Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1929, p. 48

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WILMETTE LIFE November zz. 1929 News of Interest to Church-Goers of Our Village St. John's Lutheratl \\'i lnwtte and Park a\·enut:>s, \Yilmette Herman W. Meyer, paHtor -l Oti l'rairh· a\·enne. Telf'nhont· l:W6. Church telephone 3111 door to the post office. Except in case of unusual conditions it will be thE' last opportunity to join the class thls yeal'. ?'he childn·n are making sJlecial prepar-· at 1on for the Childrf'n'~ Mission to be held in the church the \\"E·el;: beginning De<'. 1. Sen-lees :· Twl.'nty Sixth Sunday after Trinity : ~(1 n. m. - Sunday school and Bible rlasse~. Baptist Church \\'ilnwttp nncl Forf'sl n Yt·nuP~ }{(·\". Ot·t·l'f!."·' I I . ; \ llison, ·t~tor !I :4:; a.. m.-Fl!-st service and sermon 11 a. m.-Second service and sermon: Tlln nksSZ"h'Jn~ Day, XoHmber !!S On :-;tmday ntonting- at 11 o'l'lol'k will hf' h<'lcl (JUr SJ)(·cinl Thanksg-idng- servicP : 1 a . m. - Thanksgl\ing- . f'ervlcr~ nt ~t. <IIHI a hll'g-C' <tttrnda w., h antkip:ttt·d. 1 .J ohn':-: Luth e ran church. Tlw ~t·rn11111 thf'nH· by the Jl:t~t"t·, (h·c 1rgt· ! I l. Allist~n, will Of', "The Colltcm})(Jl'<l"\' Ml'l'tingR , 1, 1·d f C 1 1 0 \l011<la~· at 7 :30--Choir r<'hearsal. 1 ·,~· .c~ ~<' . l~l'il'lt_lanity." , Then... '~· ul 1 11 111118 \\-E>dne~<iay at 4 p. m. - -Cial'll'l<·s fur ehil- . . .. stilt.~ bitIe ~or the '1 II:~nksginng dren. ~~ ' 1 ~on .uH.l n l'l<' I'\"IC'(· of haptism. Tlw 1:' ~I\. to thf- eh.~l<lren is <·ntitlt·<1. "Fi\'t' :'n turdny at !) a. m. - Clnsses fm· chil<lr<'n · 1 ( oi fllllS of Corn. A sernH 111-t in11 · ldtH!Pr~linda~·. NO\'E>mbC'r '>4 i~ tl1 ln<·t c..· g:tl'!f'll t·nablrH lht· pan ·llts to gh·t· tlu ·il ' - · · in ·· .-.tm- · ·ttttnli< 11 t 0 tl · <lay the·.,church , ,' '. H.: tn(· ~~agt:. Yf':1l'. It i~ n dav I .~.unday Rf'hool l~1~(·l~ al :1 :::o in (If humiliati nn .l .til <lt P.tl.tll1f'llt~ :tnd arldttHI!t[tl llt·\\· ~whtd11 Pl':l\'i·l'. 1: 1H." l·:t~to(r ! ars are .mYited. , . · wili dt ·li\'t·r a ~· · r- 1 ·\'. ·I t· d11~· 1\ th_t· !.u.s.': lluz:-(·l's will hold mon nn "Chri~ti:tn tl lh~ · JI lllt·t>lllll-:' 111 t luldl't ·ll s hall. ~\ll y i g i n ll c e." St. t'luldrl'li !t . J(t :111d II yt·;1rs ttld :tn· lllt1Sl 1 John·~ t·XIPIH s . · welconH· in 0\11' gTti\IJl. Tht · tt·i>i 1 · of 1 1 · t·ordial Wt>l··omC' t~ "'~'hnnk~gi\'i11g· i11 tlw L:t111l nf To-l:"" jl t'\'(·ryonf', \\'II! It<' Ill I'IHII'g't· II( Kaufm<lll. . I t'hristian Eut1··a\'l·r a.t fi::10 l '. !