Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jun 1929, p. 3

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June 7, 1929 WILMETT'E LIFE 3 ISO PUPILS RECEIVE DIPLOMAS IN WLMETTE Comme~cement Exercises· t() Be "Student" Solicitors in -Town-Look Out! Word reaching Superintendent Frederick E. Clerk of New Trier High school to the effect that a number of youthful magazine ·solicitors have invaded the north shor.e, posing as students of the high school, brought a warnjng to house- , holders thi s week.. No _ New 'trier boys are selling ·· · magazines upon any propostttOn 111volving the ·.~a nction of the school Mr. Clerk explains. Householders should demand credentials " ·hen approached by solicitors, as this is the season when the old "magazine game" is worked to the limit upon · unsu.;;pecting- housewtves. _ · Unless you are positive the solicitor is bona f~de, don't take a chance. Demand credentials! And don't fall f or t. 1 1 1· ·· stu ff · 1at " sc 1 10 ars 11p conte~t ! Elect .New Members. to Board of Masonic Temple Association .-·- MEMORIAL ESSAY AWARD GOES .TO LEE BLAYLOCK · I ." ·. ' .1 At the recent annual meeting of the Howard School Eighth Grader· Wilmette Masonic Temple association, Wins Competition. Sj,onsored Charles J. Broughton and R. D. ..by Optimist Club Schuettge were elected trustees to fill the vaca11cies _ caused by the retirement Lee Blaylock, eighth grade pupil at . \Vih11ette . .Publk scho.ols.·.w·ill gr~dtt ate· ·<.l cla·s.s ·of' 150 at the at.inual com-· of two members of the board, and C. the Howard school, won the first prize · 11 the antlual contest sponsored by the . mencement .exercises to be held in the 1 H. ] ackson was reelected. Wilmette optimist club for the be·.st . assembly l:~alt' at · the Howard· school The board cif truste es is now com- essay on the subject, "Memorial D'ay · Friday · evening,' June 14, at 8 o'clock. posed of the follwing: A. J. Kuelzmv, and Our Debt to the Veterans." 'The exerdses. will open with a m· a rch president; J. Nye Maclister, vice-presiElinor Moulding, of the Stolp school, played by the 5chool band. followed by dent; Edwin B. Knudtson, treasurer; and Virginia McConnell, of the Howard th e· invocation by the Rev. George D. R D S 1 E E scllool wt'll be awarded the second and ·. ~·llison; ·of the Wilmette Baptist · · c lUettge, secretary; 'art · · ' . 1 ch urd1 . ?\T usical 6rgariizations of the p ett'J 1)One, I ra D . 1"' verson, C . H . J ~c k - third prizes, respecttve y. ·.schools ~vill th<;"n present the following son, L. \V. Starkel, C. J. Broughton, Th<: contest was opet1 to seven.\h and number s: T h 'k k E. C. Cazel, J. G. Barber, Ida R. Bin, eighl~l ?"..;ade pupils in the Wt mette Suit e· H~i1~~1: ·o ~·~h~~t~~c. ai ows Y ·and C. C. Schultz. ~..Public ·5chools and forty-two essays ~ 1 o\\' -· ,·1 Y · ,, . · ] "' - I pes, t rom "Dryarl'R KissPs" The persidcnt appointed E. C. Cazel ,,,e re e11tered. The three ,,·inning esh ···· · . Otto :\li ssner IJ------------~----..J as chairman of the Hou e committee, says were read as a part of t e FestiYal horu s .. . . Russia; ------------' ~---- and he has appointed the following to Memorial day exercises in Lake Front . ~l'hool Orchet:tra serve with him: F. A. Buck, A. ]. park. b L ~~ J'omp and < 'ir ·umstanee ... ·.· Elg-ar t e e tOn Mouat, Roy A. Hopkins, and A. M. Following is the essay y ee PayA nwril'a .. .... . . Ernest Bloch Long. lock, which was awarded first place: ( 'horu:-; and Glee Clubs The Winning EHay J. I~ . Harper, superintendent of The public is reminded that the audi"Memorial day i·.s a day set aside in . schools, will present the cla s . Henry· torium of the Masonic temple is avail- the United States to honor the memory d . able for social functions, and rental :s E. Cutler. !)resident of the board of Tuesday, J unc 11. t I1c A men can m . charge of E' · an .. . C. Caze 1, c1 1a1rman o f of its dead by decorating . 1 of graves · Th education. will make the presentation the holding of memona exercises. e of diplomas. Th e exerci es will close Leg-ion Seventh District officers and \the House committee. first Memorial day was in 1896. when \\'ith the singing of the school loyalty members are to be the guests of \Vii· · Gen. John A. Logan designated May 30 song hy th~ graduating class. mette Post, !