Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Nov 1929, p. 61

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:\"n,·ember 29, 1929 WILMETTE FOR RENT-APTS. i\" JLL SUBLET A 'l'TRACTIVE 3 ROOM a partment In new Winnetka Bldg. Rea:-;n nable concession. Phone Glencoe 439. 67LTN9-2tc 6~ LIFE 10! FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS 61 }'OR UEN'f-l~UU~. A PTS. ·-· 1-2-3 ROOMS Phone Your W&nt·Ads in the Evening Phone Wil. 4300 TWO FLYING SUITS IN VERY GOOD condition. One fur lined and one heavy cloth suit. Seventy-five dollars buy!-; both. Write Wilmette Life A-108. 102LTN10-lte 1 SEAL COAT. $35. 1 SQUIRREL COAT $45. Both size 36. 9x12 Chinese rqg. Ph. Winnetka 3150. 102LT10-ltn 103 \ Tery Attractive Rent ~ FURNISHED APARTMEXT ~ In Th(' I·:XCLUSIVE ELl\JGATE 1\L\XrJJ: "ith FREE GAS, LIGHT, EI.Ef 'TI: H · J~E F'RlGERATION AND l\TAlD SI·:I:\' II' E t oge ther \\'ith tile hath !-; , :- IHo \\'··t·:-; t \\·in and <loirhle beds, l:trg-r· rln ·~sint.' I !ost·ls and amp le s t or:tg-P Hp:tct ·. E:-: 1·· ·1· l.·n t rran ~ portntion . R2:i 1\Ta in su·,.,., i J:\ :t JJs trJJI. l:rf' t· n lea f 2100. lj)\f.TX!fl-lto : , }' OR UF.NT-HOU!'IES I l't l(: I:J-:~1' 011. ~ALJ ·~ - 6J S l'LJ ·~. \!-' . \:'\1' ' WANTED TO BUY- MISC. OLD ROOKR BOUGHT. NOT FICTION or Cyclo pedias. Address Minerva Bo9k Exchang-e, 7233 East End Ave .. Chicago. 103L9-3t·1 WANTED- CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, lOc per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. 103LTN 48-tfp 105 1\IISCELLANEOUS .\ ' ··.. K t> nilwnrth . G r no tn s . furna 1·1 · 1 lt··:t l . :.! (':11' g-at·:rg-P . XP:l. r sC'IHoo o) :-; :tnd 1 t t:t ti!'Jl . Land ~c·: t)Wd . l~ c·:tsr.n:t ld o· . l 'lt I :d:..:t ·\\':dt ·r lii OO. tj!t L 111 - 1 t ,· J Sublease Opport nnit\· 77 Indian T -1111 Roa<i WT~NETKA I I HAVE YO OR OLD PIECES RENEWED at a reasonable price. Silver refinished and made absolutely tarnish Proof. Paul Davey, Jeweler. 1165 Wilmeth' Ave. Ph. Wilmette 6. 105L35-tfe YOUR FAVORITE DOLLS PERFECTI~Y r enewed in every way. Also make otttfits for any s tYle doll. Ph. Winnetka 3340. Francis French Shop. 50fi Chest nut St. 105LTN39-2tC' \!,·.tlt liful h ome n ttr:tcti\·r J.\· 1 1 (~ur cla!\sified ad,·ertio;ing . department is prepared to accept adver~i tt t :tt · · d :·m irl Jl.~ n<"res of lnnd ~f':t prd tr .. ements for the ~ urrent ·~ " J'fl ·'. II · g untJ') · o,;ue of \\'rr \II : , "'F. ,. . e very evenm .·tHl g:trdr nNl g- round .<-:. Pnu ~ua !h· [~Jl:t- I ' WANTED TO BUY- FUR COAT FOR · i" u~ int<>ri or arrn. ng- r mr·nt . n n rn.!! f' 1 16 year old g-Irl. Also-Moon coupe fo r 'J P. \1. \VEDNESDAY t'., r t wo mntnr·~. ~uhlc· : t~·· : \\'illinL:" t n i sale,.. Phone Glencoe 592. 105L10-lt<" "·"· rif1{'n. F'or ('Omp l('tf' d t· t ai ls :mel in - I I J··· ··tion nppointment ph onr ~ · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~pnnis h II !~ .-\ T R n 8.: \ r :\ H:\ F I< - ----- SILHOUE'rTES C:ro·c·n l· ·:tf 1~:-,:-, ·~~~ r:r:'\1 11 - lt. 1 ;; FCIH ~\1.1-: - IIOt " SJ·: S !H) ----------------- ANTIQUES \\"II Y X01' A~ A~TJQUE FOR LlKT·:XESSES CUT BY MISS JOHNSO~. J'h. Wilm t>t t e 19R2. 