Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Nov 1929, p. 62

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62 SPECIAL WIL)fETTt~ WILMETTE ASSESSMENT NOTICE stating of the construction of sanitary sewer house drains in Washington Avenue between Tw-enty-first Street and Ridge Road and tn other roads, streetR and avenues in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, Special Assessment No. 251 in the County Court of Cook County · NOTICE is hereby gh·en to all per::;ons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of said Village, has heretofore filed in said court, in said cause, a certificate showing the cost of the improvement, and the amount reserved for interest, leaving $1,198.26 to be abated i.!l reduction of said assessment, and also that said improvement ha!:l been completed in substantial conformity to the requirements of the original ordinance therefor, and luis applied to said court to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated in said certificate are true, and that said court has fixed :\tonday, the 9th day of December, A. D. 1!:\29, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will )>(' rmit, at the room of said County Court in the County Building, in the City of Chicago, In !-'aid Cook County, as tlw time and place for the h ea ring on said application. All persons desiring may file objections in said court before saill flay and may appear on t lw h e:u·ing anrl ma 1\t' theit· d efense. Date<l Xovemlwr 22nd, 192!1. EARL E. ORNER ERKEST C. 'AZEL ALHF.RT L. GRINNELL CYHUS :\IlLES McDONALD STANTOX VAN INWAGE:-J HA :'\S von RETKSPEUG GOHDON \VILSOK Boanl of Ln<'al Jmpmvt·mt·nt:nf tlw Yillage of " ' ilme ttt' . 1.1 0-:.!l<' LIFE November 29, 192Q County Building, In the City ot Chicago, in said Cook County, as the time and place for the hearing on said application. All persons desiring may file objections In said court before· said day and may. appear on the hearing and make their defense. Dated November 22nd, 1929. EARL E. OR'NER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL CYRUS MILES McDONALD S'rANTON VAN INWAGEN HANS von REINSPETIG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improve ments of the Village of Wilmette. L9-2ttst»t:(;IAL ASSESSlUENT N01'H'·~ WIJ,)Jl~TTE SPECIAL J\SSESSlJE:ST NO · .if9 I~ THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL .\~SESSl\IENTt OF THE VILLAGE OF \\'I L~IETTE, for the improvement of In,quoi::; Road from the west liJle of Twenty-thirct Street: Cherokee Road from tlw ::;outh line of Elmwood Avenue to thl· north edge of Lake Avenue: Pawne; !toad south of Iroquois Hoad to the north t·dge of the eoncrt'te pavement on Lake· ..\ ,·enu t>, Pa wnec Road from its junction with 1\fiami Hoad to l'outh line of Elmwood A Yt nue: Pontiac Hoad from south lin of Elnnvood Avenue to concrete pavem ... nt on Lake A venue: Illinois Road from ~orth line of Iroquois Hoad, w est of Illinois Hoad by con~tructing side walks, ~ratling, paving and otht·rwise improving tht~ same, in the Village of \Vilmette, <:ook County, Illinois, Spedal ..-\s~;e>'s ment No. ~49 in tlw Conn tv ( 'nurt of 1 'nok County. · XOTICJ<; Is herelJy giYell to all per!::ions intf're:::;ted that the Board of Lo~al Improvements of said Village, has heretofot·e tilerl in said court. in said (·aust>, ., certHicalt> !'bowing the cost M the improvement, and the amount reserved for intere!::it, leavJ.ng $27,H2.S5 to be abated in reduction of said a:::;sessme~t. and also hat said improvement has hce 11 t·nmplf'tt·tl in substantial conformity to tht· l'<'q uircments of the original onlinatH'l' thl-'n' f:.