Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Nov 1929, p. 63

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November 29, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 63 The ~enilworth League of Women Voters ts .soon to announce an important ·meettng and members are asked to look ?Ut for the date and program. It p:omtse~ to be a most interesting neetmg, wtth an unusuaf surprise. A large group of the members attended the meetings last week held at the Orrington hotel Evanston by the Illinois League of \Vomen Voters and report very enthusiastically over the work accomplished. 'I'he election of officers and results of the convention are publisherl elsewhere in this issue. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trom, Chestmt avenue, announce the birth of a son Sundav. November 17. at St. Francis' hospital. ~pf:CIAL ASSESSliE~T ~OTICE AT KENILWORTH LEAGUE Kenilworth and Winnetka Divide Cag . e Do . uble B·.II Kenilworth's lightweight basketball team de~eated the Winnetka Panthers 19 to 5 ·.n a game Wednesday of last week. whtch opened the basketball season 111 Kenilworth. Tommy Saxton and Cla~de Phillips, forwards, starred for Kemlworth while Flynn, running guard, played well for the Panthers Th~ Winnetka Heavies, led by A~ate Martm and a group of former college players, handed the Kenilworth Heavies a .24 to 1~ setback Monday night of thts week m a close, hard-fought game. . The Joseph Sears school gymnasium m Kemlworth is reserved each Mondav and Wednesday night for the use ~f the two Kenilworth basketball teams. These teams are seeking games with an-¥ heavyweight tea.m or any lightwetght team whose players are under 130 pounds. Other north sh )re or Chic~go bask.etball fives that desire games wtth Kentlworth have been advised to communicate with Robert W. Townley athletic director at the Joseph Sea~; school. · WIJJ~JET'fE SJ»Y.:Cii\J, ASSE~~JIENT NO. 262 IN THE J\IATTE -. ·R -0-F TilE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF THE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE. for th e improvement co.nsisting construction a conn('cted svstem of of the enst iron main of watet· supply ).ipes In RomonH Road. from Lake ::wenue to the south line of enitt<d Realtv Comuan:v's First Addition to ~kokic BnulevHrcl Addition to \Vilm · ttt~. and tn other streets. avt·nnes :mel roads. atHl otherwise imnt·n vin~ the l'anH. in th<' Village nf ·wilnwtt e. f'ool< C()tmty. Jllinois. Snf>cial Asst' ssnwnt Xo. :!t3~. in tlw Countv Court of Cool< County. NOTICE Is h e r <>bY dvcn to all Jlt'l':-;ri!JS ,nteresterj thnt th e :Roarrl of Local lm Pl·ovements said Villagt·. h ns h ~c'l'dofore ·filed in of saicl co urt. in ~aid t·a Wit' a ce rtificate showing the cost of th<' imnrovement. and · th e nmount rcscnNl f, JI. interest. leavinl!· no exc<'ss to be Hllatt·ll in reduction of said asf-:essnwnt: and al:-:o that said lmnrovement has bt·en conlpleted in substantial co nformity to th e r cc1uirements of the original ordinant·t· therefor. and has annli('rl tn ~aid court to consldet· and determine whether or not the facts stated in said cert ificatt' are true. anc1 that Raid court has fixed .Mondav. Df:'cember 16th. A. D. 1929. at ten o'clocl< A. M .. or as soo n thcreaftc·r ns t\1 " business of the court will permit. at the room of said County Court in the County Building. in the City of Chi<..:aJ!.o. in K<t i Cook County. as th e tim e and nl a<.:e fnr the hearing- on said noplication. All nf' rsons desiring mav filP. obiections in said C:(J \lrt before said da:v. and may aPOe[lr on the hearing ancl make their defem:('. Dated November 29th. 1929. EAHL E. ORNEH I :----------------..1 The Skokil' \ ·aile. , · chaJ)il'l· of tl1e Daughter s nf the American Hc\'Olution met at the home oi ~fr s . Pcrn· Cutler \Voodstock a\·enuc, Kenih,·or th, <·11 :Mondav aftcrnuon nf thi . s " ·cck ,,.1.tl1 ,···.1 attendance of more than thirt\·- fi··e members. - Wt"fh D· A · R· I SPECIAL ,\ SSESSMEN'l' ~O'l'ICI; WIL)IETTf: SPl:f'J AJ, NO. 263 --· ··-·- ·-·----·--·--·-----ASSl~SSJn:~T CYRUS MILES ~IcDONALD STANTON VAN INWAGE:\ HANS von REIN~PERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Impro\'ements of the Village of Wilmf>tte. L10-2tc ~r~~:~~ 1~. c(}~F~NELL IN THE MATTEI~ OF TilE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF THE VlLLAGE OF WILMETTE. for procePdings to levy a special assessment for the improvement consistin~ of the construction of a connected sanitar.., sewer systen1 with house services In Lake Avenue and other avenues. streets. roads,and lant·s. and otherwise improving the same. in the Village of Wilmette. Cook County, Jllinois. Special Assessment No. 263. in th' County Court of Cool{ County. NOTICE is herf'by gh' t' ll to all pcrl-ions intei ··<; te<l that the Board of Local lmorovements of said Village. has heretofore filed in said court, in ~aid cauRe. a certificate showing the cost of the imorovement. and the mnount re~erve<l fot· interest. leaving no excess to be abated in reduction of said assessment; and also that said improvement has been completed in substantial conformity to tht· requirements of the ori~inal ordinatH't' therefor. and has applied to l'ai<l ot~rt to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated in · said certificate are true. and that said court has fix<'d Mondav. December 16th. A. D. 1929. at ten o'clock A. M.. or as soon thereaftl'i as the business of the court will permit. at the room of said County Court in the County Building. in the City of Chicago, in said Cook County, as the tin1e and place for the hearing on said armlication. All persons desiring mnv filt ob.1ections in said court before l'aid day, and mav appear on the hearing· and mali:l' their defense. Dated November 29th. 1929. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL CYRUS MILES McDONALD STANTON VAN INWAGEN HANS von REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Vlllar.-e of Wilmette. Ll0-2tc A guest of the afternoon was 1\{r:-;. S. l L Dickin on, regent of the chapter of the D. A. R., at Shanghai, Chin;1. She gave a brief but interesting sket~h about the chapter there which had its beginning in 1923 with thirteen mem bers and now has a membership of forty-seven. Its constructive work 1s ·done largely m the schools, offering prizes for essays about American history. giving American flags to Girl Guides. or as thev are called here. Girl Scout ·) and to- Scout masters, and spreading the idea of Americanism whcrever possible. Dr. Robert H. Gault of the clepa l tment of psychology of Northwestem universitv, who was the J)rincipal, J speaker of the afternoon, talked upon "Russia As I Saw It." His trip to Russia was made as a member of a council of educators 111 the interest of the Institute of National Education to ascertain facts regarding the provisions which the Soviet government was making in regard to the education of women and children. At the close of his talk he gave some of the few bright aspects of the situation in Russia but, from the intimate contacts which he was privileged to make and the very private conversations he had behind closed doors and \vindows, he received a very dark antl dreary impressi n of the situati 111. He gave a very graphic and sober picture of Russia. The next meeting will occur the last part of January. The program announced will be "Our National Security" by Mrs. Vinton Sisson, national vice chairman of the national defense committee. Mrs. J. K. Farley, chairman of this department of the Skokie Valley chapter, will be in charge of the afternoon. John and Wi11iam Pye and their sister, Miss Florence, and their aunt. Miss Thomas, who left Wilmette last vear to make their home in Sarasota, Fla., have returned to Chicago and are living in Rogers Park. --oTom M. Brown will return the early part of next week from the University of Illinois to pass the Thanksgiving holidays with his parents, Mr. anrl Mrs. Clyde T. Brown, 1710 Walnut avenue. oon o ew U mg The Sherman avenue unit of the new The Auxiliary of Wilmette Post 4G Chandler's store building is now ocof the. American Legion will hear its cupied in both the first and second most dtrect account of life at the home floors and a Christmas feature "Santa's for orphaned children of ex-service Cave." is located in the base~ent with men when Mrs. George Bassler child its entrance in the rear of the Sher\~elf~re chairman, returns fro."n the man avenue store. A large and comptlgnmage which Cook county Auxil- P.lete toy department occupies the entary delegates will make to Normal t1re first floor of the building and th..:! next Sunday. In the afternoon the second floor contains a part of the chi~dren .will enjoy a Christmas party sporting goods and athletic equipment whtch wtll be furnished by the units. department formerly confined to the It is reported that several Wilmette second floor of the Davis street store. Legionnaires and Auxiliary workers Access from the Davis street to the w11l make the trip. Sherman avenue building on both first The Child Welfare committee ha-s... ~nd secon.d floors is by mea~s of large been interested this week in preparin}(__~· whtch mar clos~ off etther store baskets for Thanksgiving distributioa. fr?m the other sf destred. Mrs. Bassler has Mrs. Stanley Peterfhe manager's office, occupied by son and Mrs. James Barcus on her Thomas A. Airth, is located on a mezcommittee. zanine balcony overlooking the first --floor of the new unit and is now I n or der to fi ntsh · t h e t h'trty-two bath occupte · d . A ccor d'mg to M r. A'trt h t 1 1e robes which represent the unit's special upper floors of the unit will be stocked gift to their ward at Great Lakes, and open for business in a short time two special sewincr