\o. 46. This is the regu- New T,-1er Debaters W1n as a clay to honor the Union soldiers Folh)\ring: is a list of the 1929 gradular post meeting night and a large National Society Honors who ha"l di.ed. · The. South observes ates of \\'ilmdte Public schools: · 1\1 ( a v 26 as tt'3 M emonal day. AllH'rt I: . .·\ l'kC' rm ann <'. :\1 i!P:-; :\Icl onnld, cro\Yd is expected. The meeting is to be held at the \\'ilmctte .).1 asonic tct!! The National Forensic Honor society "Tn 1898 the Spanish-American war Th (lll1HS n ..Aili ~o n Jr. ;\gilt'S :\1. .·\ lld( · l'~ O n Rcth )J cllraith ha s announced the election of fiye 't\ew victims were likewi se honored. A passpie, 1010 Central avenue. ('arl . -\ .. \nd f'r~o n :\Targaret Trier Hig-h sc hool. students wh.o have ing generation instituted Memorial Alfr<'d IL Hn.rtni ·k .)Jdntosh This is the monthly meeting at \vhich been on the debating teams thts year. dav · the present and future gener11uth J. Bt·rH·h E~ther· L. :\IcKe ighan the prcblems facing the p-ost, district. Thcy arc.: Albert . ~ent.on., L?w~ll ati·o;1s will have every reason to con<llh·e .:\. Rillimack .Janet R. :\L ::-:ult\· and department are to be discussed Comee, Olm Seth ness, Lots (,ol<.btem. intte to honor the valor of those who .1. L c>c f~l:tYl nr·k Bruce E. ::\f<>a lH';. 1 lli..·l<-n L. i~ooz \\'altt· r :\f. :\Terrill and recommendation s to be made. and Dorland Davis. The society is rc- fell in defending the rights and free.dom LI!IT;tbw E. B< ····p :\lurid )f. :\Tc·Yt' l. All \Vilmette Legionnaire are in- stricte<l to students \rho have done out- of our :yreat country. ( ·; nw~t L. l:o:-:troP1 Jfel< ·n n. )lill<·l' Donald .T . ]!J'i , . ?;g-s :\Ta rg-u rit 1\Tockl r \·itetl to attend a nd bring along any stand;ng " ·ork in it~terscT,ola s tic deb~te "Men~oriat day not on ly a day for :\nnahPI!t· . :\. l!ro\\'n .Jan e B. 1\foore eligible service men. "This is the or orat~ry a111.l wh o al~o ha,·e a t:tgh decoration of graves, but a day to reL:l\\Tt'lH'(' (' . \\rilliam Morris ,.; ttc a_vcrage. lt ts an org·antza- new our pledge tQ the ' fallen defenders Bu<"kmastt-r Eleanor K. :\1oulding· chance for us to show the re st of tlh.· s.chola· \'irg-inin, ~T. l\fOYt'l' district the spirit of \Vilmette ," says t10n of 22J chapters and more than of the rio·ht's for which our country ;\Ji :-<·11 L. J:urg·,. Eilt·t·n Hurk<· .J ean <:. ~runro · Commander Harvey ~1. J l opp, in hi::; tl.1rec, ,t1.10usancl' member:;. , '~'\\'o other fought. tol:'-opledge to carry on wh.at stilt 11 t't1':~· 0. II c·rhert J. Naper \ew 1 ncr students, John l·.nck so n and needs to be done. As the soldters of \'on d<·r Ifr,ff' Dorothy . -\ nn Xt·a I announcement of the e\·ent. L ·arlyle G. Duncan-Clark. also arc mcm - the Civil war, who li,·ed, fought, and I>onald \\'. < 'nrnpltell.Teronw B. Xt·Yin:-; J<:l~ a .\1. <'a rlt ·ll .\ lic·p E. Xord 500 Register for Work hers of the society, having been elected if need be died, for their caus.e of a Lu <"~· ('l:tgf·tt J. Sp ncer ·n N. T. Summer School previously because of their excellent "whole United States" so we will qury JlarT~· Cntser<'s Xorringt r n l showing in debate \\'Ork. on as they did to uphold the whole of .John C'otseres Dorothy Jan<' OtT J )a Yid V. C'o~· Philip H. Osborn our. laws. \Vesley L. Brown, director of the ;\rthur F. Crame r Hdty L . Paddo<·k "As the soldiers who died in the WAIVE CHURCH BUILDING FEE summer session at New Trier High Ed\\'il rd F. Rog-c·r B. Palenf'kt· sc hool announces that more than five. <'u m mi~k ·Y :\[arjori Pderson The Village board Tuesday evening Spanish-American war to prevent a .John "' · <'utll'l' .fohn :\f. P arson hundr~d had registered for this year's yoted to \'l'aive the building permit fee stronger nation oppressing a weaker .John \V. Davis Hubert L . Pelott nation, so we should pledge to always Ian L. Denholm Richard J L Picl\a rd summer school up to Tuesday of thi:; in the instance of the new \Vilmette \\'eck. Judging from this figure, the English Lutheran church, ground for stand bv the one who needs help. .J anws .1. n wa r Ella .Jea n Porlt' r "As for the boys in the Great war· f"arrv ::\fnv Dilkes Eleanor Potter enrollment when completed will reach which was broken at Green leaf avenue :\1ars1Htll \v. Doose Glt·n ~- nob rts , .Jr. the 700 mark, Mr. Brown believes. The at Seventh street this \\'eek. This is \\'ho fought for th e rights of ea,ch Rav P . Dunn .