Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Nov 1929, p. 60

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WILMETTE LIFE WATCHES November 29, 192<1' 60 SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS · Classified adverttsem~nts will be General Nott.Ce--to residents of the dtstrtct from charged only Evanston to Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear In the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. CLOCKS - ALL MAKES AND SIZES EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WA NT~ reoaired by expert. Clo~ks called for work to take home, will call for anr1 and delivet·ed. Prizes reasonable. Paul deliver. Ph. Wilmette 3509. 60LTN4 3-tfp Davey, Jeweler. 1165 Wilmette Ave. ._ Phone Wilmette 6. 34L36-tfc 61 Sl'fU ATION W ANTF.D-JIALE WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER WE CARRY A HIGH GRADE LINE OF pocket watches and wrist watcheR. Modern design, reasonable prices. · 'Ne specialize in clocl{ and wntQ.h reprdl'ing. All work gunranteed. Come in and see for yourse lf. REL. COL. CHAUFFEUR. 10 YRS. EXt· \Vill travel. N. B. and Rogers Pn r l ~ refs. Tel. Lem. University 3444-H. 61LTN1 0- Itt · EXPF::FUENCED HOUSEl\fAN. CTIA 1:'1-'feur and butler. North shore rc·fPr ences. 2 yean:;. 4515 Prairie ~ a\·<' .. ('JJ i cago. Phone Oaldand 5374. 6LU1.'~10-J toEXPEH.IE:\I'CED l\fA '. SCAN DIX .-\ , ._ ian ch· ~eent. wnntR PORition as chauff,·tt r 1. : :.:-ard ner.Refct·ences. Call aft er G n. 1 Winn. 2166. 61L.'l'N1 f)- 1tl· EXP. COOK IN PRIV. FAl\L JlS\\'1\ hutlcr. careful dri\'er. yard worli:. fttr ~· na ce. Excellent ref. Ph. '\Vest :_!··- ! between 3 and 6 1). m. 61LTN10-Itt · IlELTABLE MA~ \VANTS JOJ: .\S <:hnuf. Can ~iv e ref. Gt·ecnl ' af l:iftt ;. 61L'i'lU-It! · EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS \YINdow washing, garden and house work . Best of refs. Tel. Winnetka 2764. 61LTN8-tft<'11.\L:F. WITH HEI·'S. DESIHES 1.\n'l' time ur st ady no~ition. Gr. !lGll 1 l~ H cents a . line tn one paper. 25 cents a ltne in any two papers. Rates--15 30 cents a line in all three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 60 cents. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our officE at 123% Cen!ral Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. adve rtl!'lements will be acto Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'otock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock tor the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones : Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. I H. GREENBAUT\1 1139 Greenleaf Ave. , f or Jnser t tOnS-cepted · Clas!'!lfied Dea dl tne up : · Ph. Wi I mette 4516 34LTN38-tfc I \VAT 11 TU.. PA111I~G DO~l·~ BY I~X ne rt. \Vatclws cleane d and adjusted. Have your old movt ·m e nt nut in a modern ca~e. Paul Davey, .Jewe ler. 1165 '\Vilmette Ave. Ph. Wilm ette 6. ;}~ L35-tfe 3:i 20 1\IUS TCAIJ J~STilU~lEX 'l'S GARDENING (G@n cdl I83@ mrcdl (C W.lf~ (Q)~~®lfcecdl NURSERY STOCI< lby N~~lln :'\a1'h Arl,·. 6. 4 cloc w Reclnn "400" !'Prif's. PerfN·t in , ,·pry rNqwct. A n ·al huv $!l. 5 1 'hn:-oler ·,) Rt'da n . 