Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Nov 1929, p. 44

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I Latest School News JUNIOR LIFE Recreation Told b:v the Pupils Board Published weekly bg the school children of Wilmette under supervision of Wilmette Playground and YOL. 2 i\0. 37 \VILMET1'E, ILLINOIS, NOVEMBER 29. 1929 Bruder, Grid Ace at N. U.; Talks to PutJils at Howard Thursday, November 21, Howard was honort:>d by thE' prE>l'1en ce of "Hank" l~rudt-r, ~tar halfback of Northwestern mtiYrr~:~lty. An Interview With Miss Gayton Question : How long have you been a librarian? Answer : Se\'en years. Question : Do you enjoy it? Answt>r: Very much. Question: How long did you have . t9 study to become one? Answer: Four y ears in college, one year in librarian's school. Question: Did you study to he any' hlng else except a librarian? Answer: Yes. A high school English teacher. Que~uon : Why? Answer: BecauRe I had to carry other s tudies. Question: '\\~at colleges did you go to? Answer: Beloit college, Unlvcrslt:r of Chicago, graduate course. Question: Ha,·e you IJeen a librarian In any other !iChools t>xce pt 1\'ilmette !-chools? Answer: Ye~. Astoria High school, Astoria, Ore. ; Thomas .Jefferson high l'Chool, Council Bluff, Ia. -~Iarjorle Welll er, iC Stolp. Howard Fails to Wilmette Girl Scouts Preparing for Contest Hold Early Lead, The Girl Scouts are preparing for a contest between all troops. Troop 2 has been practicing In knot tying and Wednesday w e l:ltarted bandaging. Our captain had us go on a mak e b elieve treasure hunt on whi<.'h m:-tny al·<·idents · occurred to different members of the patrol and the other members of the patrol had to banclage them up with a certain bandage used for that partic ular purpose. The patrol firHt done won a point. . The injuries were this: A girl fell oYer a twe lve foot cliff and we had to haul her out. The funny part about this was that every patrol but one put a on~ foot rope down to pull the J>Prson out over a twelve foot cliff. That was wro I!' One patrol got lt right by tying ~ their ropes together. Next a rabbit hurt its paw and we had to bandage a girl's hand. Then a girl u·ipped over a log ancl hurt her ankle, and while falling, hit another one who fainted. We had to look after these. Afterwards another girl was supposed to cut her ·head and w e had to fix that. This ht>lped us grea tly in learning knotH and bandaging and it i~ also fun.-PhylliR Carleton, 8C Stolp. Stolp Wins Title Monday, November 18, Stolp played their last championship game against Howard 8B. It was a very rainy da v so we had to play ln the gym whtch disappointed us very much. The gam e was the most exciting game of our kick baH season and we have had many clo.st· games. Howard was ahead very much at tht' beginning. The last lnnin~r arrived with a score of 17 to 10, Howard's favor. We were to have our ins now and Wt· caught up, making the score 17 to li. Howard then had theh· last ups and they gnt a run so Mis::; Skidmore said the game was over and we started getting our coats on. We had just got our coats on and were r eady to leave wh e11 Miss Skidmore came up and said t.h t:' scorekeepers had announced the score rr. correctly and that it was a tie and w t> were tQ play It out. Howard was still up and only had one