April 19, 1929. WILMETTE LIFE 45 Foot Suf!erers to Juvenile Court Jurist Has Praise for Scouts Find Haven in New While speaking at a Fathers' and Exclusive Hospital So~s' dinner at the Lynnhurst Congre- . LARGER ROOMS ·· Relief for the army of foot '5ufferers gatiOnal church in Minneapolis, Minn., in Chicago and vicinity is held out in recently, Judge Guilford of the Juvenile the announcement of a $400,000 pro- ~ourt, made the following statement : ject for the erection of a general foot I have been the Judge of Juvenile hospital. This will be the first hos- court. in this city for a number of years pital of its kind in America and wi11 and have had all kinds of boys brought be modeled after similar establ :shm ents befo~e me· on many different charges, in London, Nottingham, Liverpool, and but m all the years that I have served Edinburgh, of which an extensive sur - I have never had a bo,y brought before vey has been made. me who had Boy Scout training. This Plan5 prepared by A. S Grave n is without doubt one of the greatest architect, call for a four-and-a-half movements that has eYer been brought st<?ry building, .Georgian in de sign, of into our modern life and then has behrtck constructiOn with Bedford st one come an integral part of our civilizafacings. The hospital will con sist of tion. It has stood the test of twenty three units, a central hall flanked lH ones years' experience, and its prowings on either side, thus admitting gram , based upon duty to God, duty daylight from every anvle. Thre e to country, and duty to oneself, is fundamental to the best interest of site5 are under con siderat=on, but no individual and corporate life." definite selection ha s a s yet heen ma 'le. The foot clinic alone will have facilities for handling five hundred patient s Psychology Attracts. Many a day. There will be a surgical clinic Villagers to Book Shelves for more serious foot cases, and two The application of psychology to operating rooms. The hospital aho everyday life is no longer in the will conduct a dental clinic, as foot ail ments often are traceable to defective theoretical stage. Men and women are constantly borrowing books from the teeth. The enterprise is sponsored by the Wilmette Public library on all phases General Foot Hospital association , of the field. Everett · Dean Martin in his "PsyInc.,· of which Dr. Frank Furch is chairman ; Dr. 0. N Woolman, sec- chology and Its Use" of the "Reading retary, and H. A. Lu5e, treasurer. In With a Purpose" series recommends undertaking to build and maintain a the following books: hospital devoted primarily to the tr eat - "Psychology" by WiJiiam James. ment of foot cases, the foot speciali st s "Psychology: a Study of Mental Life" by R. S. Woodward. are joining hand s with the medical fra"Behaviorism" by ] . B. Watson. ternity. Already listed on the staff are Dr. A. P. Reineck, surgeon; Dr. "General Introduction to PsychoT. J Echerer, physician; Dr. H. A. . analysis" by Sigmund Freud. · Renz. dermatologist: Dr. Roy E. "Psychology" by E. D. Martin. Christie, 5peciali st in c h i 1 d r e n's "Social Psychology" by F. H. Allport. You may borrow these books from diseases; Dr. W. H. Gilmore, roentge the \\' ilmette Public library. nologist, Dr. C. A. Field, denti st; Dr . Maurice Bern stein, orthopedic sur geon, and a group of leading foot CO-OPERATE FOR CONFERENCE The department of industrial relaspecialists. A campaign committee under the di- tions of the Chicago Urban league, rection of Harry G Hoak, with head- with the co-operation of the Chicago quarters in the Palmer House, ha'5 Woman's Aid, Chicago Woman~s club, launched a campaign to raise the Woman's City club, Service Council for necessary funds, and is making its ap- Girls', Household Employtment compeal to public..:spirited citizens of Chi- mittee of the Chicago Y. \V C. A., Vocational Supervi·3ion league, and the cago and suburbs. Vocational Guidance of the board of l.!ducation, is sponsoring an all-day LIBRARY BOARD MEETS The regular April meeting of the conference on problems of household Wilmette Public library board will be employment to be held April 23, at the Y. W. C. A., 59 E. Monroe street, held next Wednesday evening. Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Arthur Porter, Mrs. A. B. Seibold, 522 Forest ave 1737 Highland avenue, announce the birth of a daughter, Dolly Jane, on nue, and her son, Arthur, Jr., returned April 15, at the St. Francis hospital. last week from Florida, where they Mrs. Porter was before her marriage, had heen vacationing for about two Miss Mildred A. Nelson of Evanston. weeks. u T Q I E E R u R N I H I N G F s s In· very Point · ·. The (Jeorgian Leads! C HECK The Georgian from every angle ... room sizes . . . quality and character of furnishings . . . cleanliness . . . service ... price/ Wherever you compare . . . no matter what detail you check . . . you will find that The Georgian offers · advantages beyond all others. Far more attractive . . . more beautifully appointed ... quieter and more sedate ... The Georgian invites you to new home happiness. If you have tired of the burdens of housekeeping . . . of your present surroundings . . . or if you merely wish to· rest and relax, Come to The Georgian. Point for point you will find greater value ... benefits far beyond the pol'{er of words to tell. . Visit us and see! Beginning Saturday, Aptil 2oth AN EXHIBIT OF ORIGINAL PAINTINGS B E T T E R s M A R T E R . F 0 0 D Bv PAUL SWAN The public is cordially invited to enjoy the exhibit of this versatile Artist, widely known for . his beautiful paintings, sculp.tures, literary and terpsichorean achievements. There is no admission charge and the exhibit will be open daily and ennings until April 3oth. B E T T E R F I N E R v u E s B. E. de Murg Mallater . Telephone Greenleaf 4100 I A L . The ~eorgian "An Address of Distinction" DAVIS STREET AT HINMAN AVENUE EVANSTON IBNTALS · · · · DlllECI'ION 0. B. TRONNBS ORGANIZATION E I s R v c E .· SO MUCH NICER