Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Mar 1929, p. 56

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56 .WILMETTE LIFE March 22, 1929 Sports and Other 'W i mette Recreation Board News · Athletic Board to . Hold Semi-Annual Dinner April 11 By Daaiel M. Davia The semi-annual banquet of the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board will be held at the Howard school gymnasium Thursday night, April 11, at 6:30 o'clock. This banquet is the occasion of a general get-to-gether of the variou s members of the teams participating in the winter athletic leagues, gymna stUm and other activities, together with the members of the Recreation council and · board. This year, the ~1embers of the original board, who were pioneers in the recreation movement in Wilmette, will attend as honor guests. A program has been arranged by the committee in charge which will consist of community singing, led by Dr. C. B. Blake, song leader of the Wilmette Rotary club, and oth er num bers. The banqu'e t will be followed by an exhibition basketball game between the league champion Presbyterian team and either the Terminai A. C. team, last year's champs, or an all-star group composed of players from other teams. 1 An exhibition of model air , Jan~:: flights will be given by members of the \Vilmctte Aero club, which has been operating as a phase of the recreation program since early in the fall. Also, as part of the program, short talks will be made by Village President Earl E. Orner; board chairman, H. A. La Roy, and one or two others to be selected. The clima:-· of the prog·r am will come with the award ing of prizes to the victors in the various leagues. By the almost unanimous request of the winning teams, the ath letic committee has decided to award gold balls, instead of cups, to the individual team members of the championship teams, it being understood that a winner mu st be present at the banquet to receive his prize. The teams winning the championship for the fall and winter leagues are: volley hall, the Baptists: indoor ba sebaiJ, the Ridge Electric teams; wain en's basketball, the Horsefeathers; men's basketball, the Presbyterian I team . With the Athletic Leagues Basketball Wilmette Shoe Terminal A. C. Store (19) (25) Mavor Boyd R. F. Eugene Hardt Robert Wolff L. F. Ervin Brammer Donald Boyd C. Lyman Go~s. Jr. Herbert Wolff R. G. Wm. Johnson G. Merganthaler L. G. Robert Nord C. Harry Sierr('n C. Claudf> Hill lyde Hamilton, referee Team Standing D. M. Davis Finds Research Material in Athletic Tests With the discovery that fourth grade pupils, both boys and girls, haYe as great m usc u 1a r development and strength in the arms arid shoulders ac cording to their weight as eighth grade boys ready for high school, Daniel M. Davis, supervisor of the physical education department of the Wilmette public schools, sees material for extensive research in the records of a se:ies of t ests in athletic skills being conducted b y his department during the current school year. T o test the comparative strength and mu scular de\'elopment of th e arms, chinning or pull up was introduced as a part of the tests which are conducted as a regular part of the physical education program. One pull up was the passing medium, and the greater m, ;ll be r of times insured a higher grade. The tests were begun in the fourth grade and followed through the high er grades with the medium being increasrd with each ~rade. In the fourth grade, where th e m edium was th e lowest , a nine -ye ar- oldgirl, Doroth); Davis of Logan school, chinned the bar 11 times, more than any other boy or girl in h er grade and the next three higher grades in the entir e sys tem and tied \vith Charle s Knapp, an eighth grade boy of Stolp school for the highest number of times in th e system. Several boys and girls in the fourth and fifth grade averaged from eight to ten times and a number of seve nth and eighth grade boys averagrd between seven and ten tim rs. This wa s not the case for girls abo\' e th e sixth grade, how e \·c r. The outstanding examples in those grades were girls who could do as manv as six and .there ~·e re entire grades w-her e not a smrrlc rr1rl c u) tl d 't· tl o o 1 correc v one time. t'l t'l Paul Jones Thomas Thursby Robert Cazel Carlton Thorsen I. 0. 