Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 May 1929, p. 38

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: I I Latest &laool News Publilbed WHiclll JUNIO·R LIFE I the Pupils Told by [ btl the tthool children of Wilmette undtt 1 uptruition of W ilmtttt Playground and RterHtion Bo«tl WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, MAY 31, 1929 1 VOL. 2, NO. 16 Whoopee ! 8B Howard happens to he a good athletic room this year. It is the first year that Mrs. Stalling's room has had a shield to decorate It and believe me we surely are proud of it. When the Wilmette pewees, lightweights, and heavyweights started baseball practice about eight of the 8B class boys went out for the ditrerent teams. Well, the result was that Marshall Doose of the 8B class made pitcher on the pewee team. On the lightwt>ight team there are three 8B boys, James DeWar, catcher, Lee Blaylock, first base, and Alfred Bartnick pitcher-all on the first team. On the heavyweight team there are Arthur Cramer, pitcher, Jerome Nevins, first bast>man, and Martin Herberhol:r. from our room. All of them are on the first team. Thus we have three pitchers in our room, all on ditrerent teams. Marshall Doose pitching for the pewees lost 30 to 15. Alfred Bartnick pulled the lightweight team through to an 8 to 7 · win. Arthur Cramer pitched a good game, 1S to 17 In favor of the Wilmette heavies. They all placed Haven at Wilmette on Wednesday ntght.-Alfred Bartnick, SB Howard. Girls Compete in Howard 8-B Rejoices 85 Wilmette Children in 8-B Howard Happy Over Baseball Success High Jump Tests Chorus at Music Festival Over Its Record Howard 8B won the championship for Last Friday, May 24, the people who for Field Events We have taken three pengoing to sing ln the North Sh<>re baseball. in Sports Field are Music festival went down to the Patten nants away from our rivals, SA Stolp. On Monday May 20, the girls of SA gymnasium at Northwestern. There were to be a hundred taken from Wilmette schools but Mrs. Clark who Is teaching us the festival music received a letter saying that she should only take eighty-five children. The last few weeks on Tuesday we have been meeting at the Stolp school and Mr. Beattie from Evanston has been - practicing with us, as he is to be our director, at the festival. The name of the song we are to sing is "Dryad's Kiss." It is very interesting and lots of fun, much more so when the orchestra plays with us. We are to accompany two soloists. Last week there was someone from Northwestern who sang one of the solos.-Marjorie Warble, 8B Howard · Our catcher, Jimmie DeWar was out of the last game on account of a sprained ankle. Capt. Lee Blaylock played catcher. There were two home runs made. They were made by third baseman, Martin Herberholz, and first baseman, Ronald Nevins. Our pitcher, Arthur Cramer, played a good game. Mrs. Stalling came out to every game and cheered for us. The last game ended in favor of 8B, 10 to 7. Alice Nord was the official score keeper.-Marshall Doose, 8B Howard. Stolp had the'tr finals for high jump for field day. Mr. Davis and Mr. Stone kept track of our records. At three feet, four inches there were six girls still jumping. They were: June Kehl Frances Ellis, Lucy Clagett, Janet McNi..Ity, Dorothy Neal, and Beth McIlraith. Janet went down on three feet six inches. Then there were five girls left. Beth went down on three feet eight inches and Lucy !).t three feet ten inches. The three girls left, Dorothy, June and Frances had to pum!,l first, second and third places. June was the first to miss on four feet. She will be the alternate on field day. Dorothy and Frances both arrived safely on the other side. The bell rang and Mrs. Ball ask.e d Dorothy and Frances to stay. Each seemed too good for the other and so they tied. Those to participate in field day from SA are as follows : 50 yard dash, Janet McNulty, first; June Kehl, second, and Frances Ellis, alternate. High Jump: Frances Ellis, first; Dorothy Neal. second, and June Kehl, alternate. · Broad Jump: June Kehl, first: Beth Mcllraith. second, Marjorie Seubold and Frances Ellis, alternates. Marjorie and Frances have yet to work off the tie for alternate in the broad jump.