·r, and has applled to Haicl t·ourt to eon~idt>r and determin e whetht· r ot· not tlw fads ~tated in ~o~aid certifieatc art· tnt<', and that !'::tid court has fixed ~Ionday. tiJC !lth day of December. A. D. 1 !12!1, at ten o'clock A. 1\J., or as ~oon th e t·eafter as the busint·.·~; of tltt' eourt will J)t't 'llli t, at the room of sai rl County Court in the County Building·, in tht! City of ('hi~·ago, in said Cook County, as the timf) and place for the hearing- nn said applil'f\ tion. All persous ((E'>'iring may tile ·bj('ctions in said t·ourt IJt'fon· >'aid ·lav and may nppt·a r 1111 tho· Jwari :1t: :111d lll:tl\.t· th<>il· d eft:nst:. Pat1·rl ~c,,· ··ntht·r :?:!n<i, 1!1~9 . Jo:AH L E. OH :'\El1 1-:H~J.;~T C. CAZEL .r\LBEPT L. GHlN~ELL CY H. US MILES ~1<-DOXA LD STAI':TON VAX IX\VAGE~ HANS von REINSPE!l<~ GORDO~ \VII-'f-iON B~ar<l of Local lmprn\'t' ttll'llts of the Village of " 'i lnwttt ·. L!l-:?tc certificate showing the cost of the im" provement, and the amount re~erved for interest, leaving $712.14 to be abated in reduction of said assessment, and also that said improvement has been com-. pleted in substantial conformity to the requirements of the original ordinance therefor, and has applled to said court to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated in said certificate are true, and that said court has fixed MODday, the 9th day of December, A. D. 1929, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit, at the room of said County Court in the County Building, in the City of Chicago, in said Cook County, as the time and place for the hearing on said anplication. All persons desiring may file objections in said court befot·e !':aid day and may appea r on the hearing antl makl' their defense. Dated ~owmber 22nd, 1929. EARJ. E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL CYRUS MILES MeDON.\ T.D STANTON VAN IN,VAGE~ HANS von REINSPEnr: GORDON 'VILSON Roard of Local Impro\·e m e llt =s of tht~ Villnge of \\.ilm ett< ·. L9-2tt- SPECIAL NO. 26~ ASSESS:\IE~'l' ASSE~SMENT JX 'L'LIE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL OF THE VILLAGE Ol·' WIJ,JH:'I"l' E ~J>l:CL\1, ~o. . \SSE!'i~~rF.YI' 2;;-1 -----------------Wlf, ~H:'J' TE ~J>J.:C L\1, ~0. :?.;2 ASSJ<:SSJIE~ 'l' IX THE l\L\T'l'I'~R OF THB Sl'l·:l'IAI. AFiSESSMENT OF TJIE VlLLAUI~ OF \VILl\1ETTE, for th e con!'truction of a C!·nnected systet'n of storm watet· se,Yers, with house s~n·icl's, all of , itrifitH.l tile pipe, with bric:l( manholes in 'Vashington Avenue. and oth<'r stre(:·ts in th Village of \Vilmett<', < 'ook county. Illinoi s, Sp<'cial A~ses.·ment Xn. ::!:J:!, in the 1'null I!' t 'ourt of Cook County. XOTJCI..-; is hereby g-iven to all lkt·sons intt·reste<l that tlw Bonrd of Lot·al Improvements of said \'illage, has h ret.Qfore filed in said court, in :said cause, a ('Ntifk:l.te showing· the cos t of tlw improvement, and the amount r eserved for interest, leavi ng no excess to be ahnted !n said assessment, and also tl)~t :-;nid unpr~v eme nt has heen <'nmpleted_ 111 substantlal con.formity .to the reqmremen ts of the ~rigtnal ~nltnance there~ot·, and has applied to smd court to con!