Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Apr 1929, p. 33

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.6pril12, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 33 A FEW PATROL HELPS · Here are a few suggestions for use in the Patrol Period of the regular meeting. Instruction in tests. First Aid stunt practice. Fire by Friction. Fire by flint and steel. .Making knot boards. Assemblin· g Individual First Aid Kits. Making neckerchief slides (rope. wood or leather) Make paper knives, weights. Have Patrol Advancement Contest. Build model bridges and signal towers. If Patrol is all First Class work . on some Merit Badges. Has you Patrol a Patrol yell? Has your Patrol a Patrol motto? THESE WILMETTE SCOUTS ARE HIKERS Troop 5 of the Presbyterian church in Wilmette took advantage of the spring vacation and good weather by having three hikes during the last week. There were two different patrol hikes on Thursday and the troop hike on Saturday. The troop went to the Glenview Forest Preserve on all its hikes. Many tests were passed on these hikes: tracking, Wat-' lace Crawford, Billy Katz, · David Cressy ; compass, Billy Katz; second class cooking, Bill Melchior; first class cooking, Dick Hall. These hikes vvere quite a .success. Troop. 5 is having an overnight hike Saturday, April 6. starting at 9:15 in the morning.-Dick Hall, Scribe. Out-door Days Are Here! . F TROOPS 3 AND 5 TO HAVE INTERTROOP CONTEST Monday, April 8, Wilmette Troops 3 and 5 are having an inter-troop ·contest which will include first aid, signaling and fire building. The program will begin at 7:30 at the Presbyterian church. After the contest we will have stories and games. This contest will' probably reveal the best in these two troops which are about even in their standing now. The evening will close with the Scout benediction.-Jerome Nevins, Troop 3, Wilmette. McGuire and Orr Announce Numerous Real Estate Deals McGuire and Orr report the following north shore sales made recently: The residence of Howard Kroehl at 2214 Orrington avenue, Evanston, was sold to Philip E. Graff of 329 Kedzie . Sizes Sizes 8H to 11 11 Vz to 2 street, Evanston. The lot has a frontage on Orrington avenue of 50 feet and is improved with a brick and stucco residence of ten rooms. The purchaser will take immediate possession of the premises. This sale was made bv Peter C. Forney of the Evanston office. The sale of the new residence at TROOP 17 OF WINNETKA HIKE 2444 Marcy avenue, Evanston, by TO WALTON CABIN Charles E. Blomgren, Jr., of Eva!lston, Fourteen boys of Troop 17 of the to Henry Stuart Daniels, who has reWinnetka Community House, hiked to cently moved here from Boston, Mass., the new Izaak Walton Lodge near ha·s just been closed. Bernard F. Egan and wife have sol4 Wheeling. This was an overnight hike to close the month of March. Mr. their residence at 2240 Lincolnwood' Doepel, the Scoutmaster, was in drive, Evanston, to John H Davey. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ charge. He reports: "We spent most The improvements consist .:>f a twoof the time passing first aid, signaling, story .brick building containing six and cooking tests. We also made rooms. The lot has a frontage of fifty sketches of the camp site to use in feet. Both of these sales were mc.ltle making our first class mapping test. by ~liss I arson of the Evanston office. It was a wondf'rful day for hiking and The sal; by Heber \V. Peters of oneca.mpin_g anrl the gang ma.de explorin~ hundred feet of frontage on the westtnps mto the surroundmg woods. erly side of Raleigh road betwef'n -Troop 17 reporter. \Voodstock avenue and Oxford road, Kenilworth, to Herbert A. Lundah~. a PLAN INTER-PATROL CONTEST Chicago attorney, residing in EvansTroop 2 of Wilmette had the regular ton, has bee n closed. The seller, ~1r. meeting last Tuesday night in the Con- Peters purchased the property ~ tittl~ gregational church. \Ve have started over ~ year ago while livin5 m Evan inter-patrol contest similar to the anston, with the idea ?f ereding a one used last year. It is to run until home. He has been unttl recent!~ the June first and the winning patrol will general manager of. the Packar~ ~fot~r Only exclusive house on the North receive an award of special merit. I Car company at Chtcago and hts transThere will be knot-tying, first aid and fer to the headqu~rter~ o~ the Packarrl Shore in a position to do all kinds similar contests each week, the winning company at Detrmt, Mtchtgan, c~anged of beveling, grinding_ and polishing of patrol to receive 5 points, second, 3; nis plans and brought about tht~ ~ale. third. 2, and fourth, 1. Inspection also This sale was made by Scott ~· Greene Mirrors. We re-make old Mirrors counts.-Acting reporter, Davis Lott. of the Kenilworth office. OR the strenuous play days of spring and summer, every boy and girl should have at least one pair of these fine Pool ~ Piper Moccasins. From our long experience in knowing exactly what North Shore young people want, we prepared specifications for these shoes months ago and ordered plenty of them made for us in every size and width for children. Here they. are: featured in elk skin, special tan. Heavy, flexible soles. Sturdily built- comfortable-long wearing! The shoe and oxford styles, for boys and for girls. I HAMILTOM of EVANSTON GLASS ·C O. into newest styles. Official Baseball Opening! When the pitcher "winds up" be all set with complete Spalding basebalt outfits. You can play a winning game in any s p o r t with Spalding e q u i pment. Gf.t yours here. GLASS TOPS lo· J!URMITURE Protect the tops of your furniture. by letting us fit them with glass. A phone call will bring our representative to your home. Estimates G'iven Freely. 7Sc up Bata 630 Davia St. Evanatoa, Ill. Gloves $3.75 up Baseballs lOc np Masl's 914 CHICAGO AVENUE 'EVANSTON UNIVERSITY 9634-9635 $2.25 up Uaiversity 123 Wilmette 724 Chandler's

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