\1. Topk, 1\' to th .. unf'hun ·IH·d _'l _ ht· y(lung- pe<mle 'nll haY·! a 'l'hank~ - I . "Thaul;:sgi\'ing." LPader, Vidm· .Joyce . its !"t' l'\' ~ gi\'In~ P.~'··gram in ('hargt· «·f lht· ~~- t·,·ic·t · 1 Yt ·r· · \ ·. L~>]WI', ~TinistC'I' 1 ; 1 :tltt ·ntl 'f't·:t alld Stll'i:tl )WUI' folJOWillg thf' meeticf!S. ' commiSf'HIIL A special off~ring- will bt· · l ·:liz~ 1 l ... tlt 1:. \\.t-· l·~lt' t', Pir.~ dor nf ill~ . A sp Pcial Thanksgi\'ing- da\' sC'r\'it'P (·II I 1011 ' 1' 11 to npply Oil tht· cllurdt ll£·11t ' \'Olt:>nct · H· ·lil!·inus Education Thu1·sday m(Jrning-, 1'\on·mi.1N ~~. wiii ; IJIHlg-..t . ~:t · llH' Illht:r tt.)(' tim(· .;, :::0 ~ _ . . . . ' dn· (·\'t·rvon<' an opportunitY tn p .,, c::(·nt / At tltt · !-itmtlay b\"(·nillf;' dub ht:>ld at t!H· .. \\·,. in \'itt · all livillg in v11r midl;t. who h imsC'lf i;t th(·' 1 low-a· nf 1 ;,·1 d to , ·Hlt·t Fir~t t'oltgn-g-ational dtur.·h · :tt 7 :::o. th 1 · 1 · IIH · ..\t1ti 11 1···" 11111 \\'Ill 1" ' " 11111 ' ' 1 ~" St·~~ lw:·t· not. a <'hlll'('h home elsewh('l'l\ to 1 hanks to Him for all tht:> b ssings I tlH ·mr "l't·:H ··· nntl l:n·tlwrh··otl" will ),.. ; si · ·II.~. ~.~'". th ·.~ : : t~l'l 't.' l. It "'· ·: t s~!n !-iu·t·H1n_; lllli!t · with u:->. in all the CSl'\' ier~ of ~T:tlltt·tl to u s thrnng-hnllt thP YE' :-11'. 'l'lw ~ll't ·~t·t~lt>d_ IIY.I't·J_H 't·S· · nlnti\·p~ ·Jf CIIri~tian- n,1.o't'~.111 .- .. tt l_ '.' ltll \ .~t ~'.~11. mE' t 1.1 (Jill' <'ht!I'C.~t. lou are alway!:! wel<:Ot'l.}t' t \\T M ·· · · ·'II i 1' . . 1 It~· . ( ··11111:-t · l:tlll~ll t , J:uddhism an<l :\lo- 1Il,.,t111l h.tll IIIH1ti th· ]t.u1tt . hip tlf :.:-' · :tt lht · \\JIIIt'tl (' Pre~l.>ytt · rian ('}wrch l !t·\' lft·r · ma 1 · ~~·~ '" <Pn r 1 tt c II·tmmNlrtnism . l. .. pt·r . Tl11 · ptt ·crain .. r tlt· · F'rll'ttm will · sf'rmon. bt> tl· ' :..:ihl·· . '-'t · ns t11 inr ·lllt1· · :til\' nrnh- . ----:.. . · --: . .. . · .. , ,, ~lltH1'lV nftPrn x ,,.,. h f' r t)l \\ t.Xt t nd (Jilt h· ·.tttl t> i"t <·ongTatul:t . . t t t · f tl 1 II.l~· · I nwd111g \\tdn sdny (:'>(' l1111g at . 1 11 · · 1 111 11 1t'ltl'-' II 1 \I 1' l 1 Ill t·\'t ·S II l11t·lll 1)t ·l' "' 0 · '· ' - · !' t j · · ]I · ' ' · · · · Itt· annunl ('\'('ry-mC'mher cn.nYn~ ~ will Ions v 1 lt' miniSll'r ant1 <'nngTt' gati .. n . · n t .1 . 11 1 . I· ' Jl. 111. w j H' ll \\'t· \VI'11 study "Ezekwl, tht· ·1 11 1 11 1 \11 of the " ' ilnwttr Englbh Lut!It' l':tll, lttm ·h ~· n nglrr gt~ 1 c' · .Pro,r uni ~- "' g-1\·.pn IIOJ1· · of t;od'~ Prombe," who a~ a l ·t> u;Hlrt· w ·tv in. ~t Tohn'c: 'Jl 'll'l;l; ' · ' · · ' · r ll tl10 d ('(1'lt'ntwn · Ill h· '-'l "-"-'llln II "ll n gt "-'t 'Ill\" toPI<' . " ))l't ·a<· I ll' l ' wa~ t I1r nHlHt \'Prsall'l , of th e r hf' ,.c.mmunicant mrmhrr ~ of tht· t·IIurrh n o f th ·ir Ill!