-'Ider an<l ~letern~me ther or not tl~ e fa cts state<l m. said ce1 ttficate are tt u e, and that satd court has fix ed Monday. the 9th day of December, A. D. 1929, at t en o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter :1s the bu!':iness of the court will pe.rmit, at the room of said County Court in th(' County Building, in the City of Chicago, in :,:aid Cook County, a~ the time anrl place for the hearing on said application . All persons desiring may file objection:-: in said court before sa id day and may appear on the hearing and make tlwir defense. Dated November 22nd, 1929. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL CYRUS MILES ~~DON~LD STANTON VA~ IN,VAGE~ HANS Yon RETNSPERG GORDO~ 'VILSON Board of Local Improwment~ of the Village of ·wilmette. L!l-2tc IN TUB ::\lATTER OF ·r.HE Sl'EC£..\L OF TliE VILLA<; 1·: OF \VILl\IETTE, fot· pt·ocee(liugs to levy a ::;pecial a~sessment for tlu~ imJH'on·mttnt of the first alley so uth of St.>L'Ileer A \J;..nuc fFom the WPst curb lim· of Fiftt·t·tlth Street to the ea!jt curb lin e· o f Sixtt·t·llth Street, by grading; an<l 1m\'ing with rdnfor ced Portland C'ement conC'rett·, aJHl otlwrwise improving- the sanw. in tlw \'il lage of 'Vilmette, Cook County, llliu ·,i:-; . ~pecial Assessment Xo. 254. in th0 ( 'u11111 ,. Court of Cook County, Illinois. · ,\SSE::3S~1E~T SPECL\J, ASSl~SS~IR~l' ~O'J'ICE WIJ,:\U:T'I'E ~l'ECL~o. J, . \~SJ·: SSJfE ~ :!;;o ·r 1.:'\ TJIE :\1.\TTEll OF THI ·~ SPECIAL .\SSESSl\fEXT 01·' THE Yl LLAC:E OF \\'IL~tETTE. fc,r th e impron:- nwnt consisting of tht· eonst rudion of an omamental t'lt>ctdt· lig-hting ~ystt·m in :t part of Pontiac R oa d and other an~nu'c>_::, t·oads and :;;lr£>ets ill tlw Yillagc nf \Vilmette, f'ool' f'ounty, Illinois, Spedal ~\s ::;essment No. ~50 in tlw Cmmty Court ··f f'ook ('ounty, lllinoi!-'. · XOTICE is lwrehy g-i\'t·n to all lWl'sons int('re~ tP·l that till· Board of Lol'al lmpt'tl\'('111ents r,f said Yillag·e . has ht'retofore filerl In sa let court, in sa icl ra ll!'it', a certificntc showing the cost of the imJH'O \'f:' tn · nt. ancl the amount rN~t' I'\'Nl fot· intt>r.-.st, lea\'ing- $2.139.24 to be abated in l'(·ductlon nf said asse!-'~ment, aurl also thnt !-'Hid Improvement has been t'O IIlJ>Iett><l In suhstantial confoni1ity to tht> n ·q ulrements of th e nridnal ordinance therefor. and has npplied to =said ~ourt to con:-:ider and d etet·mine wheth t' r Ill' not the fads statf'd in said t't'dificate are tru e. and that said court has tixt' d :\Jon<.lay, the !lth day of December, ...\. D., 1929, at ten o'clock A. ::\1., or as soon thereaftpr as the bm;iness of the (·om·t will pet·mit. at tlw room of said County t"uurt in the County Building, in the City of C'hicag-o, in :-:aid Cook County, as the time anct place for the hearillgSl~ECIAL ASSESSJU~~T NOTICE r·n said applkation. All pen;ons desiringmay file objections in said court befoi·'P said day an<l may appear on the lwnt·ing WIL)U:TTt; Sl~l~CIAL ASSESS)IKXT and make their dPft>nse. NO. 253 natetl ~(1'\'f· mber 22nd, 1!.\29. EARL E. ORNER IN THE l\IATTER OF THE SPECIAL EHNEST f'. C'AZEL ASSESSMENT OF THE VILLAGE OF ..\JJBERT L. GHJNNELL WILMETTE, for the construction of lead ('YHC'S MILE~ l\JC'DOXALD water services connected to the main 1-'TAXTOX VAX JX\\~AGEN water supply pipe in Washington AvenlJe 1 fA:!'