Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Apr 1929, p. 3

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April 26; 1929 MAKES 'URGENT APPEAL TO CONCERT PATRONS President Whitman of Orchestral Association Emphasizes Benefit to Children Editor's note: Patrons of the New Trier Orchestral associati.o n' concert series given for several seasons in the New Trier High school auditorium, and newcomers to the north shore who will want to become interested in this enterprise are invited to consider carefully the appended letter directed to prospective concert subscribers in the next season by President Roland D. Whitman of the Orchestral association. THEATRE GUILD GIVES Heads City Club ·. CoaswtGluard Statiobn . . FINAL PLAY ON MAY 14 ·---------to i mette H ar· pr IDiscuss Removal of · I' "Lilies of the Field," the last North Shore Theater Guild production of the current season, will be presented by the usual 'a ll-North-Shore cast. And it is int~resting to note the adherence to the Guild's policy of affording an opportunity to as many as possible to act during the cours~ of a single season. Eight of the cast of "Lilies of the Fie.ld" are playing with the Guild for "To subscribers to the New Trier the first time, though all are experiTownship Orchestral series and to enced in acting, and their names will those interested in the musical educabe welcome additions to the roles of the tion of our children : Acting company. The play appears in "Another season has been concluded, Wilmette May 14. happily without a deficit, yet financially This play is a three-act English we are, as orchestral associations everycomedy by John Hastings Turner. Its' where seem always to be, on thin ice London production received the enand must have every available subdorsement of the British Drama league, scription if these concerts are to cona distinction difficult to achieve. The tinue for another year. play deals in a lively way with the Children Moa't Benefited courtship ~nd marriage of the twin "Heretofore the appeal has always New Trier and Cleveland S. John Duncan-Clark, 228 Wood daughters o_f the country vicar, and the been to your own pleasure and enjoy- court, Wilmette, was installed as presiDebaters Vie for Trophy double loves and the situations will, it is ment, but I wish now to have you con- dent of the City club of Chicago at sider another side of the enterprise : the annual meeting of that organizaThe winner of the annual inter- felt, arouse and delight even the most In conjunction with these evening con- tion Friday, April 19. He succeeds E. state debate between New Trier High particular north shore audience. certs there have a~ways been given to T. Gundlach. Mr. Duncan-Clark is a school and Cleveland High school on Wilmette Girl in Cast the students of the high school and to lecturer of prominence and an editorial May 17 will be awarded a silver lovCast in the diffict.llt roles of the twins the grammar and private school pupils writer on the Chicago Evening Post. ing cup, it was announced this week are Irene Wicker of Evanston and of .the townshiQ an afternoon series He is president of the New Trier Par- by Chester E. MacLean, debate coach Agnes Biesemeier of Wilmette. Miss of concerts by the same orchestra. at New Trier. The cup is being donat- Biesemeier will make her Theater Guild ent- Teacher a'.ssod~tiun. The entire movement, in fact, origied by Louis B. Kuppt'nheimer, of debut in the play, and Mrs. Wicker nated with Mrs. Cotton, th,e head of \iVinnetka. The school winning the will be remembered for her playing of the Music department of the high cnp ·this year will rlefend it next y~ar the part of the young matron in "Tons school, with the single purpose of eduin a similar contest. of Money," in 1928. Opposite the cating these children musically. Your New Trier and Cleveland have met twins, as their admirers and lovers, evening concerts are merely an offshoot twice before in debate. In 1927 when are ] oseph K. Shippen of Glencoe and or incidept of the much more importCleveland was · the Ohio champion. Arthur Landers of Winnetka. Mr. ant afternoon concerts, by means of Chief Charles W. Leggett of the Wil- New Trier won. Last year Cleveland Shippen plays "Barnaby Haddon," the which the younger generation is being mette Police department tendered his evened the count. antiquarian whose knowledge of mideducated to understand and enjoy, in resignation to the village board this Victorianism extends even to its young The year in ,,. hich the cup is won later years, orche stral music even more week after two vears· service with the women, and Mr. Landers plays "Bryan than we do. However, the two series local force. Cl;ief Leggett has not and the natilC of the winning school Ropes," a young society blade and will be engra\'ed on the trophy each are of necessity wholly interdependent indicated his plans for the immediate faddist of London. year. economically, and neither serie s can future. Robert G. McMillan and Ethel Resurvive without the other. A successor to Chief Leggett will pass, both of Glencoe, will enact the w~.fy point is that, in subscribing to probably be announced at the- next J. A. Amos Purchases roles of the Rev. John Head and his this evening series you are discharging regular meeting of the Village board, wife, Ann. Their characterizations are Norrington Residence a civic duty of great importance. and c>f sc heduled for Tuesday c\·ening. May 7. not easy, and their acting will have ]. A. Amos of the Pyle National comgreater importance than are many Chief Leggett came