February 1, 1929 WILMETT 'E· ' LIFE 25 NOONTIDE SUN IS HELD BEST HEALTH. PROMOTER Stat~ Health AuthoritY cautions Against · T~o Much Reliance· · · Upon Ultra.;. Violet - ,t \Vith the high . pressure sales seas'on· for ultra-violet lamps and window glass at its peak, ·Dr. Isaac D. Rawling~. state health director, issued a state ment this week pointing out that two . minutes in t}:le open sunlight at noou yields rriore beneficial rays to the office · worker or school child than eight hours behind any . sort of glass while the alleged ultra-lamps which are not fully useless have to be used wi·h considerable cauti'on not to be actuallv dangerous. Short-cuts to ·health, he declared, usually turn out to be rainbow goW . and the present passion for quick doses of ultra-violet may prove to · be this. "The short, cold rays of the sun, called ultra-violet because they fall beyond the violet end of the spectrum, are doubtless of tremendous value to health, b. e ing especially valuable as a preventive and cure of rickets, certain types of joint diseases and tubercutn. sis," Dr. Rawlings said. They give tone to postive health. They will not, however, penetrate ordinary glass nor will they penetrate clothing, while smokeJ dust and clouds in the air screen them out to a large degree. f n the winter the supply from the sun is meager in this latitude. Capitalize Health Fad "These facts have led to the manufacture and sales promotion of elec tric lamps reputed to give off the ultra· violet rays and to certain kinds of window glass reputed to admit the ultra-violet rays from the sun. Som~ of the lamps do yield an abundance of the rays while others yield none at all. Those that produce the ray.; should be used with considerable caution in ordtr 'to avoid burns and actual damage to health. Such lamps should never he purchased and used except upon the advice and prescription of a physician. Most of the very cheap tamps are a:; harmless as they are useless." "Window glass made of pure quart:~ wilt admit practically all of the short ultra-violet ray.; that strike it but glass made of quartz costs several hundred dollars for a piece large enough for an ordinary window. The various suhstiute glass on the market admit, on the average, about 25 per cent of the sun's ultra-violet rays. "Under special conditions these glasses may be used advantageously. Experiments have shown, however, that a few minutes In the open sunlight · at noon will give to the office worker O!' school child a greater amount of ultraviolet rays than will reach in a whole day the chair or desk through a win .. dow with all glass removed. This suggests that a ten minute walk at noon on sunny days wilt pr~e more irradiation than any sor_yf glass in the windows. Valuable for Hospital Use "A good quality of the .;pecial glass ·wh'ich admits a significant amount of ultra-violet rays can be used to great advantage, however, in the construe· tion of solaria in hospitals and sanitariums where particular types of pa: tients are treated. Some advantage may accrue in home3 where young children could thus be exposed to sunlight when otherwise they would not . The whole problem is medical, however. and should be practiced only after mefhcal advice is sought. "The fellow who thinks that he can fool natur:e by exposjng himself at hi.; convenience to a few minutes of lamp or window therapy daily is headed straight for disappoint~ent. It looks nice, like the rainbow,. hut there's no gold at the end. tiah Science textbook, "Science and Miss Elizabeth Stuart, 999 La~e Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Shore drive, formerly of Kenilworth, Mary Baker Eddy: "The Scriptures ·and her brother, Charles Stuart of are very sa(:red. Our aim must be to New York City, left Saturday with a have them understood spiritually, for group of New York friends for the only by this understanding c~n truth West Indies. They expect to be gone "Truth" was the subject of the Les- be gained" (p. 547). . six or seven weeks. son-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, ·o n · Sunday, January 27. The GoJden Text was, "The Lord is ·good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations" M ts. Gertrude F indlag ( Psalms 100 .:5). Among_. · the citations which comOME TIME. when the question of "where to eat" prised the Lesson-Sermon was the folis under discussion. settle it by coming herelowing from the Bible: "For this cause you'll not regret it. , also thank we God ~ithout ceasing, We serve a Special Chicken Pie dinner on Satur· because,__when ye recetved the wor1 of days, and our Porterhouse Steaks are unequalled. ~od wb 1ch ye heard of us, ye rece~ved Luncheons Dinner 5 :3o-8 :oo ~t not as the word of men, but ~s 1t ts Telephone Sunday Dinner $1.oo- $1.2.5 111 truth, the word of 9od, whtch efGreenleaf _. g 2. 7 12.:3o to 7:oo P.M. f_ectually worketh also m you that beheve" 0 Thess. 2 :13.) 904 SHERMAN AVE. (at Main St.) EVANSTON The Le.sson-Sermon also includ~d .· C hristian Science Chu. r ches · BRIAR B..u.L TEA RooM S t~h~e~fo~l~~~w~t~n~g~p~a~s~s~ag~e~s~fr~o~m~t~h~e~C~h~r~1~s-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Firm muscles and strong bones for . g babies need croontn d d Uappy' b 'ld thero stur y an roilk to ut h wroan's G. e t ero n u0 . strong. rv 'lk of superior Milk- the 11\.1 ftavor. ·Ik 's Milk is a 11\.1 For Bowroan d. lts good-en on. t... . dep h. d for by tlte ou can Y · ness · ts v ouc e oropanY tn c -every d ay har dest--t 0 --~lease t" . ·ndustry. ~:~ d · the dalrY 1 u will fin 1t of · the year yo fresh and . h in crearo, fu11--rtc pure. DAIRY COMPANY MILK THE MILK OF SUPERIOR FLAV()R