Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1929, p. 49

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November 22, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 49 Kenilworth Episcopal Church of the Holy Comforter Rev. L eland Hobart Danforth, rector Sund ay, November 24, the Sunday before Advent, the Holy Communion will be celebrated at 8 o'clock ; the Church ~chool will meet at 9 :30 o'clock : and at l 1 o'clock there will be a special service of appreciation in honor of John G. Bavlis, who has completed twenty years of service as C hurch school supe r·intendent a.nd choir director. All form e r choir bovs are invited to attend thiH service, march with the choir, and occupy the front pews which will ~e rese rved for them. ~'fr. Baylis will g1ve an address on "Reminiscences of Twenty Years." Thursday, Novem bPr 28, Thanksgi\·ing !Jay, there will he a <'(> lebr:ttion uf tho! lioly Communion at 10:30 a. m . The Twelfth Annual Kation-Wide Corporate Communion of men nnd boys of the church will IJe h e ld Sunday, Decemht-J' 1. the fir:-t Sllnday in "\d\' ... nt (mpn an d hoy s communicating), at eitht·r the " ()'('Jock or thP 11 o'clock :-;ervic . The Kenilworth St·;t Scouts, Ship No. ~ 2!1, hold :-; its mt·t·tings \Vednesdays. from I p. m. to 9 p.' m. In tlw Church, UJ1f]er I he directio n of D. T. Sand ·rH. Any boy Count Your Blessings I I (o \·er 15 years nf ag(·) int ere~tt·d in boats 1 · is to ligil> le and may presPnt himf'elf for . 1 lolt-mbership at any mdit1g. As we approach the day set apart for Tna ksgiving our thoughts must naturally turn to the many blessings which we enjoy in this Christian land of ours. What would this land be without the influence of the Churches? We seldom find a man who, in his thoughful moments. does not reverently remember those days spent in the companionship and under the guidance of a mother who loved her Church. Let us do at this Thanksgiving time what mother would have us do- give thanks for the Church and support it spiritually and materially. If not ~lready affiliated with the Church of your choice give one of the following the opportunity to welcome you next Sunday. Kenilworth Union Et: nilworth <t\'Plltlt' ;tnll \V arwic-1\ road Dr. f l t' rbe rt L. ~ \\' illett, mini!'tt' r day m~~rning-, ~O\'(·IJ11H"r ~~. at ll o'clovk, I lr. \\til tt has chr,~t-"11 tor hi~ subjpct "The· Festival of Cratitudo·." ' t.t' tiJ, . Church \\'i]J ITIPd :tt fl :~;) :ts USUHI. hUt ,1t ! 0 o't"lrwk lher0 will l10 ht' IU in tlk dmhch 1 l'H J! FC!l' his Th:tnk~giving- :<t·rm"n on S'Jn- : ~ ~· < ~ ~ ~ Tlw varitJUs dt·p;t rtnH·nt:-; .J, '-t t).~ ~~ ~ ...~ ~t'l·\· k of Thank~g· iving· .. To thi f' all ' of tilt · mellllH_'l'S and _ frio :nds of th . chn rrh and vnnunumty art· rnnt· ·tl. :t of tilt· eh ur ~·h. for tht· timo · IJ··ing-, but it Thert· are to ht · nr1 mitl-\\'h ·k m· · ··tin~:; 1 ~ · :t.n lJ e dt'fllllto·ly annnunct·d that wrll be rt·sunw<l aft(·r th · holirlays. th··Y ~~< ~ r Th·· Ladivs' I :uild will m Pt in the r ;uiJd rooms of the church this and ev~:rv .\tr.ncl<ty morning· at 10 o'clock. · 1 < First Evangelical S))6 Eln; :-;trt·(·t, Winn···tka :~ ·1 1-:1111 stn·ct fl uy .\ . Thqmpsort, pastor \Vintl. 230 ·1 XOVJDIRER 2l :· ::: 11 a. 111. Sundav sc hl1nl I I a . Ill. ~I O I'Ilillg' \\'or:-;hip . Tt·Xt: "Lc:ld u :- llf1t into lt ·mpt<tt ion but d(>liver us 1 _ from the evil one." ' ·· J>. 111. Yourtg· JH:o pJo.'~ mel'ting. "\Vhat 1 havt: T to IJ,. thanktul fot·?" L· ·ad· :r, Est h t.:r· Hitok. ~: 1;; }1. 111. (;osp ·1 ~en·ice wilh mu:-i c 1 1 J,y the ch(J ir. _ · ~l·~n ,\ ·\', I TJll ' US)) ,\Y, XOVF::\JBER 28 . " Jl . ('I' UA~KSGIVI NG) rn. SJwl'ial song s n ·ice, with l1rief Thanksgiving address by th e Rev . .\ . ·T. Andrew so n. TO WINTER IN CALIFORNIA .\Irs. Stella M. Tucker, 121-l Lakt: ;l\'c nue, returned last Friday irom Pcrr\·, Mich ., v:i-th her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Belman, of Perry, and to~ethcr they leit on \\ 'e dn e~da\· for ~fadi so n, \\'is. to spend Sl'\·cral daYs visiting the former's daughter, 1.1 r~. R. L. Blodgett and her family. ~1 rs. Tucker and Mrs. Belman depart t ud:ty by motor from Madison for Caliiornia, where th ey will spend the winter. ~f r . .and ~lrs. Blodgett will aco·mpalt .\· them as far as El Paso, Tex. Director)' of Churches : St. John's Lutheran Church Wilmette and Park Avenues Rev. Herman W. Meyer The Wilmette Baptist Church Forest and Wilmette Avenues Rev. George D. Allison First Congregational Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues Rev. Vere V. Loper St. Augustine's Episcopal Church 1140 H.ichanl C. Johnston . . J2 l .\!d ruse avcnttl', Kcnih\·orth, and her daughters, Ruth and H arrict, with Mrs. Eelwin Bluthardt, 415 Essex road and her daughter, .Margaret, drove to Faribault, Minn .. a \vc ck ago to visit ~Iiss Tcdd.\' l~ummler of Winnetka who is a sophomore at Carleton college and 11is:> Edith Clerk of \Vinnetka, who is a freshman there. They drove to Madison on Thursday and arrived at Ca rleton on Friday, leaving there on Sunday. -0- ~Irs. Wilmette Avenue Rev. Hubert Carleton Wilmette English Lutheran Church Greenleaf A venue and Seventh Street Rev. Carl I. Empson The First Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues Rev. Horace G. Smith The First Presbyterian Church Ninth Street and Greenleaf Avenue Rev. Clyde Randolph Wheeland :Miss Dorothy Klund er. 909 Ches~ nut avenue will return to her home on Wednesday of this week from Millikin university to spe nd a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. g_ Klunder. . Miss Klunder i" an Alp!m Chi Omega · at Millikin. Published by the Interchurch Advertising Committee, Wilmette Church Federatton

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