Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Nov 1929, p. 53

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REAL ESTATE SECTION Nov ~ mbcr 29, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 53 TWENTY-THREE PERMITS REPORTEDffiWINNETKA Good Building Weather in No- I vember Brings Activity; Total for Month Is $123,480 Attractive Residence for Kenilworth · ·Y' / 1 / KENILWORTH SPEEDILY LOSING ITS VACANT LOTS Activity of Builders in North West Section Noted; Three New Houses by Crabb ,.,._I' Tha t \Vinnetka r ~s id e nt:s a nd con f There ar c a few undeveloped rcsitra ctors ha ve be en ta kin g a<h a nt age deuc e lots in northwest Kenilworth. of th e )plendid building wea th er "hich but there will not be for long, at the th e month of !\ovemiHT pro\·ick<l, · :.s rate at which builders have been con evidenced by th e iss uance oi t\\·cnt ycentrating on this popular section dur th rce building perm its duri ng th at per ing the pa st two years, and especially at the pace set by James Crabb durin~ iod, for . new wnrk a ncl rcmnrk ling I jobs totalm g $ 1 23 , -i~U. . th e last thirty days . Four of t he pe rm its \\· er~.; 1Pr nc\\: 1 Builder Crabb ha s been erecting new res idences cos ting $< JJ,5UO. :\(lilt.: < tl 1 houses here throughout the past t\yo th ese were und er $2U,UUO. year s, and has fo und a ready market l·:ight \\' innctka 1TS id t:nl~ t::- a~l· hcing : for th em as soon as completed. During rc mod ded. T he cost u l tl u:-~ \rurk N' ov ember, he took out permits for alone is - $26,355. thr ee, which arc now under way, deT he comin g o f t he co ld \\ ca tiH:r cyi- i sig ned to be enclosed before cold <ic ntl v l1.as tcncd the cul minatlllll oi ' weathrr stops out si{le operations and pr n·i ou~ l y n \llt emplatl' d p_ lans iur ga ~ completed for an early spring market. 1 P.cr - 1 rage buildin g, as a total 0 .t cln-e 1 Each of these houses is a two-story, mib uf thi s natu re were ts:-,ued dttrllltf brick veneer, with a two-car detached the pas t nw nt lt. An addi tional ~· 3 J>2J 1 garage. They ar e all locat ed on Brier i:- being expe nded in thi s ma l ~ner. str eet, wh ere Mr. Crabb has built manr loh n V. ~l anni~:re is btuldm!! a t\\o oth er s during th e pa st season. On e is :-. t ,·IIT i ra mc resi dence oi eight rooms i located at No. 703 and another at :t\Q.. ;llld att ache d garage 'tt ()\)t) ~t ;qdl· . 707. each costing $10,000. Th e thlnl a\'c nue, cust in g ~2(J,UUO \ V. \\ . J ( ~C.I.l ·: ~ \\-_O RTH , at pre:-~cnt _ a 1 -c_sidcnt ui_ \\ . r· i ·h.nett.c _is . to _ 1 . 1 .·t'·~· _ a. is _ at_ N_ o_. 711, and according to th e a t \\ o ~t' ll'. \ . lh\·orth . :\ per:;p<'C tl\'l' o t th e ue\\ \ \ 1 . ICl~.n c.~.: 1 pe nmt, I S to cost $9,000. . . . Glen · . C. Bull-kis . ercd ... . mg rc.::>idcnce, "1 t! . ll t.: \\' lhllllt: 111 kl'll gg 1 e:,\\ ort l1 r~!'I . 1 tra m ~ a ~HI 1~ r:~ ~' t.:.:tr1 )<)) \\ ~.; tm 1 , 11r ,,·hich i :-~ ht:in g· IH 1ilt at H<l ll' ig h roa d and " 'n,l<b!nck an .' nue, is hcre...vrc:.;·~uted . Th e only other perm1t tssued 111 _ a~-t ~c 1 c<- . g~u agc, i ~ ~ 'fhe h1 l\l;l. i:- oi brick \\' ith _~la te rnc;f and is T·~ ngli sh Tud?r in design. It K c nil~rorth in No vember. was for a 2 $100 tmprovcment to a pnvate garage. tl.t d , .tt .t. co:-t ~ · ."'. : t 1 (' c.: ,lr"l' . .;, \ j..., ilhttlatl'd thr()n"h"ut \\·ith t\\'(l tnc hl's· o l cork and 1s heated \\'lth gas . 1 1 · p~.:r m1t \\·as t :-.:-.llu ' .... ~ · r-. · 11 1 \\'It ·1 · 1 1 1 · 1 · · I '{' I1c tota I f or t I1e f our perm1t · s was :-\ _ . te 1 r(\ m lt lu . . c C · nge d1H1r.; an· electnca \' uJk. ' ral'\·< 1 s,,·tt c 1cs )O t 1 Ill t 1e ga rag l· .tm 1 1 1 1. 