to \Vilmette even ~special note because they, too, pany, railroad supplies, bas purchas ed chariLies to which '"e commonlv sub- after manv vears' experience as chief are newcomers to the Guild stage. Dale scribe in larg~r amounts. Moreover, of the Evans-ton police department dur- the A. L. }{orrington residence at the Plympton of Winnetka is cast in the southeast corner of Ninth street and these children are YOttr chilrlrcn-if not ing the administration of former ~{ayor Ashland avenue, \Vilmette. R. M. role of Mrs. Rooke-Walter, Ann Head's your ycry 0\\·n, yet the children of your Harry P. Pearson. ] ohnston and company \YCre the mother, leader of London society. The neighbors and of the community. On brokers in the tran saction. Mr. and cast is completed by ;)ally Hohelty, of their behalf, then, I appeal to you and, Mrs. Norrington expect to leave thi s Evanston, and Mary C. White and Presrdent and Mrs. Orner as ~· ou may know, \Ye need every subfor an extended yisit in Eng- ] !!net Marshall of Winnetka, in the scription we can secure. Feted at Silver Wedding summer parts of Hon. Monica Flame, Lady land. Expect Best Season On the evening of Saturday, Ap:il Susan Rocker, and Violet, maid at the "As affecting your own pleasure in 20, several hundred friends of Village vicarage. these en'1.lin~ concerts, I may add that President Earl E. Orner and Mrs. OrPlay at . ~tolp School we confickntly expect to give you next ner assembled in the ~f asonic temple The \Vilmette performance will take vear markedlv better concerts th<tn CJ, t auditorium ancl lounge for a surprise place in the Byron Stolp school rather -;my time in th,e past. T"·o ~·ears ago party in th eir honor. The affair com than at the Woman's club, which place the refu sal of the Chicago Symphon.'· memorated their ·s ilver wedding and is being altered to provide a more satisorche stra to longr r allow m to ttse the t\\'C1lt\·-fifth anniversarv of Pre :;ifactory auditorium for Wilmette actheir men reCJttired the building of a dent Orner's service to the - commt111ity tivities. The curtain is set for 8 :20, ne\\' orchestra for our use. rnder Mr . a~ a municipal official. and when it falls at the end of the Dasch this new orchestra is constantlv third act it will officially close the and rapidly growing in strength an~! eighth · seasot of the North Shore fini . h. Then, too. experience has better ANNOUNCE ARTIST SERIES Theater Guild in Wilmette. Mrs. qualified us to provide. with our availRobert Stoddard serves the Guild as Winnetka M u·.;ic club announces able monev, soloists of the first order. chairman of the \iVilmette membershi~) the forthcoming Artist-Recital series I am sure" that we shall give vou ne"<t committee of the Guild, and to her and as follows: vear soloists who can not fail to win her committee is due much praise for October 20-Florence Austral, dra~'DUr great favor. · the intere~t in the Guild which has matic soprano, and Amadeus, flautist. "Please. then. for the sake of these . developed in Wilmette. ·AnnounceNovember 11-Edward Johnson, children. if not for vour own pleastt~·e, ments of the plans for the coming seatenor, of the Metropolitan Opera let us have prompth~ vour suh,cription. son will he made about September 15 company and Ravinia opera. ~Make checks paval~le. to H. L. Street, and the Guild management looks for- December 2-The Smallman choir. treasurer. and rnail to ~{rs. B. K. ward to another interesting vear of ] anuary 20-Claire Dux, lyric soSmith. 330 Poplar ~treet. Winnetka. productions for its friends in Wilmette. prano, and Piatogorsky, Russian Verv earnestlv. Roland D. Vvhitma·n. preside.n t." celli·st. THE Classified Columns of AT KENILWORTH CLUB March 24-Vladimir Horowitz, this Paper offer the shortest The Kenliworth club is giving the P. T. A. ELECTION TODAY pianist. last· bridge luncheon of the present route to the fulfillment of Further details and information The St. Francis Xavier Parentseason Friday, Ma:v 3, at 1 o'clock. concerning the concerts will be pubTeacher association is holding its anyour desires. The cost is Hostesses for the affair are Mrs. John lished later. It is requested that nual meeting and election of officers trifling. T. Dix and Mrs. Arthur W. Wakeley. delinquent subscribers send their todav in the school hall at 2 :30 o'clock. "The Annual Club Dramatics" is re11 rs: Fetherstone wi1t soeak on "Health checks immediately to Mrs. Bes·.sie ceiving its finishing touches and win Grant at the Winnetka State bank. of the School Child." A large atbe presented Wednesday, May l. tendance is requested. Wilmette and other north shore yachtsmen, it is undex:~tood, are bringmg strong pr.e ssure to bear upon Admiral F. C. Billard, commandant of the U. S. Coast Guard, to have the coast guard station located at the foot of University place in Evanston moved to Wilmette harbor. The station was established in Evanston in 1876 by citizens, and for a number of year~ its personnel was made up of Northwestern u.niversity students under the direction of a coast guard captain. A commission of three, composed 0f coast guard captains at Buffalo, Milwaukee, and Louisville, which has been appointed to investigate the proposed removal of the Evanston station to Wilmette, on Tuesday night discussed the matter with President Louis K. Gillson_, of the Wilmette Park board, on whose property the station would be erected. "Lilies of the ,Field" Comes to Stolp School; Agnea Bieaemeier in Cut Leggett Resigns as Police Chief; on Force 2 Years I ·

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