Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Nov 1929, p. 38

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WILMETTE LIFE November 29, 1929 News o¥ the North Shore·Clubs Pageant at Club Spells Success A. J. Cermak to Be Morning Speaker On Saturday evening. December 7, the members of the \\'oman's Catholic The next morning meeting, vV ednes- club of Wilmette are planning a largt· Woman's Club Introduces Well day, December 4. of th<.' \Voman's club benefit dance, a calico hop and card Produced and Clever Paqeant. of vVilmette, \\'ill he sponsored hy the party at the \\Toman's clubhouse, Tenth "Believe It or Not" League of Women \ 'utcrs of \\'ilmette str<:et and Greenleaf avenue, the proassisted by the civics department of the ce(.()s to be used to carry on the many BY J. T. B. dub. charitable activities of the philanthropy Th~.· Yeil nf mystny tll ftllding- the The outstanding speak<·r of the day department of the club. iuture '"'·as raised at P11<' cnrner la st is probably A. J. Ccrmack, president of The women are to wear calico dresses ~aturda~· evening- to allow a glimpse ()f the Cook County hoard, who will discuss and sun bonnets. the men, overalls and club women of 2929 thrtnlgh whnsr c\·e:-; "Cook Countv Institutions" at lO :30 large ~traw hats. \Vomen are asked hil!hlights in the lift Pi the \\'onnn'..: o'clock in the .morninR. to bring a basket (If lunch for two rlulJ of \Vilmcttr wt·n· rt·li\·ed fnr At ll JO o'clock Harrid Fulmer, a and coff et: and apples will be served !!llt' St:' at the club at this, tht IH'r;~::-ion registered nurse, graduate of St. Luke's h~ the committee. ()f til·' fnrtllal ')J)l' tl1.11" t)f tlll' tlC'\\' hospital, will talk on the ~ubject of . I ff d " ,... ·ll. tl11."' cl"l\·- .. R ura 1 · Sc 1 · " u· The attractiye pnzes to >C o ere 100 1 1 Ygttne. The ' tll·'ci· l'tttll s anc1 fJ .;.vJJss Clubll"'tlSC. " tl1c cle\'"'rl,· .. C)rJ..,I.llal pag··" ' . .. 11t. I' · a mcm 1 · will include one for the hrst .lookinh' ~ ll 1 mer IS KT o f t 1 1e Cl11cago :no· \\'"'S 1 ,.. n \. ,... · .. .... [) A 1 f 11 1· 1 A · p 1 "Brlieve It or Not." a fantasy \\Titten · · '·· a r ow o t 1e mencan u )- farmer hov · and girl, and a prize for ll\· ~frs. Tames A. Burrill \\'hich C·llll - li~ Health a~sociation .. and. a ~m·.mber each table. l.ined the. imaginary with 1he histnri·: ~tl . .ot . th.e Am.encan S(X:tal \\ or~ers as- . ~1 r... George Ludwig is gtneral "D 0 .11 1 , A , 01 1 :,octatron. ~he has been a I uhltc Health chairman, assisted I>\· the following: 11 1 1 () 1 ·. t lc : .,r--t :H. ~ u >. :\urse for twenty years. ~[ csdames Hunter B-arn·, Charles :\. " ~tmple .Hnnors. :'·a!' tltt·_ -.~d,Je< ~ nf "Efficiency in Municipal (~on·rnment" Harton. John Budinger.- G. Cummisth~ thcsts of tl:~· hl~tor~- 111 t.'l' \\ 0 ~ 11 \\'ill he discussed hv Clarence Ricllr\· at key. l'.· L. Jlillinger, P. L. Hein, P. J. 1111 :!!1 s c!nb (If \\ .H'ttl' ll'tltll tis hcg11l - 12 o'clock. Mr. H.idleY i~ secn·tar;· of lovce, F. Rat-rv, H. C. Lerch, Robert 111 mng 1891 whlch. 29llw. :t schnlar thr International City- Managers' ;;sso- Littk. LcRov ~1cCaffrcv, \\"alter !\1il21) rluh \"'.' 11 1l'n. ciation. Lunchenn \\'ill he SL' f\Td at 1 kr. Julius ~eng, G. H." Schilhach. I I. amnng ~l!e g:oupl of was \\'rttmg- 111 t 1e r 1 u 1l1 11 ·ltse 1ltll 1 t 1 >,. ··I cl · ·ts 1 st 1 · 1 · 1 JJ s 1 1 1 J [ \\' Jk "thr old !.!'irl:' oi 1929." Ther,·. in IlL !'. \ , · .. t; ,t~ . . · .