1!l2!l. I' met icn llv a n e w· ear, OH' r $ti00 ~aving· , N'a:-oh l!l2S "\ rh·. 6. 4 clr. :-;pdnn. Very l'll' an. Must he Sl' l'n to be aonret·.iatt>rl . . . . . . ... .. .. $785 Xash l!l:!!l \'idoria "400" st' rit·s. Ovt>r $400 J'Pthll·tiC·II fi'Oill its lll'W prkc . $!1:>0 Xa:-.11 1!t:!!l "400" st·rit:s. ·l door st'd:u1. This <' :t r h:ts h t· t·ll clriwn \'t·I'Y lit t It· . low milt-a;.:-,·. All L'<ltJiJmed $7S:) CO. li:~:; l:J·:XSOX .·\ \'K, COlt . t'L:\HK S'l'. 10:1:1 D.\ \'IS ST .. ('OIL 0.\1{ ST. (""'II En·ning·s till JO P. :\f. 4L10 - ltc '3UY. .\ GOLD Sl~.-\L BlT ICI( FOR X?\1.\S I:t:!:i Huit'k ::\la s !t·t· Sb: I do"r -- ··d:ttt $ : :~:; I!t:!ti X:t :- h .\<1\·. li t'll:tvh $:! 7.i 1!l:!!l I :u il'l> . I :1· :- t huY in town . \\'""Jl wiH't'l sitlt> mounts. J!t:!!l I :tti, ·l\ :-:I'CL! n. llt ·rf,.,.t $1 o:-.o I !I:?S l:u i<'l> s,· <l:t n $'.i0 I !t:?:\ I :u i!'l; <'flttJl .· $!1110 $ti:i0 l!t:!i J:uit'l' st ·<l:tn · $77:-, 1!1:!7 Huidi ht·oul.!'h:tm Also othtt· h:tn.::tin in l ' :-.o ·d ('a rs 1!1:?:-. t)Jclsm,,ftj),· sv<lntt $1!1:) REST HOl\lE FOR CONVALESCENT OR elderly people. Resident nurse. ?h. GreE>nleaf 6828. G3LTN8-4tc ALL KINDS OF CARPENTER WORK 6G FRA~1ING FOR RENT-ROOMS repairing and remodeling dt·ne by reBRASOR AR'l' STORE liable man reasonably. Call after 6 CJ·;XTl!AL HOTEL. 629 1\IA L)I ~T . 1313 ('I ri AGO AVE. UNTV. 917!1 P ..1\'I, Mr. Rutar. Winn. 2480. l!ooms by day or wee!<. all out:-:id o · :!7LTNG-lfe 44LTN3-tfc l'U<JI11S, stL·am h eated, hot and ,. ,ol d water. GGL lil-t f ,· Landscape and Gardening Work Specinlist in Rocke ry and Fountains ~~~~~==~=~ ·~ --- ----~ JOliN OSTROWSKY 38 PAINTING & DECOJtATING 2343 W. Par){ Ave. :I'el. Highland Pari< 4~l 20LTN4-tf<' FLOORS RESURFACED AND TIEini'\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ished like new. No dirt or muss. Rea2:; INSTRUCTION sonnblo prices. Phone Wimwtl.;a Hn. 38LTN9-t.fc J·~XP . ·n;ACIIEP.. FOn NOlUL\ L. Dl·~.· -ficit·llt or cl!:!ft><"ti\'e <'hil<lrcn. \\'ill g:n ATTRACTIVE PRICES ON PAINTING to thl· hnmP. lteaB. Ht·Bt of l't·feJ'f'llt't~)-. and decorating. Expert workmanship. t'all aftPJ' 5 ::w n. m . t; ni\'t>l'!-lity :?862. Phone Winnetka 1433. 38LTN9-tfc 25LTN10-lte ------------------ H SERVJCE DUUEAU J.\:'\1·: TJ{JGG.', n . ..\. \VJ!:LLESLEY. 'T'utnring- in g-1 amma1· and high s ·hool NOR.'H011f<~ C'A~lEHA SHOP s uhj~cts. l'h. \Vilmette 3::iSS. FH...-U riNG 2iJUI'.~'H O-ltc T1NTING Xmas cards made fr om your own 11 ·g:a. ti \'eR. 1 .\C<'O::\Il.'LISIII·;L) L.\1)'{ PJAXIST DEWilmdt<' 1fi7ti :-:in' s a ft~w more lHil>ils on n o rth short'. lHl) Gr nlenf AYe. 44L10-4tc :\Ioclt' r:lt v !t' nn~ . Instruction t!SJ)edally :td:lJ>tL·<l !11 t·hil<ll'PJI. l'racfkt' mad,· CAHPE~'fER \VOI!K. ! ~ O~TllACT on JJil':t~ll rt ·. I' hone (; lt' ll<'UL' 11 :!!). day. By responsibl e man . .A-1 m pch. 2:iLTXIO-lttanic. Best refe rt·nc-e)-!. < ' . .Andr n;on, 6 t:JS N. Hichmonll St. Shl'l<lrak c 101.~!), 27 lN'l'ERIOJl DECOJtATING HLTN10-4tll 4 PL\.KOS FOH l:EXT OR SALE North Shore Talldng l\Iachine 'o . 7·12 Elm St. :l5LTN10-ltv ning·s. 61LT:\IO-lt!' SIT. \\"l'D. -EXP. GAHDENEI{ .A;o.;Jl l'hauffcur wishes nositi()n, willing t <~ do houS<'\\'(>J'k ancl wait on tnhlt-. .