105LTN10-lt<' SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE WIL1UF.TTE SPECIAL ASSESSl\JENT NO. 246 IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAJ.J ASSESSMENT OF THE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE, for the improve ment consisting- of the construction of a system of s t orm water sewers, with necessary manholes, cat ch basins, house drains, also constructioD of system of sanitary sewe rs, water s upply pipes and house serviG.,e pipes, to be laid in Iroquois Road, and other str eets and roads in the Village of ·wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, Specia l ~sess m e nt No. 246 ln the County Court of Cook County, Illinois. NOTICE is hereby given to all perso~s interested that the Board of Local Im provements of said Village, has heretofo r-e fil ed in said Court, In said cauf!e, a certi fi e ate showing the cost of the improvement, and the amount reserved for interest, leaving $3,956.45 to be abated in reduction of said assessment, and also that said improvement has been compl~ted In substantial conformity to the requirements of the original ordinance therefor, and has applied to said court to consider and determine whether or not th e facts Rtated in said certificate are true, and that said court has fixed Monday, the 9th day of December, A. D. 1929, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit, at the room of said County Court in the County Building, in t~ City of Chicago, in .s aid Cook County. as the time and place for the hearineon said application. All persons deslrin_; m~y file objections in said court befo.rP said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Dated November 22nd, 1929. EARL E. bRNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL CYRUS MILES McDONALD STANTON VAN INWAGEN HANS von REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. L9-2tc FOR RF.XT ~-.7 I ;nEE~ RAY ROAD, r.LEX('OE, R r .. om hou sl' . two baths. ne wly d ··corated, lint wat e r lwat. t>Xtrn l argf' lnt, g-ar:l!!'fl' , :t \·:lilablfl' at once. Rental Yer~· r c·ason:t hlP. C'all P. ~1. ('orne.<-:, lfil!'hland Pa rk fiOO. 69LT::"\ 4 -tfc nF.~T-STOnt:s & A C JTHTST:\IA~ PRESENT? A r:t rt ' old nrint. a quaint old hool< <'d nu~ . l ~ l ·: lol ' t ' l ·: ll , f :t ·l't·ltll\' ('lf.\1:~11~1; E:'\1: . J:l~I<'K . 1 ----------------------------1 ,.. FOH OFFifl·: s 1 , ·, ·l~~ J·: P. ~TORE. ~iix -t4 . 507 C'Tlf:~T- ~ ·.tit ~t. R Pn t n ·:ts. C'on ce~:-; inn . Ph. \\"innl'tk:: l !HR . . . , ~ ·:.LT:'\!1-,. f(' " ~··. S I'OOillllll'!o ·d: ],1 \\· ·I I f :t tid:-.o ·;t !l ·d: l..!flll(l n· ·it: hlot o tlt·oo o d: h.: . !h . !'ttl.. ~··n o ·tt o · d IJ··r<·h \\'itlt til· · ff,oo·t. · · ~11':1 l:t\ .. kitt-lt· ·n linoiPlll ll. ·!-: t .. ,·, .. F rit:itl:1ir··. ·i l .. · dl'i t ~ "· · :.! tilo ·d l o·ttlt~. :.!1111 fir.: :.! o·;t l' lt··:tl od g:tr:tt:< · ; toil lo iii 'IJ· ·I' : Ill' " ! t·ioll· :-It tt··t it oil: ~t····l o·:t:-. ·tllt·tJt \\ in d ··\\'~: :: ·!I in:-.IJ !:t lo ·d : ro ·: t~h' foo l , ., ·,· ttfl;ttto· \·: :1 l':ti\J(· :11 ~:!.-o.lit"tl>. an _cdl] chai r. a bit of lu:stre fot· thP cnbmrt. ot· a s mall table. Come and hro\\·s,. :trnutHl among my antiq ues. l lh hl~\S , E. of f'!.icl~·l'. E\·a n~ton. Mary Ant~ DH:kt. \O:o- W as hingt on ~t. 1 bl. So. ·or :\fall1 St. y· \ ~ ():\~t~: B'TIE::-\ C fl SOI-IN I } OR S .