WILMETTE LIF.E I'OB 8A.LB-AUT08 AtJ.ril 26. 1929 II PBT8 CLA881FIED ADVERT{SEMENTS General N otic~Claastfled aclverttaements will be to residents of the district from charged onl~ Evanston to Glencoe IBcluslve whose names appear In the telephone directory, or who are replar subecrlbera to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. FOR SALE - ONE 9-B FRANKLIN FOR SALE-PEDIGREED ORANGE Pe.rslan cat. male. Call Wilmette f33f. sedan. This car Is In very good condi. . 39LTN31-3tc tion throughout, particularly tires and engine. Good for many years service. PAINTI~O & DECOBATINO Just the car for - local use. Price $200. 18 Call · Wilmette 118. 4L31-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 BUILDING A CONTRACTING cents a line In one paper. !6 cents a line In an~ two papena. Rtltes-16 30 cents a line In all three papers. JlllUMUJl CHA.BO B 5I eeale. Averace of ftve words to the line. No black face type used. lOCJ, discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our oftlce at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 66f Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. For Lily Pools, Rock~ries, For Springtime Decorating and Painting CALL ,· ALL KINDS OF BRICK AND STONE ·work, call Hartwell, Glencoe 1402. , 11LTN31-ltc ]. A. HOLMGREN & SON for nsertions-ClaBslfled advertisements will be accepted up to Wednesday 6 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers i Thursday 6 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 6 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones : Wilmette f300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. Deadline I (Established in 1892) 818 Lake St. WM. OTTEN, MASON CONTRACTOR. Evanston New and repair work. Get our estimate. Univ. 8536 Res. Greenleaf 2252 38L31-ltc Ph. Highland Park 3012. 11LTN6-tfc 20 GARDENING -l3 REP AIRING A REFINISHING BY EXadjusted. Wilmette 43L34-tfc <G&!<e ~IID©l' JJ ©Ircdl&rru f FOR S ,\LE-AUTOS }'OR SALE-...\ UTOS AJP)Irnll Cll®~Ir&Im~ce of vVE HA\ 1£ A FEW USED CARS LEFT AT BARGAIN P RIC E S. PERHAPS \VE HAVE JUST THE MODEL .A.ND MAKE YOU \VANT. Landscape Planners and Contractors 2016 CENTRAL ST. GREENLEAF 2930 (Nursery at Deerfield, Ill.) 20LTN27-tfc --------------LANDSCAPE GARDENER AND CONtractor. Driveways built and resurfaced. Shrubs and perennials of all kinds. Black dirt, manure and fertilizer. Places taken. care of by the day, week or month and contract. Wilmette 570. 20LTN31-3tc WATCH REPAIRING DONE pert. Watches cleaned and Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 A venue. Phone Wilmette 6. SILVER PLATING SILVER PLATING H:A.VE YOUR good old pieces renewed at a r easonable price. Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 Wilmette Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. 45-A-L34-tfc lJO JEWI:LRY REPAIRING --------------JEWELRY REP AIRING AND REmodeling by a craftsman of rare ability. Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 Wilmette A v enue. Phone Wilmette 6. 50L34-tfc u~ce<dl cc~If~ ~<e<e© liD ©Jnfen© IID®cdl <ID.IID cdl CG1!ll &lf &IIDttcececdl 1928 Nash Sta ndard Sed a n. 1927 Hup. 8 cyl. Sedan. This e x cellent 8 cyl. motor in perfect shape. 1927 Nash AdY. 6- 4 dr. Seda n. Thi R car a real buy. 1927 Nash Standard Sedan. 