March 15, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 31 have a 6,000 acre orange grove in Progresso, Texa's. At Matarosaz, Mex. the city gates were closed on them, and they, along with other American visitors, could not enter the city. Among other trips of interest they took the apache trail to Globe, Ariz. Lyon and Healy Company · A.cquires More Radio Store$ The purchase of three of the leading north side radio and music stores has been announced by Raymond E. Durham, president o( Lyon and Healy, Inc., the acquisition is to further permit the egress of this sixty-five year old concern into the suburbs, and this announcement follows closely on the establishment of an Oak Park branch, and the absorption of the Bis·3ell-Weisret company. These newest acqmsthons of Lyon and Healy, Inc., are the North Town Radio S.hop, at 4710 Lincoln avenue; and the Arthur C. Lenberg Stores, at 2305 and 2410 Devon avenue. With the addition of these three shops the Lyon and Healy company will own and operate ten retail branch houses, including a Cleveland store, formerly the Dreher Piano company of that city, which adoption was made last September. Each of the branch stores are replica·.; of the parent store in regard to personal service.s and ethics, Mr. Durham said. It was further announced by Mr. Durham that the former owner3 of the north side stores, Michael Grodsky, and Arthur C. Len berg Jr., will continue to manage their respective stores in the interest of Lyon and Healy under this. new arrangement. Alumnae President Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Willison, 1011 Greenleaf avenue, returned to their. home Monday after a deljghtful trip through the west. They visited San Francisco, Lo3 Angeles, Phoenix, San Antonio, · and spent tw9 weeks with their cousii1s, the W. E. Simpsons, who Just Sheer Goodness! That's B. & G. Homemade candy - expertly blended of purest, richest materials For social affairs, for gifts carrying a message, and for 100 percent enjoyment on any occasipn· use B. & I , Mrs. Sewell C. Sawyer i·.; president of the alumnae group of Western Reserve university which is sponsoring a benefit performance at the New Evanston Theater Monday evening of "Jack in the Pulpit." Meetings of the group are held the first Saturdays of every Mr. and Mrs. Evan Leslie Ellis of 100 Broadway avenue, after a tour of month at the Chicago College club. southern cities, now are vacationing at Sun15et Point Inn. Gulf Hills, Ocean M r3. Helen C. Hepburn and her Springs, Miss. daughter, Catherine, 417 Cumnor road, -oKenilworth. will leave Monday for Mrs. John Ling of the Linden Crest Belleaire. Fla., to be gone four weeks. apartments left Sunday for a visit of They will join Mrs. Hepburn's sister, two or three weeks with friends inNew Mrs. May Cass ~eterson of Kenilworth. York City. G· candies. For Better Home Maile Ca·tlie1 1633 Orrington Ave. · · · · · Evanston Phone University 5970 550 Central Ave. Higlda·tl Park 567 Lincoln Ave. Wi·netka 51st a: Lake Park CJ.icago Tomorrow's Radio TodayMajestic Combination Electrical Radio 1;· ( $265 Pho:::raph (Less tubes) Bringing to your home the entire panorama of radio entertainment with resonant clarity. And too, with but a flip of the dial you can enjoy any of those recorded ·artists of the phonograph. This New Majestic takes the uncertainty out of radio entertainment, and pre· sents a lasting instrument of quality. Electrically controlled in its mechanism, and smartly cased in a selection of woods. The New Majestic Combination will immediately demand your interest. Lyon & Healy will accept either your old radio or phonograph, or both, as a trade-in on the New Majestic ... the balaDJCe may be budgeted in conven· ient monthly sums. Lyon&Healy ~ 615 Davis Street · Artscraft Building · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ..t..:..· _<f:_+ ) · · · -~