Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jun 1929, p. 44

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School News I . VOL. 2. NO. 17 Latest J.U NIOR LIFE WILMETTE, ILL~NOIS, JUNE 7, 1929 Told by the Pupils Publilhed weekly by the achool children of W,ilmtttt under 1 upervision of Wilmette Playground and Recreation Board Trea . fiure Quest and Dance Give Spelldown Is lntere5ting Boobs Rally to Defeat Jellybeans 33 to 21 Event for Eighth Graders Monday, May 27, RA and 8C Baseball Boobs played the SA and 8C Jellybeans' in baseball. The Baseball Boobs only had four girls to play and the Jellybeans had only five. But Mrs. ·Ball said we should play anyway. The game started at abo11t 3 :20. In the first inning th£> Jellybeans got five point~ and the BaF:eball Boobs got four points. ln the second inning, aftE>r th£> Jellyben n::; were up, the scor·e wns 14 to 4. But the Baseball Boobs' score started to c!iP.1b till they g-ot 23. 'The Jellybeans just couldn't make them out. Finally three outs wen· made. The .Jellybeans madP :-;~:>n·ll points. The score w.ts then 23 to 21. Rut th£> Baseball Boobs still had th£·ir ups. Tht·y had won. .-\t th£> eud of the gnme the score was 33 to 21. The J£>llybeans played a poot· game. The last game they plnyed with the Basebnll Boobs was won by a ~tore of 50 to 3(i. -It was a fin· inning game. Friday morning, May 24, Miss Davis, the spelling teacher at Stolo. let SA have a spelldown . Katherine Thompson and Roger Fridman were chosen captains. There were seYenteen on each side. At thE> encl of the period Roger's side had two left and Katherine's :-ide had six left. On 1\lonony morning after our regular spelling wt~ finil':hed out the spelld ow" This time when the bell rang both had ~·one down from Roger's Kide and four were left on KntherinE>_'~ side. Therefore Katherine's sidf' won and th~y proved the be~t spe ll er~.-- Beth Mcllraith, SA Stolp. Thrilling Time Saturday night, May 25, Alison Burge had a trea~ure hunt. It started at her home. Eight in n ,;;roup and four groups. The first clue was: "Go to the fcu>t of a pole in front of a prison." Group. I thou~ht it meant the Village Hnll but th ey oYerheard somebody in ~roup II mention the school. Gmup II went to th e flag pole in front of the S(.'hool and found the ::-ecnnd due. The second due was: "Go to a famous landmark i!l the furm of granit£>." Thev w£>nt to Ninth stred and Ct>ntral :\\'enu"e whE>re tlwn-' is a big- roek thilt marked the f'ntrance to a tt·a il in the woods many years ngo. Group II got there first and found tlw third clue in a crevke of the ro('k . It was: "Go to a red brick howo~e with f'orinthian pillar:-; ,where four !-lister lh·e. and look around pillars." · By t.h.ls time Group 1 [ was way a !wad of the oth£>r~ and they fit::"UJ't>d that due thrf'e meant Lucy Clagett's hnust·. They went to Lucy's and found tlw fourth dtw stickin~ in the bricks. It was: "Look· for clue (l\'t> npa r :-;i:xth street on Forest n \'enue on the <·u rh." Group II went to tht· corn_t>r nf Forpst and Sixth but could not fincl th<· due. They werE' there about fin> Juinuh·~ and then somebe).dy notkecl tlw dul" ~aiel "On Forest NEAR Sixth." So the~· started hunting along the curb on Forest n way from Sixth. They fountl it liiHil"t· two stones: "llunt fnr clu six lll"a ,. a ~tl)nt· nf>ar Eighth ~tret·t on Fort'st." From ~ixth, Group 1 I \\'t'llt to l·~i~odHh and found tlw due right away. It :"aid: "Go to an inlanrl seashore h ·twt·en Xinth and T£>nth and hunt for Trea~urt>." Thev WE'nt tht'rt' and lool~t'd all an·Ullll and then AI Rossman found a hllx of :-;hells on thf' baek steps of tlu· Buq!;t· home. A ft·W minutt>s latt>r a hnx was dug up from tht.· sand pile :11Hl was discon.. red to ht> the trt>nsure. They t<·ok it in tlw houst· and ful!lld four com pads for tlw four girls and four bow ties for the boys. Tlw last' g-roup. Group IV, <"ame in 45 milllll··:-' aftt·r Group ll. They danc·t·d in Ali:"lltt':- h·llllt ' till ab ut 11 c"<..' loek and then w.