Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Nov 1929, p. 40

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40 WILMETTE LIFE November 29, 1929 Music News and Events Horowitz .~tgain II Repeats Triumphs Casts His Spell I Over Music Lovers '----------~ By Rutheda L. Pretzel \ ' ladimir. l lorowitz, the meteor that =-trL·akl'<i acruss the musical f1rmament two year-; ago, is still hlazing hcfore the aweci eve. of music lovers. His concert in ()r~lwstra hall, Chicag1l, last SundaY afternoon \'.' aS attended In- cl capacity crowd huth in the audito;ium and nn . the :-tagl', ami the applause <;crmcd ju~t as ckaiL·nint.r. hut less hysterical than \rht·n he first appeared. . \\'hl·n llurnwitz played the Rachmaninoff roncerto with the Chicago Symphony orchestra two years ago, he was hailed as a second Padcrc\\'ski, and the profoundly moved people in thl.· audienCl' wept with ecstasy. Aiter t\\'u years, it seems to son~ of the v<:n critical that perhaps in the matter o i ·finger tcchn_ique Horowitz may he greater than the great piani ·t, hut that he can never approach Padcre\\'~ki when it comes to cxpre~sing pcr:,onality in his pl.&ying. And one wonders whether amazing tech nical agility alone is enough to kel'p a g<.·nius 011 the shoulders of the musical throng. Horowitz's personality ts the clear, cold kind that does not grip an audtcnce and stir curiosity as to the man himsdf. Padcrewski, Rachmaninoff and Hoffman arc acclaimed as much for themselves as fur their playing. Pt:rhaps Horowitz has not yet had enough time for the legend-weaving about his personality to begin. Microscopic Deliberation His program Sunday was all technical display and virtuosity. Only one number. the "Andante Exprcssi\·o" movement of the Brahms Sonata in F ).[inor. was quiet. Every other numher was an exhil~ition of his marvelous ability to get . t rom one en.d of the keyboard to . the other with the most perfect skill and agility imaginablr, with a perfection that !>t:tm~ impossihlt!. \Vatching his fingers ~ne Sl't_1ses a <ktailed and microscopic dcltberatJOn, for not one key is pressed du,,·n carelessly. The result is a flawlessly executed composition. The di fi erent movements of the Brahms Sonata demanded the utniost from thnse electric, magnificently capable hands. In the Chopin there was a ddicacv and crystallized cleant!ss of shading th~t \\'as the despair of every Chopin player in the audtence. No one except Horowitz can read into Chopin such refinement and such a razor-edged dynamic scheme. A Liszt "Funerailles" struck a tone of horror. f nr the drum and hells were so realistically conceived. Horowitz astonishes with a variety of tone colors. He followed with a triYial Liszt number, "Au Lac de Wallenstadt" and concl~ded with a tremendously' interesting L· zt arrangement of Saint-Saens' "Danse :Macahre." in \\'hich hl' Si.'cmed to sum up all his extraordinan· talent for producing effects oi tt-ch;1ir and tone color. There were ~nrort·s enottl!h incl~d~ng hie; lao;t year's stnsation, tht: vartat10ns on themes fr.ml tlw ··Pl'r·t "Carmen." ' ~ecause of t!le terrific JHltliH!in~. the strmg~ of the p1ano gave wa\' durin·' the las.t part of the program. <;ne of ~hem gotng do.wn almost a full totll'. while others sltppcd off pitch. For an artist of H~rov.:itz' power otiC would ~uggl'st two ptanos. Keeps Audience T enae N~XT WEEK'S OPERAS \'ladimar Horowitz. Rus'iian pia11ist. now engaged UlJ<Jll his second triumphal tour oi the country, played before a capacity aud :cncc in Orchestra hall, Chi-. e<tg-n, last Sunday. again scoring a trt'mcndous success. :\T r. Hormvitz wili giw the program oi the \Vinnctka Music club Artist- Recital seril's next ~[arch in !\cw Trier auditl)rium. England in Tardy Honors to Blind Frederick Delius England paid homage to the Britishburn composer, Frederick Ddius, during a perioci of t\\'o weeks. for twenty years Dclius wa~ srarcdy recognized in his own country. hut tm\r he is hcing- acclaimed as one nf thl· hrightc:st st:lr-; in tl.1c crown t)f contcmpurary English mu stc, says a London curn.