out. That meant that we had to get two outs in succession and keep a girl who was or\ third basf-' from gettin~ in. We were all very excited and w e r e try ing to do our be::; t. We then caught a fly which made two outs but we still had to get another out. This was made l)v getting the ball to first just befo1·~ the girl on third reached home . The ~t:o re ended a tie and we were glad. Thi s I made us win the first game from Howard ~nd t~t: the sec6nd so we win the c hanlJ) wnshlp. -- Phyllil' Carleton. RC Stolp. The studE>nts of Howard al'l'embled In auditorium at 11 :15 o'cloek. It hapJ·f'nt"d to bf> a big morning. The pf.>nll:ltl tR and "W" 's were to be gl\'en out : o thf> grades holding the ch.'lmplonshlp :md the boys fr.om Howard on the hN\ Y;.·welght. lightweight, nnd Peewee !tams. ThP boys rE>Prt>Aentlng tht>~t' lN\ml'1 gaye '-'J)f'f·cht·s and, wonder of wonder!'!. "Mr. I'a,·is told UA that the Rtar halfbaclt, ·'Hnnk" Bruder, was going to talk to us. Thi s is the story Mr. Brudt·r told: It waR his senior year at the high !>-('hnol of Pekin, 111. Another high Rchool nt Pt>orla, Ill., had bE>at en them for six ~· (·ars In ._uccesslon. This year the team, nn which ~1r. Bruder wal'1 a. playpr, was l<t·Yf·d to tht> highest point for r evenge. At tht" lal-1t E>lght mlnutt'R of the game the score was 2 to 0 In fa\·or· nf the oppn~lng team. At the e nd of thf' game it '-I'M ~0 to 2 In favor of Hank'~ Alma ~fah' r. He neel\·ed a letter from hiA hi~h school and h e said he ha s trf'a.surt-d this all hi~ life. Those who Ji s tencd In at the heginning··f tlw season tP North\\'t'Stern'!4 g-ames r'l'llwmlwr how the annoUJH'f'l' was Ha:ving l~rudE>r did this and Rruder did that. llurlng the \Vi sconsln gamt> lw wal-1 ln.;un·d and h nd tn be taken out an1l aftf'r, ;ards It was learned lw had !"Uff\·n·.d a l.rcol\en leg. X r>xt Y<>ar Bruder will han· t wil'f' as llliJC·h vim and vigor to play. .\ t the · nd of the program the <'hildrt ·n jm~t "\\':ltnpf'd him saying, "Sit:?;n thi~:· and "\\.ill you autograph that?" Only the ,,,,~·s were nllow(·d to al'k him to ~ign or :o lltogranh an;.·thing hut tlwrt· were n 11 w lucky glrlR. -Margrette Tit·ynold:-:, Howard HR. 1 he Wilmette and Haven Play Frances Dreamed Until to 0-0 Tie in Grid Final the Dreams Came True Saturday. !'\on"llllwl· 16· . thP \\.ilmE>tte PeP wee~ and Ft-n thPI'S h~t<l 1he final football l!ame of thf' yea1· and f11r ll1"Sl of u~ the la:;t fonthall gnn1e in A"l'ammar ' Th rough Wh 0 S81·d Theyre With "Merchant of VenJ·ce" tht· ··:llh·d "Th£> l\frr<' h:tnt of Y enke." \Yt· hnd lwrn through !'tud:dnl!' it '"o~p than a Wl't ·k ago hut \frs. Stalling : 1 ':'SIJ:~nt · d .:tn aC't of tht· pl.a~· '" t-adl rr·w "' SP:lt~ 111 .t hC' rnom . .\Itt·!' tht · last .t~ · t had bt···n gtn·n, ~lr;.: . Stnlling ~aid in Cl · · ·~ ual. ~oft tone: "I thinl\ it would lu· , ,;et· if ~· ou dn' w a gmup l·f fig-lll't·~ with ' lw t · oqumC'~ nf Sh:t kt·SJlt'al't>·:-: tinw. ·· ·!'ht·n :-ht· :1dc1rd. hn~tiJ:x·. "It'<.: in your · 1't \\' PI' I\. Y<lll l\ 1'0\\' ... ~fnnday morning, Xon·mbt·l' ' I!'~ ar lnst fini Rh ed n·ading· lS, tlw play I r nn thro ug h th·· rnnm-a tn that m:tllt· J,v a hoy d11o lws £>:Ltf'n grt ···n applt·;.: . .