-Beth McIlraith, SA Stolp. Great 1lfagicians Give Performance; Win Big. Applause Apply Baseball Terms . to Howard Spell-Down Miss Theman, the substitute teacheP for the 6B Howard class, showed us a new way of a spell-down called, "Baseball." She chooses two children to keep score. The children of the two rows chosen have alternate turns in writing the words pronounced. If the first three words written are correct, it is one run, if there is one wrong, it is one strike: two wrongs, two strikes, etc. At the ~nd of the game the score keeper counts the runs and the row 'having the most Mrs. Groves, the social science teach- runs wins. The game is enjoyed by. all er, came into Mrs. Stalling's room and the children and is very interesting.saw the soccer banner spelled "Soccor." Howard Ball, 6B Howard. She said she had an Idea to change the "o" to an "e" and sent some girls for needles, thread, and a pair of scissors with which she performed the transformation. She' cut the right side off the "o" and told Olive Billimack to sew Friday, May 17, the Howard school the piece making the "o" an "e." Therefore wht>n the visitors came to see the held Its annual art exhibit. Each room exhibition, they could not criticize the had things which the children had been spelling on the banner.-Jane Carol working on during the year. The kindergarten had made little chairs, an airSundlof, 8B Howard. plane, and a doll house. The first, second, and third grades had little scenes made in their sand boxes. The higher grades had their writing papers up, their art work, spelling pads, composition There are a. great ma.ny birds in Wil .. books, and other things.-Margery Taymette. I took a walk one day last lor, 7B Howard. month and saw fourteen kinds of birds. GET POOR START In May I have set>n meadow larks, purThe Peewees baseball team had a bad ple martin, Baltimore oriole, olive thrush, brown thrasher, red start wrens, start. They lost their first game in the goldfinch, and the red faced black bird, ~orth Shore Grammar School Playwhile and yellow warblers. But the cut- ground Ball league, May 22, at the Vilest bird I have seen is an oven bird lage Green. The game was a runaway. which was walking, not hopping, around They wue slugging the ball out of the over the shrubbery.-Frances Bickham, lot. Wilmette tried their very hardest but they lost 30 to 15. The team hatl Second grade, Laurel. only one practice during the week. During the pracUce "Hap" asked some of READ "IVANHOE" Tuesday, 1\Iay 21, the 7B class started the boys who were on the team last "We won every to read the book "Ivanhoe" by Scott. year what they did. Tuesday we read chapters one, two, and game," was the remark. We hope the three. Wednesday, we discussed these peewees get the rest of their games.chapters. This book is Intended for the Ernst Bostrom, 8B Howard. use of average boys and girls from ten ASSEl\IBLY FOR lUOTHERS to twelve years old as this book Is conTuesday, May 21, the fifth and sixth densed from the real book, "Ivanhoe." Miss Madsen, our reading teacher, sald grade at Central had an as!':embly. This she would get some slides on "Ivanhoe" assembly was for the mothers. It when we fini!'ht>d the book.-1\Iargery started at 2 o'clock. 6B gave a Gepgraphy pageant. 6C gave a play named Taylor, 7B Howard. "Beethoven in the Home of the Blind Girl." 6A gave a play called, "Friends SPRING CONCERT JUNE 7 Friday, June 7, is the date set for the in Book Land." The assembly was very spring conct>rt by the school orchestra. nicely conducted. Miss Moore thanked The ord~t>stra wlll play the pieces which those who helped. We hope the moththey have been practicing. The boys' ~r!': enjoyed it too.-David Cressy, 6C · and girls' glee clubs will sing songs di- Central. rected by MrR. Clarke. The Howard A R'f EXJIIBIT SUCCESS and Stolp schools have b~en practicing The art exhibit at Howard school was very hard on their pleces.-Margery Taylor, 7B Howard. a big success. Miss Scheidler our art teacher was ill but Miss Theman, the QUITE A JOB substitute, planned it well. Each room The 7B class had a hard time trying had Its own exhibit. Mr. Ball's exHe hail to cet the paste and little pieces of paper hibit was very interesting. orr the blackboard that were put on to metal, leather, wood, and electrical hold dltrerent things during the art projects. The exhibit was very fine lnexhibit. The boys took a wet rag and deed.-Reginald Green, Howard 7A. went over It to losen It up. They then GO ON BIRD H'UNT took a pen point and scraped It otr.Walter Foslund, 7B Howard. he 7B class of Howard went on a bird hunt Wednesday. The birds we saw are as follows: hermit thrush, rose breasted GETS "STOVE·PIPE" HAT Philip Hoeltz of the Howard 7B got grosbeak, chestnut sided warbler, robin, a new stove-pipe hat from his dad's hat black burning warbler, purple crackle, factory. It is a tall, thin hat and looks wood thrush, house wren, red start, very funny on hlm.-Ken!'eth Rahn, 6B meadow lark, and Maryland yellow throat.