1 \\you lur a t \\·o :-. _l_ lr) ... ~ttl"t· d ·(l l l 1111 j)<;..,l: 1111 t-;idl'. , 1j tll1· h()tt~l· . · T"t w main hall i:-~ panr lled in m k and h.h au $29,100. \nt h att ac 1 1ct1 ga t .tgl, l<· t1 :' tr · 1 f f . .· ·k · \' .1 .... r ·tnd J,lr; ttt·d 11-.JwiJ-,h quarn· tde n,ulr. In connectwn wtth pans or uture 1 1 traul~.; an < >l tL ~.: 1 """" ' : -. . · · I . I . c< · 1 I 1 I ft 1 t . ·1 I f \ " K ·1 I at \\'i\luw st reet, Clls ting .S!2JHHJ. T he hn·;~kta~t nu!'.n ~~ . < t:" ' g~IL'<_. '.n ;"">pan1 s 1 stye ;t il( 1 a:o~ a ·H r o t1 l ' devc opment o ·vest em ~vort 1, was I / I 1 -· A suo: ., 1 1 · · · · · · · Th e fo urth pl'rmit was ;:-. -, ucr\ ~n I mad~, hy a Sp;t1:1 ar.c.1 ~.~~ .\ f1.tm1·· 11 m 1<~cl.. · D . 'l ll !·,) - .. t \\.l) -,t, 1n· ~1:x 1 he 1 1 nu~e ' " 1. ;-; 1 1a per 1 .t1 H 1 < t:- a ~unk c n ga nkn 'd'f " f a tnrar t· 1ill ~\ 1arqu 1s JO\\ 11 ' ' · ·l · · ' · · r~:..., l - J~ale 1 g hl r na < !. rl)\) 111 fra me a nd brick \·t.: tll' l'r . l l·-, 1!! ) dencc at 1-ll dc \\' indt wac. , .. , a I!1 1 1'.. ~.'t 1 ll't l.t· l . \\ll(i lin·' i1: Ch-n r~ 'l' :111<1 \\hn ha ~ h:.; ,,f(I CL' 11 1 Chir: tgu. 1~ 1 ',' (l' F l uu() . ti ll' arrl ut ec t. - · · - - ----- - 490 , 1 1 1 1 1 :\ ovember " ·ill go dow1.1 in .~ht.: b,,ildin g· stati stics o i the. year 111 \\ ~h~ 1 ~·tt c a ~ one of. the poorest m seY cral ~_r.tt :- . 111 the last month to date, ju:-t ft ttcL'll pe r ~ mits were issu'ed and Superintend:·ut 11 1 Public \Vork s C. C. Schultz :-~T km g- to learn the reasop for ~he slump tll1ally h <~ ~ come to the conclustvn that notlc (~th~.: t than the recent stock market crash 1:-. to blame. That seem s the logical du luction. .· 1 \\'l' ~t: Onlv fuur of the permits 1 S:-Illl:< for nc.w residences, and the total tc'r till s con<;truction will run to only $(!0,000. However, one n:siclcnce is to cust ~3-+.00U . This is to be built for Rudolph 1L1rk)~ at 1140 Sheridan road. It is to he ut stone and veneer. H. Schwall is to build a hrick l~ ,, u :- L' at 2441 Birchwood avenue, \\'hich 1 :- tq cost $9,000. At 2015 Thornw~od < ,Yenue in Manus Lake Shore Htghland > this costing $8,500. The oth e ~ pcnmt calls for a residence at 1732 Btrclm·oud avenue which is to cost $9,000. , Listed as alterations arc many itl'ms which nm to a fairly sizeable sum. A glass front for a store at the corner of Ridge and Lake avenue is to cost $4,Q09. A brick addition to a store at 619 Mam street is to cost $2,300. Thi s store i> operated by the National Tea company. The total for these alterations is $11,975. Four garages ·are to be built at a cost of $1,630. Thus the total of the month runs to only $73,605. Wilmette Building . ENTERS A NEW FIELD New Business Block Shows Heavy Slurnp :Baird and Warner Opens Commerc,·a 1 for Glencoe Boosts h During Last M ont Properties Department Jlillage' s permits Baird and \ Varner announ ce:-. ·he opening of a new departm ent in .it s EYanston office called the c on~m e rc1al · depar t m e nt which 111 cJudes properties . . th e leasing and sale of all commerctal and bu sine ss properties handl ed by the fi rm. f. F . Fisher is in charge. The sale and leasing of homes and the property management field have heretofore been Baird and \ Varner's spec ialty and it s advent it~to the c~:m1 mercial properties fi e!cl w111 .matertally enlarge its business scope 111 Evan ston ann along the north shore. Mr: Fisher, as one of his first step s in the promotion of this department, has had several new maps made showing i~vanston' s bu siness district s anci