Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1929, p. 57

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November .22, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 57 · Simplified Regulations Now Make Travel Abroad Easy, According to Chicago Motor Club BILLION OF U.S. MONEY New Record Set by SPENT ON FOREIGN TOURS Graham~ Paige for 1 11 -Simp lified regulation s surroundin Q' fo reign touring has stimulat ed travf'l t o the extent that American touri sts 'v iii spend. close to a hillion dollars outside of the J.Jni tt cl State" during 1929. acco rding- to Bert Vanderwari. m:-tn·~ger of the touring bureau of the Chi·ag-o ).f otor rluh , \\'ho ha s just returned trnm a conference of the adri so r v co:nmittee . of t~le national tourin ~ · hoard .i the Amc riran Automobil e a ;; socia,;on. held. in \i\'ash in gton. gt lllllllllllllllllllllll l lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l lllll llll lllllll lll lllllllllllllllllllllll l;lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllliiiUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!: ~ ~ - ~1 r. Vandcrwarf sa id that forci ~ 11 r:tYl'l. particu larly \\'ith n.·gard trt te;uu sltip se rvict'. ,,·a. di sc tb sed a t the ·nnfe rencc. and all pre se nt \\'Cre 1111trl'S:-ol' d with the mann er 111 whi cl1 tpcratms are cn-oneratin~ \\'ith tb~ ·(lrt' i ~n trarcl divi sion o f tht :\ . :\ . ·\ lt' ng t ra \'C 1 a 1 ) roa 11· 11 ha 11 r. 1 "Foreign tr;nl'l 1:-; lln\\. Yirtualk a-. ;1 s \' as a m rt t n r t 011 r 111 the l . 11 i! c r! There art :i3.(JC) J tllll\c'r \d 1id ~· (k:tl. ~ta.t es." !-aid ).Jr . Vanckrwarf. ··1nrl hl' Chicatto '\1 otor club rendn s tl 1i " n s Ill tIt e l ' 11 i l t' d ~ t a k..,. cn·icr ,,·ith the :--a mc di :-patrh it hanIk e.; other travel arran ge ment-.." \fr. Vandcnrori pointe(l (}\It s(}mv o i he things whi ch ha\·e :--tinn1latL·d for 'ig n trayel a s fn llo\\'s: 1. The sca le oi t nu rin ~ C11~ t . . in 1-'u ·,qw can nO\\' he hr<,tarh t int 1t the val111 of the a·:('rage pockttho(\ k. ) ~ tl' am ship I i tll' ;-; 11 a H' 111 ad l: ~ p t·ia I arran:,..! em ent s to handle aut omnti ks ttn crated and as Yirtually a pa rt ,f the n.·g ular baggage. t.'ustoms doC'ument s t o permit free ·i rculation of the car abroad ha\'e b t:cn impli fico and mav be sec ured throu P·h ht .\. :\. A. pri ~r t o departure. Tnerna~ ion a l harrier ~ no l(lnger cnniu.;;e he car owner. ~. The foreign travtl di\'i . i(} n 11 '"' na intains port rcprescntatire s at all mpo rtant Furopcan port s (,f entn· :o ern~ accredited motorist s. ·"· Inability to snf'ak Eurnpean lan+guages and. un familiarit\· with fme i!Z n y ········· currency are no longer · bars to tra~el ab road. "English spoken hen.:" '" io und on signs at every hand . "These and many other factors, arg~ ly brought about through the excnstve effort of the division, have done much to stimulate travel abroad," added ~tr. Vanderwarf. 11 The A. A. A . ~s the American representative of the Alliance 1 Gives complete protection lnternationale de Tourisme, comp:-istng all of the leading European motor 2 Does not boil away clubs and through this agencv handle.;; 3 Positively will not damage thr essential customs documci1t s." :+' . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . Tenth Street and Central Avenue Wilmette, Ill: P· ~ , i.s . ~-car's production by Graham- ~ g _aigc I caclleu and passed, on October ~ b, ~h e tota.I for th e entire n :a r of 19?8 ~ SUNDAY SERVICES 11 A. M. dunng ~vhlc.h 73 ,195 ca rs- were built' ~ WEDNESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING-S P. M. Produ_c t JOn 111 t he re ma in ing t\\'o ·111 .i SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES-9:45 A. M. a halt m on t h ~ <Jt thl: nar \\'ill tl ·. re~resen t <~ nd gai n OHr last year. )ll~ p ~h.e ra rJtt.l gro\\'th oi the Graltalll- NOVEMBER aige, un der th e managL'llH.