\\' builr1iu" f t ·'t 1 II'" .· 11 t 1 . ·:t t th . ,.. . . 'Tl :l l't~ r 1·qu r stt' t1 'to r C' m:lin a ·t h t·nll' hr-twP r n ()lJr memb< ·r :-; nr<· nnrtit·ularly in,·itt--d ~. I ·: .. '1 ' n t'1101 ~"· ' !".. n , ' ~~~·n tll ~· ~· · .g: ·npn·plwt~. Tlw CI'ime ap;aim;t Ezeld e l is . . 1 11 1'1 1' ·11 ~ 1 11 ~"' 11111 tilt' ·ttt nd on I' 111 11 · t · 1 :\T 1 tl.t m f' " 111 1 L ll't ~~~· ,. nw 1h1" n of a "V II f :1 l(· hours of 2 :ntd G in the· :1f't··l'litlllll ;,; . b . -;~ ,, 11 1111 y 11lg 1l, . llllday . I hut ~Pt·c-ial !-Jl('l1l\C·l '~ will lit · ill(l'11(1l! ('E'(l , . ~ · I · · , t '. n · ol .<.:e {. , .· a. ey_ {). ! 11 ··r<lt ·\' ~() fad !tatE>. .'ll· · \\'111'1\ .,f t Itt I . 0 \Cm ('~ .~ ·': · . .· r ~ . ! from time to tim · tt · j)\'o · :- ··11 1 tnpit'~ fnr I _I .~" l:ont .~ . ·:.n<l .t tl!}~ ' anp~~~l,ltlOn. of . 1I tl ll'~ · 11<1\t . . , , , .1 · .~ 1 '!l (· ll "lf1JV>Itlt(·tl to ,. 1· -.: 1t 1· 2 Ill:-; · llllllll.tllng lP.1CIH'tS .tncl · 1 , . , ., ' 1 .,. 111 1<1 I W 1 . . . . 'Ve~nrRcl.l\ , . . · . :-;n,('mhel " . 1 : \\'t--, will. 1 111' !- iJ " t'l. rl 1 ]l\'t ·Jl,ll':ttlOll. , , . . · hnpC'. ,· , · · , · Hihl<· -.Jll_' l11t · w:thin tlw pa,· i~ll . '!'Ill ·:->· · lllti i i .lll ol_<l-~.t~llltlllt ' ~l llutnl~sfi:·ll1g- 1\·stillH·Il~· lft.tht ·l't .\Ttilft·1'«1 i!-= ··lt :.irman "f 1h· · f' nm- stn~l~~~~~ ·}lr: 111\lt·<l ln Join us 111 this nll r Cl 'l\'t' thP lll<'<11-!<' '-' <·f th. · ll1t ' IIlht·r,.. / ~1H:c·tmg _ n. t.~ t·elo~·l;: 1hls ~ ·<·II ,t.:n·g-ali!Jil Inittt-"t · \\'11i<"l t lt : t~ , II:tlt.:· · ,, r this ~ roup lilt· It . ttng :->tudy. . ' · ·I' tlw_ Y·~ nr 1!\:lO ftll' c·hurd1. mi~sir . n:tty ~~s-~ pat ~IC'.1 l.~att·:-; lll l.l~t· lllllftn Thanl;:_ :-:- 1 :ti~tl .\fr .\ .\f Ht ·~ ,.:JI1 rtli i-. ,·i · ·t·-· II :1 ii ·m:l ll ·. ·. . .· . .. ~.. . . . · :111 tl hliJI(lmg- fund PUI'J)O~E'~. ,I\ mg !-'~· I\ I('<' on I hu 1 ·~ 1 1ay :II t ht· ; . Ill · l .tst"l. ~ . ( !.1:->s . Jn:-;tiuct~ng. 1 oung· Th, · ).,(1!'<1':-; :-; 11 ppet· will IJ<· rp}(·hrntf'i 1 L'rcsbytC'.I'Jan church. , I 1.\'"Plt· :111d ( hlldr~· n. 111 .tlw .Pnnc1ples ot' "ll tlw fir ~ t ~un<lay in ndn ·nt. J)('('('Jlllwr A df'l!g-htful surprist· iR plannt-cl fur 1 Dt'. T.r·Jkr will pr r>n(' lt :1 Th n n1.; ·c; iYin u t ltun·II .\lpmiH· r~_hip' w1ll be held every 1. in th<· !1 :4:i o'<'iock RE'l'\'ic·t· . Tho~(' wlt" ou1· 'Voman's Rocil'ty meeting· Fritl :t\·. 