Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Nov 1929, p. 8

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8 WILMETTE LIFE November 29, 1929 November Bride Prompt Delivery Explains Functions, Benefits of Local Credit Men's Ass'n By B. T. Clark ( \l anager of \Vilmt'ttc Credit .\lc11·, Association) T he subject of credits and colll'rtJun , as old as this pl anet, neverthck:'l::-, 1· a ti mrly topic of great imponanc'. The crl'dit bureau is a mut ual, prut·:cti,, . c1 ,mnmnity enterprise. i~ i~ hone Wilmette 634 CI IICJ,EXS DRESSED \\'JllLE Yot; \ \".\ l'l' HENS, 3-lh. ayerage . . . ............................ 32c HENS, 4-11>. average ............................. 36lj2c 8c & 33lj2c FRYERS, 3-lb. average .... . . . ...... . . . .. 3· LIVE FRYERS, lb ..................... . .......... 32c FRESH DRESSED DUCKS, lb .................... 38c Oranges, 3 doz $1.00 Best Drick Butter, 2 lhs . . .89c (~oud l.uck Huttcrint· . .27c Leg tli Lamb, lb. .32c Breast . of Lamb; lb. 15c Rih & Loin Lan~b Chop:-, lb. 48c 4- lh. Shou ldc·rs of Lamb, II>. 25c Swift's Premium Bacon, 3 lhs. $l.IO Bacon Squan.·:-. ( Slin·d l, 2 lh~. 4Sc Bacon Squares, II>. 20c :\rmnur Star Hacnn, \\'hoi{' or Half, lh. .35c California IIams, lb. 22c Armour's Star Ham~. lb. 28 ~ c Ham Shanks lh. . . 18c ~nwkl'd l:utts. lb. .. 39c Fresh Sp·lre Hihs, lh. 18c Pork Shouldl'r. lb. 19c Rih Pork Hoast, lb . 26c Pork Slll~ttldcr, sliced, lb. 28c Cain< l,i,·cr, lh. 69c Pork I.ircr, 2 lbs. 2Sc Steer f.i,t:r, lb. 28c Pork TetHkrluin, II>. 63c Loin nf Pnrk Hnast, lb. 28c 1lome-made Sausage ~I cat. 30. c !h. 29c ~mall !.ink Sau~age. !h. ~I ickclhnry\ \I ild Sausag'l', lb. 35c Bc!->t l~ututd and Sirloin Steak. lb. ·'· · · .45c Flank Stl·ak, lh. .35c Fn:~h Cut l lamhurgn, lb. 2Sc Best Rib Roast Hcd. lh .. 3Sc-38c Best Pot 1\oast. lb. Z5c -28c Short 1\ibs Bed. lb. 18c Lc~ \ ·cal. 10 to 12 lhs ., \\·l!ult:. lb. 28c lh<:a=-t ui \'cal. lh. 18c \ ·ea I Rib l'hops, I h. 28c \ ' l·al I .oin Cht>ps, I h. 35c lkst Craclt: Lard. 2 lhs. 29c Ycllm,· :\mcrican Chce~e. lh., 35c .!\CAPLE GROCERY & MARKET . 1936 Maple Avenue, Evanston University 12-13 The \ Vilmctte Credit Men's assuciat ii·J a cooperative clearing house of ned ·· in ic>rmation whic h seeks on tile O IH hand. to elevate the credit charact.~ r (·\\' ilmettc by establis hing creditable rat ings for people who meet their ohlig,: tions and, on the other tn prutcl't it · nH:mhers against ' poor credit risk~ . A cn. ·dit bureau adequately organized ;tnd cflirit:ntly handl<.:d, is an institutiun ., · ,·ahle in improving the tone of a C·>n , muni, .-\ credit. lt educates tht· Cl ·ll! munit~· in the ·meaning of credit by gl\ ing to its credit givers the standing \); ib cred it seekers. Bad bi ll s rc,lucccl ;mel ~ t uw accounts eliminated lessen hu . . i (Photo by l{t ·kk) nc~s costs and hence dec rease living t"' The marriage Pi ~l iss Lora nn: Jll'nsc ior consumers. Gre<.:ntbaum t)i l'hicagn aml Kurt :\ crl'<lit bureau serves its tnemhLr , Charles Friend, ~un oi ~Lr5. Ch:tia l>y gi\'mg them information upon whiri Friend, 410 \\' ashingtun a\·cnue, \\'il- to make credit decisions. It function' . mette, took place ~londcl\' en:ning, ~P thcrl'inrc. til procure and dispen:-.t· rn:d·· vember 18 in tht: Cn·st;tl ballr()nm of in i~mnation. the Drake hott:l. Non-Profit Organization ~[r. and ).1 r~. FrictHI. \\·hn art· tiP\\" Tilt· \\' ilmct te Credit ~len's a:-.!'luci;ttt· ·:. on a \\'t:dding jnurtlc\· tn the \\'c .;t [nclies, \\ill rl'turn ~(llltt to makL· thl'ir :. . ;1 111 IJ\ ·}>rotit organizatitlll and rq> rt :.vttt-.. mall\' classi!ications. EYerv tin~ home in Chicago. ()J' indiYid~1al extt'tHiing credit i-11 ;111_. ionn, i~ vligihk ior membership i:1 111, .t ... :-.m·iatiotl and needs its ~cn·iu.· ~ . The system of recording }Jay hal,it . ·, iair and ju!'>t. I i a per~(Jll is hont·;...t, p;t\, DELICATESSEN hi~ creditor... at the time promi~l·<l. < ·· ll ome Baking and Cooking l'Xpbin~ \\·hy the hill C<tllllOt ht· p;tid. Jtj , rccmd \\'ill recommend him_ ( )n t JJ , LrJve Your Orders Now othLT hand, if a person is :-.lu\\' in p .t.\ for in .~ hi~ acC<J\IIlts, or d1>l'S 1wt pay <tt ; t ·: h:s rt:cllrd \\'ill re~ult in rdu~al (li r:·t ell' \\'ht·tJ a pcr~on asks for nL·dit. thur Cakr'i Cookies Plum Puddin~'> . arc thrl'l' qua li!ications that art' t;d ~ c t ere. int,, con;...idcration: fir t, the habit ~ ,,. Open EL'£'1W_JYS and all day Sunday pay; ~eC<ltH I , wi ll ingness to pay; th ii·c:. linancial ability to pay. 7)0 I 2TH ST. W.ILMETTE 3931 l' se your creel it but keep it good~ i~ ASH'S CHRISTMAS Qu Jntiry prtces o n foods rh .1t enn· h o usehold requi res. Save money - J n d set J berter ub le. The nrw pack is in! O ver 1 c;o ite ms o f fruits - vegetables- ja ms-- jell ies -p icklesp reserves - m Jr m alad es- a nd t hat sp ec ial fa vo rite. Fish leigh 's C h ili Sa uce! Yisit Garden Display Room ') 1 7 MAI N S T., WILM ET TE, IL L. Hoffmann Brothers coal is screened and cleaned . . . you get all coal! That means more heat and less waste. It means economy for you, too! Let us specify the correct grade to use in your heating plant. ( Ample parking space) Fancy Foods Phones: Wilmette 1 ~os 1~1 distributed direct to co nsumer, at a saving , by and 190 _Holl~nann Bros. The Clarence T. Fishleigh Co. 517 Main St., Wilmette, Ill. T£·1. Wilmt'ttf' :;:11 Hrt·r·nh·ai Cenueal Avenue H4H

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