Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1929, p. 66

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66 tH FOR ~PINET Noveml>er 22, 1929 SA~E-RSER_~D. GO'ODS·- 1 WILMETTE 8P:J:I1~o ASSESSMENT DESK AND CHAIR, COFFEE table, child's table, chair and bookcase, 2 small tables. Reasonable. Ph. Wlnn. 2170. 100LT~9-ltc -i\I_A_H_O_G_A_N_Y_S_I_D_E_B_O_A_R~D-._P_R_I_C-~E-R_E_A-- t.:SED ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE~. portablf>s. treadles, consoles, gu~r. reas. 920 Chicago Ave. Greenleaf 7480. 100LTN6·5tc sonable. nois Rd. Write R. D.. 413 J<;ast IlliLake Forest. 100LT9-ltc lOt WTD. TO DUY-HSEHLD. ODS. WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goodR. Hlghe~t price~ for same. Crost Furniture ~tore, 1004-6 EmE'fson St.. Evanston, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN48·tfl WHITE AND GRAY GAS ~TOVE, LEI<'T oven. In good condition and reasonahle. \Vrite Talk A-97. l"OU SALF.-:\IJS('. ----------------l 10! 101LT~!:l-ltp FOR BALE PAIR OF CHrf'r\<H) OPl·~RA Tickets, c-urrent :;;eat-;on. \\'t>dnesday nights, choice downstalrl" loeation . face valuP of the two st>ats $1~0.00; will sell at 10% disl!ount. Address \\rilnwtte Life 105. 102L.TX-1t c ~ EXCELLENT SEABOX TIC'KETS Civic Opera, DrE>ss Clrdt>, Saturday nightR. $50. Ph. HarriHon 1669. 102LTN9-ltc FOR SALE- BABY'S E~(:J... ISH CAB, good cond. $15. Also bahy bed, mattress, and t(llJet chair. All A-1 ('Ond. Ph. Wil-~· m ette 4339. 102L9-ltc FOR SALE: BOY'S BICYCLE ~IZE 26 tirE'. $5. Phone Glencoe H 11 or call at 106 Wnndlawn, Hubbard WoodH. 102LTN9-ltc TN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF THE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE, for the improvement con~istlng of the construction of an ornanental E>lPctrlc lighting system in a part of Pontiac Road and other av-enue~. ·oads and streets In the Village of Wllmette, Cook County, Illinois. Special Asc;essment No. 250 in the County Court ·· f Cook County, Illinois. NOTICE Is hereby given to all perRons interested that the Board of Local ·mprovements of said Village, has here·orore filed In said court, in said caus~. '\ certificate showing the cost of the lm"lrovemcnt. nnd the amount reserved for interest. leaving $2.139.24 to be abated tn reduction of said asse..-sment, aod :-tlso that said Improvement has been completed In substantial conformity to the reQuirements of the ori~inal ordi"lance therefor, and has app~ted to s'lid ~' ourt to consider and d eterm,ine whe th er ')r not the facts stated in said certitlr.ate !\l'e true, and that said co urt has fixed \lfnnday, the :;:.th day of D t>ce mber, A. D ., 1929, at ten o'clock A. M., or ns sonn t hereafter as the business of the cou_rt will permit, at the room of said County Court in the County Building, in the f;ity of Chicago, in said Cook County ~s th~ time and · place for the hearin,:r rm said apolication. All persons d esi ri!J.: may file objections in said court befor· said day ~nd may appear on the h Pa ring 'lnd make their deft>nse. Dated November 22nd, 1929. EARL E. OR.!':ER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GKINNJ<~ LL CYRUS .MJLl'~S :\fcDONALD STANTON VA!'\ INWAGEN HANS von REIKSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Impro\'ements of the Village of ·w ilmette. L9-2tc goy·s ULSTER OVERCOAT, SIZE 10, $10. worn 3 times. Winnetka 1205. 