1 ·rm n n "'1'11. · Snirit t,f tl1·' T'ilt.:ritn s ."' at Wt·diH·stl:t~· e~· t'l111.1g- at 7. o'clock. Th·~r ·h·sirl' to rt·cPi\'P the ::-:a<'ranwnt will nn- 1 DPcf'mhet· 6. ~an· tilt' date~ · 1 Ill(' mr.rnin t:· w .. r s hip s ,·· rYit' (' :11 10 :4\ 1111gh l':tl· ·~·h.l'II('al 111~trudwn will !Jp gi\'en !l·lll!H't· this to tlw nastni' 011 tlH· Frit1;1\· Tlw <·tflC't·rs of tht· d1Ul'('ll in\'ilt · all 'r lc· t· k. ~n. , ·i :t l Th:tnl;c·gi\'ill!.!' lllll ~ i ·· \\'ill lty tlu · lllllllSlel'. HJ'o ·t't·ding-. Tlw ronfC'SR ionnl srrYit '\.' \\'iii mrm~JPrl" to c·olltrihute to a Thanksg·h ·inM , I. ' ~..:i\· . · 1 1 h~· 111 ·· qunrtt ·t :t ntl r·lt t ·il ·. 1 Tltt · \\' fJitt:ttl'~ :-;tldl·ty will nwet in thr' J,. ·£:ill at !l ::W o'elock. offenng- whid1 will lw ll~f'c1 t1o suppJ 1:_ 1 'Tlw C'hun·lt sdl·H·I ~~ · h r tllllt · i>' :t s fl,)- 1 t'tdl·nYillg gl't~IIJ);-:, 'l'ut·~day, "\'o\·emb~l· ~ti : t'ltristma:-> ~<':tiR ha\'r ngnin hC'vll is- ' mrnt the bf'ttt'\'cl lf·nt fund!-: of tl)r· ··h 11 r,.J 1 1. , \\'~ : T'ri111 ~1 r~ · . .Tunir11·. :11111 TntC'rm·~<lin.tP :-<pokt· :! with :\Irs. U\\il'n J. Leonard. 1 !- I It-<1 by tlw Lutheran TulH·I·t·ulo~i!- ~nni tlt ·pnrtnwnt !- ;1( !1 : ~() .\ . :\f. : f'r:ltllE' noll .-.~~ .-.th ~tn·\'1; spokt· ~ with MrH. Thomas :: trium nf ".ht>atridg-f', Colornrlc,, an 1 1 an · ·IHl n p ;_.:ii1Ilt · l" ~ · t1t ·J1:l l'fl11f·l)t<.; :1t 10:4:i 1:. <:ihSIIIl, ~~~~ J(lth Stt·eet; S(JI;ke;) With 1 . h· ·ing- <lbpos<'<l of by tlw Yl·llng llf·npl· · l 0 lSf ...1 :\T.: :-< ·n inr ·1t ·Jl:ll'ft n ··llt :11111 . \<1111t .\11'!-' . j);l\' id F. llall, 8(}~ Ct-' 11tl·al avenue; ··f :-;t. . .John'!'. The income from thl'~t · This f'hurch co-o )erat, · . l·'n nnn :1 t 1 ~ . n· ·"n . :-;pi,),, . ti with .\It·:-;. lL .1. Bennett, lOa::: :-.t·:tls ~~ ust>t1 C'~du~in· ly f.,r (·h:trit~· Fn' ning cluh whi~h· ~t~n. thetl StuC\dn~ I :\:-:hland an·tllll.' al 1 p. 111.; ~pok · 7 with , ..· t~t'" ·tt tht· ~· mt· .· Tl \\' I 1 . " . Ill le .on 11 1 11 · · · · · · · 1tllll. ' :t t W) ' ~ regat10na l churr h nt 7::l0. 'l'his wepJ· Tilt· C'l 'l tr· ·lt i:' gl:1tl I· · :t ntH·IIllt ··· thnt .\1 r!-'. Ut"org ·. C. Lowell, tlftU "\ shland ave1, ... ;~g-.u p h:t~ a~ ways. spon.sor,·<l ll.ti~ "".'~"- th~·re will ht> a ~:nnpMi um hy rC'pl'('SE·nt~ \ValtC'r 'Tt~nnPY has hN' n SC'rm·e<1 to fill nu·· ; spo l\t · 11 with ~Irs . . 1. F. H.owlt·y, _ .tnt 1s (fling so ag-atn th1s Yt·:tr "' whii'!t atl\·es of four l'Plig-inns Chr'!';t·.., 't. · · · f 1 · · i t ho)W" lll 1"\iS(' thf' ~11111 If.