·spnnclent 1Ji tilt' t-.; cd \' ork Times. Blind and paralyzed, tTtuming tll England in his sixty-eighth yl'ar Delius finds himself the ohj~ct of a tri~mph such as few composers have experienced. He has been pre!'l'llt at a memorable festival of six Deliu~ concerts. and at each one has received a hcrl)' s ovation. His gramophone records are selling suddenly hy_ thousands; a whole e\Tning· on the racl10 has heen devoted to his works. Ox inrd unin·rsity has mad~.: him an honorary Doctor of ).lusic. Hi· fine. delicate profile is pictttrt:rl in popular newspa})('rs throughout the Hritish bk~; and outside (JtH·en 's hall, where the fc..;tival conctrts are hl.·ing gin·n. crowds await patiently in the street to cheer him as he is wheeled in hi!' im·alid chair ir1ll11 the hotel to the hall and hack again. ~ra~sent>t's great opera. in five acts, "l.>on Quichotte," which is being- revived by the Chicago Civic Opera company thh; season, will come to nerformancc for the first time WcdnPsday e\'ening, DecPmber 4, featuring· the fifth wef"k of opera. in the new Civic Opera Houst>, \Yacker dri\·c at :\ladison ~treet. This work has not bf"t·n produc·(·<l :-;ince the season of HlU-14. F'or ~lw l't ' Vintl, :\lr. Vanni-:\{arl'oux, who first ]Jre:::ented the work in the United StatE~ s. has again hce11 assigned the important title rol e. :\lr. .Marcoux was heard in this opera in the fn.ll of un:~ and th' winter of J!Jl4, in Bo~ ton, Chicago and Phila.d(:'lphia. \Vith him in the cast are Coe <1lade as La Helle IJulcinee, DeRire Dt'frerl.! as !-;an<.~ ho and an excell<>nt supportingcast. Emil Cooper, under who~e dil'l'etinn, in collnhoration with Sta~' Dire<.:tor ~!nor, the work has ht·en JH't ·pnrt·d for this l't:'\'i\'a 1, will be at the eondw·Lor·s stand. .\n t>lal>orate lJall(·t is indudt·ll in tlw produdiol'l. .\. scl'ond addition to tlw repertoire during the fifth wt·£:k is sehl'duled for t ht· Saturday matinee JWI·fonuance "f I >t>t·t·mlwr 7, wlwn Hit-hard \Vag·1wr's "Tannhaf'user" will hl· pn·:-:<'nted afL<'l' its ahst'lll't' from 'tlw rP]wrtoire for one year. E\·an Turner, Frida Ll'idl'l', Alil·e ~Jo('k, Theodore StraC'kj Richard Bonelli and Alexander Kipnis -tre a motH!.' Lhe pdnr·ipals. Egon Pollak will lle the ronuu<.:tor. The we ·k lH'gins Sunday afte rnoon, Dt·ct'mher 1, \\'ith a St·cond perform:li11'P of "II Trovator ·" and ..\londay eYPning, Deee mber 2. will st·e a repe tition of "Louis~:>." "Der Ho!SenkaYa.llcr" will haYe it:-; :-:t>c·ond }H: rfor.n wnec of the sca:-:on on Tuu;day, Dee ·ml)('r 3, followed hy "Don Quil:hrJtte" on \Vednel'iday, a renetition of "L'Amore dei Tre Re" on Thursday, the '"l'annhat:'user" on Saturday matinee "Aida" on Haturday nh~· ht and "Le :rongl':'ur cle ~otrt' Dam ·· for the fifth Ruhurhan sTiccial Sunday Jl1<ltinee, Decemb(·r 8. :\Iary <:ardt·n will lw making her fir:-.t Hunday afternoon app~::arance in thl' fifth suhurban ~Jwdal in Jule~ :\lassenet'::; thre<'-at:t l~Tical play. As in the first performance of this opera, \"anni-:.\Lctr1·oux will sing the role ot' Bonifaet·, Edouard Cotrcuil that of the Prior, and Tht·odon· Ritch, Robert Ringling, .Antonio ~icoli<'h and Desire I >efrere will assume the roles of the :\Junk Poet, P<t intPr, Hculptor and ~lusician. 'J'hc opt:'nL will be followed by the ballet, "Lakt· of the Swans," ft·aturing Huth J'ryor, Edward Caton, S\·l'n La rscn and tht· ballet. :Musical Dir('dOJ" Uiot·;.:-io Polat-co will conduc·t both tlw ll)lt·ra and tht: ballet. M argherita Salvi Returns for Work With Civic Opera Cahkd i11 iormation brings thl· anllouncement oi the return of 1\Iarghc:rit;t Sah·i, colorattlra soprano from '111111} ~pain who joined the Civic Opera j, 1rn-; la~t ~l'a~ntl. During the intt:n·al since ~Iiss ~ah·i parted company with the Chicag<' ct~m pany in Host"n last Fehruary, ~hl' h;t-.. heen ~ inging· \rith fine ~ucccss ;n tlw ~lnnk Cart,~ Opera. The llague and 11thcr Emopean cities. ~fore rl:'ccnth· she appeared in Santiago de Chile an;l . Lima, Peru. From Snuth America. "hl· rdurnl'd to t·:urnpc for a fc\\' scattered perionuancr~ hdnrc sailing11,r the l' nitl'd State c.;. \\ "hl'tl .\I i~~ ~ah· i ··appl·arecl in .\I lllltl' Carh ~ingim: with her was a yuung lyric tl'll.,r, Ciny;mni 1tanurita. an Ita lian citizen nf Spanish parents, who lih \\·ise \\·on the acclaim of the audiL·nn· and the critic~. This yuung- man ,rill I s<til ~hllrtly irorn Genoa, and will ht·cc,nw a memht:r ()f the Civic Oper:t 1' 11\11 pany iur the prbl'nt season. : . Tlw lii,l'. Pt young ~1a_nnrita n ·;&d , ltke a tlmlltng romance. l·,ager to tah c ; l~i:' part in thL·, great \\·ar, although hut httt'L'Il years Ill age, he maneuvered an .