· . . . ~c 1111H t. J. · c 1rocc er. . . - . a ·er, ·I. h. . . r . 11 It I ., I'·.. 1 rt11cess J Slalllt1cl \\111 Jllt"ol'tlt dll Ill - \\'. } I. \\"tllff. \\'. Ohamcir. ~1. A. " l.tt tn t t.m "a~ an agt - < · >lll c l.l-.. tvrl'sting IJ1(1ian prO!.?:ram at .! o'clock }{eel lin . a group nt ·1 ·11 1 IJC 1 \\' t )(· . hrr . cnutcmpnrar~t·~ camt· l'll tt'tl L' () "fll <I'nn \\' e It· are .. ,,.1 f rnm therr 1n11rnn·s amnng the . . J . · . 1lctll Clhl·lllb Ill !'-Illig- and I f I . . . . f tl . cl S\11'\'L' \ ' Ill lH sp terr . . or a >rtt:t re~ptte rtl111 tl'lr (htKe · · Glencoe Garden Club, s arduous tasks, for a luncheon of vit:l- ' · Prinn·ss 'I\ianina i!'- tht.· t>n .~scs~or t·,f min cubes served hv Autoinattie, thcir Fireside Sale Dec. 4 mt'c.hanical maid, a;td fnr rdrt.':'hment a heautliul \'tliCt'. ~he rccenth· " ·as on Thl' Ckncoe Carden cluh \\"ill han· a t t 1 ttr \\' i t h C h a r I e s \\·a kt·m a n · ('ad m a n hy their stimuli. the H~t .r ~isters, l"lt r;t ·sda\·, December 4, at and Infra. the dancers. \\'hnst.· intt'r<:~t in thc Indian i:-; ex - liresidl' !'-ale \\"edn L Their curio. ity over l t11l\ thentt· ell' - pressed in hi-, \Yell lnrecl music Ct)J11 - the tt:nplc (li the . 'or.th Shnrc (\mgrc g·ation lsrael in C!cncoe. The sale will velOJ>ed into interest, and \\hen tlllt' ol pn..,;tion.; on Indian th<·me:-;. The afternoon program is sponsorl·d include modl'rate priced articles ranging them sho\\'ed her ttl'\\" find. a retrn - J,,. the \\'oman's cluh itself. hut the irom Berea \\'<J\'<:!1 goods. to io.,d at spectoscope, which projects scenes nf <·ntin.· da \' is open to members of the tracti,··: ly arranged. Jltlttery irum Kl:nthe past. Inn suggested its 11 "t..' tt) \\'ilmette League nf \Vomcn Voters. tucky, ~la~sachusctb, and ~r exicll, tlash hack past moments ni the \\" -lln- \\'hn the club announces. ,,·ill he act- l'hri~tmas \\'reaths and grl'ens, articles an's club to aid hrr in tlw \\'riting , j mitted nnh· upon thr presenting- of iur fireplaces, hooked rugs and candle hrr thesis. 1 heir lea .rue nwmhL rship rank wick hrdsprcads, and many novelties such Lounging in the cluhhoust· sn \\'\.' 11 ·- _ _ . ____ _ as trays, pillo\\·s, stationery, and jars. built in 1929 that it "lasted a t lwusan d The Clencoe Garden club is gh·ing this ~ears." these t.'nrrgttic, younl!, and ex- Qry A.uxiliary Program ~liss lessica \\'est of Huhharcl sale to increase its budget for civic work. treme!\' mociern cluh nwmhn.;. Int,: Pnn. nmsician: :\rctura. a <kkgatc \\'n·'ds ~an· a stvk talk Thurscla,· For the pa:-.t thrl'e years the club has to the · Big Dipper; Altair, a delegate ,, ,.L. ni n .~· . · -:\ ll\Tl11 h('~ .? I. f ·1 Ih\\'i ng- t l;t.., \'isited Arden Shorr for lecture work to ~1 ars; Capella, a dekgak to the . !inner crin·n 1n· the luni · r auxilian· !'-ttpplemented \\'ith nature supplies and Federated \\'omen's Clubs ni the t 1ni - c)i the \\'tlllt :tn'; dub ~~r \\'ilmdte. ~It~: iood for the boys. It also offers prizes ,·erst;, anJ Theremina. a sphnl' t tt11cr. t'!ll ph:' si7e<l .fa:-; hi. lll s of in t l'rt.