$-- (I'll! n .· r<onfucl·.... . . B ldl. .I · !. lull I ~' I t 1 H" POR!Ilflll (! tPIIIII' !-'() Ol~t 111 0111' II:!~ (;n·t·!l\\"lltH1 fl\'t'llllt·; SlHJI\ 1· l<l With . . . , . . r . , .1, · . "'~ '.. n1~m. ut 11~m. nnd 1\fohnm- .· 1 . ·t t ~,r 1· T ' 1 - · · 11 f c: · · ~lr~. Uog·,.r Willialll!-', ·110 Fon·:-;t a\'enue. 0 1 · hnstmas !-:£·als! 1 medanl ~m. The topie will be under the '1 ', I.~E'~J~(· \: iin: . ;~;.~n~~ \~i~ ~ ° E:· ·~~~~~: g-enHa hendingof "P 1 B 1 · · · · ·' hood, ' race an< rot 1<'r· ' f·'it::;t Congrp£:·ntlnnal dlUrC'h of C'hirng-o . 1:<·:-.· ~t·ctut:-;, Troop fi will mt·t·t Thttl"-iI . I Ire hn::; hC'lt1 a numhE'I' of ill1])01'1:1nt t1:tY at j ~0 p, 111. The High School !;a ·u . . 1 <·hur<'h posit inn~ . hotl1 hr>rc · an<1 in nth <'I' ~tiiHl:ty, 1\(n·emln-"r 24, ,~·ill I? the Sun- nenlng G : 30 in tlu·ix~oe,,. m<'etf-; Sunu:t.Y 1 ,.ftir::;. lr·' w:l!-' lr·nt·r sol o ist in thP Fir~t .J.,~· hC'fol't' Ad\'(·nt. ThC'te "'.Ill be Holy inspiring programs !O:hould ~ roofm.l Tt ht set :\TC'thodi~t Episconnl c·hureh of Onl.; flnrl\ 'L'hank~g· i\'ing- mornillg servicE>. Our '· .. mmuninn at X a. m., "'IIh- f'hlll'<~h to eyerv. higll ....cl1ool. < ·tudetlt<' o n rr ·s ··· ) !' fh·C' Y\ :II'!' nntl has nlso spn·N1 <irncC' Thanl.;~g-i\· inJ.?; l·arly morning devotional ~· · hr·ttb :tnd l~ihlC' (·l:lss<'S at fl · t 1 111 .... I st·n·i<.;t· an<l brPakfal-:it will OP h ~ ld. at , · 1· Stn.mfonl. C'nnn.: ~inni 'i ::!IJ , ThurS<1:1'·, ~~J\'Cill"·'r 1". 'l'l11·s . .·et·,-. · ·· ·I : . " The Young- Peoplp's departm<>nt will 1 ·,J)tf':Copn 1 r 1 lurr 1 1 lllnl'lllng- lH'a:-.·t·r :1.1111 :ttltlr· ·S'-' :II Il l meC't this .~undn.Y ('\'"n i't1cr fo<r ·" ."OC. :t nt I "l t"," l ' :'lllPI.P, ="·'"' Ytll'k_C'it~· _: nntl ~. ixth Prf'~" u" -o .-. ·' · ' " " .... " , . ,. · ict· IJa:-; always been an annual feature 11 and devotwn a l !'!t·n·ic·('. The llH'<>ting- will 1 ·~·tC'nnn rlturC'h, :"\('"' 1 nrk f'Ity . E·ve a· ~ in cP. tlw organization of this ch urch Tl . . ;-.: . . . 1 he held at 6 ::lO in tlw Girl Scout r oom : and is one or the mo~t e njoyable and. 1 ·I' :!S .· Thank~g-1\' tng rl ,. 111;!-t 1 .:t~.: O\'t-mH The F'rif'ndly <'it'd(· will hold its regu- ! \\-r E'Xtl~ lt·l ··Ill' rongrntnbtion!'; to 'Vii- helpful nweting-s of the year and a time .t . t lt · I~ '"Ill hP !!oly <.o_m.munton .ar , la_.r mo~thly ~o<'ial nwrting- TuC'~dav e\'e- J mettE' Eng-liRh Lutlwrnn rhnrC'l1 upon th(' r 01. . . 1 f 11 ·h' · \ : l. Ill. rl~·· u~ual l hanl~~g'l\'lllg- S\'l'\'1(' (' I IIJng', NO\'C'mhc ·r ~G. nt s o'dnck the "0l11])1t'tinn of it ~ 111'\\" PIHll'dl hnilt1ing-. · I I e.: . ~ ows IP Wlth one another. E . 