\ftt·t· th£> 1 "i:-· · suhsidPd. :t ft·\\' of t lw pupib ~ li t:?; :: · :-lt ·cl h()oks wht ·rt ·ill c<,~tlllllt·:-: of t hi s 11:11· · <'an hr> f<·UtHl. :\Irs . Stalling <.:aid , )lt · 1\"tl}(] ]j)(t' f11 l\;1\'t· t·Jllltlgh 1-!Utld J)ir··lll't ·:-' t" hang :-~long t \\· n \\'all:-: . ~ton· ~· 1'1 ·: Ill :0: . Tllt'n thr· C'lirnax ft·ll UJ;on nur <>an:. " r- . :-:1 : tllin~ ~:lid <.:ht· \\'r·ulcl Jil<t · to h :t\'1' 1 !1· :- ·· m:trl, . hr·t\\'t ·c·n Thank:-:l.!'iving· and 1'h1 i'11ll' 1 " :111(1 that Wt> ~hnuld hp snrv .· . I· ll :\1r!-=. :\la c: rm. Tt':- fullll\' h11t n(ll ··rly lll· ·nti<ont·d it in art l'la~!". · - ~1ar!!r< · lt· · H< ·:nvl]cl s, , B lloward. ~rr·an ~irnil:lr . gr(l:tn ~· .~tn· a hard 21, with t{< ·tlihvttrth. Tht· ~won: wa<.: H to 17 in t 1\'··r t·f K(·nllworth. P.ut :\Ii~s ::::;kldl· o fll't · :-:tid WP pla~·1·d a g .. o<l game ttnd \\'t' Hln·ly clir1 work h11t it'!' just too had l· ·r t;.\ . Tn tlw l:u.:t inninl! Wt· made :d.r·ut ~t · \'(·n runs but w~· lost and that \\· ;p. l·llr la!-lt gam(' (Jf tilt' St·ason. -llf'lf·n Lindstrom, Jlownrd 6.\. Thur:-rla~·. :-: 1,· . '11(; liT STA ItT l : .\ UJ,n: H ll ownrd girls x .. ,. t·mh~·~· pLt\'t'd TO J·JtF.SF.'S'f I'LA Y :\lr:-:. JonPl', t'he 6A and fiB tt ·:tdler of Jlr·ward:, i!-l I tting us P?t on a pla~· ··ailed The Lnnd of T<..quftl \'ha n,·e." ~1rR. Jonf's pic·k ed out grOU}l:-: from both r!?r·m:- and W<' an· lt>a1·nin~ our nart~ . !'tx w·oplP hn\·' all thE' HH111t· part s and 1 hen la tf·r she will pick thf> lw:-:t for t·n<·h ;·art. will then gin· the play in the ::uditorium.-June Sors<·n, 6B Howard . "'e Oh! Ho\\: I longt·d for a kickball. l asked for a ldckhall t'\'Pry tim e I turned around. OnE> day J t~s l< ed so many timE's I thought sure l wa~ going to be killed. ~<·hool. But I still wantNl a ki ckball. Every Tn the feath£>1'\\'t-lght g-anw. \\'ilml'l tt- time anyone askt'cl nw what I wantf'rl ki<:kf'd off in the first half. It wa~ anv- for a birthday (!I' Christmas preRent I hod\"s gnnw until 11ear the encl "f thP an~wered. "A Ki c- kball." Just the nther day I had a birthday. h nlf whf' n Ifn,·pn kkkt·rl fr<1111 IJ<·hind Lnst Monday we had a ki c kball gamt' thPir own gnat. Th· · kkk wPnt (1111 o11 How I hoped my wish would come trut·. thPir 20-:vard li1w . \\.(' immedinlt'l.\' ~··t \\'e went ~hopping th e day hPfore i:1 good player~. Central was up fin:~t. Then The llt'Xt morning, I was with Central. The Centra I playt-rs an· hu~\' in h ntws of a tr,uchdown. <m .. EvanstcJII. they macll' thn·e o ut~ and th en we ~·en · pla;.; and thE' whi:-;tlt· hlt·\\' fn1· the half. t·e n.cli ng- the pape1· nncl thought of nothi" but what I waR rt:a<ling. All of a sud- up. ~onwhrody tried to find out the score. ' 'rilnwttc n ·t·ein.·tl in tlw JH<Xt l1nlf · llPn ~0111-thing hit m e and ~·ared nnd hf'J?;an n ~low hut stt-<~th · nl ·tl't·'· almost to death. 1 jumped about two The scon·kt·t:'pe r told nobody the scor(' until tht· third inning hut we found out town rd tbe f'll(·m~··s goa 1. "··· \\'l'l't · fPI"t in the air and ~aw a box. Of course \\'hat tlw Sl'OI'P was. It wa s 24 to 20 in h:tltt>d hv the ··ncl of tht· !_!;llllt · "" tllt'i' it was a birthcht~· prt·s(·nt. I <·P" Ilf'"" our fa ,·or hut l\Ir~. Ball told the Central r,ne-vanf line with fcttll' 011\\' ll~ ' " it excitedly and what ditl 1 sc·t·, a ldd.;:- thilt \\'e were ahead of them. They started n totlc·hdown. Th· · t:am·· t'llll· ·d i11 a :-t '·ll ···- ball! ~ly wish h.ad come t(o tnw. to work and in the final inning the scon· les~ tie. France~ rollin~. 