Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 May 1929, p. 69

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WILMETTE · ;.L IFt! tO SITUATlONS WANT8-PEHALE COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS CARE of children In her own home. Winnetka 1433. 60LTN30-tfc WASHING WANTED. WILL CALL for and deliver. Ph. University 6778. 60L32-2tp EXP. DRESSMAKER N. S. REF. SEW' by ·day or cut fit. Ph. Greenleaf 5944. 60LTN32-2tc WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN DURing the day. Ph. Keystone 3628. ' 60LTN32-ltp WTD. WASHING TO TAKE HOME BY experienced laundress. Will call & deliver. Ph. Wil. . 2130. . 60LTN32-ltp WTD. WASHING AND iRONING. WILL call and del. Ph. WJlmette 3599. 60LT32-ltc YOUNG WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK call '\VHmette 3839. 60LT32-ltp GEN. HSWK. STAY OR GO HOME nights. Ph. Greenleaf 4554. 60L32-ltp ~ · 77 FOJt SALE-HOUSES ~ ~ ~ . ~ . ~ ADDED SERVICE POR CLASSIPIED USERS e WILMETTE LIFE §<O>tWitlmeuit Wiimllm<eiillt~ NEAR G R A M M A R AND HIGH schools; attractive '1 rm. resid. with 4 fine bedrms., sleeping porch and oil burner ; rare value at $20,000. ~ .. ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ~ will DOW aaaept alassilled adve·· tisements lor publiaatioa in the GUI'rent issue until 9 P. M. WEDNESDAYS Five acre estate on Green Bay ·Road, splendidly located overlooking Bob-o'· Link Golf Club. High grade 9 rms., 3 baths, stucco on hollow tile resid. with tile roof. Panoramic view over Skokie Valley from beautifully landscaped terrace. Quiet secluded location yet within reasonable distance. of transp. and schools. We are proud to be able to offer this estate for sale at $75,000; -- IHl©lk&llil~©Illl & JJ ®IIDJk~ INC. REALTORS 746 Elm Street Winnetka Winnetka 1617 '17LTN32-1 tc Gl SITUATIONS WANTED-lUALE WORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY, GENeral housecleaning, washing windows and woodwork. Garden and landscape work a specialty. Ph. Winnetka 1657. 61LT32-2tp THE SERVICES OF AN EXPERIenced g·ardener are available by the day, week, or month. Reasonable. Phone University 1752. 61L32-ltc ., ., ~ ~ ~ ~ .Just Telephone Prospect Ave., \Vinnetka Just put on the market owing to change in location of business of the owner, excellent 9 room residence, 6 bedrooms. 3 baths, bookroom, heated sunporch, sleeping porch, sewing room, Hardinge oil burner, 2 car garage with space for chauffeur, 2-3 acre beautifully wooded and landscaped by Jensen. Fall possession :ureferred. CHOICE 2 ACRES Last available site in "Skok(e View" .north of Pine and west of Rosewood. Surrounded by beautiful estates of 1 to 5 acres. This is about the choicest location in Winnetka. ENGLISH TYPE HOUSE One of the most attractive small houses in town, brick on hollow tile~ This Is a new house with 4 large sunny bedrooms, 3 baths. Price very low. Easy terms. WILMETTE 4300 REFINED COUPLE WOULD L:!:T{E flat or bungalow in exchange for man s 66 FOR RE:ST-ROO:l\IS s rvices. ·write Talk B-72. 61LTN32-ltc WELL Ft;R~ISHED FRONT R00:\'1. E_X_P_E_R_I_E_N_C_E_D_M_A_N_F_O_R_P_A-IN_T_I_N_G Attra ·tive and comfortable. Tel. Wilmette 1t140. 66LT32-ltc screens, window washing and general work about home. - - 69 FOR RE~T-HOUSES Tel. Wilmette 570. FOR REXT- ROOM ~EAR TRANS. 61LTN29-tfc could anangE> for light housekeeping. ----------------Phon e \~lilmett 1913. 66LT~32-ltp HOUSE OR GARDEN WORK BY HOUR, daY- or contract. Drainage, Phone Gi FOR REN'l'-APARTJIENTS Winnetka 1288 after 5 p. m. ----------------.. 61LTN31-tfc 5 ROOM BUNGALOW AND GARAGE suitable for small family. Immediate possession. Ph. V\,innetka 489. 