30 , WILMETTE LIFE November 29, 1929 Hawaiian Priest Urge Garden Clubs in Middle West to Exhibit in Chicago Garden clubs throughout the MiddleWest are invited to enter the cluh competitions in the fourth annual Chir.ago Garden and Flnwer show to bt" held at the Hotel Sherman, ChicagP. March ~8 to April 5. For the first time, the competition s have been thrown open to all or :ranized groups interested in garden · ing and prizes have heen offered for cl~th exhibits. Classes will include · table decoration, miniature garden. bouquet in vase of howl, outside win dow hox, inside window box, sunpar · lor decoration, flower decoration for interior, garden poster and. arrange ment of plant material other than flowers. Detailed specifications of the con te sts are given in a premium list which may be obtained on application to th(' executive committee, Room 1311, 130 North \\'ells street, Chicago. Then: is no rntry fee, but club entries must be made by January 1, 1930. The Illinois Federation of \Vomen \ clubs is cooperating in the show and !1as organized central committee s which under the state presid.ent, Mrs . J. ~I arc Fowler, and the state garden chairman, Mrs. Charles E. Caldwell, will have supervision of the club cvn te sts. But the federation officers wish it understood that the contests are not limited to members of the fed.eration, but are open to all organized groups sharing interest in the garden movement. ~Ir. and Mrs. K. R. Borgen, who have bec1~ residing temporaril y witlt the latter s parents, Mr. and Mr ·. ~ ll. R Hall, 729 \Vashin_gto n avenue. have now moved to the1r own. place in Evan . ton. l NOW I ANOTHER REACH &GEILS CANDY SHOP · ~~0 MAIN STREET JUST EAST OF CHICAGO AVENUE , i : i THANKSGIVING isn't complete without BEACH'& GEILS Candies --the better home-made kind i : i OTHER BEACH & GEILS SHOPS: Rex Wilkes, Jr., who plays the part of Kamm, the Hawaiian priest, in ·~Breeding Stones," the play which the Playshop will stage the week of Dec. 9 at the University theater, Northwestern university, is instructor in dramatic literature and production at Yankton college, Yankton, S. Dak., <llld is on leave of absence to pursue advanced courses in the school of speech. He has appeared in previous Playshop productions. Philip D. Davis returned to his home, · k f l7J3 Washmgton ave,nue, 1 .ast wee: a. ter a three months busmess tnp 111 Europe and Airica. 1633 ORRINGTON A VENUE EVANSTON WINNETKA CHICAGO HYDE PARK HIGHLAND PARK Evanston 011· ee Now Open '708 Church Street 252 CHURCH STREET BUJG. PHONE UNIVERSITY 6221 GIFTS Or ENGLISH can · h ave a CHINA· ROCK CRYSTAL· OR ART LAMPS· NOVELTIES Good Head of Hair TART NOW to restore your hair to a healthy . condition. The Thomas' scientifically combat all scalp disorders leading to baldness and positively re-grow hair. If you are already bald or possess thin, lifeless hair, call for an examination without charge. The Thomas' successfully treat over 1,500 persons daily in their forty-fi~:e offices for dandruff, falling hair, itching scalp, and baldness, and can do the same for you . World's Leadit~g Hair at~d Scalp Specialists-Over 45 Offices S ,. · TATMAN A Rtcogniztd Authority on Corctct TtJblt Sttting1 The '!ROMAS' EVANSTON: 708 Church St. (Suite 252) Loop---30 W. Washington St.; Met~, Suite 603; Womefl, Suite 600 West Side-4010 W. Madison North Side--4153 Broadway South Side Offices-6306 S. Halsted St. and 6850 Stony Island HOURS--10 A.M. to 8:30P.M. SATURDAY TO 7 P.M.