charting the locations of present stores, similar locations which are available, etc. Vvith the aid of these maps the entire situation is taken in .at a glance, and the most desirable business toeations are immediately apparent. Among buildings rc\:ently taken over arc the Studio building at 1712-22 Sher~ man· Chamber of Commerce builciing, 518 'navis; the buildings at 1728-10 Sherman, and 1561-65 Shcrma_n; the Kresge building at ?24 Davts; _the building at 921-27 pavts and. all butldings on the north stde of Mam. betw~en Chicago and Hinman a':enues mcludmg the Sheridan, the Wtllo~s. and the Colonnade buildings contammg stores, offices and apartments. \Yith the iss uance nf a $54,000 build· ing permit in Xnvember for th e Ill' \\' .. . . . . .. · ., .. bu s m e~ s bl ock "htch F red L. Rt<.:t: ,:: .· erectmg at th e so uth -ea st corne r PI Park and Vernon avenues , Glen cne. and the beginning of fnur ne\\' hnmrs in the village, one at a cost of $-lO,OOO. th e month, usuall y a dull one in build · ing activitie s, wa s cotl\'crt ed intn an exce eding-l y good period as far ;ls total valuation s arc concerned. Eight permits \\·ere issu ed, calliu .~ for building improvements am o untin ~ to $1 o6.650, of \\·hich $109,500 is cred itcd to the new residential column. There \Yere two permits for rem odel ing jobs costing $2,850'l and one fnr a privat e garage co s tin~ $300. The permit for the $-iO,OOO re sidcnn· was i ~s uecl to August Gatzert, \\'lll) is building a two story brick vene er, at 789 Greenleaf avenue. Dwight C. Orcutt is building a twn story stone residence at 786 · cr~enlcaf avenue, costing $29,000. ............__. A permit was issued to A. C. Bradl\!y for a two story brick veneer residence at 575 Lincoln avenue, costing $22,000. The other oermit is for a two story brick and stucco residence costin~ $18,500, which Charles H. Dunlap is building at 888 Elm place. tl~ e anno u~!cement lasdt w ee K th"!-t. ~he V I age 1 1au comp ete t 1 1e acqutsttton f I 1· Bl 1 36 · h '1 o a 10 dmg. 01~ OCK d 111 t ba~ dvt t t 1 1 age1 ,~. 1ere 1 IS propose o U1 · a new VIllage hall and a new fire statiOn sometime in the future. The last por tion of the block, acquired through cond emnation proceedings, was ob tain ed from Axel Olson. Block 3o, bo undc'cl hv \Vest Railroad avenue . Asl~nd av~nue, Glendining road and Kenilworth avenue, has recently be ~ u cleared of all buildings, and Coventry road has been extended through it to a point \\'here it will join West Railroad avenue when the widening and pavingo f the latter street is completed. 11 1 1 Homemakers Soon to View Furniture Mart Products For the first time in its five-year hi story, the doors of the American Furniture Mart at 666 Lake Shore dri,·e, the world's largest occupied building, will be thrown open to the home-makers of America. 700 furniture manufacturers, permanent tenants o f the Mart, have agreed to disclosf the hitherto mysterious heauties con . tained in the complete lines of modern decorati\'·e products. The dates ~.(e Fehruary 1 to 9, inclusive, and the event will be known as the American Furniture Style show, conducted bv a not-for-private-profit association of ·th e tenants themselves. An idea of the vastness in the floor spread of the decorative exhibts ma,· be gleaned from the simple recital thil.! were a visitor to spend ten minutes in each one of the 700 exhibits-and work ten hours a day without meals in this insllection-it will require 11~ days foe an individual to complete the tour of the Mart's furniture exhibits.

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