Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 May 1929, p. 21

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M Ji, 1929 WI L M E·T T E LIFE 21 i I Winnetka Girls Members of Smith Graduating Class Christian Science ·Churches ...---------..;...--------------·· .- Three Winnetka girls will receive their 4. B. degrees at Smith college ."C:oul and Body.. w~s the subje~t at the annual commencement exercises, 01 the .Lesson.-Se~mon tn all Churches June 17. They are Esth<:r K. Beard of Chrtst, Sctentist, on Sunday, May riaughter of Mrs. !\lary K. Beard for~ 26. merly of }Vinnetka; . Frances R~nney, The Gold~n Text ,~·as, "My soul ·1aughter o~ !\lr. and :Mr . R. \V. Ra~- longeth, yea, even famteth for the 'ley, oi 1011 Oak street. and Virainia courts of .the Lord: my heart and MacLeish, dauo-hter of ~fr. and Mrs. my_ Ae · h cneth out for the living God" John. E. Macl.ei sh oi 535 Ash strt:ct. (P:,alms 8-t:2) . . . . . Mtss Beard took special honor'- in Among the cttat10ns whtch compnsed history. Sh e wa~ eta s song-leader ·dur- the Lesson-?erm~~ was t.he following ing her ~.ophomore year, a·nd vi'ce-pre~i- ~r~m the B~b.le: There ts one body, dent of he~ r:lass in junior . year . She ~t.d one Spmt. even as _ye are called w.as alsc prc.;;id(·nt of Alpha, one of 111 one hope of your calttt~g; One G')d ~he tw~ hun(Jrary . ocietics, membership and Father of all, ".·ho ts ah~,·e a~l, m whtch depends 011 good general at.ld through all, and tn you all (Epn. 4 standing and pecial ability in at least A. 6 ~ · one of the art5 . ~r iss Beard was e Th.e Le_s on- ermon also included pecially inttn:~ted in mu ic. She was t~1e toll~\\·mg passages from the Chrisa member oi the choir, orchestra o-lee tatt Sctet.lce textbook. "Science and club and string quartet. She als'n bhe- Health \nth Key to the Scripture ," lon~ed to the Clef club, membership in . b~· :Ma~y. Baker ~ddy: "There _is b4t whtch dep~nds upon special abilitv and I o.1e. sptntual existence-the Ltfe of int.ere t in the CtHnposition 11 f music. \\'htc!1 corporeal , ~n~e can. t~ke no M t:-i Beard w~s a member ·of the council cogmzance . The dtvme Pnnctpal of of the Dramattc as ·ociation. man speaks through immortal sense." ~~. R . . d . ( p. 72). n' t'-S annty ma. 1ore 111 :-;ocio!ogv. She was e"p..:cially intue~ted in athl tic-·, and wa . a mc:mbt:r of tht All-Smith Invite YounS! Men to Soccer teetm, the Athletic As~ociation Citizens' Training Camp board. the Outmg Club hoard and the The Cniterl States Government will basketball team. ~he was also a memo1wn a training camp for young men ber of the :\·lawlolin club. · 07 to 2-t) at Fort Sherirlan on July 18. ~1!~~ :\1-:cLctsh nnjored in English. The \\.ar Department conducts this She \\'a~ prc:stdent of her hou. t during her Semor year, and a member of the cam;> for one month with all necessarv expen.;e ~ paici. .The daily pr::>~ram in~ House r)f Representatives. one of the two student gonrnment horlit.:s. She dudcs n ilitary drill and instruction in the morning, a g·reat variety of outrloor was a memhtr of h<:r class choir. sports in the afternoon and many kinds of entertainmcllt in the evening~ MAKES LEGAL FRATERNITY There is sti ll room f::>r young men Miss I sahel \\' clcion, daughter of ~1r. from Chicago and -.uhurhs, but applicaanrl Mr.. \\' illiam ] . \\'eldon, 1340 tions should he file<l immediately by all Grecm..·omi a,·enne, recently' has he~n who desire to attend. initiated into Aipha chapter of Kappa Information mav he obtained from Beta Pi, national honorary legal f rata- the ~lilitary Training camps as·.;ocianity of Chicago Kent College of La,\·. tion at :\o. 6 No . ~fichican avenue, Miss \\'eld on, wh0 i. a grad uate qf Chicago. Knox c01lege, Galesburg, Ill., is ::t f rc. hman at Kent college. !\fr. and Mrc;;. BAHA'I LECTURE \Velclon are graduates of Kent. "Raising tlw Dead- \Vho Are the Dead?" will be the ubject of the next Mrs. Cuy Powell of 1769 \Vash- address in the present series of lectures ington avenue, has as her house gue~t by Dr. \'ail in Baha'i temple Foundation this week, her daughter, Mr~. Phil Hall. \Yilrr.ette. Sunday afternoon, June Donohoe of Rockford, and her two 2, at -t o'clock. children. -oE. Todd \Vheeler, son of the C. A. Lester Comee, son of Mr. and Mrs. \\'heelers, 265 \Vood court, who graduJoseph F. Comee, 1612 Fore~t avenue, ates on June 13, from the school of will return tomorrow from The Prttl- ~rchit('ctural engineering of the Unicipia school in St. Louis for his sum- versit y of [llinois, spent several days this week with his parents. mer vacation. NOW MOST FAVORED This Exclusive Almer Coe Creatior:. The vogue of Puritan Rimless Glasses has more to support it than the symmetry and distinctiveness pf the style. The Puri~an has not ·o nly eliminated the old di.figuring shell rims, for dress and street wear, but has taken the lead over all other rimless glasses. It is the most adaptable to the features, unobtru~ive, simple and enhancing to youthful appearance. Ask to sec the Puritan at any Almer Coe Store. -I It AlmerCoe &Company . Scientific Opticians Orrington at C/ulrclt 1645 Orrington Ave., Evanston PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS w~~~~. ~age 39) tJaU community pNS direct aceaa to aeoru of 6olf coU7'11UJorut pruercet~ cmd attraction center· in the delightful Lalce County country·ide and JWnoU-JrUCOMin

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