-Jack Stein, 7B Howard. Howard. Banner Spelled Wrong; But Teacher Fixes It Howard Art Exhibit Is Very Interesting Event Discovers Wilmette Has Many Beautiful Birds Friday, May 24, during our club period, the 7B class of Stolp asked two boys of the 7A class to give us their magic show. We wafted just a few minutes and the magicians, who were Billy Bowen and Billy Melchior, were then quite ready. Billy Bowen began by saying: "Ladies and Gentlemen, we hope you will enjoy our show. We have given it before thf' president of the United States -Toothpick company and that was in either San Francisco or New York, I do not remember which." They took turns doing the tricks and they worked them wonderfully. Some of them we had never seen before. At the end Billy Melchior commented : "Ladles and Gentlemen, we thank you for the kind applause we should have The Wilmette Lightweights had their received." This brought about a long hilarious first game of the North Shore Playground league with Haven. The Wilapplause which ended our delightful promette team won by one run. The score gram.-Lucy Anne Jonas, 7B Stolp. at the end of the game was Haven 7, Howard 8. Our basl{etball star, Lee Blaylock, drove in a home run with two men on base. The two men were Howard Herbon and Ian Denholm who were on second and third. We were very The eighth grade graduation part;; happy to see the runs come in, which will be held Friday, May 31, at the ·How- undoubtedly won our first game for us. ard school. Mrs. McConell, one of . the We hope to win the rest of our games eighth grade room mothers, has organ- in the same manner.-James DeWar, 8B ized a few people to play for us. The· Howard. pieces will be Wilmette loyalty song, march, and New Trier song. The players are Virginia Hoar, Ernest Logan, Carl Meaker, and two other unknown members.-Bruce Meaker. Miss Scheidler, the teacher of the 6B at Howard school, has been absent for the last two weeks. 1\liss Theman is taking her place. All the children brought ten cents with which two girls The Wilmette peewees, lightweight~. bought a plant to send her. Every puand heavyweights played Haven at the pil in the room also wrote her a letter Village Gre<>n Wednesday, 1\Iay 22. The and told her what we were doing and peewe~s lost by a score of 30 to 16 in· how we were getting along. We all hope Raven's favor. The lightweights won she will soon be well and be back with by a sccre of 8 to 7, and the heavy- us befor~ school closes.-Howard Ball, weights won by a score of 18 ~o 17. All 6B Howard. three teams hope to win the rest of th(>ir ENJOY BIRD HUiiT games. The next game i!': with Nichols at Nichol~.-Jack Stein, 7B Howard. On May 16, the Howard 6A went on a bird hunt with l\Iiss Stevens, our science WRITE POEJIS teacher. We went up Seventeenth street Monday, 1\fay 20, Miss Madsen, our a little way and then up Lake avenue language teacher, said that she wanted for a block or so. Some of the birds us to start writing our poems. Miss we saw were: robin, wren, sparrow, Madsen said that we should make poems magnolia warbler, redstart, meadow a bout months. She read us a poem lark, chestnut sided warbler and the about February and this is how it went: black burnian. We had a very InterFebruary is the shortest month In the esting bird hunt.-1\larguerite Petersen, Year, 6A Howard. 1\fany birthdays in this month to me dear. FIND DEAD BIRD Washington's, Lincoln's, yours, and mine; Wednesday, May 22, Mr. Todd found a And then jolly old St. Valentine. bird which had killed itself behind a -Jane Elizabeth McMillan, Howard 6B. picture In his office. Miss Stevens identified it as a Maryland Yellow throat. STUDY BEAUTIFUL BIRDS There have also been a great many 'l'he closest way to see a bird is to birds killt·d in the big storm we had. see them dead. Miss Stevens' pupils Helen Perry brought one which she had brought two dead birds. The birds are found the day a!ter the storm.-Marthe Maryland yellow throat and the gery Taylor, 7B Howard. indigo bunting. They are both very small birds. The Maryland yellow THRILLS AT CIRCUS throat is a yellow bird and is very When I went to the circus I saw a man pretty. The indigo bunting is a blue- get shot out of a cannon. The clowns bird. They are both very beautifuL- did funny tricks. There was a trick Kenneth Rahn, 6B Howard. auto, too.-Richard Magner, Second grade, Laurel. SI,IGUT INTERFERENCE Monday, May 20, we wanted to go to FINAL BROAD·.JUMP TEST our class but the workmen are working The fifth grade of Howard had the in the halls. We now have to go around final broad-jumping test Thursday, May the building to go in the back do<>r to 23, for field day.-Mary I.oulse Schaefour classes.-Kenneth Rahn, 6B Howard. fer, Fifth grade, Howard. ' Home Run Features Win for Wilmette Ball Team Hold Graduation Party Today at Howard School 8-B Howard Pupils Send Plant to Ailing Teacher Lights and Heavies Win From Haven School Squads

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