Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Mar 1929, p. 40

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40 WILMETTE LIFE March 29, 1929 Holy Week Makes Quiet North Shore Society Activity National League Broadcasts Voters Service Programs BY JEAN TEN BROECK Committee Chairman Chase House Will Miss Lillian Kroll Weds Albert E. Hall Saturday Receive ·Proceeds From Play April I "The Critic" which is to be given at the Goodman theater on April 1, for the benefit of Chase House settlement and Day nursery, is attracting much attention from friends and admirers who have watched this interesting work develop during the past few years. Chase House is situated at 211 South Ashland boulevard, in the center of what was, not so many years ago, the heart of the old aristocratic West side. The settlement is doing a unique work in ·trying to raise the standard of living in a neighborhood where in many . cases whole families live in one room and where the mother of the family is obliged to take her children each morning to the Jlttrsery to be cared for while she is at work. The work done is according to modern nursery school principles which mean the education of parents and children along the lines of constructive occupation and good habit training, the impressing of behavior patterns on the child, and the education of the parents to co-operate in and to continue this work. Once a week a Bible Study hour i.-; held in which Christian virtue lessons are used. Many of the children haYe no religious training- anywhere else. There are two Mothers' clubs. Their program is varied, with · sewing, outings, concerts, bunco parties, also work for the bazaar as their contributions to the house. The Girls' clubs have had many fine entertainments during the year including folk dancing, sewing, and music. The two Scout troops have been active and have also done some very good ·service to Chase House. Bishop Sheldon M. Griswold of the F.piscopal diocese of Chicago is president of the board of trustees of Chase House. Thomas L. Ballard is vicepresident and treasurer, and the Rev. John F. Plummer of the Church uf the Epiphany, secretary. Mrs. Robert G. Read of Wilmette is president of the auxiliary which is working with enthusiasm to make the theater party at the Goodman a success. Among the other · churches represented in the auxiliary, are St. Augustine's, Wilmette, with Mrs. Frank Sprague a member of the Auxiliary committee; The Church of the Holy Comforter, Kenilworth, represented by Mrs. George Richards; and Christ Church, \Vinnetka, by Mrs. Clarence ).felhope. Holy Week lays its wand of quiet over north shore society. A~Jril promises a reawakening. Cnusual zest, we fell, will accompany social life for the ne?Ct few weeks because of the unusual kindness of a weather man, who. in the face of all skepticism. seems really to have spring in his heart. . An announcement comes to our desk this week from Kenilworth concerning the radi~ programs the National League of Women Voters is sponsoring. This broadcasting has. we believe, an appeal that is general for women living on the north shore. We quote it here\vith: "The League of Women Voters has begun the series of radio programs which it calls the Voters Service programs. The first of the series was at 6 o'clock Tuesday evening. March 19. The programs will continue at this hour for four consecutive weeks. with twenty four stations, including \VTMJ and KSD. carrying the p" rograms. "'Tariff and Living Costs' was the subject last week. The two speakers who discussed this subject were Professor Raymond T. Bye of the Universitv of Pennsylvania who spoke on 'Tariff and the Consumer,' and Lynn Edminster of the Institute of Economics at the Brookings Institute. Washington. D. C .. whose topic was 'Can the Tariff be Made Scientific?' " The Radio Citizenship school is designed to give its radio audience the background of important and ever present issues in the conduct of the federal government. E a ch speaker will be an authoritv on his particular subject. The school is modeled on the plan of manr successful citizenship schools which are conducted bv the Leag-ue of "'-'omen Voters in co-operation \Yith colleges and universities. Plans are being made for listening-in Radio class~s with an enrollment of students to follow the entire course of programs ." 0. E. S. Officers to Give Play and Pot-Luck Supper The officers of the Wilmette chaptPr, Order of Ea~tern Star. will stag-e a play on Monday evening-, April 1. at the ~fa sonic temple. The production wiJJ he directed by Mrs. Evangie Lee Morgan. A pot-luck supper will he srrved to members and their famili('l., at 6:30 o'clock. A supper of similar nature given some timr ago proved such a succPss that requests have come for another. All members of the chapter are urg('d by thr committee in charge to come and bring a di ~h of some kind to add to the menu . Announce Marriage Mr. and !vfrs. Frank Tichnor of Fort Myers. Fla .. announce the marriage of their daughter. Loraine Elizabeth. to David Green Shapard of Shelhvville Tenn .. on ~f arch 12. in the St. T~uke'~ Epi copal church. Fort 11\·e r s. After l wedding trip to Cuba the Shapard~ will make their home in Shelbn·ille. Tenn . The. Tichnors are former residents of Wilmette. ~~ r s. Shapard attended the Stickne. ' · :chonl in Chicago, and ).f r. Shapard att<·nded Yale universitv and is a member oi the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Club Dance April 6 The ways and means committee of the Woman's club of Wilmette, through its dance chairman, ~\Irs. Earle D. Lyon. is sponsoring the next in its series of subscription dances Saturday evening, April 6, at the clubhouse. Miss Lillian Kroll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Kroll, 1023 Greenwood avenue, wilt be married tomorrow to Albert Ernest Hall of Wilmett~. The ceremony will take place at 4 o'clock in the afternoon