Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Nov 1929, p. 31

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November 29, 1929 WIL·M·ETTE LIFE Jl Commendation Following are three letters received by the North Shore Area council, reb.tive to the saving, by Billy Lardner. Tenderfoot Scout of Troop 22, Glencoo:! of the life of Virginia Dean by sue~ cessfully applying artificial respiration while at a summer cottage in Wisconsin. Chicago, Illinois, November 15, 1929. 2,706 Merit Badges Held ·1 S t by N · S· COUDCI COU I IWhen he took Skunkie in the ark. Mr. ~Jyron C. Rybolt, Scout Executive, Highland Park, Illinois. Dear Sir: During the w eek of July 18, while on our va cation in Wi sconsin, our little daughter, Virginia, fell from the pier v. bile no one was watching her. A few mome nts later I saw her floating on ~op of the water. I went to her rescue, and we worked on her for about ten minutes to no a vail, when Billy Lardner, one of your Boy Scouts, came ove r and in about five minut es had revived her, which, of course, wa!; a great relief to all of us. This was wonderful vork on Billy's THE SPOTTED SKUNK JJart, and I wish to say we are very The Skunk's a cunning little cat, grateful to the Boy Scouts and Billy But no one stays where he is at; LardnH in parti cular. Sincerely, And no one goes where he has been L . :\I. Dean. If he has left his scent therein. A1eDta for ALLIED VAN LINES The active Merit badge Scouts in LoD· DiataDce Moyera "And what position does your sur. the North Shore Area council on OcWILMETTE 133!! play on the team?" . t~er 1, had a total of 2,706 Merit "I'm not sure, but I think he is the ~Jadges. This number is steadily being nt1e that makes the touchdowns." mcreased. It is worthy of mention that ten troops have totals of over 100 bad.g ts. Of course the troops are not all the same size so figures are significant onlv in part. Here are totals for the ten troops holding over 100 badges: Troop 2, Witmette-136 Merit badges; Troop 3, Wilmette-103 Merit badges; Troop 4, Wilmette-209 Merit badges; Troop 5, Wilmette-130 Merit badges; Troop 13, Kenilworth-322 VANILI.~A Merit badges; Troop 21, Glencoe-227 Merit badges; Troop 23, Glencoe-221 Merit badges; Troop 31, Highland Park -150 Merit badges; Troop 33, Highland Park-134 Merit badges; Troop 35, Ra Full Quart Brick vinia-123 Merit badges. There Is · Hydrox Agency Ncar Your Home The creatures raised a fearful din When thev saw Noah drag him in. IRBDAL .B STORAGE FRENCH BETWEEN TWO LAYERS OF NESSELRODE PUDDING · · · Glencoe, ... :Mr. :\T c ~Tanu s, Hig-hland Park, Illinois. Vear Sir: I wa s a witneHs this past summer to th e bring-ing back to life of littl e Virginia Dean by Billy Lardn er. She was hroug-ht out of the wa.ter apparently lift·IC'l's and after her parents had done :1 11 th ey cou ld t() r evive her, th c·y were finally pe rs uaded to let Billy try. He "t-nt about it in a cool, d f' lihf' rate way wh ic h ~ how ed hi s Scout training-. · After quitt> l'ome tim e hi s effo rts Wt're succf'~S ful. g rownups H tood aro und help!. ss . November 14, Illinoi~. 19~9 And so \\·e leave the Skunk alone, For no one knows where he may park I'll sav that Noah "pulled a bone," "·v .\nd if it were not for. our twcl\'e year t· ld Bo~· S<'OUt, a human lift· woul<.l have i> t···n ln~t. Re:-:p ctfull~·. T. R. Hounihan. · · · ~ov e miJ e r - :'.Tt·. Car l ~lc:\lanus, :\' orth Shor~ Area Council, Hig-hl a nd Park. Illinois. :\:y D· ·:tt' :.\Tr. :.\Je~Ianu s : · J am ve ry thankful that my son i~ a Boy Hcout. Billy had b~ 'n n. Scout about three or four m onths on ly, when he "an·d <l littlt· gi rl" )oi life by artificial resJ'iration. This happ··nt>d at Lauderdn.le L<tk Ps, Elkhorn, \Vi sconsin. The parents it! thdr fr··nzy \\·ere trying c\·f>ry possible way to bring her ba<'k, but were unsuc<·t·:-:s ful. Finally Hilly was allowed to try. 1 f e w ·nt ahout it in the methodical, manly way Scouts have and was succt-ssful. I arn sure that tho~e who witnessed it r ea lized th ·n, if neve r before, how ihlportant and nc·c :-:~a ry Scout training is uot only f(Jr boys but also our girls. Sincerely yours, Ali ce D. Lardner (Mrs. William), 4iO Park av-enue, Glencoe, Illinois. Gl(·ncoe, Illinois, U, 19:3 9. THANKSGIVING SPECIAL Grosse Point School Board Fosters Newest Scout Troop The school board of the Grosse Point di strict Xo. 40 has recently appoint~d the following six men to act on a Troop committee to sponsor the new Scout troop, )Jo. 40, at the school. They are ~. ] . ~1 iller, chairman; Glen R. I anson, Jacob E. Koller, Joseph Reagftn, Charles H. Scherer and A. E. \Volff. This committee has selected C. E. Palmer, former Scoutmaster of Troop 8, Wilmette, to serve as leader for Troop 40. Mr. Palmer is an old timer in S ·outing and has a good start with twelve new Scouts registered as charter members. These Scouts are : ] oseph Hans, Richard Graham, John Hrepc;a, Emil Hrepsa, William Hycluk, Ray Koller, Anton Krause, Carl Mountain, Edmond Mountain, Leroy Mountam, Lee Campbell and Bob Campbell. 6 5x8 MODERNE PORTRAITS · TELEPHONE 65Q.WILM~TTE ( CARLOS jPHOTOSl MIRALAGO BUILDING 1647 SHERIDAN ROAD ~ AT THE LAKE : between ~ TRAIL THE EAGLE (Tune: On Wisconsin) Trail the Eagle, Trail the Eagle Climbing all the time. First the Star and then the Life, Will on your bosom shineKeep climbing I Blaze the trail and we will follow; Hark the Eagles' call. On fellows I On I Until we're Eagles all. ~ Wilmette dnd Kenilworth ~ OPEN EVENINGS

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