\S von HEl XSPEHG between the alley west of the west 1i ne <~OHDON WIL~O~ of Seger's Subdivision and Ridge Road; Board nf Local lm]lro,·e ments in Highland Avenue between Twenty-finn '·f t h<: Yillage of \\' i lnwtte. Street and Ridge Road and in Central L9-2tc between Twenty-first Street and ------------- Avenue the first alley west of Ridge Road on the north side of said Central A venue in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, Special Assessment No. 253 in the County WILMETTE SPECIAL J\SSESSJil:NT Court of Cook County. :so. !~1 NOTICE is hereby given to all persons JN THE MATTEH. OJ<" THE SPECIAL interested that the Board of Local ImASSESSMENT OF THE VILLAGE OF provements of said Village, has heretoWILMETTE, for the improYement con- fore filed in said court, in said cause, a .'\'!t. I ----------------------- ~OTICE is h('}'eby g·in·n to all J~t·r:-:··ll>' intere:o>ted that the Board of Loc:1l l mJlroYements of l'mid YillaJ;P, has h<·rd··~ fore filed in said court, i11 said <·ausl', a ce> t·tificate f'hO\\'ing the cost of tlw impt·ovcment, and the amount rt ·S<'l'\'e<l f1·1· Interest, leaving no excess to bf· al>ate<l in said assessment, and also that sni<l improvement haH been completed in :-;uhstan tial conformity to the requirentcnt:-; of the original ordinan<:t· ~lwt'l·fot·, :\11<1 has applied to said court tit consitlt·r and determine whethe r or not the facts sta t<'<l in ~aid certificate are tnte, an<l that !':tid court has fixed 1\fonday, the 9th clay of December, A. D. 1929, at t en o'clock A ..:\L .. or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit, at the room of said County Court in the County Building·, i·· the City of Chicago, in said Cool~ CountY. as the time and place for the hearing 011 >'aid application. All per!-lons d esirim!· L!l-2t· may file objections in said court IJefot't· 1 - · - · -- - - - - - - - - - -- said day and may appear on the hParin ..· and make their defe nse. ,. . S P ECL\.1, A~SF.SSlUENT 'NO'!' I(' E Xovember 22nd, 192!1. Dated WJI, JU~'l'T}~ ~PECIAJ, ASSl~SS ,\1 E VI NO. 259 I~ARL E. OR~EH gRNEST C. CAZEL lN THE MATTER OI·' THE Hl'I·:<:L\f ALBERT L. GRINNELL CYRUS MILES l\lcDONALD ASSESSMENT OF THE VILLAC;t·~ OF \\'JLl\IETTE. for improvement co11sisting· ~TANTON VAN INWA<i It:~ of grading and paving- the fir:;t alle:v HANS von REINSPERG north of Highland A venue. from the GORDON WILSON west curb line of Fifteenth Strel't to Board of Local Improvemettls tlw east curb line of Sixteenth Htret't of the Village of Wilm etk with reinforced portland cement t·on L9-2tc c·rete and otherwise improving the :-:a11w in the Villag-e of Wilmette. Cook Countv Illinois. Special Assessment No. 2:>!'. i1 SPECIAL ASSESSJIEXT NO'I'ICI-: the County Court of Cook County. NOTICE is hereby given to all ne r:o>·.:lls interested that the Board of Local lm "VILJIETTE SPF.CI.\L ASSESS)U: .~ ·r tn·oyements of said Village, has lwt·t:· to fore filed in said court. in said ca tt!-it' IN THE MATTEH 01.<' TilE 'PEnAL a certificate showing the cost of the im ASSESSMENT OF Tin~ VILLAGE Ul·~ nroyement. and the amount reserYed fo1 · WILMETTE. for th e improvement of the inte rest. leaving an excess of $~10.0~ t1 first alley ~outh of Gree nleaf A YCnue be abated in reduction of said assess ment: and also that said improvemf'n from the west curb line of Seventh Street has been completed in substantial con to the east cmb line of Eighth Street, by formity to the requirements of the ori grading and paving with reinforced Pc,rt- g-inal ordinance therefor. and has atmli .. , land cement concrete and otherwise im- to said court to consider and determi 111 proving the same, in the Village of \\l·il- whether or not the facts stated in sai· mette, Cool{ County, Illinois, Hpec·i~tl certificate are true. and that !