1926 Na::;h Spec ial 6 Sedan. 1925 Buick 1\fns te r 6 Sedan. 1925 Chrys ler Sedan. L exington Sedan, Stt:!a rns Pha eton. Landscaping, Planting 1\t:Iannon - Roosevelt Dealers Knight 562 LINCOLN AVE. CLEANING AND UPKEEP OF GARLOST & FOUND dens by expert. Reasonable priees. aa F. l{oeberl. Phone Northbrook 241-J. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20LTN25-tfc LOST - SMALL COIN PURSE ON --------------North Shore train Sunday A. M., April I AM DOING LANDSCAPE WORK AND 2lst, containing 2 rings, diamond and PLANTING. I HAVE OWN PERENtopaz settings and change. Please call NIAL GARDENS WITH SHRUBS.· 'Vinnetka 2680. Reward. 55LTN31-ltp WHO WANTS GOOD WORK AT REASONABLE· PRICES? CALL WINN. 329. 20LT31-ltp LOST-PAIR OF SILVER RIMMED glasses in black leather case. Almer THE SERVICES OF AN EXPERICoe, label. Ph. Wilmette 4198. enced gardener are available by the 55L31-ltc WINNETKA day, week, or month. Reasonable. Phone University 1752. 20L31-ltc LOST-BROWN AND WHITE SPOTTED Cockerel Spaniel, answers to the name 4LTN31-ltc of Sandy. Wilmette 2371. 55L31-ltp ELECTRICAL REP AIRP BY EXPERT. LOST - AIRDALE DOG. PLEASE NOdelivered. Paul tify Mrs. R. E. Williams. Tel. Wil. Wilmette Ave2743. 55L31-ltc 6. 23L34-tfc HELP WANTED-FEMALE !7 INTERIOR DECORATING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GIRL, WHITE, COOKING, GEN. WK. on 1st ft. No washing. Must like children. Keep other help. $20. 151 Abbington Ave. Ph. Kenilworth 1414. 56LTN31-ltc Ideal effects in home decoration can only be realized when your lamps and WANTED-GIRL OR WOMAN FOR shades are in perfect harmony. cooking· and general hswk. No washBring In your lamp bases and let us .ing. 1336 Elmwood Ave. Ph. Wildesign shades that are distinctive and mette 1871. 56LTN31-1tc different. We carry a large stock of Early Amer- WANTED - WHITE, PROTEST ANT lean and English period lamps. Always girl, mother's helper or general housereasonably priced. work. Ph. Winnetka 2733. 56LTN31-1tc CLOCKS REPAIRED Clocks called for and Davey, Jeweler. 1165 nue. Phone Wilmette <Gconmll<dl Co [))&wn~ 9 lliiD~o GOOD USED CARS PRICED RIGHT 1928 Packard 6 Sedan .. . ..... . $1450 1928 Na;-;h Adv. Sedan .... .. .. $975 1928 Nash Adv. Roadster .. . . . . $975 1927 Buick 26-S Sport Coupe ... $725 1927 Buick 5 Pass. Coupe ... . .. $875 1927 Nash Spec. Sedan . . .... . $675 1926 Nash Spec. Sedan . . ....... $525 1926 Nash Brougham .......... $650 19?7 N h Std c h $ ... as · oac · · · · · · · · · · 450 1928 Nash Spec. Sedan .... . .. $875 1926 Nash Adv. Sedan ... . ..... $625 1926 Nash 7 Pass. Sedan ..... . $595 Durant Touring .... . . . . . . .. . . .. $50 Dixie Flyer Touring . . ........ $25 1927 Nash Std. Coupe ... ... . ... $375 1925 Ford ~edan . ... . .... ....... $95 Cf-IRYSI~ER DE~t\LER WINNETKA 3090 548 LINCOLN AVE. 4LTN31-ltc SPRING SHO\VING OF LAMP SHADES TO ORDER USED BUICKS· Ford Tudor-$100 28 26 27 70 26 LOOK OVER OUR LIST Buick brougham .......... $500 Packard sedan ............ $330 7 pn ss. Buick . . . . . . . ...... $460 Chrysler Redan ............ $230 Master Six Buick sedan ... $270 down down down down down North Shore Buick Co. We'll accept any salable used car in trade as part payment and 632 Church St. give you terms if ypu like. GOODRICH STUDIO Greenleaf 810 27LTN31-ltc Any used car taken as ca8h EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR COOKING & Gold Seal guarantee on all Buicks. \T ANS ON downstairs work. Must be good cook. 10!7 DAVIS ST. WIL. 3750 I~amp Winnetka 2824. 