\ J,}, -liOl --------------------------- 1 I; I I I!E.\J.'f'( l J~:-: 11: I-: It tl :-: t. \\' IX:\ETJ\: : 11 , :--: ~~~o~tE !'I Jnr. c; Eonr. L\ x C'OL- 1 1 ------------------------~------- FURNITUHE 17th nn <l J. t il century. Needlepoint: tnpeRtries. c·hina, glass, pewter and pn rnting-s. 82:l \Vashingt nn St. Gree nleaf 6ii92 \\' i tlll. lii17 Nr. 1\Tn in ~t . , Evnnston , Ill. 77LT:--;10- ltc 99LTN1 0-1 tC' l'HOYI~ C IA L .. ni:t l brick r('slclencc in quid 1 · :t~ t sirlP :\~TIOUES l··ea tlon n<>nr ln iH· anrl ~chncol~. \\'itll 1'11.\I~)JJXG 6 1100:\f J>£:1\'11 \'Of.O~ :\frs. ,Tames l\I;;·shall Hobbs -, lt (>flrn~s .. ~ baths. hr£· akfa~t nonk. roil i: tl. <' il o h't· conwr lot: Lt re:·· tl'c ·t·S: ~rrs. Kenneth Min er Hess llf·rtl. :?-en r goa rn lrf' . Pric· (> $:i~.OOO - m :1 ,. 11. \\-. !Jc·n l. garng-r. Prit·,· rt ·dtll 't>d to Mrs. Alfredo Mazzarello t r;tdt·: ]'l;orth Shor(' Yarnnt (or ~rn:tllo · r ~,;,,:;oo. ~mall cash n n.ymPnt. bala nt ·P ti51 Ye rnon Ave. Phone Glencoe 1336 "" mP . See us. AS~El\JBIJED SETS OF OLD GLA~S. mconthl\'. Furniture, l\lirrors and PrintR fll"nn.\RD \ \'OODS · cl\()~ B)' RE:\ T ~T\' CO. \\'inn£>tl.:a I!.E.\LTOn~ fT:\LIAN IMPORTA'TTONS LEATHER. BRONZE, JEWELRY GIFTS AND LINENS ~9LTN9-5tc 1177 \\"ilnwtte Ave. " "iJn,Nt·· :!7:: i7L10 - lt· · ~o:!~ 77LT~lll-ltc FOI! :-:ALE OH JlE!\'T - SIX JWO~I house )o('at cc1 at lHi E<lge \\'ootl Lane, Jlubb:ud 'Voods-o il lwa t- automatic (; I.E:-\C'OE--RPdUct><'l from $40.000 to r£' frig- erat ion- s(·t' your brokt> t'. ~:?7.500. Interesting- 7 room reRi<l··nN· 77LT.:\~-4tc wi th 3 baths: all"D deliKhtful s un !'(·Om ~~~~~~~~~~---~~ :t ncl oppn terrace : 2 car ga rag-t' : hot nte r oil heat: about an acl'l' nf sun- j ~ FOR "'\I.... ,.., , , ..,, - , - '\(' ··\ ... n- T y wooded g-rounds !-;lo . piul!' Into nut~ - - · ----------------ent ravine. An id ea l s e tting-. '\\lX.:"J'ETKA-Cut again. OwnH wlll \ ~ .\C' .\~T now take $3.400 fo r"""tot o n Cht>rr~· ~t. · nra 1· CommunitY Golf C'nttt'!-;(' . r·n whit-It 1!10 ft. on ~h r rid:l n l!o:Hl llt ·a r !:t i(C , :til improvemen.ts nre in and half tlH' .. 1{l,500. : t ~~ps sments pai<'l. Surroun<l c- d hy ::111 !!Ox170 ft., ~- 1 ·~. C: lt'lh'fH'. $175 p C' t' ft. nr·w $20.000-$30.000 beautiful h on.Ps. 66xU3 ft., :-\ . \Y . C:lt·tH'O t. $ 1\:i tw r ft. KEX ILWORTH-$40.000 for !-;o!i<l stoJW l:?iix.lOO ft., ); . E. r:Jt·n('n,·, ~lfl.i Jl f' l' ft. an rl brick house on 125x t7 :-i lot that wi II eventually be worth a fort Ullt' h<·· J:>Ox~10 ft. ttt·:tr· ~1\ .. J' i" ('lttlt. $1:1fi n0r ft. t·a ust> of its ~trateg-ic location. 1 fou!-;t · hns 9 delightful rooms: 3 baths: h ot S~TT'I'Tf \\':ttt' r oil heat: three £·ncl tlSN1 pnn ·h l·s: RR\LT ORS ~ l'<t r g-arag-e ; Present valu e of lot nvrr Glf'llCOe 702 -~ : :o.oo o. You get the huil<ling·s ffll' lcs=- ';~;7 Park A,.,, 7~LT);IO-lk tha n $10.000. SACRIFICES! JOO · FOR .SAL,. HSEHLD .:.· GDS. Tf:X PTEC:E DTXJNG SET. EXCELlt·nt C'O !Hlition. 1163 C'herry Rtreet. 100LTN10-lto l..'SED ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES, portables, treadles, consoles, gu::tr. r ens. 920 C hicago Ave. Greenten.f 7480. 