Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Nov 1929, p. 46

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46 WILMETTE LIFE November 29, 19. ?.9 Wilmette Playground and Recreation Activities Recreation Board A wards Letters to .14 for Grid Work Thirty-four boys, members of \Viimette grammar school football teams, ha,·e been awarded letters IH· the \Viimctte Plan~·round and Rccrcatiot1 l)Oar<, 1 wh1ch · sponsors the intramural program of the schools. Presentation of letters was made at Howard school Thursda,· of last wct.·k at a special assembl)·. .:Hallk" Rrmkr ~ta-r half -hack and. captain-c teet of th~ 1930 Northwestern football team, was j)rrscn t and delivrred a short addres s li' t h r team members. Rrminiscrnccs of his own grammar 'chool and high school foot hall days 10_rmcd the theme of Bruder's talk · that scho-' wt tl 1 the a dd e d ex 1 10rtatwn la!'tic r<'cords ha\'C a material he~ring on a player's participation in all inter~r hool contests. Intramural Athletics 7 :00 SPORT CALENDAR llonday, December :! ~~~~~krdK~:;u~~1 1 > Bill Anhalt gd ColegroYe nt'org·e Peter::;o11 'Rill Wade Robert Bolingf'r nigelow Haley (:ardon Schuber <: Pra ld ~pinner Lloyd Hillberg Central 6A (0) Gordon Keith Homer Bohnen Roland Davis Ralph Elson Herman Birlauf .Tames Chronis Haldane \Vil ~:; rm Hall Clark Rogf'r 'Villiams Rtol11 7.-\ (0) Hud Hew! tt Bill Boddie .TanH·l" ('hri!-itian"-en p. m. Women's basketball, Stolp gymnafo;ium . 7 :30 p. m. :\l en'l" \'olleyball, Howard -gymna~ium. Recreation Head Talks to League of Women Voters Forty different activities, 375 athletic teams, and special services rendered on numerous occasions where recreational leaders were needed, mark the scope of work being conducted by the \Vilmctte Playground and Recreation board, Daniel M. Davi s, \Vilmette's director of recreation told the members of League of \\"omen V otcrs at a luncheon meeting at the \\"ilmette \Voman's club Monday. Included in the 375 athletic team :-. were eight-two baseball teams, thirty two football teams, twenty-nine kickball teams, one hundred eighteen basketball teams, twenty-eight soccer teams, fifty volleyball teams, twelve ice hockey teams, five track meets with 1,600 children par·icipating, and eighteen team:-. in hurseshoes. 'fh6c were the statistics issued bY the Recreation hoard on ~1ay 1, the end of the fiscal year, Mr. Davis told the league members and added to the num bers quoted above arc new activitic " started at the beginning of the 1929-1930 season. Dancing is one of the ncwc~t feature-. added thi s season, Mr. Davis said, and although the class has not been a finan cial success it has met with success in every other way. It is possi ble that " bridge league will be started if there j..., sullicirnt demand ior an activitv of thi kind. · ~1 r. Da\'is' talk was giYen in thl' placl' oi an addrL·ss hy C. ~lite s ~lclJunald. chairman of the Phtyground and Rcr n·ation hoard. \vho was unable to at tend the meeting. Tuesltay, 7 :30 DN~_.,.mher 3 p. m. BusinN1!-; girls' gymnasium etas!-;, Howard gymnasium. 7 :30 p. m. Women's basketball, Stolp gymnasium. Wednesday, U«'cemht'r 4 6:40 p. m. ~tolp 7n (21) Bill StackhoUHf' non Anderson Tialph Varney navid Cre~sev 1:ob .:\fackler· ( 'ar·li~lf' Galvin ~:tolp SB (10) Hill Zoerni <'h Swimming for wom~n. Sovereign hotel. 