Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Nov 1929, p. 59

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:\oycmbeo: 29. 1929 WILMETTE LIFE Congregational Church Vere V. Loper. Minister Elizabeth B. Webster. 1 )irector of Religious Education ThE' nulolt of this church will he IH'C'IIllit>d on Sunday morning by Dr. Fr <1 Eastman. who will preach on th f' suhii·C'l. "Pain and Power." Dr. Eastm~tl' is JH'ofel'l!'Or of Relirrious Lit er a llll'f' ancl nrnma In Chicago Th eologi ca l SE>min:u·y lf(· i,.; th~ author of several h 0oks anc'l nlnn;. in cluding "I<'ear God in Your 0\\'n Yillage," "Plavine- Rouare With T r11nnrrow." "Modern Relil!lnuR Dt·amas," nnd "America's Unflni~hed Bnttles. " H f' is :1 con tributing editor of th e f'hrist i:1 n ('(' ntury and frermently contributes t o o tlwr magl'lzlnes. He Is an nuthoritv Ul)l·" tlw s ub.l ect of religious drama s and is in g-reat demand as a speakC'r an1l l)l' t':l C'h er. Dr. i.ooer will be absE>nt from th C' nul nit on Sunct:-ov mnrnln,.. becn11se of h:., nresence at Centralia. Ill.. where he is th(· nrlnclnal ~Pf':\kf>r at the Illinois O:df<t· Bon;' Conferenc<>s of th e Y. M. C. A. f,.. tlH: southPrn ha lf of the state. His fina 1 ~~~tctrel's will be !!lven at the chureh hour 11 11 Rundav mornfnl!. :\Irs. R T . Hun'. of 706 \Va1-hington ; t ,·entt('. wl11 be hostPRS to the Ea~t End 1'i rcle. which will hold a lunch eon m(·eting- in h er home at 12 :30 on Mon da :v :ur ~ .. Leslie Millar anct Mrs. G. n. l:nson " ·ill be the assiAtlng hos tesHe!'. Will You Give God One Hour of the 168 He Gives You? I God gives you 168 hours a week-how m·any do yo~ give to Him? ·· The farmer saves a few bushels of his harvest grain and reinvests it in the soil whence it came, that it may be returned a hundredfold next season. God give§ us life and all that makes life worth while. Shall we continue to receive these 168 hours, week after week, but neglect to reinvest part of this time in God's business, whence the dividends come? Why not begin by saving and investing one hour a week in God's business-THE CHUR.CH? Go to Church, Sunday. Give back to God that one little hour out of the golden harvest of 168 hours He has given you this past wecl\:. End Circle will met>t f1·r l1111C'Iwnn at the home .of 1\ln;. \V. D l.awretwe 520 LnkP nvPnUE>. at 1~ ::::n on Monday, Th e a~o: R ting hnst ~ssr·s a l't' ~r,·s. L. L. Perrv. Mrs. W . J. King , anc 1 ~ I rs . 0 . C . E::.stman . Thf' mne Bird!'! will hold thf'ir l'f'l!ll Ltr meetine- In the chureh at a ::~o n. m ·· n :'\tomlav. 'fh f' Boys club will m ePt in tlw c·hur.-!1 ;tl :1:30 "!\fonrlav nfternoon. Thf' Church school faf'ultv will 111>111 tiH· D('cembf'r fa c ulty mf'Pting :'lloncl:t,. ··\·ening-. Dinner will be sen't'll at G::!11 J,,· t hr. !':elghborhood Circle. Dr. Lo11 ·r will spea k to th e group. ancl f}f'part mc·nt :1 1 nlans will be mad e for the mtonlh of I Jvcembe r. TIH' boarrl o f trust f'('S will hnlcl it!' r··c-ular meetine- In th E> church Jl:trlc,r at i ::w Monday evening. TueR<lnv the Crescent CirclC' will htold :111 a ll -dav m ee tine- at th e h nmt· c,f ~~r ~ .lnh11 H . Rchmidt. 422 Laurrl :t\'t·nu· · Tilt· assi~ting hnst f'SSes :11'(' )ln-. .1. 1 · I::IIH' I', MrR. Harry HamilL and :\lr:-: lll·nrv Marc us. l ~IJ(JS e velt Troop !'n. 2. B< 1y Sv .. Ut!-'. and :-;t ·a Scout Shin No. 7 will mf'l'l in · thf' church at 7:30 Tuesdav (·W,ning-. \\'l'l< eaca fila Camn Fire Gi rl s will h11ltl tiH·iJ· regular m eC'ting in the chur('h lJal'!"r at 4 W f'd nesdav e\·ening. Tlw Mid-week .Meeting will lw ht·ld in tlw church oarl or at 8 W ednesd ay e\·e tting-, Dr. Loner will lead the di scttsHion . Th f' f'ozv Corn r Cirde will hold '111 ;1\J-clav meeting- in the church on Thut·sday. Luncheon wiiJ be sened at 1 '·'t'ln<.'k. MrR. W . A. Richardson is dlHi rman of the lun cheon committee. ns~is t L· d by Mrs. J. C. A. And e rson.' :\Irs. En"ch l:5teen. and Mrs. G. E. \Valk . .lunior choir rehearsal will be h chl at I o'do<'k and Senior choir rehearsal a t ~ :::o Thursday evening, Tmop No. 1. Boy Scouts. will m eet i11 I hf' church at 7 :30 ThursdaY evening-. The Central Avenue Circle Is gi\·itv· fm m 2 to 4 o'clock Friday, D ecember 6. a \'ery unique entertainment. F ou r homes are being utilized. at each onl' of which a different entertainmen t will b l' !>resented. There will be musk, li\'it1;· nictures. a county fair. and a Chrbtma :-: na rtv. Tickets may be purchased frn · }frs. Adkins. Wilmette 979. or at tlw ··hurch from which the four g-rom >s will ~ tart at 2 o'clock. Till' ~orth Good Preaching, Good Music Good Fellowship Morning Worship at 11 V uu~u~ Directory of Churches : First Congregational Church Lake and Wilmene . Avenues Rev. Vere V. Loper ' St. Augustine's Episcopal Church 1140 WIN CAMP FIRE. AWARDS The \Vekeakafila Camp Fire gr o~1p rn nducted a ceremonial last week in which three girls were awarded the first rank of \Vood-gatherer. The triu included Jane Horsting, Eleanor \Vil liams, and Martha Huff. They wert' given camp fire beads. Four girls were taken into ·membership at this mcct Jng. Wilmette Avenue Rev. Hubert Carleton Wilmette English Lutheran Church Greenleaf A venue and Seventh Street Rev. Carl I. Empson The Fast Methodist Cburdt Lake and Wilmette A venues Rev. Horace G. Smith The Wilmette Baptist Church Forest and Wilmette Avenues Rev. George D. Allison The First Presbyterian Church Ninth Street and Greenleaf A venue Rev. Clyde Randolph Wheeland Mrs. George N. MiddcndtH' f. 51 S Roslyn road, Kenilworth, was in chargl' (If the social hour of the Mu~ician's Club of \Vomcn at the Fine Arts building in Chicago last week. The wogran1 was given by Miss Pauline M anchrstcr of Glencoe who is a vrrv fine pi·lllist. The program was the Tha~1ksgivin~· program of the year. St. John's Lutheran Church Wilmette and Park Avenues Rev. Herman W. Meyer -oM iss Katherine Ainsworth of De1roit is the house guest over the Thanksgiving holidays of her sister, \1rs. William L. Hart, 623 Greenleal Published by the Interchurch Advertising Committee, Wil~ette Church Federation a venue.

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