6 B Hrm·ard. was 26 tt· :!:i in their faYor. 'l'h e n ext The litH·llll f, .r \\.il11 1 .-tl·· \\';t=-': ··.HI. :-:t. g<\lne \\'t· playt'd was with Kenilwort11 . · 'lair: t ad\lt·. 1 ;r~'~'": l.!twr<l. ~Tnxwell: -Eit·a llor SJWI't:'dt.':-<, Howard 6A. n·lttt·r. ll·wlz :tntl lf:.n· ·\· : ~.:n:trd <'raw['. rrl: tacklt-, noiJZt·r: t·lld. · Stnd<hou~~: fl ll :t l tt ·r ktt ·k ... \11\\' .. rtll: halfb:td\ Y(·rl. .t l· ·n. llan~::~· and Yr·Uil!!' ; fu ll . Simon~ . St::\'eral of the Girl<.: Sco11t~ of Tro fl p · \\'alLw. · (' 1; 1 \dttnl. :-.ll :-:t"lp. \\'l'l'e l'ntertain Nl at tht:' \\·o man·~ t'luiJ la st \Ve dn f'sday. \\.t· g-an· a demon-~L··~· Friday, ~n\· t:'mht.·l' ~t. til.. M · d:ts:-· tion of the colm· <· ·l'(·mony, saluting- l ht' had a lll()\'it· during· thei:· l';t;IJ JJ< ·rio t·.. Tl~t· ling· and gi\·ing- our JH'(Jm i~l:'. mo!t Ot'S, a11<1 name <·f tlw mo1·iL \\',\...,~ " Tiw Ln~t 1a ws. \Ve also ~ang- ~t:'n·ral k·1llg-..:, ··uJt \\'o rl<.I ." Jamt:'s .:\1<:Ciurl' b :·<·u:.;-ll t th t· Heautiful Bnnne1·," o nr ~cout hvmn ar:cl tilnt all(l mach,i1w and ente rtaiu ed u~ th1· "Gol<l e n ~un." .\fte1· \W had ~uttg tlUJ·ing· our remedial pt>J'i()d. W e invitetl Thu1·:-r!:1.\·, .'\tl\ t'lllht· r 1::. t iH· "Spirit of taps tht> buglet· phlYt·d it. '.rhl'~· !-Cl'n·tl the SB class to see tli.~:: movies and we l'·:.'~t . " ~! 1 ~lolp·~ Yolle.,·hall tt-am, pla:-,·cd u~ lnndwon following thi!-'. \\'" h ad 'l had the m oYiel> in the 813 clas::;room. t h·· " \\'t · \\'ill" !-.<' girl!". It was tlw first splendid timf' and wrn1l1l lik · tn g·.. :1~:1i1r. :! ames s howed us t ..,.o re els and then, a~ ~:i lllt' of lilt · \'ttl lt·.\·hnll ~··l'il':-: and I' ;H.:h - l!t·t t~· ~mith, Stolp SC. 1t was late, we had to go. It was Yery t t·a 111 lltt)lt·d to :--l:t rt till· s~:a~on \\'C'Il h\' interesting- and w e all enjon·d it great 1:: . 11 ilntin~.:. Un :\lttndn~· nf the sanw W<>£>k, -.\Ike ~beling· , IW ~tolp. tl :·· SD girl:-: t·lt·t·t<·d a 11 :1me nnd a capt:tin for tllt'ir to-am. Ruth Solomon w :ts IL\NJ) I~ ~OTEBOOKS · l'l1·· ···n by lllirtt·t·n Yotl·s. althoup;h Huth The eighth grade~ of ~tolp wde :--: :tndt·rsolt l':tll ;1 t·lost· :-<t'C'ond. J.r<' On Tuesday, Krn·ember 1~~. llnwar<l ~A Jw nded bad<: their tree noteuooks, Fri1. ··n· h:tppy wi1h 1our nt>w (·;tpta in and tuok a trip to the Art institut e. " "e "·en t <la~·. No\·embcr 22. '£here were many I "Jlt' to (';tiT~· 11ff mort· Yktorit·s like this down on the North Shorr litH· t" "\!lams ::c·od one~ and Miss Stevens, our general ··lit'. which rt·~ult('d in a !-lc·or(' of ~O · to 26 and \Vabash. Down th e1·e Mi s:; rut<Pl ~cienc:e t eacher, was glad that there I I' I tlll' f:t \ 'Il l' . showt>d us fir!-lt a l'Hl'Ying done !J~· ~til'hel we re no pupils who did not hand them - Lu <·~· .