69LTN32-ltp FOR RENT-3 BLOCK N. OF "L," 4 blks. from lake. 4 bedroorns, lg. liv. rm. with fireplace, sun rm., ex. lav. 1st fl ., gas ht. Ph. Wilmette 193G9L32-ltc For Rent Winnetka EXPERIENCED GARDENER WANTS work by the day or week ; good references. Tel. Wilmette 570. 61LTN2!l-tfc IF YOUR BASEMENT· IS FLOODED after stornts, Ie't me · teriair : the sewer. Results guaranteed. Call after 5, Winnetka 1288. 61LTN31-Hc GARDENER WILL CARE FOR LAWN by day or season. . Can do general work. Ph. Greenleaf 2341. 61L32-ltp HOUSE OR GARDEN WORK BY DAY or contract. Drainage. Ph. Winn. 1288. 61LTN29-tfc SITUATION WANTED AS PRIVATE chauffeur. Employed at present. Call · Highland Park 1597. 61LTN32-ltp HOUSE CLEANING, 'W INDOW WASHing, and odd jobs. Brown. University 8957. 61LTN32-ltp LINDEN CREST APTS. WILM~TTE Fred'k B. Thomas & Co. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. . 62 Sl'r. 1VTD.-l\IALE & FE1IALE RELIABLE COLORED GIRLS AND middle aged women. General housework by week, days, or 1h days, with ::\10DERN 5 ROOM APT. NEWLY or without laundry. Male help of all decorated, at 909 Linden Ave., "Vinkinds. Ph. Kenwood 1756. 62LT.N32-ltp n e tka. Tel. Winn. 26R8 or 1055. ·67LT~32-1 tc 66 FOR RENT-ROOMS FOR RENT - 4 R~IS. NEWLY DE FOR RENT-LARGE BEAUTIFUL R\1. orated $35. Ph. Wilmt>tte 3590. in priv. family with connecting bath. 67L32-ltp Xr. Trans. Ph. Winnetka 637. 6'6 LT32-ltc FOR RENT-l\lODERN 4 ROOl\1: APT. ---------------:----Ph. \Vilmette 2399. (i7LTN24-tfc FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 ADULTS employed; light and plea~ant; hot and 68 FOR RF.NT-FlJRX. APTS. cold running water. Ph. Wil. 4207. ----------------, 66L28-tfc FOR RENT-AT GREATLY REDT T CED FOR RENT;_ATTR. FURN. Rl\1. FOR rate very comfortable and convenient bus. woman excellent trans. 726 11th. Orrington Hotel apartment, Evanston. st., Wilmette. Ph. Wil. 7!15 or · 3155. Consists of two unusually larg·e rooms 66LT32-ltc with electric kiitchenette, bathroom, ----------------and three very large Closets. Exct>llent ·FOR REN'l'-COMF. FURN. RM:. EAST hotel service. Electricity free. Fumside ; priv. residence ; near tram;. for ished or unfurnished. Occupation now business man. Also space in doub1e or for summer. Fifth floor. 'Vest exgarage. Ph. Wilmette 41. 66LTN32-ltc posure. PhonE> E>nnings Greenl<·af 46fi0. G8LTN32-tfp FOR {tENT-PLEASANT FRONT Rl\1. convenient to bath. Wilmette 3206. FlTRNISHED . 66LT32-ltp SMALL ATTRACTIVE suit~>, private entrance and porch. 802 Lake Ave. Ph. 'Vilmette 801. CHEERFUL W4RM ROOM,. PRIVATE 68LTN32-ltp bath, garage Ph'. .'Winnetka 1543. · ·· 66LTN32-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOR RENT-AT'£R. FURN. 1 R-:\1. kitch. apt. ex<'ellent trans. adult. Ph. FOR RENT_.:_FURi<i. FRONT.· RM. SUITWilmette 795 or 3155. 726 11th St., able for. 1 or 2-418 Park .Ave., Ph. WilWilmette. 68LT32-ltc mette 2269. 66L32-ltc LARGE ROOM, NEAR TRANSPORTAtion . . 1113 Gage ·st., Hubbard Woods. 66LTN32-ltc --------- - - LGE. -FOR RENT-2 WELL FURN. rms. nr. .. transp. . Gar., reasonable. 633 Park Ave., Wil. 66L32-ltp FOR RENT-8 ROOM HOUSE WITH 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ROOMS sleeping and dining porches, attached Here in Wilmette's most convenient and garage, Oil burner, near transportation exclusive location, you will find well-arand schools. Call Wilmette 1468. ranged apartments. All apartment.: 69LTN31-tfe have outside rooms which provide an WHITE CLAPBOARD WITH GREEN abundance o! ltght and air. Amplf- FOR RENT OR SALE-6 RM. HSE. IN shutters and a colonial door-inside closet space. Schools, churches, and Northbrook. H. W. heat; sunporch ; comfort and charm and a feeling of shopping facilities within immedlatf gar.; $8,900. 