·ttt [l .. n ·· ·. -Hogt·r l'a lt' n8k<', ~.\ Sh·lp. 1 Heavyweight Ball Team Breaks Even in Season's ·flay The heavyweights, lightweights and peewee playground ball teams finished their season We<!nesday afternoon at Wilmette. The heavies won two and lost two. · The lights WO!! one and lost three. The peewees won two and lost two. The heavies' and lights' schedule was as follows: Fir~t game-Haven at Wilmette. Second game-Nichols at Nichols. . Third game-Haven at Haven. Fourth P"ame-Nichols at Wilmette. The ·heayi\veight team played some interesting games. The first was the most exciting-. Haven was le,llding WilmettP 10 to 16 at the end of t}le sixth but had bf'en lending 15 to 5 in the fifth, so Wilmette hardly thought of victory. Then HaYen got anotJu:r run in the first part of the seYenth, J!!.:'lking the score 17 to 10. The rest of the game was like a story. Wilmette comes up and gets two on bases and !hen one of the fielders comes up and drives a fly to left field. The fielder overjudges the ball and missed it. The two men on bases came home and the runner goes to· third. The next two batters get on base bringing the man 011 third home, making the score 13 tp 17. The next batter fills the bases and Wilmette's third ba~eman was up; on the first ball pitched he knocked a home run, tyein,g the score. The next two batters struck out and the next runner who had singled came home on a double by the catcher', winning the game for Wilmette by a S<'Ore of 18 to 17. This if; an example · of the interestinggames that are played by grammar school boys.-La wr nee Buckmaster, 8B Stolp. · Stolp Eighth Graders in Class Day Feature June 11 Tuesday, June 11 will be Class Da v fo1· the eig·hth gnules at Sti'>lp schoni It will bt> in the morning at the time Clf the regular assemblies and the seventh gr~des will be inYlted. The beF:t historv po£>m. will, proph£>ey. and hatchet oration will' bt> ehoF:en by Miss Pening and read at that time. After this we will leave for the Forest Pr£>sen and go on the an .. n~al picnic. The etg·hth grade boys arc· kmd of gln<l the seventh grades are in.Yited.-Beth Mcllraith, 8A Stolp. Eighth Graders Assist in Taking Town Census :\Jay :!!f, : M r. Todd, p1 indpal of Howard s<"hool, bro.u ght somt- <'ards into the eighth grade rooms and said theY wert> to lw filled out by the boy~ and g·irls. Thest-, lw said, \\'t-rt> to be filled out so that tht· <·t:>n~u~ of ·w ilnwtte could he taken. It asked how nmny people in tlw hou~t' in<·luding sen·ants, roomers, f>tc. 1 t asked tlw nnnws of all those undl:'r ~1 !'t'ars of age, male c11· femalt:', de. ~om· (·ould not fill out the c;uds, thet·efort' the~· lwndt>d theJ.ll in ilwomplete. '\\"hen th,·y gt:>t the information needed tlwv will ~.:·t t the ca t·rls ngain so as to put 'down th t- llet ·t·ss:u-v infnnnation . - Doroth\' Ydh ·l', ~A llow;t nl. · Peewees and Lightweights Have Tough Baseball Year weight~ New Addition at Howard Now Open for Classes Mondny morning, 1\lay 27. wlwn w e came to R<::hool th new l,!.i.l rt wa:" opt'n for the fir:-:t timt>. The ~:>ighth gT;Hlt·rs were glad b cause now they wi II uot hn n· to doubh· up with the sen' nth gTa<lt·rs but han.> thvir own lockt>rs once :l!!ain. Tlw halls an· all \\'Pt bt·eaust' it g-nt sn warm all of tlw moistut· · ollt·t·tt:'<l and also th lcwk e r!'; an' just dripping·. Rut I supposE> it will dry up latet· 011.-Bett~·l' Kirwan, SB Howard. t:~JO\' "11' ,\:S1l0E" Th(' SP\'f'nth gradt's of Howard s hool nt·~" rearling "1\'anhoe," by St·ott. "Ivanht· " mny not bt: :;;~.·ott's be:-:t no,·d, but hb 1\.k"' n~ling- of wat· and lo\' e, of king-s, nolJT'e'.