7 :00 p. m. Basketball for men, Howard gymnasium. 7 :00 p. m. Basketball for men, Stolp gymnaRium. Thursday, December li T~oh Klf'l Ri('hard Born .ta(:k Gaither l{if'!wrd Pr<>~ton l.t'ster F. Ball, coach of the \\'i lmcth I :ill Burrill tt·ams which met Evanston and Kcnil- I !ill :\Jenzel . . i·' lmer Young\\"Ort I1 111 competition for the North f1ur-;~t>ll \\~yl <' Shon· Grammar School foot hall Ira gut championship, awarded letters to 'tht' Ho\Yard boys who had earned them in ll"waJ'(l fin ( ) t hc season just closed. Boys who :·e- 1 loll Jl prman~ou ·ri \'cd lett'cr wcre : Hea\~_n\'L' t..!.!l!f 1-;pen df's ,, .. ;- .II,Jlll ~tuart Edmonds .1nhn Osbornr, Mark Sin1onds and Al ('Jarkt J{irwin Br0\\'11; Lightweig- hts-Cetlrge ~[;tx- · 1an :\fi<"ke,· well, J~cginald Green, Phi)j,) llurlz an<l ll nr low Trlt)Jf'tt D · n ~ \\.illiam ~C'hant aYJd oozcr: Pcwecs- Ct·nrge Gr een l. :tw rt ·th'~c' Haugsn··~ :Rohcrt H~rr~1anson, Ludwig Skog .\!fred .\nd et·son Fra1~k Chnst1ansen, Gl'rald Spinner l"!t hHt Hrumhau~~:h DaYtd Haas and Frank Koenen . l!oiH·rt Knf'J1JH'I' - - ,Pennants :n~rc a\\'ardccl hy Glen \\' ( rat.hcrcoaJ. m stru ctor of I)ln·!'-ical t·dur~ t1o!1 at H oward school. tt.1 the rooms W111tll!1g the football champil1n~hip c1f ~he \' tltage. Tack R'l fl as 1 t ey, 1y ~np 1 10mnre \\'ho made a name for him . elf at X<H·thwestern this season and "·hn i a 'Vilmctte boy, was the speaker at . the Stolp asscmblv Tuesda\' afternoon ' w J1en twenty hoys were -a\\'ardcd letters. The pre. entation of :m·anl~ was ~nade by Dudley C. Stone, gymnasium mstructor at Stolp, and the following hoys received "\V's": Heavyweights_:_ Sheldon Fox, Bill Zocrnish, Bill Bur \\.'))' re 11 · Ch ar 1 ~s ' t tams, \\"illiam ~fenzel, Tom Finlayson, J{ichard Hall, Richa~·d Pre~!O!l and Robert Keil. Lightweights - \\ 1lham Stackhouse. _T ohn St. Clar· · '.1 !lck Allworth, Elmer Young. Harold \ ~rhalrn and Dick Han·t')', Pe\\·ees~lchard Cullen, \\'arren Young-, \Vii !tam Rowen. Russrll \\.vie and "·itliam ~f elchior. David \Valkic. a pupil of the St. Jo~eph paroch1al school, likewise rrce_ t\·ed a letter as a mrmher of thr ltC'nvywcight team. ~tnlp ~D (0) t 'harlefo; \\'a rre n Stolp RC ( 0) Diek Hall Bill Melchior Paul Moore ~ozzPn~ 'Villiams .Tack 1\rilier .I a Ilk~ :\fc<'lurt· Bill Kat?. T,orkP Rogf·r~ Rill Hnw.·n At·ro club for boys. Central school manual training room. 7 :30 p. m. Gymnasium class f or women, Howard g·ymnasium. 7 :30 p. m. Gymnasium claHs f 0 r women, Stolp gymnasium. ~ p. m. -Hor!-lf'Shof>:-; for me1~i~ nrd school attic. 7 :30 p. m. Frltlay, DecPmher 6 c't·ntral 61i (0) nordon l{l"i t h Edward \Volff Homer Bohnen Hog·f'r Willia111H Roln nd Da '· i~ .Tamf·s Chror~i.; JJal<l:tnc· \\-il ~on .Junior polit··· g· ~·mnasium work, l (oward ~chnol. wr,..stling, 7 ::lo p. m. Boxingand Howartl school. ~ :00 p.m. t:ymna~iunl d:tss for men, Hownrd ~<'hool. . :00 p. m. :\larrit>d ('<·uples dancing dass, Stolp gymnasium. 7 :00 p. 111. I"X'I' HAJIUlL\I, SPOR'I'S CAI,t:~UAll I·: ,·ery Att.-rnoon :: :::0 p. m. :l ::~(} Sp~:edl!:tll g-nnwl', Wa!:ihington Park and Yillage Green. TUf'!<ic.lu~· · . Thurstlul· Afternoons (;iris' \'ollP,yhall ganli'S, llo\\'ard and Stulp gymnasi ums. Jl . m. ~t .·lo~·Jlh En:·r<·tt \Vnr!-:ha\\·!