Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jun 1929, p. 53

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June 7, 1929 WILMETTE park area. In addition to the twelve residences, whicH will cost from $100,000 to $500~000 each, there will be a private recreational park containi'ng an air port for land . and sea planes, polo fields, tennis courts, bridle paths, yacht clubhouse and docks. Development of the property will cost between $6,000,000 and $10,000,000. Among the new residents will be the Graham brothers, owners of the Graham-Paige Motor company; Jos~ph C. Graham, president; Rob ert C. Graham, vice-president; Ray A : Graham, secretary-treasurer; ·w. 0. Briggs, presidents of the Briggs Body compnay and the Briggs Commercial and Develop.nH:nt company; ] . Q. Goudie, assistant to 1\fr. Briggs and seve ral of the Fisher brothers . LIFE 53 Picking Up Hikers Termed Dangerous; Motorist Is Liable Few car owners are aware that when they "pick up" a hitch-hiker the legal relationship between themselves and the er'3twhile pedestrian becomes that of host and guest, and that they are liable to the "guest" in the event of injuries sustained through the driver's negligence, points out the lega l depart ment of the Chicago Motor Club. "Numerous questions have ari se n in the various state'3 as to the degre e of care which a driver must exercise to avoid liability," a bulletin issued by the motor club stated. "To a few states ~e is liable only for gross negli gence, bu.t in the majority of states he i·:; liable if the accident re sults from hi s faihtrc to use the degree of care '"hich a man of ordinary prudence \\' uld o:crci . e under similar circum stance . "There 0re other r easons, hm,·c,·e r, \\'hich shou:d be sufficient in thcmsdvc ::; t o persuade motori st s to rcirain from g-iving rides to strangers. All too often doc::; the apparent wanderer produce a pistol and relieve hi s bcn efa'ctor of his car and money. Rec ently a y(\uth killed an Arizona driver \\'ho had gin·n him a lift. "Generosity i·.:; certainlv an adtnirahk 1 ttributc, hut motorists \\: ho admit ruad side " ·adarcrs into their car are. hecause of the gra c po~ ~ iJ,ilitit::-; of the situat1on, carrying that quality entirely t CIO far ." Hupp Export Shipments Reach N~w High Figure tributors, but we are constantly adding representative firms in all of the larger countries. Metropolitan cenExport shipments of the Hupp Motor ters also have, shown an exceptional Car Corporation for the fiscal year increase in · the sale of Hupmobile ending April 30, exceeded the best cars." previous similar period by 53 percent, according to an announcement by the EXPENSIVE CHANGE company. The best previous fi££al There has been a great deal of talk year was that ending April 30, 1928, regarding driving to the left an~ dr.ivwhen 2,917 · cars were shipped to deal- ing to the right. In some fore1gn ers abroad. This compares with 4,467 countries the drive-to-the.:.left law is New Century Sixes and Eights shipped enforced. ~Vord comes from Australia from August 1, 1928, to April 30 of that plans are under way in that coun·this year, or a gain of 1,550 cars. try to change from the left-hand side "Hupmobile's export picture is grow- of the street for traffic to the right, ing by leaps and bounds" according as is common in the United States. It to the company's statement. "The act- is reported that the change will cost ual number of cars has noL only in- approximately $2,100,000 for the changcreased among our older overseas · dis- ing of signs, etc. MARMON -BUILT Operating Expense of Cars on V arioL us Roads Is A naly.'l!ed :\ college profc ss'1 r. T. R :\ !-!·g ()f fo ,\·a State colleg-e. rcCL'll t ly cnnd uctl"d an exhau sti,·e re;-;earch into the {:X, penses of operating motor vchick .' on \"arious types of r oads. The rl'p Or t on this inn:st igat ion is the best argu ment for . building the hest etas:-. l)f roads. In the in\'C~ . tigation all fact or .~ oi operating- expense \\'ere considered, fud, oil, tire s, depreciati on, repair s, etc. Data were collected co\·ering the operation of small, m edium and he a q· cars over good paveme:nt, intermediat e type road s and poor r oad s. \\'hen a ya~t ma ss of accurate stat ist ics had been L 'curcd, they '"ere analyzed and the n :sults make the basis of the ], nlletin. Space lacks to go into all the various ria ses of cars, hut Prof. Agg' ..; in\'cstigation sho\\·ccl that \\'ith a li ght sixcylinder car the expense of operatiot~ o\·er a fir st class pa,·cd road \\'as 6.2J cents per mile. The same car. driHn m·er an intcrmt:cliatc type of htgh\\'ay cost 7.38 · cent':; per mile, \\·hilc the co:-.t for operation on lo\\· grade roads \\'as 8.62 cents per mile. In other \\·ords the optrator of a li ght six-cylincler car san~s 2.3_7 ccnb pL'r mile on fir. t class r oad surlace o ,·er th e expense:; he would he compelled to pa~· on poor road s. And he san~s ~ .13 centsper mile ou the f1rst class surtac c un:r the intermediat e typ e. Nothing,succeeds like · / The reason is the car itselfthe simple, easily understood principle of giving the most for the money. GIVING THE MOST FOR THE MONEY boulevards. Economy- In spite nious and correct . .Easy riding HE Roosevelt is the bigof its extra performance no car -You can step from almost T gest new success of 1929. any car into the Roosevelt and . . could be more "tight...fisted" in get a thrill from the added, comfort. Sturdine.rs-Built f ·r the open spaces, ·the mour ~ns and the deserts as we !I . the maintenance costs. and operating Again ~e invite you-just compare. May we send a Roosevelt to you today~ /1 straight-eightfor every purse -Roosevelt, $995; Marmon 68, $1465; A1armon 78, $1965. Prices at factory. Group equipment extra. Compare the Roosevelt with any car at or near the $1000 figure on the basis of these important features: ~ Auto Millionaires Buy Florida Land- , to Build a Colony A group of wealthy Detroit motor car manufacturers have contracted for the purchase of a larg~ tr.act of. land at Miami Beach and wtll tmmedtatcly begin work on what will be th~ most luxurious millionaires' colony m the world. Tv. elve large ocean front estates will be created and each of The twelve residents will 'own an undivided onetwelfth interest in this recreational ' Motor- Marmon- built straight-eight-70 H. P. Appearance-Wonderfully harmo- THE WORLD'S FIRST STRAIGHT-EIGHT UNDER $1000 WERSTED MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln A venue } WINNETKA Winnetka 165

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