102LTN91tc NEXT WEEK'S OPERAS Monday evening will occur a repetition of Verdi's great .comic opera, "Falstaff," with an unchanged ca st. Tuesday evening "Lc Jongleur de Notre Dame," last given durirw t ne season of 1927-28. In it, Mary Carden appc.ars in one of her gTeatest roles-one for which she is known throughout the world. Following it will occur the first ballet of the season, "Lake of the Swans" by the great nussian composer, Tschaikowsky. \:Vith Mi ·s Garden· in "LeJ ongleur" will be VanniMarcoux as Boniface, Edouard Cotreuil as the Prior, Theodore Ritch as the Monk Poet, Robert Ringling as the Monk Painter, Antonio Ki~o lich as the Monk Sculptor and Desire Defrere as the Monk Musician. Musical Director Giorgio Polacco will conduct both the opera and the ballet. Wednesday evening will occur tl1c third performance of "Tristan und Isolde." Owing to the length of the performance, it will start promptly at 7:45. Thursday evening Claudia Muzio, Charle!l Hac 1-: ett and Giovanni Ing-hilleri are billed to appear in the season's third performance of "La Traviata." Saturday matinee, "La Tosca," with Rosa Raisa, Charles Hackett and Vanni-Marcoux. Saturday night, popular pricerl performance, "Die Walkucre" ·with one change in the cast. Frida Leider will sing the Bruennhilde, Eva Turner the Sieglinde and Constance Eberhart will replace Maria Olsze·wska for this performance as Fricka. Theodore Strack wilt again appear as Siegmund, Alexander Kipnis as \Votan and Edouard Cotreuil as Hunding. Egon Pollak v.'ill conduct. Sunday afternoon, Claudia Muzio, Cyrena Van Gordon, Cortis, Giovanni lnghilleri am.l Virgilio Lazzari wttl repeat the great performance of "Il Trovatore" which played to a soldout house on its first JJroduction. FOR SALg: WHITE LEGHORN CHIC'Kens rPady for second lay. U each. Phone Northhrook 43. 1021..1'~9-ltp !<EVERSIBLE SPOHT POXY FUR c :oat \'ery good <'Onditl~m. Size 18. C"lll GIE>n('Ot> 1267. 102LTN9-ttc GlRLS COAT, FUR TRIMMED. SII.K dress sb:e 10. GaloHheR sizt> 4. Ph. \VInn. 2170. t02LTN9-ltc "LARGE HOME," BAHE OIL BURNER one fourth cot-;t, ~ultalJle garagt> or 8tnall cottage. \Vinn. 706. 102LTN9-ltc FOR SAT.F..-UPRIGHT PTAXO IN GOOD condition. Reawnahlt>. Ph . GlencoE' 578. 102LT9-ltc -------------------------------HOY'S 'f'UXEDO SUIT IN PERFECT cond., ~ize 16. Ph. ·w ilmette 20:{ 6. 102LT~9-1tc --------------------------------------(-:JRL'S BICYCLE I~ GOOD C'OXDItion, $10. Ph. 'Wilmeth. ' 4269. 102L9-ttc IO:t W..\NTED TO Dl'\·- MIS('. - ' \VANTED: VOLUME I BOOK HOUSE or 10 !'eiE>Ct('d page~ thc·refrom. Write Winnetka Talk A-96. lO~LTN~l-ltc UI.D BOOKS BOUGHT, NOT FICTION or CyclopedinR Address 1\linernL Book Exchange, 7233 East End A\'e., Chicago. 103L9-3tr> -------------------------------------------WANTED- CLEAN, \VHITE RAGS, lOc per lb. 10;; 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. 10;{LTI'\48-tfp ~ISCELLANEOl S IlA\'E YOUR OLD PIECES REN}!;WED at a reasonable price. Silver refinished and mn.de absolutely tarnish prnof. Paul Dn.vey, Jeweler. 1165 Wilmette Ave. Ph. \Vilmette 6. 105L35-tfc YfJUR FAVORITE DOLLS PERFECTLY - - - - -- renew ... d in every way. Also make outfits for n ny Htyle doll. French shop, Winnetka 3340. 105LTN38-2tc Scout Aids 23 to Safety, Extinguishes School Fire \Vhen the Korth Shore school at Benton Harbor, Mich., caught fire recently, ('ndangering th e li\'(~S o f t\\' cnty. three punils who were in the dassrooin. Scout Clavton 11 cCiurc of Troop 2, Benton Harbor, aided the trarher M r ~. Skidmore to march the children out of tl1e school without panic and then after sending one of the children to phone for the fire department he organized a bucket brigarle. LLOYD HOLLISTER INC. 1232 CENTRAL AVENUE, WILMETTE Wilmette 4300 w;,,utka .2000 Greenleaf 1300 Sheldrake 5681

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