Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 May 1929, p. 30

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WILMETTE "The Greatest Thing in the World" is to be the subject of an address to be given by Dr. Albert Vail Sunday afternoon. ~fay 5, at 4 . o'clock, in Foundation hall of the Baha'i temple, Linden avenue near Sheridan road. Wilmette. Other addresses for the May meetings are to be announced later. Mrs. Roger R. Jenness, 220 Linden avenue, has as her house guest her I mother, ~Irs. \V. S. L. Hawkins of Springfield. Mass. LIFE May 3, 1929 Christian Science Churches "Probation after Death" was the subject of the lesson-·.:;ermon in all Churche.s of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, April 28. The golden text was, "He that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness and mercy (Proverbs 21 :21). Among the citations which compri~ed the le son'-. ern10n was the followmg from the Bible : "For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Teaching us that, rlenying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live ·sobe rly, right~ously, and !ZOdly, in thi s pre ent world; Looking for that blc s;,ed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and · out ::;a\·iour J e us Chri st; \\' ho gave himself for us, that he might red eem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good work_, " (T itus 2:11-14). The lesson-se rmon also included the iollowin rr pa sages from the Christian cience textbook, ··Science and Health with Key to the Scripture ·," by ~[ary Baker Eddy: "\\' e have no right to say that life depends on matter now, but will not depend on it after death. \Ve cannot spend our day3 here in ignorance of the Science of Life, and expect to find beyond the grave a reward for this ignorance" (p. 409). Thompson Pitches High School Nine to 3 to 2 Victory By Winslow Wrhrht New Trier's ·t929 baseball aggregation show that it means business when it comes to putting up a hot fight for the league championship, for in a fast game Saturday morning the boys whipped Morton by a count o.f 3 to ·z. As in the Senn game a week ago, the bright spot of the struggle wa·.; the pitching of vVay Thompson, who, besides striking out ten Morton batsme~, allowed the visitors put two scratch htts. In the first inning neither of the team s were able to .score, but in the second inning with three clean hit.:; slashed out ~ew Trier was able to gain a two run lead over its opponent'i. However, in the fourth and fifth innings the Cicero lads scored a run anci ti ed the score up but in the sixth innin ~ Fred Smith, Xew Trier's first ba se man, .~ mashed out a double with the winning run on second and !\ew Trier clung to this one run advantage for the remainder of the affair. Th e box SChf(' is as foltr,ws: AB R X e w Trfe r 2 0 H. Thompson, c. f. ~ 0 :\funn, 2b. !';, 2 1 ~axton, s. () :~ w. Thompsr,n, p. I Paulson , :\h. 2 1 Smith, lh () ~ Kaufman, r . f. () ~ ·norncamp, (' I) 2 Fogelsong, 1. f. 2() ... ·.I I) A·RPET and DRAPERY SPECIALS Our large purchases of carpet and drapery materials for hotels and clubs lower our costs by a considerable margin! These savings are now being offered the ~~~:'-'~)~af'J general public. Valoes are extraordinary, with a wide range of grades and colors to choose from. All the newer, more popular materials are included in our large stocks. Compare the values for yourself. Visit our Downtown DUplay Room, or call Franklin 5051 for an e~imator JI 1 () p A 1 1 1 ·) 2 2 () 1 () () 1 I 1 1 1 I) 4 1 !i 1 () I) () :~ (J 5 21 p () Annual Junior Prom at New Trier to Be May 18 The annual junior prom of Xew Trier High school, at which the seniors will be guests of the juniors, is to he held Saturdav. )..[av 18. It will be a summer form~!. ~farshall Ling, of \Vilmette. junior class president. and Jean Thackerq,y, of \\'innetka, junior vice president, will lead the prom. Arrangement for the affair arc in charge of the junior cia s officer , assisted bv se\·eral members of the eta s. Foilowing are the committee chairmen: :\farshall Ling, orchestra; Jean Thackeray, . decoration ; Charles Southward, ticket sale: .Rrth Brower. program, and Janet Healy, reire -hments. · ~Ir. and :\ln. G. ] . Biehl, 1108 Chestnt.it avenue. enktrained at a small dinner . party last Sunday. Guest - \vere ~frs. Biehl' " ·ister. ).[is , Laura Collen of Cn-stal Lake, who was a house guest cH·er the \reek-end. and :\(r. and ).f rs. C. ]. Jackman and their family oi Oak Park. Senn Carraro, 1. f. Y a lenta, 2b. Janacek, c. Tfrm ·ka, lb. Schroeder, !'.. s. Johnson, r. f. Kess ler, ~b. Fandorff, c. r. :\Iasek, p. AB n H .. 3 :~ 0 () 0 0 I) A 1 3 l 1. I) 1 ~ 0 1 I) 2 0 0 () I) 2 2 0 0 1 7 ;, 2 0 0 3 0 n () 1 2 I) 0 1 3 2:~ ·) 2 Iq Strike outs: Thr·mp~ rm, 1l in 7 innings ; :\Iase k, 7 in 7 innings. Two ba!'!e hits: Kaufman, Smith. Left on bases: Xt"w Trier, 3; :\lol't, ,n , 3. Doublt> plays: H. Thompso n to \\". Thompsrm to :\funn. Errors: Saxton (2), Paulson, Smith. \V. Thompson, Janac ~:: k, :\lnc::ek. Hits rJff Thomp~rm, :! in 7 inning!'!; off :\Iasek, 5 in 7 innings. Ruth Joyce. daughter of ).[r. and Joseph Joyce, 531 Essex road, Kenilworth, is now out of quarantine for chicken pox and has resumed her studies at :\Iarvwood school. \Vhile Ruth was in quarantine her father was recovering from an attack of neuritis while ~[rs. Joyce was confined to her room with influenza. They are all now much imprm·ed in health. ~Irs. high-speed interurban ro road serving this community offers the greatest comfort and convenience to summer travelers (Anawer on pag.e 44)

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