Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Mar 1929, p. 63

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March 29, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 63 Northbrook Looks Givea ·Report on 1929 Forward to Great Garden Show in"Chicago (CoD:tinued from Page 16) Era of Progress With an outlook for a record-breaking year in building activity in Northbrook and the announcement last week that the village has been chosen as the location .for the new $350,000 Sky Harbo~ C~mntry Club p~oject of the United ~vtahon Corporation, assurance is gtven of an unprecedented season · of activity for that thriving little village which joins Glencoe on the west. ' The plans for development it is said will feature planks in the pl~tforms of the two parties which will soon be in the ~eld for votes ~t the annual spring election to be held m the village Tues ~ day, Atlril 16. . The Progressive partv is the first to announce its candidates: Arthur Therri.en Sr., who heads this slate as ca;ldtdate for president, says "he .is running "with the interest of Northbrook at heart" and pledging a "clean progressive administration." ' \Vith Mr. Therrien on this ticket arc Henry G. Kiest, Emil Mueller and Herman Meier, as trustees. ' It is quite probable there will be an opposing ticket in the field, it is said, but, whoever wins, Northbrook citizens all the realize that which the forward nlovenlent of village, has been gaining momentum for more than two years, has now reached such a stage that the next twelve months will witness even greater progress than anv preceding period in its history. · The new subdivisions. both to the west and east of Northbrook are rapidly · filling up with new hom'es of the most modern type. Brick is being used more and more in the construction of Northbrook's new residences. The wooded area east of \Vaukegan roa_d. subdividccl a few years ago, and ~\-htch has gradually been developing, IS expected to be the scene of much new building this season. Likewise, the west side subdivisions are also going forward at a similar pace, with ground values advancing accordingly. \Vith eighteen-hour airplane service beh\·een Los Angeles and Chicago alreadv a reality, and with Northbrook chosen as the seat of one of the largest "sky harbors" in the United States, the successful candidates at the coming Village election realize that thev have an ambitious program already n1apped out for them. · Miss Maxine Kelling. 112 Greenwood a \·enue, returned this week from Mount St. Mary school in St. Charles, Ill. to spend ten days of her spring vacation with her parents, the Max ]. Keltings. · curves, and its steps and its simplicity. 51/d MONEY The ·Iris garden was most intriguing, Rave fundi! to loan on choloe Imtoo, and one certainly could Test and proved North Shore Suburban ....,. look and look for that birch bark covt4enee propel'tJ' at '5 IDtehlt. ered seat. See ua on renewala. t h d. h And each taught us the need to be wa c ~ t roughout the summer, its · E. G. Pauliq lc Co. gr?wing habits and preferences noted. consistent no matter what kind of a S N. LaSalle St. Fraaldia ~ird and squirrel were studied. Then garden we desire for our own. 10 the autumn, I was told, each plant was brought under cover watched and guarded, some held ' back: some forced that each would be at its proper stage development for this show. It s~ems to me that this is one of the biggest lessons for us the old Coat Per $1,000 slogan of preparation. Can't' we model l yr. ! yrs. a yrs. 4 yrs. 5 yrs. o~r club after the forest preserve-be$45.81 $80.00 $110.10 $130.00 $150M gm. now to plan for next year's show? [ dtd not want to leave this exhibit. Repayable in equal monthly installments I am glad, however, I could carrv away Amounts up to $1 oo,ooo at 6% Interest a very vivid picture. O_f course each garden made its esReaour.ces $4,700,000 pectal appeal. The stairway garden at the end of the hall, with the blue backgrou~c;l that brought out the purple on one Side and the red on the other side of the cineraria. The Lincoln Park WALTER C. ANDERSON wat.er. garden. ~icturing the joy of 1150 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 2181 sp!mg the damttest of settings for a or bndal party, not only the pool but the 110 So. Dearborn St. Central 4804 lovely green background, the seat with the blue jars recessed on either side. &" n· .LoWest Bates· Second Ever Quoted on Mortgqes R~;PUBUC REALTY MORTGAGE CORPORATION in~a~n~y~id§e§a~s,~h~s~in~t~e~re~s~t~~-n~g~li~n~e~s~a~n~d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · The men's garden supplied us with Quick, Personal, Confidential Service ~7ndian Hill Estates Is Not ,. .,. , E . ,, 1 oo xpenStve .. "No where on the North Shore-in the new or old section-are prices as low for the values given as in Indian Hill Estates." Such is the matured conclusion of careful buyers who live -on the North Shore and know it well. Lawns from $5, 1 oo to acres for $22,500-and every improvement is in and functioning. M iss Pearl Munro returned from Rockford cotle~e last Fridav to spend the Easter holidav'> with her father, John G. Munro, 1119 Elmwood ave- -o- Indian Hill Estates a secluded community, five minutes ride to stations a n d school1, by p r i v a t e motor coaches. nue. WE MAKE·· Automoblle Loans Refinance Automobiles .buy Diversified to Your Desires Choice of acre estates--or of frontages of 1 oo, Bo or 6.5 feet. Wide· price range-from $8o to ,$142.25 a foot. Houses already built or built on order from $12,ooo to $75,000. Financing if desired. SEE YOUR REAL TOR or Automoblle Paper immediate SERVICE confidential BROADWAY INV, ESTMENT CO. 4753 BROADWAY CHICAGO PHONE LONG BEACH 6317 BILLS REALTY, INc. Loop Offices: 208 S. La Salle Strut State 0266 Indian Hill Estates Ollice1: Locust Road at Ashland Wilmette 2692-2 792 Greenluf 3 144 Del Lfgo Officii: 960 Spanish Coun Wilmette 3740

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