November 29, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 55 BUI.DING IN SUBURBS .SHOWS ~ PCT. DECLINE Filurea for Nine Months Compared With Same Period of Last Year Reveals Slump Hokanson and Jenks Report Greater Renting Activity Hokanson and Jenks, Inc., of Evanston. report a material increase in renting during ~ovemhcr and in real estate activity in gene1al. Recent leases ill the new Raymond Park apartments, corner of Grove and Hinman avenue E~anston, are with ~f r. H. E. Jol~nson~ Mtss Mary M. Capper, Mr. Louis T. Braddock, Mr. Fred Huetman, Dr. C. ]. Swan, ~fr. Lester C. \\'ood, and Mr. A. 11. Rcinckl'. l·:vanston ....... . . . $7,257,:WO O!encoe .. .. . . .. . . . 1,227,716 Highland Park . . . 1,891 ,725 Kenilworth . . 702,4~0 Lake Forest 1 882 277 l.iht:>rtyvme . . . . . . . '3os:ooo ~lount Pro~pect . . . 327,840 Xilf'l-1 Center . . . . . . 8!l8.940 :\"'orth Chicago 898 425 Waukegan .. ..... 2,028:490 Wilmette . . . . . . . . . . 1,539.009 Winnetka . . . . ...... 1,456,97i:i Building construction in Chicago and suburbs for the first three quarters of this year totalled $22,571.382, on the basis of permits issued in the cities and towns reporting, according to a survey made public by S. W. Straus and company. Forty-four suburbs had a total The followin~ sales arc reported: 1ll $63,549,482 for the first nine months of this year as against $90,009,The State flank an(~ Trust company , 653 for the first three-quarters last . trustee. has sold to bnilic M. ~'facke year, or a loss of 29 percent. and Earle v\'. Mack<'. th e northwest The record of building in this terri ------tory shows unmistakable signs of a building. decline. Out of the total number of suburbs reporting, only five indicated gains for the period, as fol~ ~~====~~ru lows: Blue Island 22 percent, Cicero 9 percent, Lake Forest 38 percent, ~ortll Chicago 139 percent and East Chicago 46 percent. It is notable that losse s are generously distributed among the larger suburbs, such as Aurora, Elgin. j Joliet, Gary, Oak Park, Evanston and 1 \Vaukegan. ~ The most optimistic sign was that : c:: c:: forty-six comparable suburbs reporting .. c::: r::::: fo r the month of September indicated c::::: c::::: :1 .ga i·.· of 13 percent as against August ut th1s year. As compared with Sep· . tember last year the se suburbs. how - · <:rer, made a very poor showing as thct, "' wa · 34 percent: ~ c::::::: Other optimistic inrlication~ wen: : :s -..potty gains in September as ag1inst 2 c:: ~cptc mber last year. as follow~: nac:: c:: !a\·ia, 208 p<'rcent, Ciccrn 101 pcrct:nt. ~ Elgin 14 percent, FlossmoPr 40 per- ' cent. Harvey 1R9 percent, La Grange ().) pe rcen t. Lake Forest -1 percent. Liber~ tyville 7 percent. River Forest 2 pl'r:::::::: c::: cent, \Vest Chicago 409 pt·rcent and c::::: Gary 126 percent. Comparati\·c tahles figure~ fpr \"orth c:: c::::: ~hore towns follows : ::; 1t!9 192~ corner of Colfax and Central Park; bungalow at 2835 Hartzell street, ~Y: Evanston, being 64x1,45 . anston. Roland G. Chase and Gertrude M. Frederick H. Cooper has sold an 11 Chase have sold their 9 room brick room brick r,sidence on Monroe just colonial residence at 2808 Sheridan road, east of Grove in Otencoe, on a Jot Evanston, on a lot 50xl30, to Everett W. Maechtle and Velma V. Maechtle, 90x182, to Howard Mei11cke. ·taking as part payme1J1 a hoUte in Tampa, Florida. "Built-in" radio speakers are a new James B. Campbell