11 .. ~ 111 hi· ~·miW·<l a~ '~'<'. 1<hnll j~in in th_ C' · C' hurch. ThE' host pssC's for tlw t> \'t>n i.ng- '\re i nnd tru!'lt thnt n. f"uhstantial numhC't' 0f ~.'i 1 .'~l" '~ l.~~1 ~~w lead~r. ~rh~ .~·:e~kfas~ t. " 111111 lllllty Thanksgl\'lllg- ::-t·l'\'ICt' which :\fpsdamf's LundhC'rg-, Horton, Feltman, I .. ur memhE'l'~ will lw nn·srnt nt tlw rom- / 'I' ' ~ ~~~~ .::-t 'H t: undet tltt due<: LIOn ot 1 :, I" h·· lwld at 10 a. m. in lht' l'resby- nnil Crews. . 1 munity RC'rYicP whit 'h will lw hl'lfl in thC' · '· lSOIL t ··rian <'hurch. · .Please remf'mbt' r that tlw bulletin and new hull·1ing- on :\TnntlnY, Xoyen1hE'!' 21. .· .· . -:.. ~atunlay, 1'\on·mlwl· ::o. will ht> St. ll rLMETTI~ LIFF. g-o to press on 'Yed n f's-j :tt R P. :'\T. . hapt·~ ln:->tltu~e Auxiliary mem.\.tHil"t·_w ·s day, th<· tlay ftll whirh th r ?ayR. It. will h r lp the Recrptary g-reatly _ I·~;' ~~Ips ..l't·t·et\'ed. dur!ng t~e month o~· hi!itttrlt' chun·h ('ommt·moratC'!-: ~t . And- If all notiCes are Phoned ht:>forc 3 o 'c loc k ! A ltmclwiJn nw 0 ting- 11 f thE' L ag·u(' or 1 ~ 'H~ 11 ht~ by 1~!s. Earl G. Lov.·, 170h l'··W th(· Apnstl<>. Ther(' will h,· Holy on Tue~day afternoon~. Womf'n Voter~' \Vill lw hf'lt1 in ntn· t·hurrh ore~t a\e nu c, \\ Jlmette G07. "qtHmunion at 8 a. m. Gi~resc%et~e:r~n St~nice 0-uild nnd the on Monday nt 12 :!Hl. at whiC'h Enrl E. A t·ecep tion will be g-iven tonight at 8 _Tonight: Friday, Nowmht'l' :!~. a mt:>n'R Christmn s 'ca~d~ :till takmg- ord<'rs for nrnt>r, 1\filr!'; J.rcnnnn 1<1 . n 1111 :.\fn:. n. T . u'elock in the .chureh parlors for the new dll1lll·r ..will he h<·ld in thf' club house. The t'e'nta'ti\'~ · d:~ls, a~df tng~i <~hilds will br spt'aker::;. members r eeei\'e d into the church the last J 1~( 1 \\ tlmNtt· awnut:> nt G ::lO. All th fl nweting of thC' Y~u~g s~Tart?.r d ~ nf~t m.-t~ o_f thE- cong-reg.ation _an· invitC'd. group is Dcembf'r 3. · · Ie eop e s Tl1~> Tiht<' Tiinlf" will mN·t nt ~ :~0 fl . :\T. thret· communions. Let all the members of the church and congregation come and .J. ' . :!\f·rcr~1ss, a leadmg- C"hil'ag-n lawyt·r The Young PE'ople's dep:utment , 111 on Monda~·. nnd thP Boys' C']nh at ~ :4:-i g-et acquainted with the new m e mb er~ a tHl a promtnt:>nt layman 0f tlw F:pi~· ·opal meet this Sundav E'YE'ning 'for a l'lO'"t 1 fl. 1\f. and with each other. ··!lurch, rt-sid<·nt of llighl aiHl l'arl~. io.: to tea and devotional servic('. Th<e ~~e~ On Tu f's <la~· nt i :30 f'. :\T. nonSE'V<;'lt lw tlw sp aker. hg will be held at 6 :30 in H1e Girl Seout Tt·oon );o. 2. Doy Scouts. and SE>n Scout I Following is the musical program IJ,· Last night th P rN·tot-, wal'tl('ns antl room. the choir Sunday, November 24: · "_t.