0. F . (28) .James P hillips L. F. .James Montona ra C. Roy Leon:ll'd R. G. W . Considine Man·in B:-tk('J' L.G. lyde Hamilton, referee R. F. K. of C. II (:>7) Team 'Von Lost ~:~t 1000 Presbyterian I 15 0 K. of C 11 15 2 882 Term ina l A . C. 12 2 857 Methodist 10 5 ~~~ Wilmett Shoe Store H 6 State Bank 8 9 470 K. of C. T G 10 37a ,) Presbyterian II 11 ~~~ I. 0. 0. F. 12 5 St. .Joseph 4 12 250 English Lutheran 0 6 ooo The Printing Studio 1 5 166 ----------------- Aero Club Enjoys Rapid Growth; Stunts Popular The membership of the Wilmette Aero club has been on the rapid increase. Each week has witnessed the acquisition of from two to five new members. '!\fany of the planes con. structed hy the boys may be seen flying in the Stolp school gymnasium on Thursday evenings from 7 to 7 :30 o'clock. Sea planes, Bahy R. 0. G., indoor pushers, and R. 0. G. high climbers, fill the air. Some of the boys haYe their planes doing stunts. The capers which these little machines cut bring many laughs and exclamations from the o)11ookers. Races of various kinds are also held during the half hour of tryouts before the boys go to the manual traininry room in the Central school to build their planes and to repair any .damagt:s caused during the trial flights. CLOSE CAGE SEASON The basketball league conducted by the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board draws to a close tonight with six games; three at Howard and· three at Stolp. These games are the final games of the league that started November 7 with eleven teams. The league finished with twelve teams. I -w ilmette Shot· Presbyterian II (21) Store (14) · Fred Quayle R. F. Robert Wolf( Ed Ryerson L. F. 'urtis ColgToVt' The third annual roller skating meet Wm. Bab ock C. Mavor Boyd .John Cam pbell H. G. W. Uttenreuther condl'cted bv th e \\ ilmcttc Playground .Jacl\ Ryt>rson L. G. G. M rganthal<'t' a nd Recreation board Saturday mornll an·C'y llarloff, refere~>· ing . .-\pril 13, at the corner of Third st r eet and Laurel a\·cnue, is attractitfg Pre~byt e rian J English Lutlwr:tn more at t enti o n every day. (77) ( 2) R. F. C'al'l Nonlhr rg· Ed Hill Dudley C. Stone. r ec r eat ion a ~ i s L. }~. ~onnan ~it'lson Herbert Weld tant is In charge of the meet. Ralph Whitsett C. Walla f' Sta rl< A li st of las t yea r's winn ers follows: Fran!< Rennolds R. G. Fred Abbott Cha rl es Lauer L. F. Scott S1nith Class .A gi J·Js-50 yare! (lash, Virginia Todd Han'PY Flarloff, rpfprpe C l n~s A g-irls-01 w legged race, Sarah .l f'all Kurl<>y Methodist (9) K. of C. l (:: 1 l Cla~s _,\ hoy~-:iO yanl dash, B illy X orFred Waiden r Robet't Lucl\\'ig R. F. moy It' C'harl es Varnf'y I... F. Th omas l\'lcA rdl t' Cla~s _.\ bnys-Ont· ll·gg·ed ran', Ri ll y ::\orLester Ball c. George Ludwigmoyl C. Lundberg H. G. Robert Steffen:< Class H girls- 50 yard da~h . Bliz:~beth Lowell Todd L. G. Bernard Sm ith Todd 1 la n ·t>y Harloff, refere~ · (' lass H gil'l.· Ont· )pggt·d I'Ht'\', D11rothy Davis Tt>rminal A. C. (2) I. 0. 0. F'. ( 1 l ll . .Johnson R. F . Tom Thursby '- lass B ~ir l s-Doublr> r;t<:t ', Dorothy Ervin Brammer L. F. Ca rl ton Thon;t>n Da\'is, Elizabf>th Tod1l .John BornC':unp <'. Rohert azt-1 Cla.ss B boys- 30 yard dash, Arthur Floocl ...;, ~ c hro e rler Wm . .Johnso n R. G. Robert Nord L. G. Marvin Rakt..' r Class · n h··~·s -- One lt'J.:'Kt·d rac e, ..\rthut· J<;uge ne Hardt L. G. Flood C harlt'~ Hoover, refere.c C la~s.R ~(~y~-n~~·.ble r;~.~:t'. Arthut· Flood,/ Walttt ' 011 RtliHUH~t,.. St. .Joseph (8) K of C'. 1I (6GJ ' Iass c· !::··· · 1~ -100 yan1 f 1as 11, t ..·era 11 c (· ltl\' Peter Wagnt·r H. F. James Phillips Bunch I A · H. Schleutel' r.... lt'. .James l\lontonat·a Class c girls --Ont· li·ggt·<l ract>, Gt·raldin 1· 1 · nother unexpected tact brought out .Joe Kraft c. Roy Lt>onnrd Bunch i>y th e te sts was that the outstanding Victor Deinlein R. G. W. Considine Ed Phillips L. G. Marvin Baker C'bss <' git· ls-Double r:tn', Gera ldiu e athletes \Yere not the ones who were Charl es Hoover, ref ree Run('h, Jean Cutl f· r the best in the tests involving muscular C' la ss <' hovr-;-100 vard dash, Tom Fin- strength. They wer e slightly below 'l'he Printing Studio State Bani' Iayson · . the a\·crage in several ins tances. Es(16) c" lJo,\·s-On\' lt·gg·('d l'a<'e, Tom J)ecially was this true in the sit tl\) Richard Huck n. F. Hobert <24) Smith f'lass Finlayson · Harvey YoungL. F. . Schaefft·r . g1ven for both boys and girls in the C. Ballal'cl J~nbim; ., 11 Class <' hoys-Doul.Jl' J'aC(', Tnm Fmlay- f I fi f ] i . I Ed Huck · son. ,John Fr· rlel'it:kse tl ourt_ 1, t 1, anc s1xt 1 grades, and for George Hu ck H. <i. Carl Clifton tl · 1 · 1 1 d · 1 1 W . Uttl'Hreutlwr 1". G. Lawr~nct· Roth Class D girls-100 yard dash , Jean :.Munro 1C g1r S Ill t 1e Se \"l'l1t 1 an e1g 1t 1 Cha rles Hoover, referee I Class n girls- Ont> legged l'al't', Elst.