Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 May 1929, p. 71

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~l"a-y 24, 1929 . :.· WILM·E.TTE · LIFE · ···' 71 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE WILM~TTE SPI~CIAL ASSESSMENT NO. !39 IN' THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF THE VILLAGE OF \YI~METTE for the improvement conststmg of pa~ing with as~haltic concrete two inches thtck and otherwise improving the roadway of Gregory Avenue from t.he west .line of Park Avenue to the east lu;~ of Ftfteenth Street, in the Village of \\ tlmette, Cook County, Illinois, Special Assessment No. 239, in the County Court )f Cook County, Illin ois. NO~'JCE IS HEREBY given to all ilersons mterested that the Board of Local lmprovPments of l:laid Village, ha s h er et ofor~. filed in sai? Court, in said ca use, a cet ttficate showmg the cost of the improvement, and the amount resen·ed fot· !n te re~t . leaving n o excess to be abated ~n sa1d assessment, and also that said 1mpr<?vement h as been completed in s ub!;ta ntla l conform ity to the requirements of the o riginal ordin ance therefor and h as a ppli ed to said court to co~sider ~nd det.erm.in.e whet.her o t· n()t the facts .. tated ~n ~a td certificate are tt·ue, a nd that sa 1d court has fixed Monday, June lOth, .A. D. 192:1, at t~n o'clock A. :\f. (Daylight Sa \'ing Time) or as soon thereaftt-r as the business of the cou rt will permit, at the room of said Co unt.Y Court in the County Building, i.t the CttY. of Chic::o.go in said Cook County, as th ' t1me and place for tht> h ea rinO' on said appli cation. All p r Rons des~·ing m~y fil e objections in said Court before satd d ay and may appear on the lwarin O' and make their defense. b Dated May 21, A. D. 1929. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL C. MILES McDONALD S'fANTON VAN INWAGEN HANS von REINSPEH.G GORDON 'VILSON Board of Local ImprovementR of the Village of \Vilmette. L35-2tc ·Sports .S hop.Found a Necessity by The Hub Opened only two weeks ·ago, The Hub, Henry C. Lytton & Sons' new Sport shop in Evanston has already demonstrated the necessity for this type of shop with the same variety of merchandise and service expected of Loop stores. Ge o r~e .Lytton, presidc.nt of The Hub, made the following statement: "The response to · our opening has been very g~attfymg. It shows ,m a most cor:tcrete form that the merchant who has the enterprise and vision of keeping step. With the north sh?re s progress will be duly rewarded. Our new Sport shop carries now a stock of golf tenms an~ b.aseball equ1pment that will please the most discriminating sportsmen. Our luggage department is als~ complete m Itself. The Sport shop is located on the north east corner of Sherman avenue and Church street with the entrance on Sherman directly opposite the Varsity theatre. ' conference this summer she will preMrs. Edward J. Hoffman, .1635 Lake side at the meetings of the Herman - a\'cnu e, had as her house guest for Jordan committee and make a final several days this week, Mrs. Barbara report on its \\ ork. The findings of Chrudimsky of of Milwaukee. the committee, together with sugges- 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \Nori1en teachers of New Trier HiKh school gave a tea Thursday afternoon tions for further study, are to be pubin the new girls' club room at the lished. school for Miss Laura Ullrick, head of ADVENTURE Miss t:llrick plans to spend the enthe social science department at New A BOYS' ISLAND · tire summer in Europe. WORLD Trier, who will sail on June 20, from SPECIAL ASSESSlUEXT XOTICE New York on the French liner " Roch1\'IL)JETTE SPECIAL .\SSF.SSJJE:XT ambeau" to attend an international Cheney, Kimbark Take NO. 210 educational conference to be held at Local Lincoln Agency l:-.1 THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL Geneva, Switzerland. Miss Ullrick is chairman of the HerASSESSMENT OF THE VILLAGE OF Ben T. Wright, Inc., local Lincoln WILMETTE for the improvement con- man-Jordan international committee distributor, has been taken over by a Building Eskimo kayaks, row boats, s isting o·f the construction of a concrete sidewalk to be constructed and laid in which has been making a study of his- new corporation known as Cheney and said Village of Wilmette, upon and alol')g tory teaching and especially of history Kimbark, Inc., according to a recent and sail boats In the camp shop; eruls· the south side of Wilmette Avenue from texts. Sub-committees studying this i11g amo11g the islands In Green Bay, forty feet east of Sixteenth Street to question have been working both in annou~1cement. cumplng and exploration trips on the the east line of Ridge Road, except The members of the firm are