\nna L. summer school OJ2ens immediately after a courtesy customarily extended to nation to govern itself and to keep a .Jean C. Dunning :\fcNa ug-hton right government, so we should pledge Frank R. Eager .John .A. Ronan, .Tr·. the close of the present school term churthes and schools in the village. Franc(·S :\[. Ellis 1\ llC' n Rossrnan, Jr. and will extend to \\.edne sday, Au · ourselves Jan B . Eng-el Rose 1\T. Russo "For what haYe all these men and Edward P. Schmidt gust 7. Georg·e Fackt, Jr. hov·~ fought in their time? Why, for 1\Ian· II. Finl:1vson :\farjorie )f. S > uhold .T.· Rohert Fletcher Ruth C. Seymour the best thing for everybody in every Flower Show Today by Fle('ta F. Frf't'man r rarr~· C. Shank incident. What do the soldiers of the Mary Eliza.lwth Ed\\'ard B. Wilmette Garden ClubG wars receive for the enthusiastic busiFt:l ·n('h Shapker, .Tr. ness of fighting their own brothers? Roger T. Friu man Richard E. Simon 'f f 2 30 ' 1 k th nonn ld ,V. Fu f' rman Edward s. Solomon his a ternoon at : o c oc e "Nothing but the satisfaction that Martha Gilhofer \Villiam '\V. Sorsen -\Vilmette Garden club \\·ill hold its an they won their cause. They are prohOtis K Gooch, Jr. Betty SouthwiC'k nual spring flower show at the home ahlv maimed or di'.sabled for life. which William :\f. Gr:lnt .Jessie 1\I. fiteele of Mrs. Roscoe L. Roberts, 808 GreenWalter 0. Haas Hiehard E. Steen C R ·is ·not really real life after alt. For .Angus Steven, .Tr·. wood avenue, Wilmette. Mrs. . . Robert D. Hall ;orne of the soldiers who first responded Chester H.. HanRon s~·l\'in. A. Stoerk Bixh,y is generaj chairman fo r the ex: to the call for volu·nteers there were Eug('ne D. Harper · Richard W. Strauss hibition, and Mrs. R. L. Sonneborn ot neither life, liberty, or the pursuit of Evelvn HaugRness Ruth S. Suekoff Evanston who will be the S})eakcr of Rich':\rd Uaugsne s Katherin e E. happiness afterwarls. Joseph B. Hayes 'rhompson the afternoon, will discuss · "Care and "Therefore, fellow citizens, when Martin P. HerbC'rholzSelim N. Tideman Arrangement of Flowers." The flower s Memorial dav is next celebrated, let · Rolwrt H. Hewitt Ruth E. R0binson will be exhibi ted in two classes, for Marjorie Houghton n corg-e Waidner · f fl it have a new and definite meaning· Evelyn Howard Ro2. I.. Warshawsl{y artistic arrangement and or ower for us. Let t1'5 stop and think what Marg-aret F:. Hug-hes l\farJorre L. Warble perfection. · Betty .J. Hurtt Selma N. Wax 1--~-------------the day realty means. Does it just Marfan l\T. JwrRon Kathlyn A. Welter mean to us a parade of decorated Arthur '\V. Jones Robert G. Werden floats and cars, long speeches and c~re Raymond R ..Jones Robert F. 'White CHILDREN'S DAY SUNDAY monie s, or does it have a real underJu~ e l\f. Kehl Howard l\f. Wilkins Children's Day will be observed in Bettye K. Kirwan Ruth E. Wilkins stood meaning to each of us? Wilmette church schools and at mornRobert H. Klemm Cecil W. Willi~ms "Let us all pledge those whose gr;.wes William H. Klein Ann Marie Wilson ing services of worship Sunday, June we decorate to carry th e torch high. Loui~ F. Kludy Helet'l L. Winslow 8. These programs indude graduaCharles H. Knapp Edmund F. Wittman, which we have caught or could have tion exercises, as well as music and LeRter W. KoRsow Jr. caught from failing hands. to carry on James N. Kraft Dorothy E. Yetter sermon~ appropriate to the spirit of our part of the needed work." Jarrett T. Lake Ge_or.ge W. Yeoman the occasion. A glance at the Church Frederick L. Leason W1lham A,. Page in this issue of WILMETTE Charles J. Leonard Youngqmst The Sunday school of the First PresVirginia H. Maine Eleanor JaakRon LIFE will afford more detailed inbyterian church will hold its annual Rex L. Martin Jane Carol Sund'lof formation regarding Children's Day picnic in the Forest PrcserYe at GlenFrank S. McCabe John E. events. Virginia M. Throckmorton view Saturday, June 15 . McConnell Dorothy H. Vollman Held in Howard School Audi.· tori_ um Next Friday · - -.- W "[ me tt L g · post to ·Be Host . . to 7t h \ D tstrtct .

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