F~J;>ruary 1; 1929 WILMETTE LI11E 3i · N·ORTH SHORE 3 '000,000 U.S. FAMILIES . OWN TWO OR MORE CARS Popularity of Golf and Other Sports Responsible, According to Motor Club Head More than 3,000,000 families in the l nited States now possess · two or more automobiles, according to Charles M. Hayes of Winnetka, president of the Chicago Motor club. The popularity of golf and other outdoor sports, ·Mr. Hayes believed, is largely responsible for the two-c~.r vogue. Quite often the sport. clu!) m which the head of the famtly 1. a member is some distance from the house and members of his family find it inc~nvenient to drive him there a~d call for him later. The extra car m the family is the solution to this problem. "Summer and winter resorts. likewise, serve to ~r:eate a demaryd. it,~ families for addtttOnal transportation, he says. "\Vhile one or more members of the family arc at these places. they desire a car at their disposal. Those who stay at home also prefer to have a car available." .Incidentally }.f r. Hayes gives some interesting information on the everincreasing number of \\·omen who own and drin~ their automobiles. "~lotoring is no longer to be, reganled as a man's field of sport. .he says. "Ten years ago a woman behmd a wheel was almost a rarity. Many were the smiles when her driving abilitY was mentioned. Today, during the ~l~ylight hours, we sec almost ~s man.y women drivers as men. Thctr qualifications arc no longer questioned by those who are keen observers. ~Ia!1Y of these women motorists are qUite familiar with the mechanism of their car. They weigh the features of several makes before purchasing. "This modern trend is nationwide, according to the American Automo~ile association, the national motonng body. That organization reports . a sharp increase in recent years 111 feminine memberships. Women car owners have been quick to see the ach·a ntages of organization. and the value of having at their beck and call a service which can be· relied upon in times of motoring emergencies." lower than preceding models, but have been so ingeniously engineered that there is more headroom than ever before. The powerplant. of the new cars represent today's ultimate in automobile engine performance, according to Pierce-Arrow officials. Because of its tremendous excess of power, it has fast acceleration. Its nine-bearing, balanced crankshaft contributes much to the smooth, silent operation of the engine. The cylinders have a 30 inch bore and a 4% inch stroke a total displacement of 366 cubic inches. Nash Opens, Plant for Distribution of Cars in Cook Co. A million dollar organization for the distribution of Nash cars in Cook County is the latest achievement of the Nash Motor company and according to Frank Woolley of Suburban Nash Sale3 of Winnetka this new organization which is occupying an entire block in Chicago will greatly aid the distribution of cars in the north shore suburbs. All Nash dealers in the county will get their Nash cars for delivery from the Distributors Building. Mr. Woolley reports that automobile enthusiasts are taking a keen intere~t in the Nash exhibit at the automobile 3how at the Coliseum which closes on Saturday. This is indicated by the sale of seven cars in three days by Suburban Nash Sales which has a representative in the Nash booth at the show. The above illustration reproduced from a photograph shows the effect of a base· ball crashing full force into a Cadillac Security·P.late window. No ahatterin1 -oodyinK~ The illustration above sho\vs why Cadillac. Security-Plate glass, in itself, is enough to decide sales. For Cadillac Security-Plate removes the fear-and the danger-of flying glass. Recent accident records show that shattered glass is one of the greatest hazards of present day driving·. Cadillac Security-Plate in the windshield and all windows is only one of 8 Fun(b.mental Improvements in the New Cadillacs, La Salles and Fleetwoods. Silent Shift Transmission and Duplex Four-Wheel Brakes are two of the most important. But ailS contribute to your mental and physical comfort-and to the permanence of your investment. When may we plate ·o ne of these cars at your disposal for a thorough trial? High Speed Feature of Two New Eights by Pierce-Arrow Two new Pierce-Arrow Straight Eights, among the fastest and most pow~rful in America, inaugurate a program of expansion being undertaken by the company's st!engthened management and new resources, according to James G. 'Barber of Eva~s ton, North Shore distributor. Wtth them, the company enters the eightcylinder field in the strongest of competitive positions, for · the new . cars have coachwork of traditional excellence and high-compression engines which develope 125 horsepower and attain a speed of 85 miles an hour. Each of the two groups of cars is longer in wheelbase than PierceArrow of recent years. One group, comprising eight body types, is mounted on a 133-inch chassis; the custom Group, of five styles, has a wheelbase of 143-inches. The new cars are CADILLAC MOTOR CAR CO. Evanston Branch 1810 Ridge Ave., Evanston ,1 The New TkeNew The New