Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 May 1929, p. 66

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WILMETTE LIFE Mai 11. t929 ···························-----····················· Teatro .d el Lago in "No Man' a Land" Sheridan Road Between Wilmette and Kenilworth Post Office: WILMETTE. ILLINOIS Phone Kenilworth 3980-3981 MATINEES SATURDAY, SUNDAY SATURDAY 8 SUNDAY Doors Open 1:30 Show Srarts at 1 p. m .. Continuous -------------~-------------------------------------~Novarro Has 'Title Role in "Clear the Decks" "The Pagan," at Norshore Teatro Attraction Ramon Novarro ha'3 the principal role in "The Pagan," the Norshore offering for the week beginning this Saturday, May 18. "A pagan," says Novarro. who as the half-native Henry Shoesmith, Jr., of the Tahiti isla:1ds has a ravishing role, (jis one whose onlY God is nature and whose only la\\: is loYe !" That, in the case of the half-garbed, half-native boy, means passing the long, sunlit days under the blue skies, without a thought of money or other J)erplexities which bother civilization. It mean.; also pleasant friendship with all persons and at last, an overwhelming loye for Tito, a pretty child. Tito's guardian. a cruel, hypocritical sort of white man, has design.; on his own ward as well as on everything else. Through courtesy. the pagan gives him the v..·ealth of his cocoanut trees, btlt when the rapacious J oranson (the guardian) endeavors to depriYe the pagan youth of his htiO\·ecl. a battle royal begins. This i·.;; the exciting part of the story. The scenery of (jThe Pagan" is said to be a treat. The film also has good acting according to the critics, a story. and all the rest of the necessary ingredients that make an interesting motion picture. for This Saturday · Reginald Denny's late st Universal talk-film comedy, "Clear the Decks," is now showing at the Tcatro del Lago. It is said to be a hilarious photo-farce, in which the fun is greatly heightened by the amusing dialogue and the apt sound effect'3. The story concerns the humorous adventures of a young society man who takes a sea trip in the place of a friend, using the friend's. identity and passport. Just when he has fallen in love with a fello\\· pas'3enger. he finds he is supposed to be demented, and has a strict mu1r nurse who makes him g-o to bed. and "·ho feeds him nothing but goat's milk. Bright. humorous, tuneful music is part of the entertainment and the plot of "Close HannoJ'ly," the Paramount all-talking film of stage and back-stag-e life in a de luxe cinema palace which comes to the Teatro thi· 3 Sunday, ~fay 19. Charles "Buddy" Rogers and Kaney Carroll have the leading roles in the play and they are ably supported by Jack Oakie and Richard "Skeets·· Gallagher. Yattdeville headliners. and Barn· Green, another favorite of the variety stage. ~anc,- Carroll sings one of the n um hers. "Go Places and D o Thing.; ." Buddy also sings a smw. "All A-T\Yitter," and Oakic and Gallagher haH a harmonv comedv song-, "She's So, I Dunno." · - Evenings During Week Doors Open 6:3 o-Show Starts 7 p. m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 16-17-18 6.6.CLEAR THE DECKS" Df~N~Y and CLIYE liASBROUCK (Talking, Singing ancl l\lu~le) "~lu~lc"-Buster nrown Comedy Jos.-ph Uf'JrHII Slngln~ Act Pnramount Nt>wlii-Pnthe Rnlew and At>8op's Fu_ blt>s In Sound Saturday UI-:GI~ALD Sunday, May 19 6.6.CLOSE HARMONY" BUDDY UOGF.R8 and NANCl' CARROLL (81nglng, Talking. Dancing and Jluslc) "Habt·ns f'orpus"-J,nur.-1 nnd Hnr1ly f'omt>d:r-<In Sound Only) "The Ull'hop'" f'nndlc·f'tlt'ks"-Tulking nnd Singing Comt>dy Dnlly Nt·\\'S 1111<1 Kinogram Nt>ws Monday and Tuesday, May 20-21 6.6.CBINATOWN NIGHTS" W AI,LAf'E JJ}~ER\' nnd }'LOURN('}; 1' 1DOR-(100% 'fa lkh·) "1'ht> Hbhop·s f'IP lh·:o;tlf'ks"-1'alklng llltd Shtglng ComNIY , ht.