, May 10, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 23 The following sales are reported by Kroll and Smith of Fourth street \Vilmett: Paul Kempe of Wilmette has p~r chased the nine-room residence at 795 Foxdale avenue, Winnetka. from Sanford B. White of the International Harvester company. The residence is on a lot 50 by 75 feet. Quincy V. Young of Chicago has bought the eight-room residence of William G. Woolfolk at 615 Cherry street, Winnetka. There are eight rooms and three baths. C. F. Dietrich of Chicago has purchased from Percy Cutler the eight room residence at 1016 Ashland ave nue, \Vilmette. The lot is 50 by 176 feet. ira Jordan of Chicago has purchased the Joseph H. Briggs home at 1133 Ashland avenue, Wilmette. Thi s is an eight roon1 residence, located on a lot 60 by 176 feet. Mr. Jordan is connected \\'ith th e Bethlehem Steel Corporation. R. A. Steitz of Chicago ha s bought the seven-room residence at 514 Maple avenue, Wilmette from Francis E . Mc Cutlin. Mr. Steitz is vice-pre sident of the Barnes Crosby company. Tohn H. Davies has rented the Elli s ho.me on Chestnut avenue. D. VI/. Lester has rented the Apelt' home in Robsart road, Kenilworth. Alfred McDougal, 325 :\bbottsford road, Kenilworth entertained· her luncheon and bridge club last V\T ednesday. On Friday, Mrs. McDougal and Mrs. Edwin Hedrick left on a motvr trip to the East. They have gone to Philadelphia to th e Garden Club of America convention. ~irs. Kroll and Smith John Panuahka Retuma From New Drama Triumph Announce Recent Panushka, son of Mr. and Mrs. Realty Transfers ]. John ·y.;, Panushka, 929 Thirteenth street, Wilmette, returned recently from Ludington, Mich., where he took part in the presentation of "The Patsy" by the Korwyn-Garmon Players. Panushka, a New Trier graduate of 1926 and leader of the New Trier debate team three years ago, has also been' seen in several other amateur and semi-professional dramatic performances in Chicago and on the north shore. He took part in "The Old Homestead," presented by the North Shore Theater Guild, "Lombardi, Ltd.," Wilmette \Vomari's club benefit play, "Thorns," givt:;n hy the Chicago Drama league at the Chicago Woman's Athletic club, and "$15.000," presented at LaGrange by the Northwestern university Playshop company. ·Play golf-ride horseback. Dance -drive a car. Be a social bug. Have clothes for any occasion. ROYAL'S 3 .Low Prices will dress you to perfection. ROYAL Clothes are made to·order from finest materials in good style. MORRIS VEHON President ELECTS OFFICERS George Richards, 530 Essex road, Kenilworth, entertained the \Vomen's auxiliary and Rector's Aid society of the Church of Holy Comforter, on Monday aften1oon at her home. It was the annual business meeting and the following officers were elected. Mrs. Stanley Knight, president of the Rector's Aid society; Mrs. Louis D. Raggio. president of the \Voman's auxiliary; ~frs. Kirk Taylor, vice president; Mrs. Irving Jackson, secretary; Mrs. Cyrus Barr, treasurer. Last week the Reading circle met at the home of Mrs. Earl Green, 315 \Varwick road. Kenilworth. A group of twelve members meet twice a month for a plate luncheon and a reading in the afternoon. Miss Ruthecla L. Pretzel, their reader, has been ill for the past month, but expects to be back very soon. ~r r s. If You Want to Stay Young Wear Royal Tailored Clothes MILLIONS OF liEN IN 10,000 CITIES DO · Royal Clothes Always Look Slnart and Snappy ONLY PRICES FINE QUALITY EXTRA FINE QUALITY SUPER FINE QUALITY · World'· Crealelf Clotlaa Va/ae 1641 Orrington Ave. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday EveniJIII For Call Appointment Univ. 866 . '