February 1, 19~ WILMETTE LIFE 19. ·1,000 Foot Towers Will Flood Grounds ~I Fair With Light liFSiiiilii;liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiniliiiiiWiiiiiiii.ili ;;iliiwillli21i .i ' iiiiZ?iiiiJ'ii . iiili*~· 4 "Y"" C!? llifJP C 0 "" 11111111"' _ ~ IIIIIIIEJIII' ..,. 11111111' _.-·· , A group of wlumns or "points" standing fr'lm 800 to 1,000 feet in height, artd a great . illuminated tower, cohstruct~d of celluloid, glass arid tiling over a framework of st~el, are two of the outstanding features of the artificial lighting scheme being worked out for the Chicago World's Fair by the · centennial's architectural commission. The architects; who divulged some of their plans d\lring a thre e- day session held in Chicago last week, and were to m e~t again iri New York on F ebruary ·1,· and in Chicago on F ebruary 12. On the latter date. it was ·ann ounced hy Harvey Wiley Corbett, New York architect who is chairman of the commission, they will probably submit to the fair' s trustees, a definite scheme for the arrangement of the buildings on th e fair grounds, the type of architectu. _ to be foll owed on each building, etc . Effect of Moving Towers According to Mr. Corbett, the thousand-feet column s will be 150 fe et in diameter at their base and tapering to point s at their tops. \Nith colored light s shifting and changing, a permanent fireworks di splay eff ect will be obtained, he said. Th e shifting lights will also give the impress ion that the towers th emselves are moving, he explain ed. "The light problem is one of the biggest we are con sidering," Mr. Corbett · stated. The use of light in the fair has been developed in such a way that the possibilities of treating this fair both day and night by the use of artificial light are so great that it al- . most scares us. We are going to endeavor to centralize some one point which will possibly be the dominating point of the exposition. We realize that movement must be provided not only by walking. but there should be mechanical methods of moving people .over the exposition grounds. Moving Stairs and Walks "These would be worked out properly through the use of moving stairs, moving sidewalks, and, very largel ..._.., on the ground level by the use of water. Much in this fair is possible which has never before been presented in a fair. The lake, without tide, makes it possible to bring CC' nals and waterways of every size and form not only outside the buildings, but in and through the buildings. That idea, the movement of the people, has been the dominant factor in our conception of the exposition. Estimating that at least 1,000,000 persons are going to view the fair grounds, its buildings, spires and towers from airplanes, Mr. Corbett said further that the commission is including a lake front airport in its general scheme of things. Study Three Major Schemes The architects last week discarded many tentative plans until now there remain but three major schemes, each of which has its supporters. One pr8vides for the construction of buildings in a rectangle along the main lagoon, which will parallel the lake shore ; the second provides for the construction of buildings as factors in a major axis at 23rd street and the third provides for the head of the building composition in the lagoon at 16th street. According to Edward H . . Bennett, consulting architect for the · Chicago Plan Commission, who drew the ground plan for the fair from which each member of the commission is working, the lighting problem is becoming mo·re and more a factor in the design of the· fair. Mrs. Joseph Comee has gone to Los Angeles for several weeks to visit friends and relatives. Colby's in Evanston present furnishings in good taste A convenient shop offering the c 1 ,oicest selections of a metropolitan stock YOU will find here the newest in furniture, fabrics for drapery and upholstery, floor coverings and decorations. And our sixty-two years of experience in this field assure you of the sound style which bespeaks good taste. We ·cordially invite you to call and discuss any fur· nishing problems you may have. In Chicago at 129 North Wabash A,enue ~o:~COLBYs~s CHICAGO AVENUE AT GROVE STREJST Interior Decorators Since 1866