-t·nt J,OJH'Z :u usi(' ,\ ('f J'nrnmuunt Xt·us Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, May 22-23-24 6.6.1N OLD ARIZONA" W :\ UXEU HAXT"Eil. DOU.O'riiY B U lWE~S nncl f :DJI UXD J,OWE (100% Tnlklf' nntl Slngingl "'flu· lth'als"-f'ollf'glnn s-( Tnlki<' ntHl )luslrl KinofHilm ~t·ws W<'dnt·scllll·-Purnmount Xc·w~ Thnrslluy unci l'ridny SIGNS FOR MORE TALKIES Jeanne Eagels, who has been ap11 pearing in "The Letter" at the Chi \ cago theater during the last week. !j has signed for three more productions for Paramount. The first of these '1 will be an all-talker. "Jealou ~ y." I 3creenization of the stage play now I current in Chicago with Fay Bainter 1 and John Ha)liday as the cast. 1 Oriental Underworld Revealed Melodrama, action , mystery, . uspeme are collected in the picture. "ChinatO\Yn 2\ights," made from th~: ston· 1)\' Samuel 'Jrnitz. ,,·ell kno\\·n autl~orit·,. on Chinese tong-s of the Cnited ·states. "ChinatO\nl ~ights" rtn,al:; the intimate. litt lc known !-ide of the Oriental undenrorlcl of the large citie of the Cnited States. and into it is woHn a strange and absorbing romance. An excellent cast of player:'. headed b,· Florence Vidor, \Vallace Beery, an~l \Varn er Oland, enacts thi. gripping drama which will ieaturr the Teatro del Lag-o program ~londay and. Tuesday, 1Iay 20 and 21. \Villiam A. \N ellman, the man who made such outstanding motion picture ·_;;uccesses as "Wings." "Legion of the Condemmed." and "Beggars of Life," directed this picture. Residents of the north shore will have an opportunity to see the first alltalking picture filmed in the great outdoors when "In Old Arizona" comes ·to the Teatro Wednesday, May 22,. for a three-day showing. Real outdoor panorama· .; furnish magnificent hackgrounds for the film. Edmund Lowe. the hard-boiled Sergeant Quirt of "What Price Glorv." now becomes audible in another ~irile characterization as an army sergeant who loved not wisely but too often. \Varner Baxter as a Mexican bandit adds tang to the romantic story, and Dorothy Burgess is irresi stible as a de.;ert wildflower, strewing love petals where she wills. "In Old Arizona" is a picture with fascinating situations, heady drama and robust} swaggering humor, · 3howin g how men with the bark on woo their women. "Queen Kelly," Gloria Swanson's much heralded picture, is to be dropped, it is reported. Eric von Stroheim directed the film. Roland Young will have a prominent part in Billie Dove's forthcoming vehicle, "The Lady Who Dared." Saturday, May 25 ""GERALDINE" t :HlH E Q UJLLAX nnd ~I ARION NIXON- (In Sound Onlyl " ,\f tht' Night Cluh"-81nglng and 'fulklng Act "Old UJntk Joe"-Flt>lscher Song Cartoon Pnthe Re,·lew In Souncl -Aclcl('(l :\ ttntftlon~~lntlnt'(' Only- 1 "MORGAN'S LAST RAID" with TDl 11rCOY II CHAMP-ION PHOTOGRAPHER Karl Stru~s. who is ranked as one ,f the world's five greate's t nwtion picture photogrqphers, ha been signed to head the camera batten on "Lummox." the Herbert Rrennon ~11-dialoguc feature for Cnited Artists. Among Struss' outstanding achieYements was "Sunrise." James Ford will be cast in "I· a·st Life," the new picture which features Loretta Young and Dougla · Fairbanb, Jr. I II Sunday and Monday, May 26-27 "THE COHENS AND KELL YS IN ATLANTIC CITY" GF.OJW E Slll:X}:Y uncl JIACJ{ !'HL\ lX- L\11 Tnlklf') 'I I Tuesday and Wednesday, May 28-29 "THE BELLAMY TRIAL" nETTY nuoxsox urul Lf: .\THJCE JOY-(Part 'f nlkic· ) Sl'l:CUI. ::n . \TI~EE Thunday and Friday, May 30-31 )IEJIOUIAL u ,n ·. 'I'HUUSil.\L "THE WOLF OF WALL STREET" lliHl )f.\Y 30 (;J;OU(H; U:\Xf JHH"f JL\f'LAXOY :\-(A II 'fnlklc·) COMMUNITY HOUSE }'ricii\J" unci Saturday, Jluy l i ·lS l\IAY 1\lcA VOY LOUI~E l'AZENDA EDWARD EVERETT HORTON JOH~ 2 'UIL'f0N-,\LEC FRANCIS Saturday, June 1 "THE GHOST TALKS" with JU:J . };X TWl:LYETUf:l:l'l unci (' JL\ULl:S E .\TOX Sunday, Monday and Tueaday, June 2-3-4 "THE IRON MASK" DOUGLAS }'.\IltBANI{S · ""THE TERROR" Our Onng Cometly Tues(lay, l\lay 21 RIN ·TIN ·TIN . dog marvel Comlag Sooa "THE WILD PARTY"-Clara Bow "NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH"-Richard Dix "THE DUKE STEPS OUT"-William Haines "HOLE IN THE WALL"-Claude Colbert "SPEAKEASY" "VOICE . OF THE CITY"-Willard Mack "SPITE MARRIAGE"-Buster Keaton "THE LEATHERNECK"-William Boyd ""THE MILLION DOLLAR COLLAR" Frlclny and Saturdny, l\lay !H-2:i MARGARET 1\IANN JA::t\IES HALL FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN, JR. 6t'I'OUR SOMS"

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