv Chandra Sena Gooneratne, and Mohammedanism will be presented by Sufi M. R. Bengalee. Dr. Morrison is not only editor of . that well known publication Christian Century, but he is ·widely known in th~· religious world as . the author of sev:. eral important books and he is compiler of "Hymns of the United: Church." He was a delegate to the :wbrld Missionary congress in Edinburgh in 1910; editorial secretary of Regional Conferences in 1 South America in 1916'; · and : visited England and France in 1918. Mr. Yu was born in Changsha, Hunan China and came to America seven y ea;s . ago' to complete his educatio~l. Upon the completion of his medical course he will return to China to work among' his people. He is an active member of the International Student a ssociation and a good speaker. Gooncratne comes from an old highcaste family with large l<1nded estates I in India. Following his volunte~r servMembers of the \Vilmette English Lutheran church will dedicate thi~ ices in the war on three dtfferent attractive edifice at Greenleaf avenue and Seventh street with special ob- fronts he was a Y. M. C. A. secretary servances this Sunday and during Thanksgi\'ing week. The edifice is of the workit;g among Edinburgh university students. He is at present a student rural English Gothic style of architecture. George H. Buckley of Chicago in the department of comparative ,re.is the architect. ligions, the graduate school of the Umversity of Chicago. . Bengalee has been in America nearly Dr~ Robert Stephenson at two years. He has spoken before groups of students at some of the great M. E. Church Sunday universities and was one of the spea~ Dr. Robert Stephenson, pastor of th " ers on the program at t~e Metho~tst Halsted Street .Institutional church, Temple Fellowship of Fatths meetmg Chicago, will preach at the 11 o'clock last M:- "· . services in rhc \Vilmette Parish Met11This is a part of an extensrve proodist church Sunday, November 2-l. gram of the Threefold Movem~nt Fellowship of Faiths, League cf NeighThe choir of that church will provide bors, Union of East and West, for the the program of music. realization of peace and bro~herhoo.d through understanding an~ nelghborltness. In This Issue EARLY DEADLINE! Because of the Thanksgiving holiday next week, all news and advertising matter must be in the offices of WILMETTE LIFE not la t~r than Tuesday evening, November 26, at 6 o'clock, to insure publication in the current issue. WILMETTE Ln'E will be deeply grateful for cooperation in this regard. Pages Automobiles ........... 55-59 Amusement Directory ... 62-63 Book Comment ........... 44 Boy Scout Affairs .......... 30 Church News ............. 48 Classified Ads .......... 64-66 Club Activities ............ 40 Editorials-Shore Lines ... 36 Junior Life ............... SO Music Page ............... 42 Recreation Events ........ 52 Society News .............. 38 Travel Corner ............. 46 ·. Thanksgiving Suggestions 3 to See Notre Dame Tilt as Our Guests Among the 50,000 or more football enthusiasts who next Saturday will shoulder their way smilinglyif not tauntingly- i'nto Dyche stadium to get first hand information on the Purple-Notre Dame clash will be three who go as the guests of WILM~Tn LIFE, This trio won top places in the final football contest, conducted last week in WILMtT~ LIFE. They are: Mra. J. C. Koenen, 1710 Forest ave. J. A. Berol, 414 Grerory ave. . E iae von Reiaaperr, 726 Laurel ave. This tssue abounds with · advertisements containing suggestions to help assure the success of your Thanksgaving dinner. To read each one carefully is the part of wisdom.

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