100LTN6·5tc (;LE\'"C()Jt: \Y.\T/T'l':R P. & CO. TfETNSE~ REA l/f't' C(). ( 11 ,'F l·~ llS .\ :'\ l·.X("EPTrOX .\L. LO<' .\ ·. tion n t :t n cx(·,· nt inn al l\· low nn et>. ':h t:-; lot 7iixl6G Is 1 hind' from the lnl\r Ill a highlv re~ trict r d tll'ighbnt'h oo<l; no assrssnwnts: $12 ..100. 12~ ~lwridnn R<l .. K vlli lmwth Ph. 2~'\ 7SLT10-Jtc FOil REALTORS :?tHl Floot·. 720 Elm ~l.. '\\-innC'tl\:1 Tt ·IPn hont>s Winnetka ~ii4 nn<l H70 77LT:-:-t0-1tl' host to fortv members of the New Trier squad and to the New Trier coaches at 101 WTD. TO DUY-HSEIILD. GDS. the Northwestern-Notre Dame game last WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND Saturday. furniture and other household goods. Jlighe8t prices for same. Crost FurniColeman E. Clague, son of Mrs. Stanture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN48-tft ley Clague, now of Evanston but for - Fl ' ltX. ~EVE~ llOO~f TTO:\fE. TI.-\ nY (Jrand piano $175. Coxwell C'hrtir, high h:t ('k chair. n1gs, oil painting-s 33x 27 in .. nl $25 rnc h. lamns. m nh og. dinettt· srt $:?0. Pnol nn<l hilliard tnble . C(l tnJ)lPt <> nutfit $20. 4-pc. Reed sunparlor set $25. S£>wing maC'hhw $1). nird cag£' with \\To ught imn stand. nmtable showe1· $:l. Sterl g-nrd£>n tahl e. umbrella. 4 chairs to match $30. BPach umbrt>lla s $2.!10 Pnch . tret£>rtoter $15. nl n vgmund sliflr $Hi . \Yhit r ~·:ts ~tOY(' with r egulatOI' HOST TO N. S. GRIDDERS $35. Kit(' h en t:thl ('~. C'hairs. breal<fa."' John Hicks of Kenilworth, father of sf't . nie t· en hi net. bNlroom furn itm··· " ·i ll st>narat r. Other misf'. Wilmet.tt· Tom Hicks, captain of this · year's New 4:i2!l. Gilb('t"t. ~44 Oak Circle . Wilm e ttf'. Trier High school football team, was 100L10-lt<' r ,, .. thi:-; "cottag-ey" house on a ht>autiful Neig-hboriH·Ofl nf <'nrner lot 50x187. \':tlua ble estates . Plans for r e m odt·!j rw ;, re included. Fine forei' t t rN·s a ncl :-;hrubs. Conveni ent to tra n~pnt·tn tio11 : $1:>.~0 0. S. \V. corner of Pin r ancl H o~e wond, Winnetka. SLIUTJTLY ABOVE LA;-\D Y:\LUJ..: HI. Chicag-o Ave. C:reenlenf 7220 77L10-1tD merly of Winnetka, is spending a period of ten days or two weeks with his mother Defore going to Rio de Janeiro. Mr. Clague has just returned from a trip to the Isle of Aruba in the Dutch \Vest Indies and will leave for Rio de Janeiro HOl\IE" BASF. BUJ1Nl~R 0'1....., very soon. Mr. Clague is the tmJther FOR RENT-4 RM. FU.RN. qoTTAGE "LARGE fourth cost. Suitable for g-arage or on Fish River. 1\fag-nol·a ~pnngs,. ~Ia of Mrs. Charles S. McCoy, 730 Ashsmall cottag-e. Winnetka 706. barna. Winte r rr$)rt . Exc. ~shmg-. land avenue, Wilmette. 102LTN10-1t Address Talk A-107. S3LTN10-1tn ~ALE LO'J' TN lll GTTLA:-\,1) Park. 104x~7 . Rirl~·,, yif· W Dl'. ll t'a r :-:l. 102 FOR SALE-MISC. Johns For sa l(' l>Y ownrr. reasonnhlr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ter·ms.' Ph. \Vilmette G:H . 7SLTX7-4t<' ' YOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER F 0 R sale, good condition, call after 6 p. m . Sunnyside 744!) . 102L10-ltp WIN'l'ER UESORTS 83

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