« nnd outlaws make it intere~ting to us, which a more aceut·ate story would not . \\'e arc alway~ glad when the mysterious Hla<:k Knight conws around. Then w know that there will lw !'innwthing do1w. I think that must of tlw thildrt'n t'njoy readi:.:.,·~ "1\'allhoe."Ht-len Perry 7B Howard. WIJ,J, 1H' l' 1' A I~TI ~(~ Th" t- 8B class Is going- tn buy a picture for the rtJom \\'ith th <" tr(> asUI'P mt·IW\' . W(· will haY~:> a platt· that will say. "ThE> 8ll Clal's of '29." The trc·a~urt:>r ha~ $1:i and w~ think we ean ~et a nice picture for that prieP. Evt·ryont> ha. paid his rJu~s regular}~· throug-hout tlw entit·e Yl·ar. Th E:re Is a nke spate on the wall for a pidur·£>.-:Marshall Doose, 88 Howard. SPRIN'G CON'CE:O.T TODAY The Spring cone.f'rt will be h eld on June 7 in the Howard school auditorium at 8 o'clock. The schot,U,.. orchestra wm Pl.ilY several numbers, directed by Miss Katherine f;randqulst . Also, the public tiehool Glee clubs will ~ing, directed by :Mrs. Clarke.-Margery Taylor, 7B Howard. WihnE>tte peE>wt>es and lightplayground ball t ams had a t·ather tnugh seaHon this y£>ar. The neewE>t>H lof:t three ~am es and won one. 'rh·· lightweights did the same. The hea ,·yweights lo!"t t\'v'O and won two. The first game was playt'd :lt Howard with HaYPn . The ~econCI ganw at N'iehols with ~khol~. The third e-ame at HaYen with lfaYen and the fouth game at Howard with Xichols. \Yt> only had four ganv··$; bec·au~~ Kenilworth did not ha\'e a tE>am. La!'it week the eighth grades of Howarrl :.\Jr. :;:;tont' was coac-h f1f the lightwei·rht" started !'ketches for more posters in Art . Tl 1v llnward Sl'hool ~ocial hnll wa~ and }H-':1\')'Wt:'ightS HlHl ;\ft·. 0ather7·onl The!'ie are to be for the library beeause the pet-\\'(·t>s.- .JaC'k Rteitl, 7B '·Pl'tWd this w " fter ~£>\'l:'ral weeks nf ('oaehE>rl wh"n the lower grades com e in they have Howanl. lwi11~· shut off 1 · , ;l~·(·ount of remodeling· dirty hands. They turn down the corner:" ancl the putting .tl of hraet· ~ to hold tlw of the pages and other things that ruin ttt>P··t· :-ttll·~· mnn· St't'Urel~· a~ the wall the books. The lower grades tan't mnke was not built tn hr·ld up another ~tory. the postt·rs so Miss Gayton asked the The tlnf1rs of tht· huildiug· are "sweating" E>ig-hth grade to make them instead.an(! 'it ]old's Jik t· tiwy \\'t:'l'l:' just Wil!'}l(·r} OliYe Billimack, SB Howard. ""t·<lnesflay, May 2!1, tht- HowaJ'cl school and wuul<1 11t·\'t>r dry. \\' ~" a !so ha \'t· a had :1 t1fteen-minute assembly. \Ve hnd a lit'\\' janitor ll:lllll'tl Bob who is dt>nning tht · g-l:t:"s in the skrliJ.!·hts as tlw workmett nwn from thC' \Yilmt-tte Optimist <'1uh ' ha \.,. ;..:to! It'll them \'l:'r)' dirty . \\·e hop t· t·ome to talk to us ahout l\TE>nwrial Dav. lie gaYe us a YetT nice talk and r£>ad ·a IIlii' Ill'\\' addition will he (lt>lle soon.J)Of'm. After he was finished Mr. Todd Allh ·t·t .\ ckt·rm:lnn, S..-\ Howard. \VhPn the elass of RB Howard w::ts asto~c1 II!'! th£> n~~1 s of those wh0 got the in the music room, Monday, tH'IZt:::' for wntnu~· the C'ssnys "Memorial !'lf'mbh·d llay H 11d Out· Deht to the VE>terans." Lt't· l\fay 27, Mr. Todd nnnounced that w Bla ~·lod.; got fi t·st Jlrizt>. EI Pn not· 1\T ould- were g-oing to hn.,ve a grnmmar te~t. This i ng got Sf'('OlHl a ncl Yi t·ginia McCn111wl tt>!-;t will be used in the office. lt is compo};ed of a gramm:'!r test, a history test, Tilt· 7.\ ancl iB girls of Howard ~('hool ~ot thinl.-:'\Targt>l'Y Ta~· Jor, 7B Howat·r1. nnd a gt>ography test. Mr. Todd said he hnd a gymna~ium test in the high jump. want~::d to find out if we knew as mn<'h JH:JHHH .