Howard mainland; building cabins, shac'ks and across Sixteenth Street, Central Park this country and in Europe. Last summer Miss L'llrick presented E. Cheney, 2510 Prairie avenue, man- tree houses · In tlte woods; horse baek A venue, Seventeenth Street, and Eighteenth Street, form e rly Fernleaf Avenue, . a preliminary report of her committee ager of the Wright company since it ridiog along the miles or forest trails; in the Village of ·w ilmette, Cook County, as a general educational conference succeeded the Triangle Motors as LinIllinois, Special Assessment Xo. 210, in held at Toronto, Can. At th e Geneva coln distributor here in August 1927, 8wlmmlnll' and diving; nature bikes, wootlcrnft, camp music, and pageantry the County Court of Cook County, Illland Donald R. Kimbark, 1015 Hinman noi::;. arc some or tht' activities of this unique avenue, an official in the firm of BradNOTICE IS HEREBY given to all SPECIAL ASSESSJJE:XT XOTICE persons interested that the Board of ner Smith and Co. and a prominent Ev- enmp. Loca l Improvements of said Village, has anstonian. This is Kimbark's first ven- Adventure Jshlnd is limited to forty boys, heretofore fil ed in said Court, in said WIL'!\IETTE SPECIAL .\SSESSJJEXT fin to fUte.-u. Eighth season. Trained NO. 209 ture in the automobile field. ca use, n. certificn.te sh owi ng the cost of eouncilors, one to t-ach four boys. Nine tlw improvem'nt, and the amount reThe new owners of the agency arc ~ervefl for interest, lea\'i ng no eX<"t>:ss to stressing the point that the sales and hours' drh·e from Clllca8'0· be abated in ~aid assessment. and a lso service personnel will remain the same. that sa id improvement ha s bPen complct~d in ~u h sta ntial co nformity to the A cot)siderable addition to the agency's requirements of the original nrd in a nce building will be ready for occupancy therefo1·, and ha~ applied t o said cou rt to in about ten days, according to Mr. con s ider and cleten11ine wheth r or not Cheney, which will double the service the facts stated in said certificate are 'ft·l<'phone Winnetka 9U true, and that sa id cour t has fixed ).Ionspace and considerably enlarge the day, June lOth, A. D. 1929, at ten o'clock sales space. A. )l. (Daylight . Sa\'ing Time) or Fete Teacher Who Leaves to Attend Conference Abroad CHARLES A. KINNEY WINNETKA, ILL. a!' soon lht: r eofte r as the busine~s of the cou rt will twrmi t, at the room ------------------------~ll tttll ttttttlltlltlltttttttttttll t lltttlltlltlltttlltll llttt tllt ttt tttlltttlltllllttttllttttttllttttttttttttlltttt t tlltttttttttttttttttttttfttttt t ttnttttlltlllltttttttttttttttttlltlltlltllttllltlllltlltll~ of Ra id County Court in the County Building, in the City of Chicngo in sa id Cool( County, ns the time and _ place for the h 'ar in~ on said application. All p ersons desiring mr y file objectio n s in sa id I. ourt befor e said day and m ay appear 0 11 the h earing and make their d efe nse. Dated 1\lay 21, A. D. 1929. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINXELL C. MILES M cDO ~ALD STANTON VAN INW AGE~ HANS von REI~SPERG GOHDON WILSON Board of Local Jmpro\'e ments of the Village of 'Vilmette. I First Church of Christ, Scientist Tenth Street and Central Avenue SUNDAY SERVICES 11 A. M. WEDNESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING-S P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES-9:45 A. M. I - L35-2tc 26, 1929 Subject: SOUL AND BODY MAY READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVENUE Open Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 7 :.fs P. M.: Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. May 21, A. D. 1929. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL AI..BERT L. GRINNELL C. MILES McDONALD STANTON VAN INWAGEN HANS von REINSPEUG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Vlllage of Wilmette. L35-2tc PROPOSAL Bids will be received by the Superintendent of Public Works of the Village of Wilmette, Illinois, for one combination Road Grader and Scarifier, to be equipped with an eight (8) ft. blade, scarifier attachment, weight to be approximately six thousand (6,000) pounds. All bids to be in the hands of the Superintendent of Public Works by June 4, at 7 :30 P. M., at the Village Hall, Wilmette, Illinois. The Superintendent of Public Works reserves the right to reject any and all bids. C. C. SCHULTZ Superintendent of Public Works. J..35-ltc The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all othtr authorized · Christian Science Literature may be rud. borrowed or purchased at rbe Ruding Room: THB PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND TH.i CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM

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