Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1929, p. 4

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4 W I L M E T T ·E L IF E November·22, 1929 N~w Trier to De~ate N. U. Freshmen Here March 14 Announcement was made ·t hi s week of a definite date for the debate between New Trier 1-1 igh sc hool and the Northwest ern univer sity freshmen. The rl<:hatl' wilt he held ()Jl l\farch 1-l at New Trier. The question \dll he: "Hesolved. that the principle of the chain "tort! sYstem is detrimental to the best interests of the United States public." C. C. Cunningham. director of debati11g llt Northwestern. has written to the New Trier debate coach, Chester E. MacL<'an. ·stating that the North"·estern debaters prefer t o take t'lt' affirmative sidt· of the chain stnre question in the clash \\'ith Xe"· Trier, since their negative team \rill debate the Cniversit\· oi lo\\'a in·shmcn affirmative team in Tanuan·. Members ol: the \'C\\' Trier ckh.1.tt.: sq uad were pirkl'd at try·outs held rc ccnth·. Thn an.·: Albert Denton, Lowell Comec. r.,~is (~oldstcin . John Curtis, Helen H()·Jt·\·, Jack Loch and Dorotlw Srhocn field. \\'ith Hil l Hnr sting and Jack Hosking as alternates. To Speak at Wom.en Voters Meeting THANKSGIVING WE know that next THURSDAY will be THANKSGIVING day . BUT if you are reading THIS message of ours THIS week expecting to find OUT what we are THANKFUL for besides ALL the business you GOOD folks have shoved OUR way the past year. YOU are going to be DISAPPOINTED. We MEN'S DINNER TONIGHT A Men's dinnl'r is to he hel cl in the ~t. Aul.!ustinc's Episcopal parish tnnilrht at (, :JO o'clock. T. \·. Norcross oi II ighland Park a nrnmin<'nt Episcopal lar111an, \\'ill l:c the sp eaker. Cluh Hou se of (Phot o::~ by ::u oft..tt, Kenil\\'orth an· l'lltertaining seyeral ~lr s. R S. Childs of \\' innetka, t.:hairman of the Sanitary District affair s guesh at the fnoth;.dl dinner dance afttr th<' ~nrtll\restern -Xo trl' Danw ::ommitt cc of the Cook County council of the League of Women Voters, will speak bdore the Vv'ilmette League of \\"omen Voters Monday afternoon . fnntha ll l.!<lnlt' ;tt fhch e stadium. Nonmber 25, at the \\ ilmette Congregational church. As she is well posted on the affairs of the Sanitary District her address is expected to be of unu sual interest. ~irs. \\'. A. Roberts, president or the Forum of the league, and Ernau .\kcly. pianist, will accept Earl E. Orner and Miles McDonald, president and member of the \ .i llagl· a limited numh cr of pupils . Board of Trustees respectively. will also speak. Ymmg d1ilclren a specia lty. ~fr. and ~frs . Tom Dix. Oxford. roacl, Mrs. W. A. Roberta Mrs. R. S. Childs Phonl' \rilmdte lf)-lH . HAVE a lot of things to BE thankful for and YOU'D be surprised at SOME of them if we told YOUt so we are not GOING to bust out tn PRINT with all the DETAILS just now, BUT instead are · just GOING to tell you that a BOX of Whitman's CHOCOLATES are for SALE here at the store, WHICH will do a lot to MAKE your Thanksgiving MORE enjoyable. Moral: That is if you buy a box of them. \\"hy is it that you like candy so much more during holi days? The average person oJ1lv ca ts what his or her system dt·mands. The craving for swee ts means that your syste m needs sugar to help digest the heavier foods. \Y e ha,·e manv assortments of delicious candies. \\' hat will yours be? Be Sure to Fill up the Thanksgiving Candy Dish! Christmas vacation in the publit· schools it was announced this week at the school oflicc that this vacat iun \ \'ilmette Public sc hool pupils w :lt \\'ould begin Friday afternoon, Dc r~· ,n e.njoy a four-clay Thanksgiving vaca- . yer 20, ind end Monda tnOrlll'l~. j t1~n next. \\·ee k. School will be disanuary · -------miSsed \\ cclnesdav afternoon, KovcmhL'r 27, at the usual hour, and will Lc Troop 2 of the K~nihvo rth (~i rl ~·csumecl the follo\\'in g Monday morn - Scouts, accompanied hy their ka(kr. Jll :t ;· December 2. For parents w!10 ~I iss (~ertrncle Herrick, hiked to · th e n-1~h to makr plan<; earl~· for t:le 1 fon·~t preserve at Glcnyicw last Satur, ----- - - - - - - - - - -- Announce Thanksgiving.on Pert.ods Xmas Vacatl For Your Thanksgiving Flowers GORGEOUS MUM·S! Huge and Handsome Thc~c hcantiful Chr)·santhcmums are the season's finest. In a1l the \\'anted colors·- 1a r gc and pompotn varieties. Roses .\ncl all o ther cut fluwers 111 seaso-n . Potted Chrysanthemums - Begonias Cherries- Ferns- Primroses- Ivy, Etc. \\'<.~ :ue now planting Pine ;tnd Spruce trees tn window boxes and urn s. At Reasonable Prices WEST END FLORIST Central aad Wilmette Avenues Phones Wilmette 28 and 29 Central and Wilmette Avenuea Phones Wilmette Z8 and 29 Phone Wilmette 1943 Glenview Road Open every evening until 9 o'clock Wilmette

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