Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Nov 1929, p. 36

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36 WILMETTE LIFE November 29, 1929 Benefits Will Retain Popularity into Holiday Season Wellesley Club to Benefit by Premier of u Bird in Hand" The C'hira(!n \Yclk sleY cluh. i() in . crl' a:-r it s scholar!'hin fund. is spnnsnring a hrneftt performance on the' llpc nin cr ni g ht of Jnhn Drink\\'atcr'; dc lig-htinl rnmccly. "Bird in Hand."' \fond ay e\'ening. Dccemhrr :?3, at the H arri!' theater. The cnmc(h·. hri~ht. ~··a~·. llll)dcrn, will he pla\'cct 1}\· the .;a ml' gro up nf English t>laYers. \\'11o ~.an appeared successfully j,, London :t tHI Xew York. and. the night chosen ;, in thl' ga~·e s t week of the \'ear. ~~ r .;. Francis E. Broomell ·of Chi rag-n , president of the club. is gen. rat cl1airman. with mc.:mbcrs of tl1r hoa rd working with her. Among thr 1111rth shore alumnae included on h1.' 1 l't\lllmit tee are Mrs. Alfred H. Tadot ( Jo~· Scheidenhelm) tlf EYansttlll: ~fiss Jean Macl.eish of Glenrue: \f rs . Ralph Brown of \\'innetka ancl \.1 r~ . Bruce M acLt:ish of (~lt· ncoe who :m ..> in charge of the salt' of b'nxes: ~1 r s. George E. Bliss of Highlanrl Park. chairman of the ~orth Shnr~· \Yellesley circle, and chairman nf tlh.' r apt a ins promoting- 'the sale of tickets: ;ttHl the captains, \vho arc: l\fr~ . \\'il liam Edmund Schweitzer (~fan l.oui~c Scheidenhclm), head of the J<:,·_ ·m~ton committee composed of ~f r:-. Earl \\ hite, Mrs. Graham Pattcr~ot ~ . \1 rs . Thomas Lord, 11 rs. T. 0. ~1 or;.:·an. :Miss Ad.ah Rew, and ~fiss ~far .;orie Billow: Miss ]ant· Trigg~. for \\.ilmette and Kenilworth: ~~ rs . Henr,· r~ . Crion, for \Vinnetka. assistecl h\· :\f rs. James P. Fleming-: Mrs . \V. Hamilton \Vatter (Eleanor Da"· e~). nlencoe: Mrs. Howell \\' . ~furra \', Highland Park and Lake F11rl'~t. ln addition to ~{i ss 'rrigg·s. thl' romlllittec for \Vilmettl· an d Kenil\\'nrth includes .Miss Alin: Hmrhard ~1i.;s Flizaheth Ructhe, ~f iss Hehecra' Fitch·, ~~ rs. A. T. Irwin, ~~ r ~. Yictt)r Je\·on, \Irs . R. R. Jennes s. Mrs . Hush C. Smith. ~fiss Grace 1L CrllCkl.'tt . )vf rs. Jos<·ph DaYid so n. ~f rs. T . F. Stapp, and ~fiss Jean Tl.'n nnwck. ()i \Yilmcttc: ~{iss Eli zah~· th Shipman. ~frs. 1.. ~f. Allen. ~fis s Bl'rnire nulle ,·. ~frs . "\' . S. Kni cr ht. \Ji ~~ \Ian· S. !\: ;ttl'.; , \lr~ . R \\'ard Starrett. ~lr .:. . 11. T. \\'illi :tm" . ;-~11 d ~fi-, , Tht·rt· . . a \"\ ·1111\';._ t'\'r. 1· i Kt·nil\\'l)rth .