56LTN31-1tc Open Evenings and Sundays Jlh Blks. No. Davis St. "L" Station 4L31-ltc Cor. Benson & Clark Greenleaf 5500 EXCELLENT WORKMANSHIP, FINest of materials. Estimates submitted. WANTED - EXPERIENCED WHITE ----------~---4L31-ltc For appointments Ph. University 8589, girl for gel}eral housework, no laundry. between 8 and 12. Glencoe 1356. 56LTN31-ltc E T WTD.-GIHL, WHITE, GEN. HSWK. Exp. 1165 Hamptondale Ave. Ph. Winn. 3008. 56LTN31-1tc NASH CO. Draperies, Slip Covers Shades Guaranteed Used Cars 4 1927 Adv. Six NaRh 4 Dr. .... . .. .. . $650 1 1927 Adv. Six Nash 2 Dr. .... ..... . $600 2 1926 Dodge 4 Dr. . . . . . . . . . ........ $275 1 1927 Ford Coupe ....... . ........ . $150 1 1927 Ford 2 Dr . .... . ....... . ....... $125 Lake Shore Motor Sales 1017 Chicago Ave. AND DORO'fHY E. GAFFNEY §1!lllbunrlb, &Iril N &~lhl §£ll<e~ 549 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 2707 4LTN31-ltc FOR SALE-1926 LINCOLN TOWN car, 1921 Pierce-Arrow touring, perfect con d ., bargain. 764 7 Rhodes Ave. Chicago. Stewart 5179. 4LTN31-ltp on Howard St. ' ACROSS FROM NORSHORE THEATRE Oldsmobile coupe, late model ......... $350 Dodge business coupe .. . ....... ..... 300 Oakland coach, 4 wheel brakes . . . . . . 235 '26 Oakland landau .. ..... ....... . . . . 395 '26 Dodge sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 '28 Essex sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425 '26 Ford coupe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 '28 Oakland All-American cabriolet . . 725 '28 Whippet coupe .............. . .. :. 350 MANY OTHERS FROM $25 UP 4LTN31-ltc WTD.-GOOD WHITE MAID, FOND OF children. Sal. $15. Ph. Wil. 3140. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 56LTN31-1tc :10 LOANS :M A I D , GENERAL HOUSEWORK, must be good cook, $18. Ph. Kenilworth 742. 56LTN31-ltc 27LTN31-ltp Charles H. Brethold 1st and 2nd mortgages Insurance 545 Main St., Wilmette Tel. 65 30L17-tfc WHITE MAID FOR GENERAL HSWK. Ph. Kenilworth 4111. 56LTN31-ltc WANTED-A CLEAN GIRL FOR GEN. hswk. Ph. Wll. 1737. 56LTN31-ltc MOTHER'S HELPER, 3 TO 6 DAILY. Tel. Winnetka 384. 56LTN31-1tc HELP WANTED-MALE WANTED - aaa - MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, confidential service. ~oaaa Waat Ad Ia B·8118toa, too - Tbis Office will accept classified advertising to be run in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 familia in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p.m. on Tuaday. McKENDRY REALTY CO. 1614 Orrington Ave., Evanston, Unlv. 8383 30LTN16-tfc Automobile Salesmen LIVE WIRES TO SELL SENSATIONAL fast selling 8 cyL cars. Wersted Motor Co.· 662 Lincoln Ave.· Winnetka. Marmon-Roosevelt Dealer. 57LTN31-ltc SALESMAN: MUST BE CAPABLE OF closing hou.sehold utility sales. Ref. desired. Dannemark Electric Co .· 1!§1 Wllmette Ave. Ph. Wll. 2U. i7LTN31-ltc ·· - PBT8 Telephone Wil~ette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 FOR SALE-SCOTCH OOLLIE PUPpies. registered. Beelmanor, on Landwehr Road, south ·o r Techny Road. Phone Northbrook 116-R. 39LTN28-ftp