-ib1 >i<'k 'forn,,· · 1· rank Ha rdin Fostt·r Gilgi~ \\-nn<>n Young· lloward F'ogg Walla <··' C't·awford - lloward 7A (SI Ebt·rt Knoop Ha\· i :\[athew :\Tei<'I' .John Kneip TTnrnld Rf'm\\'ald Anton E'l~~>l~ Leo Kraft Frt·d Haro11 Franl'is '; (0) Fitzhugh Gt' l':tld )f~IY Paul Dc·mp~f'Y .lH ('k L··<'ltn~t· Di('k Dt·nNlic't Dan Log-an (JO) Los Angeles May Construct "Airport" for Plane Models :\ propu:;al to t·stahlish a "junior atrpPrt.. i or the encouragement of muuatun: airplane building and flying is undc:r rlln~ideration by the L():-; Angdcs Playgrotmd and l<ccn:ation department as an afkrmath of the ~ucct·ss of the citv"ide tPurnamt·nts held at the ::\atil)n-;d Guard arm<·ry and Ha,,·Jcy municipal playgnlmHI n·cently. Three hundred playground boys and a iew from the city public schools participated in the twentynne indoor and lltttdoor events. It 1s helie,·ed that a permanent field, under expert supcn·ision and with research facilities would he the focal point for at ka st a thou satHl hoyo:; intere.;tecl m a ,·iation. Thr suggestion was made hy Dr. A. A. ~ferrill, oi the Danid Guggenheim Graduate School of Aeronautics at Cali furnia institute of Technology. The tl()tcd scientist was an enthusiastic attendant at the tournamcilfs just finishcd,ancl foresaw much futun! prt)g"rl'ss for aviation throltgh the CtH:ouragemcnt of boys in mJui.ltt~ r ·-· airc;·ait de,·e lopment. - -- - -- - - -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 :idg"t1 ~t. Recreation Board Plans Girls' Model Plane Club The accompanying clipping from a national recreation magazine is considered significent by members of the \\"il mette Playground and Recreation staff in \'ie\\. of the fact that inquiries as tu girls' eligibility to enter model aircraft classes ha\·e already been received hy Director of Recreation Daniel M. DaYi:-.. A model aeroplane cluh for girls may he started hy the \V ilmettc Recreation board if the inquiries increase and ther<' 1s sufficient demand to warrant the clas~ . Expert instruction will be provided the girls, :-.uch as that already given the boy~ in the .fcro club, if the girls' cbss i ~ started. The dipping follo\-.-s: "Arc girls interested in model air craft? "The tournament held in Elizabeth, :'\. ]., in May proved that they arc, for fifty girls entered the contest, over thirty of whom completed aiJd flew planes frnm twenty-five seconds to o1w minute and fifty seconds. The interest of these girls had been aroused through the courses in model aircraft buildmg held in the schools after school hours. and for weeks before the meet the girls were busy building al)d testing their planes. About eightv boys took J)art m J the tournament, which was attended hv between 1,500 and 1.600 enthusiastic otl-1 · 00 k ers. "The indoor ~vents included hand launched, fuselage, R. 0. G., and an aerial combat. The features of th(' cmtdoor tournament were hand-launched, iu~elage, R. 0. G., and a speed contest. \\ mners of first and second places in each cYcnt \\"l're awarded medals." Ed ~nyd('J' ~ttowart to\n\rd Huff \\"a:·nl.' CochratH' ~tanle:r f'o('hrnw · Xel~on 1:~: 1';~"'~\~~~dettf' r,:.'::f: ('~~~~ker lloward 5(' <~t > Harold Born· ltoh(·rt ~tefff'n l-: .lanws Versino Philip ~amuf'l!-:on Paul l{a!oipar llan·f'y Steff(>n~ llolwrt C'hri~tiatl!-i· · tt .t:t<·k :\Jrf'onn«?ll f'harlt>s Beck I :f'm'g-t> Rchwall t't·ntral !')(' (0) Holwrt And.