· On Committees for Club Benefits I Prize List Grows for Building Fund Benefit on Dec. 6 Photo b.r J. D. Toloff Arthur Lee Fullt·r of \Vilmette i:-; gl'neral chairman in charge of one lli the largest social e\·ents of the st:a~on in Wilmette, the evening bridge part\· sponsured h,· the w< n ·s and mca :1s cPminitt~.:e oi th~· \ \ 'm n;\n's Club ., f \\' ihncttt· as a henefit ior the rlttb building fund Frida" l'\·ening. Dt'ccm hcr (i, in thL· ne\\· rltth building. ~I r~. Numerous Affairs Precede Cutler-Nicholls W eddinq On Thursda\· evening. Dn:emhn 5. ?\[i ss Elizabeth. Cutler of \\'ilml'ttL' w;l! become the bride of Jlnh er t Xiclln11 :"'. son of ~lr. and Mrs. \\'illiam 11. Xich olls, 660 Pine . street, \\'innttka. The marriage ceremony \\'ill ta k ._. place at 8:30 o'clock at the lllltlll' ni ~liss Cutler's father. Frank T . Cut ln. 10()1 Lake a\'cintL', and ,,·ill hl· pn formecl 1)\' the 1\cv. 11urart· <: . Smtth nf the \\'ilm ctt e ~frth ndi:-.t ch ttrl·h. .\ reception " ·ill inmH"diatd _ ,. fnll·\\,. ih t· sen·ice. ~fi ss Cutler ha s chu:-> t'tl a:- hn onh a t t en d a 11 t he r ~ i s t n, ~I i ' :-; I: r :t nc c ~ l' u :·ler, \\'hilt- \\.i ll ia m Xich~~ll:- \\'ill ~l·n · l· his l>l'tlthn a~ best man. :\ itn a \H'cl clinl..!' j1tl!rl1l'\' tn Btrnltid:t t1 tt' hricl ·: :t ncl -gnH\ lll -l'IL"r t ,,·ill nukt· I l ~t·ir h11111t itt Frat htl1t1. The hride -t.I -I>L' i . . a gratluatt' <1!. \:,1rth\\ e~ tern uni' n-.it' and is a tlll'lll hl'r Pi tilt· :\lpha P hi S11rnrit\·. ~h . '\"ich oll.; i:- a !!radu :tt L' l)f \\'illia111 . ; cPIIc tJI.' . and i.:. affilia!l'd "i th Phi (~;un 111a D L' ita frat1' rnitY . \fr.:. . . \rthur l'h ;ll!n' n ·, ,j h·an:-;t,)n '-'· '~ lH ~.;tc~s nn \·~,,· e mber 1.?. at a lunrhl'nn and linett .._!J<l\HT in hon11r . ~~- tlh· hrid\· -t\1 ht'. :\I rs. \rt l111r Bn\\'l' :t11d ~! r ... 'l'1 lt1 1ll :t~ \\- <llk . .1r .. \\'C're t·n - ho ~ tl' :- . . t:s at a hrid~...:l· :w d kitdtl' ll . . h(\\\'l'r -:\ 11 \'l'llllH' r ll :11 tht· latt , r'..: l!tlllll' in F,·an-. t1111 . .\J ..,n aiJlllllg t!H· prt tlii Jl!i:tl aff:tir.; f1 1r \li~ . . C'utler ,,;~.._a lttn chcnn :111<1 hrid t".' pa rh· l!'in·n hY :\1 r:"' . 1.·1\li:- E. 'l'iltlt·!J ni l ·~ram\tl'l and \1 i"' 'K :ttllarirw (~l' l l t" L!T ,,f Chira1r,, 1111 · 'pn· mh l.'r .?2 . :tt the lllin tli.; \\'n llll' tl ·.._ :\thl etic rluh. \ Prn ll tt 11f ~fr . \ ic hl )lb' iril'n<l~ \Yrrr ! 11' "\... <t t a -tal!' di11P1'r ir1 hi.:. htlll1'r at th· ni-.nJad;: bntvl . -:\p\'t'111hl'1' :21 \l r-. Erlith Fa··ll tli Oa k Park .~>an' a 1ut11.' 