meetings . were and will afford valuable additional floor "' 3 ca1led for early December. On Thurs- space uuring the Christmas season. day evening, December 5, members are after which the old building on Da\'is invited to ply a needle at the home street will be wrecked and the new of l\Irs. James Barctts, 303 Seventeetttil Davis street unit erected. It is hOJ) .::d ~treet. This is the revival of the regu- that the entire new building will l:c lar monthly sewing meeting. On We,J- completed next summer. · D ecem b er 11 , a spec1a · 1 ncs d ay evenmg, GIVE FAREWELL PARTY meeting is called at the home of 11rs. George Leal, 1719 Walnut avenue. ~[r . and Mrs. Edward E. Maston of 223 Seventeenth street ·opened their Dr. Beatrice Hawkins will preside at home November 21, for the I and R the regular meeting to be held Monday class of the Second Presbyterian evening, December 9, at t..he home of church of Evanston. The affair was Mrs. E. A. Gould, 922 Forest avenue. 111 the nature of a farewell for Dr. A social hour will follow the business Haymond Huston, minister of the session. Mrs. Gould heads the house church, and Mrs. Huston, who are committee for the year and she has lea\'ing soon for California. Dr. Huston appointed as her assistants Mrs. 'I'. L has r~1?igned to accept a new pastorate Hall, Mrs. D. C. Leach and ~1rs. F. in the west. The class, as an expres-von der Lippen. sion of esteem, presented the guests of honor with a gift. Mrs. Huston was The Auxiliary ts becoming atr leader of the I a_ nd R class for the minded, at least in the state depart- past fiye years. ment they have decided the membership contest will be carried out this ~lr. and Mrs. Earle L. Hart, 1211 year in the form of an airplane contest. The Seventh district wilt enter Ashland avenue, returned to their with the mythical plane, the "Spirit oi home the latter part of last week fron\ Illinois." Inasmuch as Illinois won a a deer hunting trip in northern Michspecial cup and citation last year for igan and Wisconsin. They bagged a membership gain, this should be a for- 1iS-pound buck, the largest one that tunate plane. Mrs. A. W. Froehde is 1\f r. · Hart had ever shot. --omembership chairm a n. Her committee members are Mrs. H. ]. Reiling, Mrs. ~fr. and Mrs. F. H. Gilchrist wilt reA. Rodenkirk. Mrs. G. A. Stone and turn the first part of next week to Mrs. S. Van Inwagen. their home at 510 Lake avenue, after traveling for three weeks in California Tomorrow at 12 :30 the Daughters of and Vancouver, where Mr. Gilchri ~· t the American Revolution, aided t>y had gone on business. -oother patriotic organizations, will honor Richard V. Murison, 339 Kenilworth Gen. Charles P. Summeratl, chief of staff of the U. S. Army, at a l.u ncheon a\'enuc, has returned to his home after to be given at the La Salle hotel. Gen. a month's stay in England. Mr . .MuriSummerall is the sixth officer in the son returned on the Cunard liner. army to bear the full rank of general; Alaunia, and arrived at New York on his predecessors in this office were Tuesday. He arrived home in tilll~ for George Washington, U. S. Grant, \Vil- Thanksgiving with his parents. tiam T. Sherman, Phil Sheridan and -oJohn ]. Pershing. Among the distin~1iss Amy Middendorf, 515 Roslyn f!Uished guests will be Governor Louis road, Kenilworth, is spending the ThanksL. Emmerson, President Kinley of the giving holidays with her parents, Mr. American Legion Auxiliary, depart- ancl Mrs. George N. Middendorf. Miss ment of Illinois. Reservations may be Middendorf is a freshman at the Unimade at once with Dr. Beatrice Haw- ,·crsity of Wisconsin. kins. --oM iss Jane Johnson, who has been ~fr. and l\frs. Robert Swaim. 701 spending some time in Columbia, S. C., Laurel avenue, entertained ten friends and relatives at dinner Tuesday in is expecting to return to her home at honor of the latter's nephew. George 515 vVashington avenue today, and wilt Eccles of Los Angeles and his bride. resume her cutting of silhouettes at Fourth street and Linden avenut.·. who were married last Saturday. · --{)--o~f iss Betty Marshall, 1040 Elmwood vValtace Miller returned from the University of Michigan the e.arlv part avenue, left Thursday evening to spend 0f this week to spend the Thanksgiv- the week-end with Miss Nancie Mackie ing holidavs with his parents. Mr. and and Miss Lestra Hibbard at the CniMrs. Wallace L. Miller, 628 Lak' versity of Wisconsin. -oavenue. -oCarl Keith, Jr., son of Mrs. Carl Mrs. Myron Foote of Hudson, N. ·r. Keith, 310 Warwick road, Kenilworth, is the house guest of her brother and is spending the Thanksgiving weeksister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David F. end with his family. He is a student at Hall, 809 Central avenue. Illinois college. L egion Auxiliary Ch d) N an en ow SettiCMI ~on 2 Fl f N B ild.

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