in the chapel of Lake Forest university, where Miss Kroll was a student, and will be performed by Dr. Herbert Moore, presi dent of the university. Only relatives and intimate friends will be present at both the ceremony and the reception which is to be held afterwards at the bride's home. Miss Charlotte McHose of Idaho \Yill be Miss Kroll's only attendant, and Donald Hall will serve hi s brother as best man. Miss Kroll's wedding day falls on the silver anniversary of her mother and father, who wilt be given a party by their friends and relatives in the evening. Out-of-town guests will be Miss Mildred Snvder of Sioux Citv. Iowa .and Mr. and Mrs. George Loveless of Glen Elyn, rn. A number of parties and showers have been given for Miss Kroll, among which have been a handkerchief shower given by Mr5. George Chronis, and a Photo by Matzene miscellaneous shower at Shawnee Mrs. Gale Meginnis'.s of 625 Park Country club Tuesday by ).f r s. Arthur avenue, as a representative of the F. Biser. Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette, is one of the committee chairmen concluding arrangements for one of the Affairs Begin in Honor la ··ge events of the spring season, the of .Miss Wilma Cresmer annual card party and fete on April Mi ss Wilma Cresmer, who is to be 5, which is a benefit for St. Francis hospitdl. The affair, sponsored by the wed on Tuesday, April 9, to Delwyn St. Francis foundation, will be held Johnson Worthington of Glencoe, in the evening in St. George High formerly of Wilmette, was guest of School auditorium, 450 Sherman ave~ honor at a luncheon given for her on Thursday of last week by Miss Ruth nue. Evanston. - - - - - - - - - - - - and 1-tiss Mary Mills. Miss Cresmer was guest of honor at a handkerchief Guild Benefit Will Be shower on Friday afternoon, March Gala Post Easter Event 29, given by Mir.ss Agnes Cornell. Miss One of the mo:; t attractive enter- Caroline Kimball will give a spinster tainments of Ea13ter week for residents dinner on Friday evening, April 5, and of Winnetka and the north shore will Miss Edith Bullen is entertaining at a he the program arranged by members dinner dance on Saturday, April 6, in of the Christ Church guild for Satur- the Club Vista del Lago. On Sundav day evening, April 6. Almost every April 7, Miss Cresmer wili give a te~ mrmber, of thi~ organization is busy for the bridal party at her future doing her share in · making this a home at 1259 Cherry street, \Vinnetka. huge success. comparable to that of The bridal dinner \vilt be at the Creslast year. It will, this year, be a mc~ residence on Mondav eveninO' April 8. :-.· combined moving picture ·show and \·a udeville, the picture being a featur e film. starring John Gilbert and Greta Bridge to Benefit League Garbo of Hollywood fame, preceded ~he ?unbeam . lea~ue of Chicago, by a first-release news film of the Grand National race in England on whtch mcludes 111 tts membership a number of women living on the north l\f arch 22. The vaudeville will be under the able shore, is giving its annual benefit management of Erskine Wilder, who bridge Tuesday afternoon, April 2, in has engaged many talented participa- the Grand ballroom of the Stevens tors from among well known Winnetka hotel, at 2 o'clock. Tea will be served. residents. Mrs. Ernest Ballard is presi- Mrs. Carl H. Van Sinden of 1320 Ashdent of the guild, Mrs. Wvndham land avenue, Wilmette, a member of Channer i·.:; chairman of ticket sales, the board and of the committee in l\Irs. Malcolm Ward is in charge of chargt' of arrangements, is selling properties. and Mrs. John Reitlv is tickets. handling the publicity. · Immediately following the perfor- Fete Bride-Elect mance refreshments are to be served Among the affairs given in honor of in .t~e .Boy Scout and Cainp Fire rooms Misss Virginia Krafthefer, who is to ad)ommg the auditorium of Communbe · married on April 27, to Eugene it_Y House, where the show is bein~ Schwartz, will be a luncheon tomorrow gtven. A special committee will have at the Georgian by Mrs. H. Jaeger and charge of the table decorations and Mrs. B. J. Mix; and a dinner dance at wilt act a·5 hostesses. the Drake hotel Tuesday by Mr. and Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. Mrs. Paul Schoessling, 1120 Ashland Cha.nner or members of her committ<'e. avenue. Bes!des those listed last week. the followmg names have been · added: the Me~dames C. C. McKinney, Gilbert H. Entertained at Party Scnbner, vVilliam P. Sidley, John R. Mrs. E. H. Burge, 924 Forest avenue, Co.c~ran, Walte~ Wilson, W. ]. Woods, has as her house guest for two weeks Wtlham J. Eldndge, George R. Work, her niece, Miss Frances Kirk of Dallas John P. Hooker, R. Floyd Clinch, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A: Charle's L. Trumball, S. H. Twist, Wheelock, 89 Robsart road, whose niece Harry ]. Dunbaugh, Oliver M. Knode she also is, . entertained at an evening Harry C. Edmonds, and William party yesterday for Miss Kirk and her Noble. cousin, Miss Faith Burge. ' Hold Get-Together The students and faculty of :\'orthwestcrn university held their first gettogether luncheon at the Ge01rgian hotel Thursday of last week. These luncheons have been arranged ·so as to give the. professors and students an opportunity to meet . in an informal manner and become personally acquainted with each other. To Hold Bakery Sale Members of the Wilmette chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will hold a bakery sale at Van Deusen's store SaturdayJ March 30, at 10 ·o'clock in the morning. Mrs. A. J. Kuelzow and Mrs. Paul A. Hoffman are . to , be in charge. Entertains Bride-to-Be Mrs. Royal A. Buckman of 1034 Linden avenue entertained at a bridge and hosiery shower W ednesd.ay afternoon in honor of the bride-elect, Miss Lillian Ella Kroll, whose marriage to Albert Hall takes place Saturday, March 30. B:

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