\d dre~s Box 281, Ravinia, Ill. 61LTN10-ltp. YOlJXG :i\TAK \VA~TS JIOU::::ll0:\\' 0!11\ . Best north shon~ references. Call \Vit tnetl\a ~:!lS CVL'Iling·:;. 61LT1U-1tp WOHK BY Tfl I·~ DAY GEXEH . .\J .. I I~F' cl eaning, wash in~.:· window~ and \\'IIIII! work, serYing and waitin~ tahiL·. \\'in nE:tka 1657. 61L'l'lH-Itp 63 BOARD AND ROO~I - PIC'l'U·RE I - ~frs. :\rahk \'an \'11ssing-en IIIX~L\X .JJ·:\\'ELI!Y l!J·:I'.\II!IXC: "\:'\D HE...\\'E.. EL\:\STOX Jlloddin:::: hy a ~·raftsman <1f r:tre ability <'~>tt:-;ultin~ lnt <' ri,.r Dt' ('OI':tll·r. t ·:-. tiJt l; t!t· ~ and IH'ig·inality. De~i~ns l 'l' ·atetl f11r ~llhntittl'(l f(IJ' l'PIIlJ)ll'l v ot· J) ; l l'f i:t I incli\'iduals. l':tlll l>an·:v . .ll'Wt'i(·r. 1lll:J dv<'lll':tlinn~. S111all artidt ·s ~uit:tblt· f11J ' \\"ilm e ttc ....\\'('. l'h. \Vilml'tte: ti. nrizt' l: i ancl 1.-!'ifts. lnmn~. JH·\\.ti'J'. c.l:·s ~ :iOL:J:i-t f,. wan' . hool\t ·<l rugs, <'k .. fnr \'tlltr ittspt>l'tion. J'hollt' t; 1·. 014:! t,t'f,rc ; 111 :t. 111. · · J,OST & }'0 U:XD for nnut. :!iLTXltl-lt11 _ ' ' - ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - H.l'd LOST-PLATI:'\l·:\[ HArt PIN .'ET 28 c'o:-:t~ Xothlng tn ~t"t' Th··llJ! with 3 :-;mall clianwttcls and :.! s:wnhires. T· ·rms and trn.dc·s l'an lw aJT:tllJ-:l'd l'er~onal \':llue to ownL·J'. Liberal re\\'llY PAY 1\TACIJit\E J'ltl('f~S WIIJ·;x w:tnl. I'lL K ... nilworth 4:!!10. :):JL'rlO-ltc lwnd worl{ is .iust thc · samc>. The llt ·tT \"orth Shore l~uick Co. lland Laumlr.r. \\"ilm\'lte 7::-t. J(}:J,p WA:X'l'ED-l'E::\IALE 1027 Dr\\'lR ST. 2, LTXlO- -Itll OPE:-..: EYEXT?\(~~ A N'D ~t·xnA YS CO::\TPETE~T COOK .A~D SECOND Look for the C:old St'al l1uil'!( :w J,OANS maicl. :\lust lw white. Family of 441..10-l.l c g·ood wagv:-. \\'ish tlwse maids rt'lated C'T IHY SLEH - $~00 CREDIT ON NEW or g-ood friends. as they must occupy f'hry~ler-will sacriflcr. A. J. May, 908 the same room tenmorarily. l'hon(· :\l:lin St., E\·anston. Uni\'. 65Jl. Wilmette ~61. 56LT);10-ltt f. I~rethold 4LTN6-6tc ~IOT1LEH.':S IIELPElt. P"\l~T OH FLJT,L l!l::!fi 1':\f'KAHD EWilT SED.\X GOOD 1st and 2ml nwrt g-:1 g·eR time. Ph. \Vilmette H59. 56LTN10-ltl> paint. insJwl'tinn itwitl·(l. .:\ lu f;t s;~cri InsuranCL' tkt· at $:Wo for imnwdiatl' disno~al. 1 'riEXP. \VHlTE GlRL FOR HSWK. NO G15 :\fain St., \Yilm dt<' Y:tt(' (1\\'lll'J'. f'an lw ~t.'l'll at. :\H Oak laundry. l'h. ·wilmette 3993. 5GL10-Uc 'l'et. 65 ('in·lt>. \\'ilm<>tl' 4fi29. -tL10-1tn 30L17-tfc c COMPETE~T <;IHL FOlt Cl·~;'>J'·~IP 1.. II H l ' l LIHXH & CO~TH . \C 'I' I ~ H houseworl<. references. Ph. Kenllworth 594. 56L10-ltc and Fatnily .IUJIX HOES('If. C'AH.PE;o.;TEH J\XD l·uild"r. All ldJHls of <'ili'Hl~ntt·l' work. vVAN'l'ED-CO~IPETEXT '\VIIITE GIHL Dll;trd. tilt' and ruhb <' l' floors for bathto fot· general houseworl<. no laundry. Ph l""'llls. kitl'hen. etc. Ph. 'Vilmette 216:\. Wilmette 721-J. 56LTN10-ltc 11LS-4tc PERSONAT, CO. WHITE GIRL OR ~UH.SE TO CAHE I; . .\ :E XCHANGE HOOl\l 211 C HORCH ST. BLDG. 2ND fo1· 2 year old child : assist with 2 olde1 fl., 708 Church St .. E\'anston, Ill. Ph. children: some experience required. Grt'enleaf 6081. Open 8 :30 to 5-Sat. Phone Winnetka 2386. 