·st t n t hl' in the public school to stimulate interest in nature subjects. The club desires t<l see flash before them inur important -.ma rt husinL·s..; woman. ·- - - - ------ --- - - do more work in hospitals and institu notches on the varclstick lli thl· club'~ history, a mcetiitg in UN!. the n·ct;p- 1' :111sing each member nf t hl' hnard ttl t iom of the north shore and to c;;ccu re funds to continue exhibiting in Chicap;·l 1ion oprning the first rltth~wu~e in faint. ]QJO, a club meeting- in our pre:-;ent A . huge birthda~· cake carried },,· flower shows. timt, and tht' club'.; g-olden ju1,ilce inur of the Goldt·n luhilec nH:mhers in 1941. hnre its candles which. were lighted h~· Four chartrr mem bns \\·hn " ·crl· at l't{.!"ttrrs repre sent ing progres~ and club Philanthropy Sewing that first meeting were {lll tht· stage ;tinls for the years tn con1e. It was a Aids Woman, s Shelter iast Saturday to hear again tlH· read- touch of · beautiful snnhtllism th:1t The Chicago \\'oman's Shelter is to ;ng of the first minutts in whirh a !llarkeci Episode four. benefit by sewing done under the ausmotion was passed tn erert a drinkiqg· Into her pageant the authnr has ·Hlt fountain at the intersection of \Yii- -leep thought and has written cle\'l'r - pices of the philanthropy department Jnette and Central an·nuts whf're Pess into her line s. vet has balanced of the \Voman's club of \\'ilmctt e Frihorses could drink. During this ~·pi the seriousness with- the lightnes s of day, December o, from 10 in the nwrn~odc with its antique i urnitnre and its ;;mtasv, and. cle,·er lv has coated the ing until 4 in the afternoon. The day cnstumts of that hyg-one day, two \l]d dr~· pill of mere fact with humor and is open to all women of \Vilmett e, ducts were sung in the manner of the hrightnes;s. "Believe It or Xnt" enter- whether or not thcv arc members of the club. · time, as part of thc clnh program. tains while it informs. ~fen and women identified br ~~ r.,. l~ohert McClure is chairman for Space does not permit the namingmanv vears with ~ocial and cluh life <"f the large cast announced last week, the December sewing ancl she is assisted in \\'ilinett e tnok part in Episode t \\'O, ],ut the pageant was staged smoothly hy a committee whose members are the reception of 1<110, during which and artistically and the acting was ~~ rs. S. H. Vowell, }..f rs. ]. H. Brum tribute was paid to the pit·cc 1)f art -..·e ry well done, all stage settings were baugh, Mrs. A. F. Hooper, :M rs. C. L. <.'Xtcuted bv M r:-.. Alnnzu l'ohurn wtn- most effective, and the costuming was Mohr, Mrs. H. Scott and Mrs. L. J. holizing th-e club motto "Prngrcs~ Is llriginal, charming. and interpretive. Orr. ~frs. John Maclean is luncheon the Law of Life," and to the "h·1g Lending its touch of unreality to the chairman. o;;uffcring, but not always in silerh:e" futuristic events upon which the husbands who diu their bit in estab- pageant hinges, was the theremin, the lishing the new club. Costumes of new musical instrument played by To Initiate Members nineteen years ago added their quai·lt- l'heremina, hut untouched by her A meeting of the Junior memberness to the scene. hands. It is a Russian invention, and ship of the Woman's Catholic club of The meeting of tht present ho<~.rd the \Voman's club of vVilmette was the \\'ilmctte will be held at the home of · 1f directors con~tituted Episode three, lirst organization to be permitted its :Miss Mary Daegling, Beechwood which ended, when, after lodging crid- sho\\'ing and its use. avenue, Kenilworth, Monday evening, t·i~m of the new club and of the pro\\'hen the pageant clused, guests December 2, at 8 o'clock. The initia~rams it offers, a letter of prai:,c hr took part in the reception and dancing tion of all new members will take place ·he club and all its departments, came,. which