111'1'll and l>ricl l'<' in ~I is.; Cutler's ]ll llllll' . \Yt'dlll'..,claY ni thi -: " 't'L'k. That n c n i nl! \ rr. a, J( 1 ~ f r :-; . ;.. r('I r in -:\". Y c er!t"r ( Tsahd 1\Hll') t'nf~1· tai!'L'd at t1 din nt·r 11::-trt,· at ln<liaq Tlill <'ltth in honor ni ~~ io;;s Cutler ancl \1 r. ~icholls. Thi.; afternoon 1\liss Cutler "ill be hn stc;;s to a group ni her friends at Miss Jean MacLeish of Glencoe :~ a member of the Chicago Wellesley club committee that is making all arrangements for the scholarship fu:1d benefit the club is sponsoring the evening of Monday, December 23, the fir st performance of "Bird in Hand." the clever new conH~~ d,· ]),· John DriJlk \Yatcr, \rhich then - will commence ils nm at th e Harris theater. The chth ha s taken over the entire main Aoor and thr first fi,-e ro\\'s of the halcnn\· for th e openin,Q,· night . Church Circle Benefit / s "Something Diflerent" " Something diffL'n·nt" in the line of :·n 1.'ntertainmrnt is promised for Frid;t, .. Drcemher o. hY the committee in ,· l1:1rge ni the hcnclit thr Central An·1'11L' circlr oi the Con g re ga ti onal t lturch is givin. C · ·!'. Tht· annnunceml'tlt reads: "At 2 ,l.rlork Cl llltl' to thl· Congre. !.!at ional t'l1t1rr l1 and f ron1 thnl' ·\'!)11 \\'ill he · cn nlurtcd hy t ht· g uides tn each of f our ·,, tllH"- ,,·ltne. at 1 ne ,·n u will find a 1111l irk ing r 1n1nty fair · in full swill '-!. \'. ith hint.· rihb nm. n ·d rihhtl11S, and all " ·rt . . nf inn. :\t atwther a H'n- fln v 1ll11Sirak \\'i ll he gi n ·n at \\ lJich One of \\.ilml'ttl'\ talen t ed ~itlgt· rs ,,·ill entn to~in · '·ou. .\t another sonw of tll l' lll·aut ifn1 ynung " ·ome n tli nttr t ()\\' 11 "ill pnse in a ~cr i es ni tableaux 1JH1 'tt th e ft, urth )'till "'ill t'lliil\' :t l)('antiit tl l'hri~tma" party. · · ~fr-. . f. R :\dkin s, \\'il mette 979 is '11 rhargl' nf tirkl't :-. \\·llirh also 1;n" 1 ·· · prdrllrcd at the church D cccmhl'r il. Church Guilds Conduct Christmas Sale December 4 The Ch ri . . t n l: h :--alt· \\ ltich th1.· \\' cl!ll ··n\ .\ . . :-oo\('i;ttt'd l. ! llild :- 11i St . \11 !.!11.._<ille Fp:;t't lpa l cht.Jrch k 1n· hn·n \\'llrk i 111..! n n i 1 1r 1 11; 1n , . "'n· k" , \ iII he !1~· I d \\ .\'dtlt.' . . d:l\', D n·~·tn1lt-r ~ . in rluhl w ll "l', : l.?t, \\'ilmt'lt l' :t\'t' llut·. Tilt' :;:t!e ,ill . . ta r t ;It HI ~/d,lcl :tnd cnntin tl l' · 1 J r l 'll~h , tttt th · day . \ ic·Pcl t:thk. attr.tt'ti\e Cltri:-tm:ts .·il t . . \\ hiclt i11rlud\ · pill" " "· aprclll:'. and '· aL:-. . t 'h r i. . ttll~h ca rd :- and tJ\)\I.'It ies ; 1 ;1f 1 -t:tti1 t1lt'!'\. \\' ! )) lH· llll '-:tiL' tn < 'h ri tm;1- :--hl t pp~· r:- and hlltt'-('Wirl':> in ·< ·ar r h ni honH· maclt· iolHI;-; tn in l ·· c·t-v t' 11·ir l.t rl1t·r.._ and tn t l' mpt t ltC' · ·:d:ttt· - .. j 11 l' lll hl' !'