>aid <·out· Assessment No. 2_55, in the County Court has fixed Monday, December 16th . .A. D of Cook County. 1929. at ten o'clock A. M .. ot· as so1.1' NOTICE is hereby given to all perf'on:- thereafter as the business of the c·our interested that the Board of Local Im- will nermit. at the room of said ('ount .v provements of said Village, has hereto- Court in the County Building, in tlw fore filed in Raid court, in said cause. a City of Chicago, in said Cook County, il certificate showing the cost of the im- the time and place for the hearing· nt provement, and the amount reservfi!d for said application. All persons de~o~iri"· interest, that no excess remains to be may file ob.iections in said cout·t. bef1·r·· abated in said assessment, and also that said day, and may appear on the· h1·ari 11~ said improvement has been completed in lllHl mnl{e their defense. substantial conformity to the require- Date<l November 29th. 1929. EARL E. ORNER ments of the original ordinance therefor, ERNEST C. CAZEL and has applied to said court to com;ider ALBERT L. GRINNELL and determine whether or not the facts CYRUS MILES McDONALD stated in said certificate are true, and STANTON VAN INWAGE~ that said court has fixed Monday, the 9th HANS von REINSP.MRG day of December, A. D. 1929, at ten GORDON WILSON o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as Board of Local Improvements the business of the court will permit, at of the Village ot Wilmette. the room of said County Court in the Ll0-2tc WILMETTE, for the improvement of the fir st alley north of Elmwood A venue from the west curb line of Fifteenth Street to the east line of Sixteenth Street. by gTading· and paving with rt>lnforc.l'd Portland cement concrete, and othet·wtsP improvln~ the same, in the Villag-(' of Wilmett~. Cook County, IllinoiR, R1wl'ial Assessment No. 256, in the County Coun of Cook County. XOTICE is hereby giv<'n to all lh'l'!'olls illtert·stec,l that the Board of Local lmpro\·eme nts of said Village, has her et~> fore filed in said court. in said cau st· a c··t·tificate showing the co~t of tht> im proYement, and the amr·unt rese r\'e<l f!H inte r est, leaving an excess of Eig-ht Hundred Forty-one ($84l. 70) Dollar~ an" Se\'en ty Cent~. to be abated in r ed uetion of said assessment, nnd also thnt :-:aj< improYement has b ee n completeq.. in suh stantinl confonnity to the requll'l'lllf'n ls of th e original ordinance therefor. an1l has applied to said court to considt>r and dete nnine whethet· or not the facts s tat f't l in !->aid certificate are true, and that s;litl court has fixed Monday, the 9th day ot December, A. D . 1929, at t t' n o'clocl{ A. :\f. ot· as soon (hereafter ns the businPss ~ the ~.:ourt will p ermit, at the room of r-;n i· County Court. in the County Building. i1 tlw C ity of Chicago. in snid Cook Co unty as the time and place for the h ea ring 111 said application. All }Wr!->ons desirin:-:· ma~ fil e objections in said C.£1!!rt befort· >'a i<l clay and may appear on the he aring- an7i make their defense. natt><l );ovember 22nc1. 1!"129. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT 1~. GRINNELL CYRUS MILES MeDON.\ LJ) STANTON VAN INWAGI·~~ HANS von REINSPER<1 GOTIDON ':VILSON . Board of Local Improvt'nlt'll( s 'lf the Village of Wilnwttt·.

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