·-·nli: -;tml'nt in the air corps \\·here he '"a ~ 1 \·anously decorated for deeds of Yal,,ur, sen·ing threL' year~ at the front. ! .\I ;ultlrita made his dchut in opera at : the <.:nstanzi theater in Home in ':\fa s' -;enet s ").{anon," after thn'c years ni ! vocal training-. Since his dcuht he ha~ had a rapid rise to popularitv in Itah· I 111d the il)rcig·n countries wh(ch he lw.. ; : vi~ited. .'\mong other places \\'here hl' 1 1as appeared arc \Varsaw, Berlin, H <tm hurg. Prague, Copenhagen. The HaglH·, !\fonte Carlo, Ostend, Brussels, Yichv 111<l Barcelona. His most recl'nt l'n·. 'ragements \\·ere at the Victor Em;mul'l Theatre in Turin, the Garibaldi in Padua ·uHI the Licl'o in Barcelona. · j . Sonw. nf ~lanurita's best rnlc:s ;m· ; 1 cnmd 111 .. R1goletto." "Don CioY.tillli" ·'La Tr;l\·iata." and "The Barber ,,f ville ." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 <·- Arturo Toscanini closed his first period as rontluctor of the Kcw York Philharmonic- Symphony orchestra with the concert in the Brooklyn Academy of 11usic last Snndav after·noon. He ~ails for ftaly on K;l\'t.'mbl'r 30, going directlv to Capri. where he intends to buy an· old C~btk :\iter a short vacation he will ~o to ~~ ilan to :-pend Christmas. Earlv in Ft:hruary lw \\'ill return to 1\c\v York tu rehear!'lc ior the first concert of his ~econd eight-week period, which takes place in Carnegie hall on February 27. At the conclusion of the season he will leave with . the orchestra for Europe, RECITAL AT CIVIC THEATER !<ita Kevc, pianist. is to present a re- where he wtll conduct a five weeks' 1our. cital in the Civic theater. Chicago Sun- giving t\\Tnty-three concerts in varinus day afternoon, Decem her 1. at 3 ;'dock, cities. under direction of Hntha Ott, Inc. At the end of the program last Sunday. one noticed manv in tht: audirnce ari .ing as if from a trance and sighingas tf to relax. Horowitz dot· not aJlow his audience to sit hack and listen in ease to his playing. He is too dynamic too caught up in a whirlpool of tension: His taut raised shoulders. the static line (Contributed) :\1 i~s .\11 na Hurmeister, one of Chi ca .:n~'s nwst popular singers, g-ave :1 hnlhant prngram of songs last Sund;H· aiternnon at the Shawnee Cnuntr~· rluh. This rc~umes the Sunday aitrrnnon 1\\·ilight musicales at this club 'vhich haYe ah,·uys been one nf tht' artistic and <t.ttractive events oi the entl.'rtainml'nts furnished hv ~lr. Charles Triggs and his committee. :\1 iss nurmeister sings with perf crt casl' and poise. Her song~ are genu itH. ' interpretations. Last SundaY she reached her g-reatest height in fhge man's "Do t\tlt Go My Love," whirh seemed a periect rendition of a heantiful song. ~fiss Burmeister was accompanitd by 1frs. Agnes Conover \Vho furnis1wd not only the excellent assistance to the Lucrezia Bori in lOOth singer but also a very attractive grl)un ROBESON RECITAL TUESDAY piano solo numbers: ' Appearance in La Boheme ofAnother recital IS scheduh·(t ior Paul Roheson, baritone. will appear in On November 2o Lucrezia Bori made early in December. recital in Orchl·stra hall Tuesday enhtr one hundredth appearance as 11 imi ning. December 3. at H:15 <)clock under in "La Boheme," when she sang the role DENISHAWN PROGRAM au!<>piccs of Bertl1a Ott, Inc. 'lt the 1fetropolitan Opera House. She l{uth St. Denis and Ted Shawn \rorld first sang- the role fourteen times i:1 n·nowt1ed dancers have been secu;ed for of his back. atul the tense mo\'ement..; oi fourteen \r~cks in nne town in Italy, a program in Orchestra hall vVedncsda\· his head help to leml a kind of glistl'n- then t\n·nty-onc performances in Buenos cwning. December 4. at 8:15 o'clock. ing- coldness to his pla~· ing:: an in· Aires and twenty more on other tours of ~et:tha Ott. Inc., is sponsoring this event. sparkle that keeps the audil.'nce ihL·lf Europl' and South America. The re- 1 hts company ;.1ppeared early this werk congealed and almost stiff with ten- maining forty-tiYe appearances have been in the Decrpath theater at Lake Fore~t sion while watching and.listening. on Broadway. hd ore a capacity audience. T oscanini Sails for Rest in Italy; Back in February Anna Burmeister Delights at Country Club Musicale

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