- ··i tht" ir !:1tt 1i li .:; , l ) rizc~ continuallY arc heing added to the long list of articles different, use ful, attracti,·e, that may br chosen :,~· winners according to a pre scribed pro cedure FridaY evening, Dccembn (,, " ·hen the wa~·s and mean s committee 'If the \\'oma;1's club of \Vilmettc gin:it.; large evening bridge party f (\ r the l>enelit of the club building fund. Pi,·ot bridge will bt.' played and rcfreshmtnt :wit! he served in the new club hnlll L" with it s spacious rooms, where, it is expected, about eight h iltHired gttt.'"~' will he entertained. The imposing li st c1i pri zes will 1,fin appeal to men, as well a s wo1nt:11. th t' c0mmittL·e, headed by ~Irs . Carl \'an Sinden . announces. On the stagl.' of the auditorium they will he arrayl'd for yi ewing h\' the guests. One tabk \\·ill hea r r'oocistuffs, several ba skets of f rtsh f rnits, canned goods of c lwicl· yaridit·s. jams, jellit.·s, hams, ~id1.·s nf bacon, and turkeys. Other prizes include a canary bini in a cage, a Chippendale mirror with ;~ chest of drawers to set undn a mirn,r on a console or buffet, a perfume atomizer. merchandise certificates for a ton o f wood cut for the ftreplel.Cl·. a permanent wave. facials and mani cures. t\\Tln: Turkish baths, pa sses t o a theat er. ic<' books, certificatt:s for cleaning and pressing clothe s. batt ery !'c n·icc for cars, and other cc.:rtificates, a drip cnff ec pot, an electric perc '1lator, a double wood basket, an electriL· iron. an electric curling iron. an Ori ental pilln\\·, an Oriental tah! v rug and a <lnzcn phonog-r;tph rn· ,trd:-. a card table, a bride.{'-' lamp. ;~ n imported foot stool. a tablr clo th , a mesh bag, seYeral hand bags, s.omc pnt:en · with in· in it, plant s, a pair ·)~ andirons. att<f. for men, a reading gla s~. IL'ather hill folds, ash trays, golf hall s. a tt airplane ride, a thermometer, an :ltltnmt~hik h<'ater. neckties. a steak set, a hat. a genuine Clad:-.t·llll ' i>:H!. :11HI ,") thcr article s. .\11 ·l i thL'St.' pri zes hav e bt·cn <lnnat1..' 1l · ;ttl< 1 tl H' \' nH·rc 1 1ant s ot· t 1 1c \'t'II agt: 1> n;,rth ~lw re and ~o m e hy r h :h 1lll' 11l her :->. Th e gi rJ:.; lli tlll· Junio r :lll:\i1i;try " "'II · T 1 1~ 1 ~nn· rdreshml'nt s. ~Ir s . . o 11 1 ·l' 1r i:-; rlr:tin nan <If tlH· tickd sa k. At Vista del Lago 'l'hl.· "inter sl.'a~n n at the \'i ~ ta <ld dub has had an auspirintts 1H·L;iltning and thr rrg-ular aCfairs planned han· he l' n \Yl'll a1tcn<.led. The FridaY Lri<lgt' lunrhenns continue in thci.r !"IJilllaritY and ~fr s. Erskin e \\'ild er 11 l \Yinn t'tk: t is hn ste ss for tncl ;l\·\ a !fair . 