concluded the evening. at this meeting. (I . . \\ " at Woman ,s Club Name Committee at Work for Calico Hop Dec. 7 Illinois Voters El Offi ect cers Mrs. · W. G. Hibbard Officer in League; Winnetka League Wins Two Awards ~~ rs. H alph Treaciwa~· of Glen E!1n1 \\'as elrcted president at t 1 1e ninth annual convention of the Tllinoi~; Leagui..' nf \\'omen Vnters held in Evanstnn. \' O\'emher 19-21. Mrs. Treadway succeeds Mrs. J. Hewitt Rosensticl (thr fnrnH·r Bertha Bidwell) of Freeport. '"ho was appointrd tn the hoard of ~hr Xational league 1a"t April. anrl is sening as director of' the Fourth regbn. For the past year Mrs. Treadway has been orryanization chairman. and memher of the -;tate hoard. as well as ho1d!ng the oflicc nf Finance ch;1innan of the Korth UuPage County league. Other nfficers elected at the cnn· vention are: 1lrs. Alirrd D. Kohn of Chicago, first vice-president; ~f rs. \Villiam C. Hibbard of \\'innctka. third vice-prec;idcnt: :rvf rs. Ger~ld Leuck of F\·anston, fnurt h vire-prc~i dent; ~Irs. Han·ev C. Ed\\'ards nf Chica~o. fifth ,·ice-president: ~ho:;. E. C. Hayes of Chicago, recorclin;2 secretary; ~~ rs . Ida Strawn Randall of Lhicago, treasurer; Mrs. F. A. Bar~er d Harvard. ~Irs. George Packard, ~frs. \Vatter]. Evans, and ?\Irs. \\'encloll Gretn, nf Chicago, Mrs . E. ntnev Herman of ~f omcnce. rvl rs. Lre Littlefield of Downrrs Grovt, )..frs. C. l. Peterson of Springfield, Mrs. r. H. Rosensticl of Freeport. 1fr<>. R. P. Sherer of Highlat1d Park. ~frs. i·:. E. Ste\·enso11 of Streator, and ~~ r.;;. lame~ L. Fyfe of Oak Park. the dirertors. Beside the election of officrrs. the rnn\'Cntion \ras important for its ;J.Ction on the program of work for the \·car. Most of the chang-es were ·lur to succe~ses \\'011 this nar at the General assembly. Brcause (lf the passe1ge nf the eight mnnths school year, the Tearhers Certification hill. the com polson· attendance law. clarifying thr t)ld la\\'. and the eig·hth grade requirement for children under sixteen. these ' neasures ,,·en· dropped from the prn!·Tam. The passage of the women on : mies bill, subject to referenclum in \ovember 1930. altered the requirements on the measure from legislati\·'· to educational \\·ork. Additions to the prog-ram for sup:>ort are a permane~1t i egistration bill to help bring the 1llinois Elections law s up to date, thr ,,ro,·ision for a \\'omen's and Children's di\·ision to the Illinois Dep1rtment of Labor, and sex educatinn for kachers' training classes in 110rt~ 1 ~1 :-.chools, colleges, and universitie s. Among the three hundred and mnrc delegates attending the convention were twenty college girls who came from the University of Illinois, from ihe three teachers' colle~.es at Normal, ~1acomb, and DeKalh, from Rockfor·l t·'11lege. Bradley Polytechnic at Peo~ia. .tnd from the Cniversity of Chica~o :mel ~orthwestern universitv. At the Recognition lunch-eon, which dosed the convention, six prizes \\"ere ;nvarded to leagues v..·hich had eithc!" ;.chie,·ed the greatest proportion of in· ITease over last year, or that had. re -ceiv<'d the greatest number of new members and renewals for 1930. The Edwardsville, Highland Park, Lake Shore. Ottawa, Southwest, and Winnetka leagues were the winners. Publicity awards for the greatest numbe:· of inches of newspaper publicity se('Ured since January, were given to Lake county, Winnetka and McDonoug-h cotmty leagues. a 1 v..·.

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