Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Nov 1929, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE LIFE Noyember 29,. l92<J VISIT lN SPRINGFIELD Robert W. Townley, athletic direc- Easy to Send-A Joy to ReceiveBut. great scott!-don't you have the devirs own time getting around to buying 'em? Here we are-all set for you with a selection of Christmas Greetings so broad and so varied that you'll have an easy time finding just the distinctive Greetings you want. Right now you can choose comfortably (before the ·Holiday crowds swarm along Nicollet) and from a complete assortment. We can engrave. process engrave or print your name on your cards. Make us an early call. ; !s~~~~ A~~ationery & ~!~~~~~R ; - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~,.'\;~--::-:January February March April May June July August September October November December 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 : ~~~ J.l ! j tQr at the ) oseph Sears school in Kenilworth, accompanied by Mr. To~nley\ father, Robert D. Townley of Milwaukee, drove to Springfield on vyednesTwenty-four New Trier Hi~ 1 ..;c!Hit o1 day to spend Thanksgiving w1th the younger Mr. Townley's sister, l\1 rs. boys of the junior and senio . ch:-;st·' who arc taking a course in airplat h Clarence Ruff. mechanics under R. L. F. Bicscm tit·t KENILWORTH DOWNS LOCALS were guests of H. J. McMurry, ma n For the second time this season the ager ·of the airplane division of ~\,.~ sixth, se,·rnth and eighth grade kick - Harbor, at the airport last Saturd:t:, hall teams nf the Joseph Scars schn· 11 morning. in Kenilworth defeated \Vilmctk in Experi,cnccd mechanics an~l pilots : 1 11 d, three games played la st Thursday. the boys on a tour of the atrport. '.,-hir h included an inspection of the air\\ :1_, .... the hang-ars, the various types of pl;m1 ·. . and t.'ngines, the lighting system, ;tnr! MR. ALBRIGHT a t\\'enty -minute airplane ride in \rh ·ch is gtvtng his personal each nf the boys went alone \\'ith :1 tru ~tl' <l pil ot and with the pcnni:---i·'l l attention to shampooing. of hi s parent5. \Vhilc in the air t IJ, marcelling, permanent pilots dcmolt strated to the boys the nwtl 1 ods of control and the various pha '-t·waving, finger waving pf Aying-. · and hair cutting. 'l'he t \\·cnty- four boys who \'isited tit, airport \\·ere: Arlo Anderson, I fll\\ -;tn! ALBRIGHT BEAUTY Barh-r, Raleigh Blake, . Philip Bort l. Ossian Camerion, Donald Cornell. ('Jaudl' SHOP Hill, Russell Jlorn, Robert Kelley, l~ ;dplt I 167 Wilmette A"'·· Wilm··"' Runn ielclt, Carlton Schroeder, \. irt 1·r Phone Wilmette 4517 Schultz, John I3arrett, Earl Bates. L~·~ t vr Carlson, Jam es Faucett, Joe Gatlwrc":tl. _ _-:::.._:::-:_ :-:= __ George Grommer, Henning Jan ... ···t ; i·:arl Lingle. Don Mcintyre, ~her\\·" HI :\el"t·ll, Phil O'Connell and H t·rJ,, r: Otten. Tlw r· lltrse in airplillle mechan i~·.., .tl \"c.:\\· TriL·r is gin·n ior one :-entt·..,tt r J Jnuary in l'tlllttc.:ction with th e ('llginecring ,,,,rJ, Feb at tltL· .;cltt)td. It \\·ill he r c)H'all'd 11 1·:\ Ax ruary c;cnlt' -.lt'r. The course is lim ited t· : lVJJrch junior:- and seni or:-;, alid- includes ;1 ... ttt<h April of the manner iq \\'hirh airplane:- :tt··, May C(ltbt ructcd , a i rpla nc tn,g ines, met ht ,.J.., ·,i flight and Yarious other features oi ;: \·i:t June ti on. The tcxtho·J k being used is "~f ,<J July 1 1 em J:'light" hy C. P . Clevenger, 1\'lt·1 iAugust CIIlldtKt ing a ilying school at Tttk t. Okla. Septernbe October r '!'he l·nite<l States gCJn~rntllL'Jtt lt:t donatecl three airplane engines ;tlld :1 Novemb D er \'ariety of miscellaneous parts to th1· ecember 'l\ew Trier airplane tr,echanics cla~..; :tttd the 1\\·n north shor~ :iirp11rts, Sky I far bor and the Curtiss I·lying fidd at C k tl \'iew, ha ,.c expressed a desire t· 1 C11 operate with the class in \\'hatncr proj ec ts it undertakes . t\cxt week Len Dober of tlw · C!trti- . . Flying service \\'ill address tht cJ:t . , , on 'J'uc. day morning-. 24 Aeronautical Students at N. T. Guests of Airmen .. .... :-----= --=-== --==~ -· years DECEMBER 1 School Children Observe Thanksgiving With Plays Three auditorium sessions \\·ere held at the Howard school this week in ob servance of Thanksgiving. The sixtlt. 1 se,·euth, and e1ghth graders held their 'j assembly Tuesday morning at II o'clock. The second and third gr:uk I Thanksgiving assemhlv v:ac, held Tu ·.·~ : da \' afternoon at 1 :.JtJ o'clock, when ~Jiss Gunderson's third grade presented an Indian play. On Wednesdav mnrn ing at 11 o'clock a plav by 1fiss \'an Horne's room called ·'The First Tha11ksgiving" and anuther lJ\· ~[!s' Berry's room entitled "Soft Soap" \\'.ITt' nresentecl at the fourth and fifth gr:11k assembly. marks the completion of our third. year of We take this service to the people of the north shore. occasion to thank one and all for their patronage and to renew our pledge of quality and good service for the future. TELEPHONE WILMETTE 999·991 Mrs. H. B. Watson Dies Following Long Illness Mrs. Grace Louise \Vatson. ,rife nt Harold B. Watsun, 116 Woodland a·;c nue, lndan Hilt, died at the EYanstnn hospital Mondav, November 25, after a lingcri11g illness. Mr. and Mrs. \V.lt son and family lived for many years on Cumnor road, Kenilworth, and \Ye1·c very active in the Kenilworth Un:on church. Services were held Wedne ~: clav, ~ovember 27, in thP. Memorial · Park Cemetery chapel. Mrs. \Vatson is survived by her hushand and two daughters, Anita Jane and T,ouise \Vaite. _ KOIUEVALLE Coal & Material Co. Lake Ave. & C. N. W. Ry. MARCU~S MICK, Prop. . ·~ . ...

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