June 7, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 31 · Give . Reports of. Meeting of Garden Club ·of America · The Kenilworth Garden club met at the home of Mrs. Edwin· Hedrick recently. During the afternoon reports of the meeting of the Garden Club of America were given by Mrs. Edward Phelps, president of the Kenilworth Garden club, and Mf'3. Rufus Stolp, who went to Philadelphia as her alternate. Mrs. Stolp gaye the club a detailed resume of all of the gardens visited, emphasizing the interesting points ~n each. In addition to their talks, other mem bers · who attended the meeting told of individual garden'3. Mrs. Bentley McCloud spoke of the Stotesbury garden; Mrs. Edwin Hedrick, of Mrs. Charles Pepper's French garden: Mrs. Guy Littell of Mrs. Charles Harris' , · English garden; Mrs. Sidney Ball of the Charles Biddle estate, "Andalu·3ia," and Mrs. Grant Ridgway of the Pierre Dupont garden. Christian Science Churches "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, D ·~ nounced" was the subject · of the Lesson-Sermon in 'a ll Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, June 2. The Golden Text was, "The Lord God will help i11e; therefore shall I not be con founded: therefore have I se t my face like a flint, and I know that 1 shall not be ashamed" (Isaiah :7). Among the citations which compri se d the Les so n-Sermon was the follo \\'ing from the Dible : "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, sa ith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end" (Jeremiah 29: 11) . The Lesson-Sermon also included the following passages from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by l\lary Baker Ecld) : "God is not the creator of an evil mind. Indeed, evil is not !\find. We must learn that evil is the awful deception and un'reality of exi stence. Evil is not supreme; good is not helpless" ( p. 207). Wilmette Girl Prominent in Chicago Fashion Show Miss Caroline Buchholz, 225 Central avenue, Wilmette, a student · in the Dress arts department graduate class of the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts, 18 South Michigan avenue, Chicago, was one of the principal exhibitors at that school's annual fashion show over last week-end. Miss Buchholz, like the other exhibitors, \\·ore costumes she had made herself. In her five appearances she wore: a black and white satin e..nsemble, a brown tweed ensemble, a brown wool crepe frock, a black cloth coat with hat, bag and scarf, and a printed afternoon frock. Be so HUGHES GO TO SUMMER HOME Bishop and Mrs . E. H. Hughes, 941 Sheridan. road, left the early part of this week for their summer home in Coha_ss et, Mass., to be gone severa l months. Their daughter, Miss Caroline, \viii motor on Friday to Indianapolis to join her sisters, Miss Anne Louise, who attends De Pauw, and Mrs. \Villiam Remy and her two children, and from there they will all drive to Cohasset to be with their parents for the summer. · · ID VISIT IN WILMETTE ~f rs. L. K. j acohson of Holly\voocl, Cal. was a guest last \\'Cl' k in the home of her sister, Mrs . J. D. Small, 411 Maple avenue. She left Sat11rday for ::\ ew York to sail June 4, on the S. S. Bt:rlin, for · four months abroad. Another sister. Mrs. E. F. X or ton, who returned \\reclnesda\· from Palm ~f r. and :.\f r s. E. ] . :.\[cTiraith, 11.33 Beach, F:la. and Ashc,:ille, X . C., wh~re she spent the winter, wa s also a guest Elmwood avenue, have as their house at the Small home before returning- to guest for two weeks, :.\fr. 1vfcllraith's sister. ~[ rs. T . T. Quirke of Urbana, her apartment at th e So,·ercign hotel. I II., and the latter's two daughters, Dorothy and Frances. CELEBRATE SILVER WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Nelson, 1520 \Vilmette avenue, were given a surprise party last Saturday eveniug by forty of their friends and relatives, the occasion being their Silver wedding anniversary. There ·w as dancing, and a buffet supper was served. Guests came from Zion City, Waukegan, and Woodstock beside from the North Shore. the GIVE BON VOYAGE DINNER The 1Iisses Elizabeth and \ \ rilhelmina Kanzig of Ridge road entertained at a bon voyage dinner :tnd bridge at their ho me 1f onday evening in honor of Mi s Myrtle Lundquist of 511 Lin den aven11r and !\!iss Helen DaYid ·of Evanston, who are leaving early next week for \Tew York to sail June 1-l, for three months of tran.> l in Europe . -0- :.\frs. :.\f organ ]. Hammers entertained her Tuesdav club at luncheon and bridge this week at her home, 807 Creenwood a \·e nue. -o-~r rs. \\'illiam A. Durgin, 027 Forest a \'~n ue, has as bcr guest for several \\·ce ks her sister, :.\.f rs. \\'illiam Grant _I c rnmc. of J~ochestcr, X. \'. \Vi\IAQ 5 :45 P. M. Stories and fun · for the children (also an important secret) in the new radio program-"My Bookhouse Storytime" Thursday and Friday at 5 :45 P. M., m·er WMAQ. Adv. ('!"""'"'""""""'"'"'""'"'"""'""'""""'"""""""""""""""""""""'"""'""'""""""""'"'"'"""""""'""""""""""'"""'"""""'""""'"] li Miss ~, ' ~ c/lnnouncement HARRIS ANNOuNcEs THE REOPENING = - of the Sul\ll\IER TuTORING ScHooL at GLENCOE UNION CHURCH 'VEDNESDAY, J ULY SEVENTEENTH Registration should be made in advance thro~gh the ~School office, 2150 Lincoln Park We~t, Telephone Dnrersey b30. . I~ _: ; /§: I~ SWIM EARLY Get into the smartest swimming suit ever and join the crowds on the beach. Don't miss one swim! ~ Whoopee!! ·Ain't 1'1 Greal! . , ,, _ I =--:. Group '~ Private A Charming Foot gets attention anywhere-and none is more charming Swimming Suits Spalding suits with new style features-shorter trunks- lowcut bac~-freer armholes-new pastel shades. They fit like your own skin. As low as $5 and $6. ____,- INSTRUCTION for Boys and Girls 4 years of age and up. than the one In this new Jordan's Foot Saver slipper! June 17-August 9 · New Trier High School Beginners a~e taught how to swim Swimmers become better swimmers Diving is taught to all Evanston's Spalding Store J0ll~~ER I Chandler's ·· SHOE SHOP EVANSTON 630 Davis Street EVANSTON For information call Mr. Jackson Winnetka 2400 daily Evenings, University 6448 634 Church St. Univ. 971 Univ. 123 Wil. 724