has sold to note in modern home construction. \\"alter H. Grell and Leah D. Grell These are ·seen today placed within the 9 room stucco residence at 708 a wall in such a manner that the whole Forest avenue, Evanston, on a lot wall section acts a baffle or sounding -1Sxl70. board. The musical reproduction, it is claimed, is given greater natural color Charles E. Blomgren, Jr., has traded by virtue of the large sounding board his 9 room brick residence at 1414 and the reception fills the room withLincoln street, Evanston, -on a lot out seeminR" to come from any particu50x180, to Dr. Samuel J . Lang and tar direction. To hide Jhe speaker a Ruth H. Lang for a 6 room brick handsome tapestry can be used. -------~------------------------------------------------ ~MIWMMJW\MnJU\I\NIN\IVUVl/ll\1\II/\I\I\1\I\1\I\IUU ~ ~ 1 ~· Live zn Skokie Ridge · 1 1 ; - 1 I I I = ::::: ~S.47R.~i:i t.2!H,!1G7 2. 150.006 t.2~6.!illR ~ ::; ~ 2 1.:-162.H:-l :-114, 2~0 :!,150)HI5 r :175.780 ; 439,:l!Hl~ 2 5 ~.2~7.051 ~ 2,:n5.!l75 1 1.725,125 Comparative figu n.; for Sept<·mh<.'r : 1929 and 1928 follow : i Sept. U29 Sf'l·t. 192S , l·:vanston .. .... . .. . . . $:-125,150 $!~96,2:i0 . Ulencoe . . . .... .. . . . . .. 101,750 114 .100 ; Highland Park .... . .. 261,775 3i3,721 K~nilworth . . . . . . . . . . . 45,470 78,200 Lake Forest .... . . ... 265,539 25-1,!114 LlbE:-rtyvllle . . . . . . . . . . . 27,000 25,150 , ~lies Center . . . . . . . . . . 63,600 4ii7.:l50 1 1 :::: ::::= s ~ §; :::: :::::: 1 1 :-..'orth Chicago . . . . . . . . 27,300 Waukegan .. .. ... .. ·. 264,100 Wilmette . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115,385 972,7~(1 65,1100 ::§ 2 r::::: c:::: :::::: 2 :::::: Winnetka . .. ........ .. 129,400 :~81.89~ 1 1 153,300 ~ ~ c:: cC 2 If you are contemplating a home, the first requisite IS location. An investigation will prove that Skokie Ridge offers proximity to transportation, schools and has the additional inducements of high ground, rolling topog~aphy and trees. Whether it be home or homesite, you will find the price fair and the terms reasonable. Inquire about our building program. W. P. White Buys Fine Home on Park Avenue, Glencoe \Villiam P. White of the \\'bite Cah company has purchased frgm ~~ rs . I (~eorge S. Carrington, her residencl' at I the northeast corner c;f Park and · Crccnlcaf avenues, Glencoe. For man\' ' Y~ars this property was considered otJ.!: nl the most attractive homes of the \·illage. The grounds cover a f)ttarter 11f the block, having 297 feet frontage un Park avenue. The flower garden I while under Mr. Carrington's supcr\·ision was long considered one nf the finest on the north shore. The ( ~knc(w uffice of McGuire and Orr, through 11 rs. G. E. Gritzmacher, rep'rcscntcd the 1 purchaser, while Murra ,. ancl Terry · represented th~ seller. I 1 1 2 a:::: c::: ~ ~ ~ 2 2 $ ~ Representative Always on Property ==:; ;::::::= BAIRD & WARNER Office: 1071 Skokie Ridge Drive, Glencoe :: 2 ~ Phones: Glencoe 1554-Briargate 1855 Sheridan Road to Park Avenue, Glencoe, West to Rluff Street, North to Dundee Road, and west to entrance Fire screens for the open grate at this season of the year arc not onlv ornamental but keep sparks from flying out into the room and they make the fireplace safe for the toddlin~ youngsters in the home. 1 1 i ~ <::::::::: ~------- IUIIIMMIIMI\IIMIIlUU\IIMfti\RIIAni\RRJII\ftRIIIIIUVIIUUUUUUUIIIIUWUUUUUW\IlMMNIIIMIWIMN ----