Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Mar 1929, p. 35

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Match 15, 1929 WILME"TTE LIFE New Trier Outruns ~aukeganin Track Meet at Patten Gym Christian· Science · Churches ":~fan" was the subject of the LessonSermon in all Churches of Christ Scientist, on Sunday, March 10. ·' The Golden Text was, "He hath shewed thee, 0 man, what is good;· and what doth the Lord require of thee. but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" (Micah In a non-le~ue track" mee·t Saturday morning at Patten gymnasium, New Trier's Junior and Senior performers · triumphed without difficulty over the \Vaukegan runners, the New Trier juniors winning by the satisfactory score of 49 to · 9, while the Grey and Green Senior team whipped its opponents by the comfortable margin of 54 to 32. Of the ten e\'ents in the Senior diYision. New Trier n~anaged to cop se Yen firsts, through the performan·ce s of Guv in the 50 and 440 yard dashes. J en·nings in the half mile, who just nosed out de Beers. also of !\ ew Trier, Hall in the high jump and the shot put, and Kingsley in the pole vault. In the Junior meet, the Indian Hill boys had things just to suit the ..1 for they trampled all O\·er the \Vaukeganites, taking first eyery single e,·ent and permitted the losers to place second in only two eyents, those being the pole Yault and the shot put. The summaries are as follows: Senior Jleet WEEK END SPECIAL at BROWN'S.$15,000.00 6 :8). Among · the citations which comprised the Les·3on-Sermon was the following from the Bible: "What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of Thou man. that thou visitest him? madest him to have dominion over the ,,·orks of thy hands; thou hast put all thing3 under his feet" (Psalms 8:4, 6). The Lesson-Sen ' '"'n also included the following passages from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health' with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "Man, made in His like ne'3S, possesses and reflects God's dominion over all the earth" (p. 516). REMOVAL .SALE THE BUYING OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME Pages of wri'ting could not fully describe the bigness of this great event. The wonderful variety of bargains to choose from-Useful things- Lovely things- Dependable things- Everyone aeema to know that it ia now euy to buy Recognized, Standard, Reliable merchandise at lower prices than they have done in years. In justice t~ yourself and your pocket-book, come in and look over these wonderful bargains. VALUES FOR THE DINING ROOM AT STARTLING LOW PRICES 50 yard high h ·urdle ~ :\lalmberg (\\".), Hall (X.), Jennings (X.). Tim e, · 7 :2. :\lile run-Lhto (\\·. ), Fulton (\\".), Votes of women elected Herbert 'Windes (X.). Time. 4 :51.5. Waugh 50 yard d::tSh- Guy (X.), :\lalmb ·t·g (\\·. ), Hoover, asserted Catherine ~fcCulloch, Evanston lawyer, in her Gibson (X.). Tinw, 5:6. Half mile run-J~:nnings (X.), d eB ·r s address at the annual meeting of the (X.), Burns ('X.). Tinw, 2 :14.7. ::\ational \Voman's Democratic Law 440 yard dash-Guy (X), Cass··ll (X.), Enforcement league, last · week in Werho (\V.). Time, j5 :2. ;;o yard low hurdlt:"s- :\falmh ·rg (\\'. >. \Vashington. Gibson (1\".), KingRley (X .).' Tim · 6::3. "Even women who were democrats Shot put-Hall (X.), :\faki (\V.), .Joslin \'Oted for Hoover," she stated. . She (X). Distance, 3R ft:"e t. !· in ·hf>s. High jump-Hall (X), Daydiff (\\.. ), u r~ed that women rid the democratic Kingsley (~.). Height, 5 feet, in('hf's. party of "the influence of the TamPol<: Yault-King~ley (X.), Hall (X), many tiger." Hoagland (X.). H eight, 10 f t· ... t, f) inr·ht·s. 4 lap r e lay- \Vrm by \\'auk egan. ~[ rs. Tohn Blair \\'hidden. 1009 ElmJunior JJ.-et 660 yar.d run-Boyl es ton (X.). :\Iatthew s wood 'avenue. entertained sixteen 50 yard low hurdl e~-Powell (:\.), Saxon gue sb at dinner and bridge last 8aturclay evening. (X), Se trakin (v\'.) . Tinw, 7:2. 50 yard dash-Saxon (X), Quinlan IX.). \Vanger (N.). Time. 5:7. High jum}~\Vhit~ (X.), Finlay~r,n (:\.), tied for first, Bn,wn (\\'.), C'hristf·nst--n (W.), tied for ~~·(·r,nd. Pole Yault- '\Vhite (X), Smith (\\'.), Finlayson (N.). Shot put-Arnold (X.), ·w illiams <'Y.), Jenkin!'l CW.). 4 lap relay-\Von by Xew Trier. (:\1.), Friedman (\V. ). Mrs. McCulloch Asserts Women Elected Hoover TimE-, 1 ::~7. EUZABETHAN PERIOD DINING ROOM SUITE ~egularly priced at $225.00 Beautiful 8-piece Dining room suite, in Elizabeth period design of American Walnut and fine Cabinet wood; Buffet, Extension table, 5 side and 1 host chair; regularly priced at $225. Removal Sale Price, · TO TOUR EUROPE Mrs. James L. Lardner for the fourth successive summer will take a p~rty of Northwestern students on a European tour under the auspices of the Students' Travel club. The group will leave Evanston June 17, stopping in Washingtoll and New York, before sailing June 19 on the Aquitania. Seven countries \viii be included in . the itinerary which will bring the party back to Montreal Aug. 12. $}29 00 $245·00 DUNCAN PHYFFE DINING ROOM SUITE Eves that have Furniture Recovered "IT" "IT" ... that subtle something which attracts others . . . usually lies in the eyes. Don't be dis·couraged if your own eyes arr dull. lifeless and unattractive. A few drops of harmless Murine will brighten them up and cause . them to radiate "IT." Thousands upon thousands of clever women use Murine daily and thus keep their eyes always clear, bright and alluring. A month's supply of this longtrusted lotion costs l>ut 6oc. Try it! Regularly priced at $385.00 . Beautiful 8-piece Dining room suite, in Duncan Phyffe period design of Crotch Mahogany; Buffet, Table, 5 side and 1 host chair: regularly .priced at $385. Removal sale pnce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LOUIS XVI DINING ROOM SUITE Regularly priced at $550.00 Here is a wonderful opportunity to purchase a Louis XVI Dining room suite at an unheard of low price. Large size Buffet, Extension table, 5 side and 1 host chair; regu- ~i!~ o~r~c~~ ~~ ~~~~ 0~ 0 ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ 0 0 o o oo o $399·00 399· WilliAM AND MARY DINING ROOM SUITE Regularly priced at $550.00 A very· attractive 8-piece Dining room suite, in William 8 Mary period design, of Walnut; Buffet, Extension table, 5 side and 1 host chair:. regularly priced at $ 00 $550. Removal sale pnce . . . . . . . . . . . . · This chair covered for $19.50. Large selection of coverings extra. Every order large or small receives careful attention. No obligations. Bargains such as these will not last long at .the prices quoted. A small deposit will hold any article for future delivery. THE MAY FURNITURE and REP AIR Cu. 5 14 7 Broadway Longbeach 51 oo Chicago lJRIJV£ f.OR )'OUR EYES FURNITURE CO. 1567 SHERMAN AVE. EVANSTON BROWN

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