·nt oi th e three Grahan.1 ln(lthc.:rs, 111arb one oi Subject: ~he. oub~andtn~ succes->c .., of the inus try. fhe (Jrahams aL·q uired con- trol of th e .Paige in l ~J27. and in Jamt - RBADING ROOM- 1163 WILMETTE AVENUE ary! 1928· IIJtrud~t ced a Ii tle lli n~,,· Jr de ~tgn cd car s. l-<r o111 a t(Jtal of 2l,RS l Open Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. lm~lt. by th e predcce:-~or ro mpan, in Wednesday 9 A. M. to 7:45 P.M.: Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. 19-7, th e 11('~\· model-; Jlllltpcd t n more t~1an three tum·., a ~ man\· in 192K. :--ctThe 'Sible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all other authorized ttncr a n '\\. recc 11·d inr fir,t \'l'ar's ale~ Christian Science Literature may be read. borrowed or purchased at \'O lttme for a nc:" mak e (li car. the Reading Room. · Exp or t -- bu_.i ne~s br Craham-i>a 1 ·,,,....,. ..., 1". a 1 5 argc !actor Ill it .~ tc)t,·tl ~ . ,· 1 !e~ THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND TH"' th t ·' ·' · . Ir een percent of ~he ca rs built IJL·in .~ CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM sold to over cas potllt:', 'anaclian sa le s not i11 c tuckcl. , ~'u""'u"ll' "u"" ' ' ' uu""""""ll""u' ""ll lltltlllltt t ltuuttttllllltltuuut ulllltllllll ttllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllluuulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllil'"~ High Production = First Church of Christ, Scientist 24, 1929 SOUl. AND BODY 1------------------------------------------------------- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Safe, harmless, all-season Protection for your radiator EVEREADY PRESTONE .I . The Anti-freeze without a Fault HERE'S nothing like Eveready Prestone for · positive protection against a frozen motor. It is the final answer to the need for an anti-freeze that can be used with the utmost confidence all. winter, without the need of replacement or replenishment. Put a supply of Eveready Prestone in the radiator of your car now and forget about cold-weather dangers. Eveready Prestone, sold as a pure, undiluted product, costs more initially than oth~r anti-freezes but less of it is required for complete protection and one supply makes your car safe as long as cold weather lasts. An investment 1n Eveready Prestone is the most economical winter .nsurance. Better to be safe than sorry. Come today to Wilmette Battery ~ Electric Service and get the right amount of Eveready Prestone to protect you·r car for the entire winter season. Safeguard your motor and radiator by having them thoroughly cleaned--eliminate overheating with either Prestone or Alcohol. 9 points T of superiority State Has 17 Paved Roads; Fine Stretches for Travel . That comprehensive highway planmng is getting some place is evidenced by the number of through paved routes the national highway map now reveals. Most of the th.rouQ'h concrete pavements are in the middle-west, although there are many lengthy stretches in all other sections. Motorists mav travel from Chicago to Louisville, vi·a Indianapoli s, without leaving concrete. All but one short bit of the hiQ'Invay connecting Chicago and Des Moines is paved. Chicago also has Paved motorways to Detroit and to Toledo. What cooperation between state highway departments can <io 1s illustrated by the continuott" strip of concrete extending- from Hi·bbing-, Minnesota to Topeka, Kansas. This roadway, also linking Duluth. St. Paul. Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas City, is of tremendous economic and social importance. Another hiC!hway accomplishment worthv of note is the concrete road that extends itself practicaltv all the way around Lake Michigan. 4 5 6 7 8 9 cooling system .Will not heat up a motor Will not affect paint or varnish Non-inflammable Odorless Does not become viscous at low temperatures; will not decompose at high temperatures Never deteriorates - economical to use Wilmette Battery & Electric Service 740 TWELFTH STREET WILMETIE 691

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