·r"tlll Dan :\feQuit.le John Glf'a~on .lameR Str<>etor Richard Harper L('wis :\((·khc,i r Ed Ht>:o;S Don Bir~P 'William 1\footh .Jack Jacobi(' \Yilliam C'rt>~" i' ~· · · Recreat;onal W ork ·Aids in Reducing Delinquency ~rom seyenty to ninety percent nf clehnqucncy takro:; . place in spare tinH', . . tated \\'. L. Butcher, chairman t)f the . nhcommitt('e on caus<.·s oi the '\ew Y nrk State Crimc commissi0n and executive secretary of tht· Tnternation;'! ) Roys' \\.ork council, at the Ke"· YPrk Stat<: Conference nf ~ocial \\"nrk in Roch(' ste r bq :\ovem.hcr. "Onr Pi the chid remedie s i:-. recreation kcl },,· -.killful leaders. The director lllll~t n.1atrh his wit . with the alluring attr;·cuons of the . t reet. He must hl' n ·n · resourceful. Bad companitm.,hip i:-; on.t· ~if the chid causr" oi cll'linqm·ncY . Many offenses by children arc cmnmit:ed hy children in grnup:-. of t \\'O and three. Non-sectarian clnh:o; tlr cllmmnnity houses. playground:--, hl'tter housing. psychiatric and Jl!»\Tholugical clinics, vocational J!Uidanl'e -and nla.:ement, were some of t ht· 111eans of pre\felltinl.! crime suggtsted b.,. ~~ r. Bnt.cher. · l'rt>sh~- t('rian II (2~) Junior A . C. (lfi) !'ht:>n\·nod Palm.-.r Jl(·nr~- Rpf'eht nav \\Tei~s .Toe Catlwrcoal .John f'amnb<'ll Roh<'rt \Yn t ~· r!-i E:~rl Leslie :\dam RNna!'fli l~ohPt't Koenc·tt Did;: lhwk 1:<1 Rrf'rson Harloff, l'f'l'l't't· )(F.'S'!'! RASKETRAI,J. Pharma(-y (!\) \\"olff-C:ritlis < :jj) \dam Rauer H(·rhrrt \Volff f{:t r ~tf'fff'n~ RohPrt \\·il~on \\"altf'I' Hawkin~on :\lanor Boyd .To(' Kraft Don Ro\·ti Hnrrv Peter~ Rolwrt \Yoiff Tc.n~-' ~chinler Gt·orgt' .\Tt' r-g-:lnthal.-.r l~idg-t· Pharmnc·\· ·"llliot· .\ . f'. . - o ·· O ~ 1)00 ·· o· oo l lt>nr~· Miller Hnrloff, rcfert·(' Bani· (4!)) ~khnridC'r's Bnolt>l':'\" ( 17) Smith B. W. Johnson 'hris RdHt<'ft:>r Bob Rtf'ffC':ls Lawrc·nce Hotlt \\"illard UttenrPuther .la('k C'ullt.>n Augufo;t Wallowitz l:allard Rollin1-:on EarlE' Miller <'arl f'lifton BPrnard Johnson Paterson, referee ~t:ttt> !~11h t nnskethnll T«'nm I 'l't·!-ihyterian, I Stnudln~s 'l't·rminal A. C. . . ::1 ~tate Bank .. .. ......... :l ~d1u1tz & Nord .2 ~iethodi!'t .. ... 2 Prf'SlJYteJ·ian, TI . . . . ..... 2 :-=rhneid(>r's Booten· .. .. .. 1 ,Nolff-Griffis .... . . ·........ .1 ~t. JoReph . .. . .......... 0 ... .. .. il '1\Ton Lo~t Pet. 1000 ! ' n, sh~· tt·ri~ n, T (in St. Joseph (12) Ted Stom· Georgp '\Vhite llerht·rt \\·el<l Victor Deinlein 11 ~liT\' Ston.. Rollin Simonds C'harif·s Lau"r Harold Schleuter t ':t rl Hill ~tanley Hawkin~·m Lt·onnrd Koenan Patt·rsnn . referee :'lletho<li~t 07) R<·hultz & Nord (32) 1 'harle~ Varne~ Bob MacLean John Waidf'ni.'r Obi Wieberg Fred Waidener John Borncamp Anthony Vanw~· :\Torris Lang Philip f're~sy ~tan~Kb S~~;~ Paterson, referee 0 0 0 1 0 r. 2 2 2 3 ' I 1 101)0 JIORSE~liOES 1000 Cym Cla!'s (17, 21, 9) St. Johns (21, 5 21) 1000 l~mil Salzman Fred Prochnow #iG7 Dick Burns Ed Cramtlr 667 0. 0. F ... . ... .. . 0 · 333 Wil. Grocery (21, 2]) 000 Jlerbert Marquardt 000 1 \nll Marquardt 333 --- Won LoRt Pet. 1000 0 .John!i · · . ........... . . 3 1000 0 \\"ilrndtf' nrocPry .3 f.67 1 :\[t-n's Gym r.tnRs .2 I. 0. 0. F., I . . .1 500 1 Methodi~ts . .. .1 333 2 :\'l et h. (20, 14) J. 0. 0. F., II .. ..... .· . 0 000 2 Lowell Todd Congregational ..... ...... 0 000 2 Fred Radner \Yilmette Life . . .... .. .... 0 000 2 ~t. I Horsho~s Standings

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