'l'ttl' . <lay t'\Tning supper hriclgt: ga111cc;; 11an· been attracting men and " ·nmcn ir11111 all al ong the north "hnrc. ~fr '-' . ( ·. DtnT Price of \Yinnt. tka acted as i11 "-tess l:t st 'l'u rs daY. 1\et\\Tl' ll the hmirs o i 1~ :30 in the .Lftl'rnoon ttntil C) at night a Thank.; l'i\·ing di1111Cr wa :- c;;<· n ·crl · at th e ' rltth inr IJH-rnlwr -.;. th('ir iamilit"-, a11rl thi·ir L a ,~.;( Hold "At Homen \I r . :tn d .\I r ~. \\ · h a r\1111 (' 1 a,. -dtl ~ ~· l· r irl:ttJ 1'11:1<1. >o\t:rt· ";tt ltllllll'., t<·,·tlwir ·\TtJitl!..:. Th<' : .rit' :! t!, ,111 \\ 'L'dncsdaY 1 ha\·l· rt·ntt'd t'lt' Ld·~ar ~ . ll ar1 :1;1 h1!JUt· in 1 -.:t' llil\\'ttrt h. :t t rnu:- . . vau tL·a. \\ hilv this l'\'Cllit l·l \I r. :111'1 .\1 r.:.. 1\·tlhcrt l'oll· ;1f 1-:\·an . .~ t 1 : 1 \' iII c 11 t n t a i 11 11 n·ml 11 T :- n f t 1tc· i r l>rirl~t· club ;lltd .\1 i. . :- l ' utlt r and :\1 r. \" ic 1t t d1:; '" II n an· a I-.' 1 m c m h cr.._. \l r. and :\f r.;. \\'illiam 1I. Xicltnll . . will l!'i\'e a dinnn part,· :tt Chical!' tl :\thlttic club Dcn·m hl'r 2, in ht nor ·d t hL·ir d;lllghter-in-law-ttl-be and th eir sn n . Tue sday. December 3, Mr. ancl ~fr ~. John R. \\'alsh paldwin will gi\'e a d111ner party at thctr home, 1496 Ashun· ayenue. Huld)ard \Voods, 111 hnnor of M is C Litler and Mr. ~icholls. 1 Announce Engagement ~1 1. ;( 11· 1 ~lt -. ~ · 1 ·.. !J ra\1 '; o\i !tJ3.i 1·: 1111\'o " · 1 <t\ vt ·i1 1. \\ ilml'tll·. :.!t:t ·'tlll't' the L' ll :..!: t ~l ' tllt 1 1 ·i tltvir d:t ~ 1 ·~ 1 1 tt'l'. .It a 11. 11 , I .d '\ ;11 tl I· ; t ln i d, t 1 · 1: i ·, , ! : " I l'rl1:tt1<t. "I'll 11;· ~1: · . .tnd \:r- . 1· \\·. l'utt lJ,.jf 1 1' l'i n \1 1'1 tti. < 11 .: . \)j, , ])r;n l'r i'- :t rraclu:tt\' to! th~· ! ·,, :\'t ·,1 1\' <Jf Illin()i ... <tnd a JllL'lll li\'J' .q \1/n Ph i ~u r orit \'. Dr. Pt 1 t t l11 liT !t tl: . I, dl· rret.., in\111 }.liami unin·r.;it\ ·tld t1 :t· Cui\'ersit" oi Chicago, an<l i. . ,l n1t·m her of the fac t: lt\' of thr C·llin~:· ni c..-ducatit,n of the Cnivcr :-- ih· oi lllinfli~ . The wedding will take pla c<· dm;n~ tlh· Chri tma s ho1idays. Aiding College Fund The north shorr alumnae nf the 'Xa Kindergar!t.'n and l ~ kmc 11 t<HY ·. o11('gT ;,.rc prL'Sl' nt ing a scrivs of he ·w.it 1,rid.t.!r partir~ gi\'en in 1~\·a nston and on the north shore this sc asl111. \1 rs. James H. \\'igginton of Evano;;ton g an' the first of the series on Fridav, ~ o,·r1nl><·r 22. at her home and. Mrs. .\lircd I( Bates will entertain on ~aturclay, :\'o\'emher 30, at her home in E \·cu1ston. 1'be proceeds of these e\·rnts are to be used for the college ~ ntilding fund. ~ ion;tl

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