\nn C' .Jonas. , D Stolp. Angelo of a sla\'f' trying to free him- in. Our tree notebooks have been made self from his bonds. Th e next pktu.rt· (luring the past two months by ourselves. s h e showt:>cl us was a picture done b .. The~· wl:'re greatly varied with blueprints, {'0:\IPJ,ETf: }'Ol'XTAI~ ~{ubens, then one by Rembrandt and t·Utlines, srnokeprints, sketches and the TIH' IH'W fountain at Howard has h~ <'n tht>n w e contrasted tlwm. We then went lt·aves themselves. The leaves were fixt·d up. Tlwy put about eight goldfiRh into a room with J)aintings done by identified and pictures of trees were in it and tlwy also have n red light in Clemens, Conl'table. floiJbt:'ma and Corot. added which made some very nice one~. it and 1·unning watt>r all the time. They - Philip Hoelz, 8A Howard. -Harry Hughes, 8C Stolp. lla \'e colored stone~ in the bottom of it :tnd ;f lwlp~ to makt' Howard ~ch0ol A 1"J'AIN HIGU AVERAGE TEENIE WEENIE LIXEUP he:mtttul. The eighth grades of Stolp were glad 'l'he girls on the Teenie Weenie team -Harold Palmer, G.A Howaro. 0C 7A Stolp are: Eleanor Evans, catcher; t11 find that there has never been more ~lnry Jean LewiR, pitcher; Mary Ella ·'E" 's on social science notebooks given Miss Chase, \Vaidener, first base; Virginia Ann Snorf, to former eighth grades. EIGHT-D ])0\\"S~ EIGJIT-B base ; Georgette Becker, third I·Ur ~ocial science teacher, also said that Thursday, November 21, the 8D girls !--Ccond gave three "E-pluses" which .5he has played the 8B girls in volleyball. The l·ase ; Betty Marks, right shortstop ; l\lary ~he .1 ane Donahue, left shortstop ; Margaret Bever done before. There were no fail~core was close all through the game. in the 8C but there were a few tn :\ t the end of the firAt half the score was r>arshall, right field ; Eleanor Burpee, ures rhe other classes. Miss Cha~";e was very 1:~ to 9 In favor of 8D. At the end of the left field; Judith Ross, center, and Mil- plea~ed with them. l!a.me the ~core was 23 to 22 in favor of dred Farmer, substitute. -Harry Hughes, 8C Stolp. -Mary Jean Lewis, 7A Stolp. \D.-Ruth Sanderson, 8D Stolp. Central Kickball Squad Downs Howard Te.am, 26-25 me I Wilmette Woman's Club Entertains Girl Scouts Eighth Graders at Stolp School See "Lost World" · Volleyball Season Ouens, Eight-D Downs Eight-C's " ·<· Howard Eight-A Pupils Study at Art Institute In 1\liss Davis' room we have been The seventh and eighth grades of Sto1p ~OTHF.RS A 1'TF.~J) TE ,\ Howard 7B had a game with StolJl 7C had moving pictures of Edison's life. A rt~ ading poems and stories and finding Thf' mothers of the pupils of Mrs. Wt·dnesday, November 13. It was rainY man first got up and told about Edison, which ones are practically the same. De.l1·n<·s' room were in\'it<·d to a tea at th ~ that day and when it was about 3 o'clock then we had two reels on his life. They (·ember 3, our book reports are due and homE> of Mrs. Fox , 131i Elmwood a\'e- " Hap" carne around and told us there ,.,ere very interesting showing Edison as we hope to have many fine ones. I am ··ut-, ThurMay, NovE>mbH 14. Asflisting wo uld be no game on account of rain. a little child, then as a young man, then going to report on "Tish," a book of short Mr:-: . Fox a" hostess wert· l\frs. Dierks We have three gameu and one called off when he made the first electric light. We ~tories based on the adventures of three and Mrl'. Allworth. all enjoyed lt very much. women, all around 50 years of age. "ll account of rain. -Arlent- Conrad, Stolp. -Phyllis Carleton, 8C Stolp. -Mary Alice Hayes, 8C $tolp. -Howard Ball, 7B Howard. RAIN-NO GA~IE VIEW MOTION PICTURES REPORT ON BOOKS

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