1937 'Wilmette Ave., Ph. space-large living room with fireplace acce~s. See these apartments today. Wil. 4424. 69LTN32-Itp and book shelves to the ceiling. Good Agent on premises. dining room and just a delightful FOR RENT-6 ROOM BRICK BUNGA- 1 kitchen. On the 2nd floor there are low, sun and sleeping porches and ga3 large bedrooms and two baths. AnREALTORS rage. Phone Wil. 2168 or 588 fcir appt. other room and a bath or a sleeping 424 Linden Ave. Wll. 460 69LTN31-3tc porch can easily be added. There is a 67LTN2-tfc· garage and a wooded lot 200 feet deep 6 RM. HOUSE, GARAGE, AT 1096 OAK with tulips and perennials in the sunny FOR REXT-APART~IE~T. ~ R:\IS. st. Fireplace. Beautiful garden with front yard-in a neighborhood of and bath, with heat, poss. :\lay 1st., fruit trees. Tel. \Vinnetka 1091. estates where it is rare to . find such a 634 Park An'. f'an be Sf'(·n from 4 69-LTN-31-ltc home at $21,000. to 6 P. M . Saturday or 10 to 12 A. 1\f. "WE WON'T WASTE YOUR TIME" Sunday. 67L32-2tp 7 RMS. H. W. HEAT. GAR. GOOD trans. $75 a month. Glencoe 235 . 2 APARTMENTS FOR RENT IN XEW 69-LTN -31-tfc Smith building-1, one-room, other 2Greenleaf 7220 1618 Chicago Ave. room. Mrs. Smith, 819 Oak St., or call 70 FOR RENT-FURN. HOUSES 77LTN32-ltc Winnetka 112. 67LT32-tfc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 743 Elm Street Winnetka 2850 77LTN32-ltc Mlf~o JF Ullllll~If ~ IHl@rnm<e~ For Rent Furnished BEAUTIFUL 7 ROOM BRICK, 2 BATHS. exceptional location. July 1st to May 1st, 1930. Nominal rental. ON CHOICE WOODED LOT IN VICIN Other good homes, furnished and unity of Country Day School. Three furnished. blocks to trains. Seven well planned rooms. Spacious living room with wood burning fireplace. Breakfast romn REALTORS large screened porch. Fonr fine bed \Vinn. 154-l 5 :~ Lincoln A\'e. t·ooms and two tile baths. Extra lava 70LTNa2- ltt· tory on first floor. Many dosets and built-in features for th~ comfort of FOR RENT- S RM. HSE., NEWLY owner. Frigidaire. Hot Water Heat decorated, 524 Provident, Winnetka. Two car brick garage. Price $35,000 Ph. Kenilworth 2016 fot· information . 70LTN32-ltc ----------------· REAL ESTATE-INSURANCE JUNE TO OCTOBER. 6 RMS., SLEEPREALTORS . ing and screened porches. Near Skokie 566 Centet· Street Winnetk .t 203:! golf course. $125. Tel. Winnetka 2240. 77LTN32-ltc 7fiLTN32-ltp NE\V ENGLISH TYPE BRICK RESIDENCE HILL & STONE CROSBY REALTY CO. 73 FOR RENT-STORES & OF·FICES STORE F'OR RENT, EXCELLENT LOcation in Winnetka, apply 562 Lincoln Ave., Phone Winnetka 165. 73 LTNaO-tfp 2 NEW STORES-ONE CORNER 24 1,2 by 42; one 16 by 44; basements; reas. Phone Winnetka 112. 73LTN28-tfc J CATION BEAUTIFUL 8 RM BEST . . o · · brick; 2 colored tile baths; ex. lav. Lounge in basement; 2 car garage. $36,000. l'R\MT _@)_ Tl-_ Ji\i'll@Ullfffi.it ~ lf' IN rc:an &llllefJlfitW ~ J_i~~LTORS Wilmette 273 77L32~1te FOR RENT-3 ROOM AP'T'. FURN. OR ~~~~~~~~~~~7~3~L~T~N~2~9-~t~fc 372 unfurn. $12 per wk. Ph. Wilmette ~ - 77 FOR S~LE-HOUSES FOR SALE-7 ROOM HOUSE, 2 BATHS, 68LTN3 2 -1tc 6 ROOM FRAME HOUSE, GARAGE, 1ot 100 x 150· P riCe . $29 ·000 · 330 0 X-a.O ' rd In Northbrook. Lot 99x330. $12,000, · Rd. Ph. Kenilworth 2304. 7.7LTN32 ..1tc FOR RENT-5 R OOM F.URN . APT · 1 s t floor reasonable. 1410 Gregory Ave., terms. Tel. Northbrook 12i7LTN31~2tp WANT ADS ON PAGE ' 71 Wilmette. 68LTN32-1tc STORE OR OFFICE MAIN FLOOR, 11!l7 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 2399. 1177 WilmE-tte MORE

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