-!-:try of St. Augustilw'~ atten<1Pd a The Union Thanksgivh~~ sf'rvice will be Ship No. 7 will meet in thE' church. Or·g·an Prelude, "Preludio" tlmnet· at Hotel La Sallf' at which Bishon held Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at (Sonata in C minor) .......... Guilmapt .\nders()n was warmly welcomed back the Presbyterian church. The s£>rmon \\.l'kf'ncaftla Camp FirE' Girls will meet Anthem, "Jubilate in B fiat" . .. . Schubert and cr,ngratulatE"d on his recE>nt elE><'tion will be given by Dr. Empson, pastor of at 4 P . 1\1. on 'YNlneRday. Anthem, "Praise Ye the Name of to bt:> Presiding Bishop of the Episropal the English Lutheran church. The pasthe Lord" ...................... Ivanoff M. on WeclneRday in l'h urch In the United States. tor hopes that a larg-e shar<" of this will be held at 8 A community ThanksgiYing- RerviC'e will Offertory Duet, "0 Lovely Peace" La..c;;t Sunday night a cia~:-> of about ro.ngregation will join In this sen·ice. It (Jwl~s ~faccabaeus) ............ Handel fo rty m£-n and women, Loy~ and g-irls w!ll tak e the place of the WednE>sday the chnrch narlor. 'rhe I'Ubject for diRMt~~ Bushouse and Mrs. Gannon <'ussion will bE' "The EarnestnesR to bt-gan preparation for Confirmation which e \Denlng meting for next week. is to Le administered by the most Rewr- -, r. Rob~rt .stephenson of the Halsted TranslatC' Hearing into Doing." The 01·gan Postlude, "Harvest Thanksgiving March" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Calkin end C. P. Anderson , BL·hop of Chkngo ;treet Instttut10nal church will preach at parable of the children at play and the The Choir thE' Sunday before Christm·ts Tl~<' dal'l~ he morning S<"rYice this Sunday. Every- ·l::~rahle of the wise and foolish buildt>'~'s will form the bn<'kground for ·the discu_f1C~therine Bushouse, soprano; Rose will have its second session' 'xm·e~1bf'r' ~'~~kw~!in';ls~o~~ ~ea[ha~f c~htirch~lenp~~ !';ion. Ll!hger Gannon, contralto; John B. nt 7 p. m., In the church aRSf'mbl~ room!" choir from Halsted Street church wiU M1ller, tenor; ~dward Otis, bass; Erma at the rear or the par!Rh house next ~lso be our guests. This choir Is under The :Mid-Week meeting of the church Rounds, orgam~t and director. '1 -,.. I· h·: I ('S)l('C'~al- II~)IIg't ' llt' c ongregattonal churcd I the capable direction of our own