· , .011 grades. The exercise involves only J~einsw· rg strength in the abdominal muscles and r. 0. 0. F'. (24) (:3l) Class ]) g irb--Three-legged race, J oan no skill. Rol)ert \Vn.tet·s H. F. State Bani< 0 ~ 1.Jinffson Munro, .Jpanette Peard The record in the sit UIJ was made Robert Mattin L. F. \ , , Rs" C1 1 ;'H' t- r W. Uttenreuther c. J larry Sto1w Class D boy~-100 yard da sh, Col in Fin- hy a sixth grade girl of the Ho\\'ard Carlton Thorsen R. G. Jack Cull en Iayso n I I G ld' B h 1 ll Ca rl Clifton lass D boys- One leg-ged raee, Colin sc 100 · era me unc ' W 10 was a) e Tom Thur~by L. G. Han·ey Harloff, reft>rce Finlayson . to do the exercise 70 times. Her ncar Class D boys- Thrt>t' legg d ra 't'. Hol.w rt est competitor was a seventh grade Methodist (25) K. of c II (an) Meter, Donald Campbell girl. ViYian Grigsby of Central school. Robert Martin R. Ji'. James Phillips Charles Varn ey L.F. J a mes Montonan't In this instance, age and growth ·was Fred Waidener c. Roy Leonard SPORTS CALENDAR a more important factor than in the .John Waiden r R. G . Marvin Bakt-r The following activitit>s are li:sted pull up si1_1ce n eith er boyc.5 nor girls Lowell Todd L. G. \V. Considine in the closely crowded calend ar of were able to compet e with the older L.G. C. SchrOt'der Playground and Ree rt>a tion J :oard acJJarny Harloff. refe ree children in the high e r grades. tivities for the next three weeks: March 22, 6 p. nL - So\·e n·ign hott>l. In hall ~hrowing the athletes · headed Presbyterian I (20) ,'tate Bank (16) Last women' s swimming- class. Fit·st the li st since this exercise demands Herbert W eld R. 1". Jack Higbee semester. Ralph Whitsett L . .F'. skill more than merely strength. Alice C. Schaeffer March 22, 7 p. m.-Stolp and Hcl\vnrd Frank Arn <Jld Harry Ston e Nord, an eighth grade pupil of Hm... ard gymnasiums. La ~-; t nwn's ba:;;ketFrank Rennolds H. G. La wr nee Roth ball games. school. had the best r e cord in the basharles Lau r L. G. Robert Smith March 29, 6 p. m.-Sovert- ign hol t>!. Beketball, distance throw given only to .Jack Cull en ginning second semester women's Harn y Harloff, referee sixth, seventh, and eighth grade girls. swimming class. · Her distance was 61 "feet and the ~ec April 3, 9 :30 a. m.-Evam;ton Y. 1\f. Presbyterian li (10) Methodist (55) C. A. Last swimming class for ond place honors are divided between Ed Ryerso n H.. F. Robert Martin women. First semester. C. McKinney Else yon Reinsperg, seventh grade, and ~.F. Charles Varn ey April 5, 2 p. m.-V illage Green. 'fhir<l John Campbell c. Tony Varn ey Jane Moore, eighth grade, both of annual Easter Egg hunt. Fred Quayle R. G. John Waidener April 8, 7 :3 0 p. m.-H(J ward gymStolp schQ.ol. Each of the three girls Jack Ryerso n L.G. Lowell Todd nasium. Beginning women's Yolleyis interest ed in intramural athletics Fred Waidener ball league. Han·ey Harloff, referee a_nd wins medals in all school competiApril 10, 9 :30 a. m.-Evanston Y. 1\I. tive events. C. A. Beginning second semester English Lutheran St. Joseph swimming class for women. ' Th~ basketball free throw was given (11) (15) April 11, 6 :30 p. m.-Spring banquet. to s1xth, seventh, and eighth grade Carl Nordberg R. F. Victor Deinlein Plaxground and Recreation board, Norman Neilson L. F . H. Schleuter boys. The winners of these events Howard school gymnasium. C. Wallace Stark Ed Phillips unlike the girls' distance throw win-' April 13, 9 :30 a. m.-Third and Laurt~l Dale Gash R. G. Peter Wagner avenu~. Third annual roller skatners, take part in intramural and interChester Stark :L.. G. Joe Kraft ing meet. · Claude Maine schoo.l athletics. George Fackt, BilJ April 20, 9:30 a. m.-Village Green. Scott Smith Morns, of Stolp, and Fred Ludiger of Third annual marble tournament. Harvey Harloff, referee (Continued on page 62) 1 1 Children Await Roller Skating Meet on Aprill3

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