.· '7 12· WILMETTE LIFE February 1, .1929 Junior Leaguers Playing "Treasure ·Island" r 63 Out of 68 Opera Box Holders Said "Steinway!" That was the elite of New York-the box holders of the Metropolitan Opera. · This overwhelming majority have the Steinway in their homes. And also, in the homes of eighteen of the twenty-two members of the Metropolitan's board of directors,. the piano, again, is the Steinway. You find it virtually everywhere~ You find it as well, in the Northshore's homes of taste. . . . In homes which could and would pay twice its price to have it .... In homes which buy for economy-which recognize the· saving in its lifetime of service and absence of expensive upkeep. PHOTO BY STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER This able cast of Junior League players is appearing each Saturday morning at 10 :30 o'clock at the Harris theater, in "Treasure Island," produced for children and for the benefit of Junior League charities. Those pictured above are: seated, from right to left, Mrs. John Howland, Mrs. John R. Winterbotham, Jr., Mrs. Richard Sandegren, Miss Dorothy vVegener, Miss Sophie Harrington, Miss Frances Oliver, Mrs. Carl Stibolt, Miss Virginia Skinkle, Miss Elaine Blackman, Miss Virginia Landon. Standir:g, from right to left, Miss Katharine Adams, Mrs. S. K. Platt, Mrs. Charles Evans, Miss Gertrude Lucey, Miss Katherine Thayer, Mrs. Perkins Bull, Miss Jean Adams, Miss Jane Condon, Miss Marion McKinley, Mrs. Herman Dunlop Smith, Miss Jean Logan, Miss Bertha Alling, Mrs. Norman MacLeish, and Mrs. George Haskell. Funeral Services Conducted in a Most Exacting Manner UR forty-five years of scie!ltific research O in this field qualifies us to render a most careful and conscientious service. A graduate lady assistant will be in attend· ance whenever required. This new funeral home will be under the management of Mr. M. H. Lieber of Winnetka. ~ $1425 A down payment of only $142.50 brings you the Steinway Baby Grand, a piano small in size. yet embodying the true Steinway tone. The ·balance may be divided into convenient, low monthly sums. ·..,_: AMBULANCE SERVICE { A modern invalid coach in charge of courteous attendants will be stationed at}:<1o· Hubbard Woods ready for instant re· sponse at all times. ... Telephones - Winnetka 3375 University 1065 Rogers Park 0071 AT OUR EVANSTON STORE NORTHSHOREFUNERALHOME Lyon&Healy D~vis ~ 615 St. Artcraft Bldg. WEIMESKIRCH & SONS Forty-Five Years on the North Shore 928 Linde~ Ave. South of Gage St. Hubbard ·woods