organ- h·· held at 10 o'clock Thursday mornim·· nt the Presbyterian church, located at 6j0 ist, Miss Marie Briel. The pastor will begin, a · week from next r-;inth ~trc1·t. The Reverend C. I. Empson \Ve hope a lan?;e number ~unday, a series of Advent Sermons. will preaC'h. These are In preparation for the coming will n ttf'n<l from thiR church. of the Christmas season. The Girl Scouts, some of their moth·~rs, r~nd committee members, will visit Arden Shore Saturday afternoon, November 30. :'\inth stl·ed nt Gref'nleaf avennr 'l'he girls will entertain the boys at ArdPn n,.,.. t 'ly<lP Hnndolph \Vheelanu, B. D. Shore with a little program, will take ~>ome gifts along, and thus share the spirit S15 GrC'f'nwood avenue of Thanksgiving with others. I tf·si<11'tl<'<' tt·h' phone, Wilnwtte 32R1 The Christmas pageant this year will (~hun · h <·like, \\'ilmPtt Ei7;; bP given Sunday afternoon, December 22. 1 ·ur <"lllll'dl ro-opl'l 'n.tes with tlw WiiKeep this date in mind now. Also, on the evening- of December 19, the Girl Illt·tt~· ~unrJ [t ..Y l ·~n·ning club aml UI"KC'H ft_tll :-;couts will nref'ent a program consist- :ttH·tH1:tnve and hearty :->upport. ing- of tlw dramatization of Christmas carols. The troop which meets at. the ~liiHlny, ::'\oYPmlwr ~~. morning· wot·xhip Baptist church will join with our troops at 11 o'(' )ll('k . The sermon topie: "Conlwre in this program. The 'Voman's Honw :.\lisHionary society qut·t·inl-!· ( 'itTIIIll~tatwes . " An inward inYentory prnYt>!' the man of the wor.f<l is planning· to ~\·Hd a. Christmas Box nlwa vs a lo~er and thP Christian unfaiile aving h<'re DecPmher 15 to Rev . H. L. Greer and C'hildrE'll of Comet, North caro- ing-ly. th e Yictm·. lina. Re\'. Greer is a. widov·;er with two Sunday ~chool at 9 ::w A. l\1. Cla~l'les hoys-(ageR sevt:>n and ftfteen)-and two Arlull Bi!Jl·· .cla:-;s in the girls-(ag·es trn and thirteen). The help fo1· all ag·es. Youngt)f each mt>mhcr of this church is sincerely n·at· tJf tlw f'hurch auditorium. .\);, I'l'it·d Foil<f-; rln~s in thr .MiuiRter·~ asked in planning- this box. CaRh contributions an<l also t·lothing- that i~ in ~t tH1y. J>r. WhrelatHl tt>acht>s this rlaRs. good t·mHlition b ~olicited: :!\1rf". J . A. l'n·sc··tt b ('hairman of this work. 1 .l1111i"r l'illll'dl at 11 o'(')oek undt' l' :\lis!:i · l : l'arl\t ·r's ahlt }(·adt·rship. First Presbyterian · I ' . . ,'. . · . . . .. 1 1 c. M efh d · - Ch UrC - h ;ne' I 1 · S t. A ugustine"s E pisc. ·· 1 1 1 1 1111 11 111 at ! nt 1 ':'It.' . ( P. 24 1

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