\ J, ASSF.1TTII,Y Tht· "nt·:' who jumped the highest Wt're a bout geography nnd history a!" the chil'\\"l:'dnesdn~·. :\fay 2!1, thf' RC·Yenth and to go in on the field day eYents. The drt:'n who take thE>!'ie subjects, becaus t· OIH·s who jumped the highest; that is, t"ighth grade~ of Rtolp hnd nn a~semhh· . we ha Ye had soda 1 stienc:e for two years :1 ft'd ;} itH:he~. wert:> Xancy May, Yiolt:>t It w:t~ an asRPmbly for l\[pmnrial Da~·. I .anvt>, and Enid llt·tHlE>rsnn. Xot long \\'h.en WE' got in therE> Hubert Pelott l~d instead of · geography and history. ago tlw g)·mna~ium da~s tried a 50 vard us 111 the salute to the ftng-. Mrs. Clarkt· :SEARI1Y FTNTSIIED clash. The ont:>s who ma.d e the rlist;.mce l;d u~ in ,t~ree Yers.es of "America, thC' The new addition to the Howard school 'Columhta, thE' Gc·m of tlw in a few sec·oncls ran O\'t>l' ag·ain in a I.eauttful. g-mup. Tht:> onps who won and came in Ocean" and "Rnttle Hymn of the Re- is nearly finished except for a few doors :\Jr. Hanwr ga\·e a talk on ancl de('orations. It has six rooms, the in. th fir~t thrPe wet'f' Emily Simonds, public." Allee Sk lton, and Ellen Jordan. Tlwv are .:\f1:'11H2.1'ial.Day and tlw wnr. A man fron> auditorium, Geneml Sdence room, Music to go in on the fit>ld dar eYents._..:A lke tlw Ameriean Legion wns ~upposed to room, kindergarten, Art room and a sixth come also but he didn't !'-:how up. Then grade room. The kindergarten has a fire~h:elton, 7A Howard. wt· l'ang- "Keep the Home FireH Burnin~." place nncl a little extra room where the Tht- assembly was OYer at 2 o'clock.- ehildren will be able to make their d()lJ .\ W .\ IT l'IX .\L TEST houses and other things. The auditorium The t'ighth gradt>rs are ~oing to han B~:>th :\fcllraith, SA Stolp. will be used mostly for school events and tlwir la::;t Sndal Sd~· n<·t> test in a week plays. There are still some lockerH n·1 or two. The~· are g11ing- sonw. La~t year sr,nn:n F ~\SinoNs lht> ei~hth gntders \n·n:. so rushed and . The coming of warm wenther :-;tarts the first floor which will be put upstairs ~o bu~y that they missed their la!';t test I!ght. colored d~esl':es !lt !'ic·.hool. For Mrs. next year.-Muriel Meyer, SA Howard. but a~ our graduating date has bee~ ~ta.llmg came m a pmk lm en dress with l'hang-ed fi'Om June 12 to June 14, l\Irs. wh!te ln ce and linen collar and cuffs. PREPARED FOR FEAST Oron~s says thert>'~ no ehanc:t> of us miss- Qutte n ft>w of the girls wore the dresses Mrs. Stalling, our grammar teacher, ing our· last te~t.-Dorothy Vollman, 8A tlwy made in sewing. For most of them brought over a cold chicken, cake, and }Iowa rd. ":ere sh·e Yele~s. They all looked very some pineapple. She thought she would have a feast with some of her friends. mce.-Bettye Kirwan, SB Howard. SL"RF. WAS HOT -Reginald Green, 7A Howard. On :\lc111daY, May 27, it surely was hot. FUACTURES LEG It was S4 degrees in the shade at 1 . RobP.rt \V.illis_ was riding home on his QUIT WEDNESD ,\ Y GA)fES o'do<:k. And when you came from the b!cyde Apnl 2a and he slid and brok Mrs. Ball has changed it so that there outsi<lt· to tht> inside what a change ! It hrs leg. He came back Monday May 27 are no girl.' baseball games on Wedneswas niee and cool in the hall because He had broken his left leg. He cam ~ All the games from now on will be th e floor· was wet.-Ernest Bostrom, 8B bac~ on crutches and we are all glad that day. played on Monday.-Beth Mcllraith, 8A Howard. he 1s back.-Elmer Er!ckson, 7B Howard . Stolp. ~lw Albert Tells About New Hall and a New Janitor Eighth Grade Has Task of Making Some Poste s Announce Pupils Who Won Memorial Essay Awards 8-B Pupils Indulge in Variety of Real Tests Seventh Grade Girls in Tests for Field Events PAINT "SHACK" PRACTICE FOR 1\IEET The Hhack up at the VHlage Green is The boys of the 7A and 7B Howard getting- a new coat of paint. "Hap" practiced. for Field Day Monday, May 22, Ga.thercoal got industrious and mlxed ,tfle on hi~h Jumping. Mark Simonds was the pamt for someoJ:)e else to paint it. best JUmper. He made 4 feet 4 inches Kathlyn Welter, ' SA Howard. -Elmer Erickson, 7B Howard. ·· VIRGINIA RE'fURNS Virginia Jones of the Howard 7A returns to school after having two weeks' illness. We are all glad that she ls well and back to school.-Allce Skelton 7A Howard. '

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