Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Nov 1929, p. 24

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24 WILMETTE LIFE November 29, 1929 Nursery League Groups \li.sitor.s at Hull House VICTOR · tone test s· Movembe· 28-Deeember STATION KYW AT 9 P. M. Mrs. L. L. Lane of Evanston, chairman of the Evanston South End chapter of the Mary Crane 1\ursery School The marriage of Miss Margaret Nei league, was hostess to the group on \\~e~m, daug.ht~r of Mrs. Georg~ Thursday, Xovember 21. at its regular .\etweem, Illmots · road, and Josepl 1 fortnightly work meeting. ~[rs: Lane> Roemer, son of Mr. and Mr:;. Petn home will he headquarters tor tin ' Roemer, Gkn\'le\\' road. took plac .. ~outh End chapter. Central .chapter. j ~\'edtH.:sd,.~· t11orning .. ~ovcmber 20, at which holds fortnightly mectmgs un ~t. Josephs church wtth the Rev. J. :\ ~londays, will meet on Moriday. De- 1\eumann offici~ting. wedding break · cemher 2 \\·ith 11rs. George 11. GraHs fast followe<i tmmedtately after thv of · Evans~on. Mrs. Graves is chairman ceremony at the home. of the gro01.n·, of this group and her home is the regu- parents. In the evenmg a recet~tJO,l l tar meeting place. was held at thl· hom(· of the hnde. h , 1 I mother. The North End chapter, w1t ~' ~-;. , . .. . . Alfred R. Bates, chairman. held tts ~he l.mdc s ~ov.n "as of eggshe~ l regular meeting on Friday, !\ovemhcr I satm ~runmed tn . real lace. Her vetl 22 at the home of Mrs.. Bates in E,·_ of wlnte tull.e was cau.ght to a small ' 1 · 1 ·11 ont 1 ·11 uc to lle t1 1r lace cap, whtch was tnmmed on each anston. w 11c 1 w1 c · · · 1 ·· meeting placr. of this chapter. s1de wtth smal sprays of hhes of thl' valley. She held a large bouquet of · _ On ~f on day. November 2J, a group white roses and lilies of the valleY . of league member. from these grou;Js The bridesmaids, Miss Marie Roemer .and from the 11others' group ;md Miss Man: Roemer a cousin and of. the c\)lle,gc children's :-.chool, .:-ister of the g~oom, respectively, wore ·.\'lth a dekt.·atton from the \\ ltllletka frocks of peach and. pale blue colored chapter. \'i:-itcd Hull House to oh- chiffon and carried bouquets of tea .;crve the work of the Mary Crane roses. ~ursen ~chool which the league is John Roemer served his brother ar.. assisting the National Kindergarten be-st man. while the other groomsma :· and F.letm·ntary college to support m was George Busscher of Wilmette . the Mar~ Crane building at Hull The bride and groom are now at House. home at 2032 \\'ilmette avenue. -- - --- - \1 r. rl.nd \lr:-. Angus ~~ acdt~n.~!d .,... 111- 'lt·J,,auk··l· came tn Kt:nil- C~LEBRATE ~ILV~R WEDDIN~ ( 'rl· · t ' ·' "'.: . . ,. ~aturdar evenmg, !\ovcmbcr 23, :11 1111 \\1wth ~~~ " 1H'lHI thl' I hanksg-Jn.ng h : I hnnor of their twentv-fifth anniversan rla,·s \\'lt!J \lr . and ~lr · Hurt ( f()\\l: ' ' 1 \fr. and ~lrs. John \\'iedlin entertaine d ~3-t Rall'll.!'l 1 r,,a<J. _ fifh· guest in their homt:, 120 Park avenue, at a dinner dance ioi!O\\"l'd hr cards. Decorations for the en:ninl! roses and chry antlh:\\'ere hricil:' .mums intermingkcl \rith ferns - anrl sil n:r bells. Memhl'r Woman's Symphony Orchestra, Chicago \Irs. Gilbert \\'. Kellr, 412 CumJll oJ' road, Kenilworth has ·gone cast t1 · . pend Thanksgi\·ing with her daughter . I·Jizabeth, who · is at Yassar cnl\egt·. PPttghkeepsie. X. Y. 1 N eiweem·R oemer U'eddin~ Is Event of November 20 J: T' ..., CarrieS. Roberts Teacher of Piano and Musical Theory Class and Private Lessons FOR TERMS -0- TUNE IN! TUNE IN! Then come to our store and let us give you the facts about Radio tone ·quality. This broadcast introduces J'ictor to11e-test week . . . the most sensational demonstration of radio TONE QUALITY the world has ever known. Everybody makes claims; you want the facts . Come in and we'll prove to your own ears what the revolutionary Victor TONE means in entertainment. It takes just 5 minutes. No obligation, and it gives the real "low-down." Whether you are in the market for a radio or not, don't mio;s this remarkable demonstration! B. Allen. 423 Cumnor roc1d. Kenilworth, who unden,·ent an operaPhone Winnetk;t 538, Wed .: tion for appendicitis at the E\·an:-;tnn nesdays or Harrison 2851 ho . .pita! last week, will return to l1i . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h~u~nlt in a _ f_ e_ ,v__ da _)_ ·s_._____________ L(.'oll Investment Losses or Shrunken Profits Immediately Covered Cost-about 1-10 of 1r;~ per month will immediately put back into your estate your losses or shrunken profits VICTOR-RADIO RE-45 The radio that is really · a musical instrument plus revolutionary all-electric record reproduction. Time-is necessar.y to make a profit and we can insure you du~ing that time for only a small part of your income. Industries are making monel' and will not go out of business. Your wife and children or 3,our estate need not suffer if you insure against investment losses. Complete Open Evenings I ELEANOR YOUNG SKILLIN Special Agent MASSACHUSETTS Mt7TUAL LIFE INSURANCE COl\'IPANY North Shore Talking Machine Co. 712 CHURCH STREET. EVANSTON 742 Eu.t Snmrr. WINNETKA University 4523 Winnetka 3474 112 West Adams Street, Chicago Randolph 0060 Wilmette 3450

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