56L'l'Nl0-lte 8:30 to 1. Licensed by the statE>. ~IOI>EI!X lnti<'K 2 APAH'l'.:\IE:'\'1' ri-G ~OLT:\"10-lt ·. EXP. '\VIllTE GIRL. GEN. IIS,VK. J ·oom~ . I I. \\·. lll ·at. DP\'011 a11cl 'Vt 'st1\Iust be good cook. Hef. Ph. \Vilmette · · 1'11 rli:--tri<'l fc·r lot. \Vilnwttl' to Glenc·;)t'. 112 1\IASSAGE 211 fl. 56LT1U-1t< : ~ ~ & -;\f_A_S_S_A_G_E_A_~_D_T_I_I_E_S_W_E_D_IS_H_l\_fO-,-T-E- 60 SITU .AT I ON wAN'fED-FEl\lALE ltE.\LTORS ments in your own home. Expert maR11~';' t',.ntrai ,,,.,.. " 'iltndtt' :{!Hili J ~uer. For appointment call GreenlP.af PHAC'l'ICAJ.. NURSl~ - CALL WlL17-.\ L I 0-1 tv 0397. 32LTN8-2tc melte 2261. Home nights nreferr r d. 60L10-1 tn 1G06 FOJ~ ALSO SPACJ·: 1:'\ \Viii arrange fur sonw ligltl Jwus ·1\C:euing· if dc:;ireu. l'h. \Villlll'l [o · :!:.!4 ·· GliL::s-t r, . ~arag· e. HEXT- J!OO~f. IWO~l TO HENT AXD GAl!AGE; ~K\1: tramm. l'h. \Vihnette ;.a;. G6L10-ltt· .\11 Prices ure<l Fli l~XISIJED llOOl\1 FOH H.ENT. ~! Pet· wk.. suitable for 1 01' 2. Ph. \\'il llJette 6')t) .... 66L10-ll· ~ :'\ICB \VA!Ul H.OO:\I IN PR1 \" "' T 1 ·: family, g·entlemn.n prcfened. 4~0 1':trl, Ave.; Ph. \Vilmette 2n. 6G~ ·67 FOR RENT-APARTMENTS ·I ... Charles I HOO)I APAHTl\IENT, 2~D FLOOJL oil heat. finest location in Wilm~.:ttL·. Beautiful sunounding·s. RcasonaiJit · rent. Inquire 730 Central Ave .. \\'il melte. Ph. 299. 67L10-1tl· LINDEN CRES'l' AP'l'S. \VILMET'l'E 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ROOMS Here in Wilmette's most. convenient and exclusive location, you will find wellarranged apartments. All apartments have outRide rooms which provide an abundance of lig_ht and air. Ample closet space. Schools, churches, and shopping facilities within immediate access. See these apartments today. Agent on premises. Personal I .oans Up $300 FlN:\NCE QUINLAN & 'l'YSON, INC. REALTORS 424 Linden Ave. Wil. 460 67LTN1-tfe 'l'R:\DE! 'l'R...-\DE! c. H. :\ () R 1: co. THE BRONX NILES CENTER 4-5-6 room apartments $60 and up, large , light, modern. Near Dempster "L" terminal station and North Shore elec. 29 minutes to loop. Run you Want Ad In Evanston, too This Office will accept classified advertising to be run 1n THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 familits in Ev.ansron. REVIEW copy mnst be in by 5 p. m. on Tuesday. - WANTED-GENERAL OFFICE \VOH.K Dempster Street at Bronx A\e. on north iihore. Experienced. Cal I Phone Niles Center 93 \Yinn etka 1686. 60LTN10-tfc 67LTN36-tfc I WJSH TO PLACE ::\IY EXP. COLOHED co unl e. good cook. cha uf. and houseman Ph. L'ni\ersity 3889 at 8 a. m. 60LT10-ltJ) APARTMENTS IN Sl\liTH BLDG, 503 Chestnut. Reas. rent. Concession. d19 Oak St. Ph. Winnetka 1948. ~ 67LTN9-tfc EMPLOYMENT '\VANTED BY 1\fiDDLF..I :; ___;::;;..___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ag·ed woman. Hous<'work 01· takipg· 2 ROOM APARTMENT IN HUMPHREY mother's nln.ce. Ph. Wilmette 729. Bldg. Call Winnetka 98 or 3328. 60LTN10-ltJ ) 67LTN7-tfc M. ]. FAI-IERTY "felephonr Wilmettt 4300 or Wit~netka 2000 -

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